Here’s another one of those fun ‘getting to know you’ questionnaires I found over at Emily’s World, hosted by the lovely Emily of Roscommon, Ireland.
Since the TMI: 26 Things Blogfest was so successful, I thought this might have similar results and Emily agreed to join me. Are you game?
Let me know in a comment, then go to THIS PAGE to copy and paste the questions into your post. Please help yourself to a logo as well and link back to The Doglady’S Den at–questions-blogfest/.
When you’re finished, add your entry to the list below. It will be open all summer, so take your time. If you don’t have a blog, or prefer not to write a post, you can play along in the comment section.
In the spirit of a good blogfest, please read the other entries, add a comment and share their posts to your social media networks. Thanks for joining the party!
- What did you want to be when you were a kid? Playwright/screenwriter/reporter (Like Lois Lane). I took several creative writing courses and also studied journalism at college but only for a year.
- Which “Friends” character do you relate to the most? Why? Monika; same OCD, perfectionist bent.
Read more @ ‘P’ is for PEDANTIC
- Do you like your name? Why? No! Much too common in my generation. There were seven Debbies in my grade eight classroom.
- Are you messy or neat? I used to be a neat freak, BC (before computer). Not so much, anymore. Read more @ PROCRASTINATION
- How tall are you? Last time I checked, 5’5″ (~1.65 m).
- How tall were you when you were 10? Probably around 5’2″ (~1.57 m) – same height as my mother.
- What is your guilty pleasure? NICKELBACK, the band so many people love to hate!
- What are you saving money for right now? Retirement, travelling, rock concerts. Read more @ WHAT’S ON YOUR BUCKET LIST?
- How many Pringles can you eat at once? I could eat the whole damn thing if left to my own devices. Don’t keep that stuff around.
- Tea or coffee? Coffee, the plain and simple kind, served by Tim Hortons. None of that fancy Starbucks stuff! Authentic Italian Cappucino is good though, especially when you add a shot of Sambuca. (Don’t go to Starbucks for that! Not up to par.) Read more @ CUP OF COFFEE
- Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I used to be a party animal extrovert with introverted tendencies. Now, it’s the other way around. Read more @ OLD TIMES, LONG AGO,
- What will be your Halloween costume this year? Nada. Halloween has been banished. Not fun, with a houseful of dogs. Bedlam at the door!
- Sweet or salty? Both, with sweet getting the upper hand. Carb addict, trying to break the habit!
- Favourite social media? Well, most of my online time is spent in the Blogosphere, either writing posts or commenting on those of others. Does that count? When there’s time, I do enjoy hanging out with my Facebook friends.
- Who is the last person you kissed? Hubby! We’ll be celebrating our 44th wedding anniversary this August. Read more @ HOW TO SUSTAIN A LOVE RELATIONSHIP.
- What is your favourite breakfast? Normally, it’s just coffee with cereal, fruit, yogurt, etc. Special occasions are fun, though, starting with Mimosas (champagne and orange juice) and likely something wildly fattening, like croissants or panettone.
- When is your birthday? January 27th, which makes me an Aquarius, if you’re into Astrology. Even though I don’t believe in that stuff, it’s amazing how many of the traits are spot on!
- When did you start your blog? Way back in 2009, but it was mostly just music videos then. I started getting more serious about it in 2012 and got my own domain and website in 2013.
- What is your opinion on the Kardashians? PFFFT! Why are they even famous?! Superficial narcissists, IMO. ~rolling eyes~
- How would you describe your style? Eternal hippie/rockchick. Read more @ ‘B’ is for BOHEMIAN.
- What colour is your hair? Silver/white/grey. It’s the new blonde, doncha know? 😉 Read more @ ALMOST CUT MY HAIR
- What colour socks are you wearing? No socks. Going barefoot today. It’s like summer, here. Hope it lasts!
- What is your dream job? Hmm, how about travel agent/consultant? Get paid to visit exotic locations. Cool! Actually, what I’m doing now, looking after some wonderful dogs, is a pretty good dream job. See more @ Category: Petsitting
- Dogs or cats? I’m a lifelong dog person. Cats are cute and I used to do house calls for them as part of my business. Never had one, though, and that would be difficult now, with the canine visitors.
