PERFECTLY PEDANTIC! #LinguisticMusings

perfectly pedantic!


of or like a pedant.
“many of the essays are long, dense, and too pedantic to hold great appeal”

synonyms: overscrupulous, scrupulous, precise,
exact, perfectionist, punctilious, meticulous,

fussy, fastidious, finicky; dogmatic, purist, literalist, literalistic, formalist; casuistic,
casuistical, sophistic, sophistical; captious, hair-splitting, quibbling, finicky, persnickety

why am i this way bitmoji

Unfortunately, this has been a life-long curse, passed down from my German mother (Who was even worse! Yes, some stereotypes are true.), her mother and beyond. 😛 If left unchecked, I can drive myself and everyone around me (hubby in particular) bonkers.

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Fortunately, some of this silliness has relaxed with age, but certain things still drive me nuts. Items must be perfectly centred; pictures must hang perfectly straight, clothes must be perfectly matched, etc. When it comes to writing, that must be perfect too, which is why it takes me forever to finish anything.

Much of this is absurd, but I’ve actually done a couple several! Can you relate?

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PEDANTIC derives from pedant – Middle French pédantesque, from Italian pedante

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Another example from the Urban Dictionary, and yeah, it really is that bad!
(Note that I’ve also used “mellifluous“) LMAO!

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Ostentatious regarding one’s intelligence. Using this word also makes you this word.
Bob: I find the professor’s voice mellifluous and her logic trenchant, even if a bit pedantic.
Jim: I find YOU a bit pedantic.

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Any perfectionists out there? Do tell!

Looking forward to your comments!


Previously published April 18, 2015

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Coming on Monday, Feb. 8:

adventures in Dogsitting Chapter Ten

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60 thoughts on “PERFECTLY PEDANTIC! #LinguisticMusings

  1. Debbie,

    The image