- What makes you weird? Weird?? Moi??? 😀 I refuse to act the part of the ‘stuffy old lady’, preferring to stick with my ‘hippie’ vibe. Keeps me young at heart!
- Celebrity crush? A few, mostly rock stars. One goes all the way back to 1968. Read more @ JOHN KAY & STEPPENWOLF. The latest one is Italian blues/rock superstar, Zucchero. We attended his concert recently and I was blown away by the level of talent. And, he’s a damn sexy sexagenarian!
- Opinion on cigarettes? Vile, disgusting, gross…. After smoking them for 37 years, I should know! They’re a serious health risk. So glad I was able to quit. Need help with that? Read more @ MY CIGARETTE ADDICTION AND HOW TO COPE WITH NICOTINE WITHDRAWAL.
- Do you want/have children? How many? Not human ones. Read more @ THE CHILDFREE LIFE. Only the furry, 4-legged kind. None of my own in 10 years, but I take care of other people’s at the ‘Canine Inn’ aka ‘The Doglady’s Den’. See more @ Category: Dogs
- Three favourite boy names? Christopher, Nigel, Richard
- Three favourite girl names? Julia, Samantha, Veronica.
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1.What did you want to be when you were a kid? Stewardess.
2.Which “Friends” character do you relate to the most? Why? Dunno cuz don’t watch TV.
3.Do you like your name? Why? Don’t like my first name cuz nobody knows how to pronounce “Ute”.
4.Are you messy or neat? Neat.
5.How tall are you? 175 cm.
6.How tall were you when you were 10? Tall 🙂
7.What is your guilty pleasure? Eating French toast with ketchup and bologni on top …
8.What are you saving money for right now? My next trip.
9.How many Pringles can you eat at once? Me don’t eat junk food.
10.Tea or coffee? Neither.
11.Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Depends.
12.What will be your Halloween costume this year? Halloween scares me.
13.Sweet or salty? Salty.
14.Favourite social media? Blogger.
15.Who is the last person you kissed? Him 🙂
16.What is your favourite breakfast Bacon and eggs and veggies.
17.When is your birthday? December.
18.When did you start your blog? Don’t remember.
19.What is your opinion on the Kardashians? They are beautiful to look at.
20.How would you describe your style? Casual.
21.What colour is your hair? Blond, uhm grey … dunno.
22.What colour socks are you wearing? Me wearin no socks.
23.What is your dream job? Nursing.
24.Dogs or cats? Both.
25.What makes you weird? My heritage, my accent.
26.Celebrity crush? … was Michael Landon 🙂
27.Opinion on cigarettes? Love Love Love.
28.Do you want/have children? How many? 3.
29.Three favourite boy names? Paul, Kai, Michael.
30.Three favourite girl names Mary, Jennifer, Christina.
That was fun, friend D !!! Love, cat.
Thanks for playing along, cat! 😀 It was fun to learn more about you. You’re the first person I’ve met who doesn’t watch TV. That’s interesting, along with heritage and accent. Not weird at all! ♥ Let me just say that I believe “Grey is the new blonde”. 😉 So sad about Michael Landon. 🙁 I was a fan from way back when he played Little Joe on Bonanza. Vielen Dank, Ute. Tschüß
Following U when ever I can, friend Doggie D … smiles … Right now me sitting on hot coals, make that cold coals as … cuz baby, it’s cold and wet outside here in AB … lots of grain harvest 2 b done yet, but the weather will not let us at this time … Son Paul and daughter in law Leanne are travelling North America/ Mexico since Sept 01 for a year … are on their way from North Bay to Montreal as we speak … will send U their blog link if U r interested to see … PS: I never use my first name Ute as I hate it … Anyway … Love always, hmmm? … cat.
Hello again, cat! (Won’t mention the other name again.) You have cold and wet, while we have hot, humid and dry. Sounds like a grand adventure your son and his wife are on. It would be interesting to read about. Thanks! I’ve mostly been absent from the blogging world these last few months and apologize for not making the rounds more. Pleading “blogger burnout”. 😛 Hope to get back into it when the cooler weather sets in. Thanks for your support! ♥
On #3: I feel ya.
On #15: Happy 44th Anniversary to you and Mr. Hubby!
Thanks, J.Gi 😀 I’ve been spending more time offline and am trying to catch up a bit, now. Cheers!
It was wonderful getting to know more about you, Debbie. You know what, I started to write this post to join you in May, but only now I could complete it. This was so much fun to do. 🙂
I’m glad you enjoyed my answers, Vinitha. Thanks for participating, as well! 🙂 The more the merrier. P.S. There was no link to your post in the list, so I’ll go ahead and add it for you.
Hey Debbie!
I would love to do the 30 odd questions post, but I hope I am not late!
I recently moved to a custom domain on WordPress and this is the first post I would love to do there!
Hi Shilpa; Not at all too late; it’s open until the end of Sept. I’m thrilled you’re joining us! 🙂 Looking forward to reading your entry. Cheers!
I also don’t like my given name, for other reasons. This was a lot of fun!I also don’t like my given name, for other reasons. This was a lot of fun!
Welcome to The Den, Hope. 🙂 Apologies for the late response, but the website has had some technical difficulties. Should be good to go, now. Thanks for joining the blogfest! I’ll be right over to check out your entry. Have a great rest of the summer.
Hi, friend D … your blog is mind boggling fun … was fun as well to hear your voice the other day … have you ever considered on speaking on radio cuz you have an awesome radio voice … anyway … Love, cat.
Hi cat; I’m glad you’re enjoying the blog. Apologies for missing this comment earlier. I enjoyed hearing your voice, as well. 🙂 Thanks for the compliment. The ‘radio voice’ has been mentioned a few times. Looks like I missed my calling, eh? 😉 Thanks for dropping in. Hope you’re having a good summer!
Oh my gosh! I love croissants and mimosas! Clicked over to see your bucket list after reading about your love of travel. I bet we have a lot in common. 🙂
With Love,
Thanks for joining the party and also for reading the other post, Mandy. Mimosas and croissants are so festive, aren’t they? 🙂 Apologies for the late response. I’ve been spending most of my time offline, lately.
I do love the name Samantha also, and why of course being a travel agent would be most wonderful!
Getting paid to travel around the world would be so great, wouldn’t it? 😀 Thanks for stopping by and joining the blogfest, Colette. Cheers!
Indeed it would be the dream!
Happy Friday!
Loved reading your answers, Debbie and had so much fun writing mine 🙂
Fun blog fest!
Thanks for joining the blogfest, Parul. 🙂 I enjoyed reading your answers, as well.
This blogfest sounds awesome! I think I’ll join you all, if I’m not too late. As you may (or may not) remember, I’ve been trying to get back into blogging but, for whatever number and diversity of reasons, haven’t really managed to JUST FREAKIN’ DO IT—which means this might be the thing to give me that last motivational shove I need 🙂 Plus these TMI-like quizzes are great fun, both to read and to answer. Loved finding out these little tidbits about you 🙂
Nice to see you, Guilie. 😀 I’m thrilled you want to participate! Not too late at all; it will be open all summer, for anyone who wanders by and wants to play. Yes, these things are always fun from both sides. Thanks for joining the party. Looking forward to your entry. Cheers!
How fun! I’ll get a post ready for the blog hop. I love learning more about other bloggers.
Fantastic! The more the merrier. Thanks, Karen. 🙂
That’s quite a questionnaire! I love Nickleback. Why do people hate them? I just downloaded a bunch of their songs from iTunes. The song you featured, Burn It to the Ground, is my favorite Nickelback song…especially now because my brother was recently turned on to the song by his stepson and when we were together in NC visiting my mom he pulled it up on YouTube and said “Listen to this. This song reminds me of us when we used to be partying together all the time.” I love it! Now it’s especially meaningful to me. (I have my headphones on and am listening to it a second time here. Head-bobbing, oh yeah…) 🙂 Really curious as to why Nickelback is “the band that people love to hate.”…
As for your #11: ME TOO!!! I soooo used to be an extrovert: major party chick, out every day and every night, making the rounds to party after party, bar after bar, super outgoing. Now that’s the last thing I want to be doing. I’m such a homebody these days and I like it just fine like this! I have definitely turned into an introvert…
Love the Then and Now pic of you and your husband. Great looking couple, then and now!
Michele at Angels Bark
Hi Michele. I don’t understand the hatred towards Nickelback either. They’re a great, hard-rocking band, but also have some poignant ballads, similar to Scorpions (another favourite). Love their twisted lyrics, especially in this song. 😀 Oh yeah, the good old party days! I believe the consensus among the haters is they’re too calculatingly commercial. 😛 This article describes it well:
We don’t party much anymore, but I’m definitely not what you’d call a homebody. I’d rather be travelling! 🙂 Thanks for checking out the blogfest and have a great week!
Thanks for the link to the article. Just read it. And still don’t get it. I’m sure the guys of Nickelback are laughing all the way to the bank… 🙂
I’m sure they are too, Michele. 🙂 Chad Kroeger (lead singer) even did a couple of tunes with Santana! Just goes to show there is respect out there among the detractors.
Love love love my AB boys no matter what … Love, cat
Right on, cat! 😀
Thanks for connecting me in to the link up Debbie – just added mine and I’ve read yours. It’s a great way to get to know others a bit better (and to find a few little interesting facts that don’t always come out in our blogs)
Yes, these blogfests are a lot of fun. Thanks for joining us, Leanne. I enjoyed reading your entry. 🙂
If we weren’t already friends, we’d become them now. Lois Lane used to be my girl crush!!! And Tim Horton’s! Even though I’m a Starbucks person, the first thing we usually do as soon as we arrive in Canada is heading to the closest Tim’s. I like the sandwiches and the donuts.
Congrats on quitting smoking! Well done!
Thanks for hosting this blog hop, I had (mostly) fun answering those questions!
As a professional Starbucks person, I’m surprised you would go to Tim Hortons, Tamara. 🙂 (P.S. They purposely leave out the apostrophe – it was a printing error initially, but they ran with it.) Quitting smoking was difficult and it took about six years to lose the cravings. I’m glad you joined the blogfest. It was fun to read your answers!
Let the hippie vibe flow haha The furry four legged kids are great indeed. Agreed, if childfree is what a couple wants, then that is how it should be.
The hippie vibe is ever-present, Pat. 😀 Whether to have two legged, four legged or no kids is a personal choice. It’s funny though, how some people feel they have the right to pass judgement on that. 😛 Thanks for checking out the blogfest.
Hi there! Joined the fun on your hop. Thank you for hosting.
I was an AtoZer but dropped out this past year with no linky list (what’s the point?)
Once a hippy, always a hippy – welcome to the club. Following you now ~
Nice to meet a fellow hippie, Tami! 🙂 Thanks for joining the blogfest. I still got plenty of traffic without the A to Z linky list and didn’t really miss it, since I rely more on social media. I’m coming right over to read your entry. Cheers!
This was fun. Love the colour of your hair and glad you didn’t cut them. And I like aquarians – they’re lovely easy going people.
Like Samson, the hair gives me strength. 😀 Not too sure about the ‘easy-going’ part of Aquarius. I can be a real bitch, sometimes. LOL Thanks for checking out the blogfest.
No surprises for me. I knew you were a kickass, rock n’ roll, hippie chick and I totally dig it. 🙂 I couldn’t agree more with you on the whole dogs n’ Halloween thing. So many holidays I just have to hang out with my pup because of all the racket going on outside. 4th of July is the worst.
Well, thanks! “Kick-ass, rock ‘n’ roll, hippie chick” should be my new tagline. 😀 I think we have a lot in common, Mimi, especially the “kick-ass” part. Oh yeah; any holiday with fireworks is awful! 🙁 We just had one – Victoria Day, but the bloody noisemakers go off all weekend. Three days of anxious dogs, one big Golden, in particular.
Thanks for sharing so much about you– and we have a lot in common, including our love of dogs! 🙂
Dogs are the best! 😀 Thanks for dropping in, Damyanti.
Love your answers! Chocolate is my vice. Love to have met Jimmy Stewart now my crush is on Hugh Jackman. My hubby loves Nickelback and I just don’t understand why so many people dislike this band…makes no sense. Dogs are the best even though we own 4 cats. If we had only 2 cats, I would get another dog and my heart goes to black labs
Hugh Jackman is definitely a sexy beast! 😀 I don’t get the Nickelback hatred either. They’re coming to Toronto on June 27th, but I can’t go. Bummer! 🙁 You and I share an affinity for black labs. ♥ Thanks for checking out the blogfest.
Yours is a fantastic overview of all things you, Debbie. I love it… well, maybe not the part about Nickelback… ahem.
LOL (j/k)
Hahaha! Not a Nickelback fan, I take it. 😀 There seems to be no grey area with this band. People either love’em or hate ’em. I love’em, especially Chad Kroeger’s sexy voice.
Well, obviously the linky thing is beyond my current technology, but I fully intend to play along! Prolly post here in a couple hours. Have to say I’ve been here enough that your answers weren’t a surprise- other than I may actually have an inch on you!
Cool! Welcome aboard, Chris. 🙂 No worries, I’ll be happy to add a link for you, if you’re writing a blog post. I didn’t know you were that short. 😉
I see you already added a link – twice. I’ll edit and remove one of them. Somebody else using Blogger had a similar problem. Sorry! 🙁
Oops! Stupid thing told me it couldn’t put my picture through, so I backed up and that must be when it put up the second one! Keep in mind in my previous comment, “technology” equals “brain”, lol!
I’m not surprised that we have a lot in common in addition to loving dogs. We’re both 5’5″, introverted, started blogging in 2009, think the Kardashians are ridiculous, AND neither one of us is wearing socks! I enjoyed getting to know you better, Debbie.
This is why we get along so well, Janie! 🙂 Thanks for checking out the blogfest.
DEBBIE, you missed this one:
31) Do you prefer the Beatles, the Beach Boys, or the Rolling Stones?
~ D-FensDogG
Stephen T. McCarthy Reviews…
Ah, the age-old question! 🙂 I love The Beatles AND The Stones – slight edge to Mick & Co. The Beach Boys, well, not really my taste…(I guess I better run, eh? 😉 ) Thanks for dropping in, Stephen.
Lois Lane? Really? 😀
Ditto for no. 2!
I’m doing minimum carbs these days as far as possible.
Your no. 20 is spot-on. That’s exactly how I think of you! 😀
Oh yes, I thought Lois was a real tough broad – my kinda gal. 😀 It’s hard to break the carb habit, for me, especially since my husband is Italian. There’s a lot of pasta and bread and wine and….Haha! The hippie vibe is still strong after all these years. 😀 Thanks for joining the blogfest, Chicky. I enjoyed reading your entry.
Oh I have to think up some answers. I’ll be back.
Looking forward to your entry, Denise. Thanks for joining the blogfest! 🙂
Hello from another cleanliness and orderliness obsessed soul. LOL 😀 And we started blogging in the same year!! Thanks for this Blogfest, Debbie. My blog seriously needed to be awakened from its slumber after the April AtoZ Challenge.
Another Monica think alike! 😀 My cleanliness fixation has waned in recent years, but finding something out of place or not centred properly still makes me crazy. I’m glad you liked the blogfest idea, Shilpa. Many of us get internet fatigue after the A to Z. Keeping it light makes it easier to get back into the swing of things. Thanks for participating! I enjoyed reading your answers.
Hi Debbie – I’m enjoying Zucchero … lovely listen. Interesting to read all your answers … your bucket list sounds great and I’m sure you’ll do some of them … living life and having fun can be had all the time – as you show with your hubby … and your four legged pals … cheers Hilary
Zucchero has some really great material, Hilary and that voice! 😀 Hubby and I are both in our 60s and keenly aware that time is running out. We’d like to make as many good memories as we can before it’s too late. 🙂 It’s not all fun and games, of course, but we do our best to keep life interesting. Thanks for visiting today. Have a good rest of the week.
*Contemplating on whether I should do this or incorporate the questions somewhere else…*
Somewhere else? Like on your blog? 😀 That would be great if you wanted to join the blogfest. Thanks for checking it out, J.Gi.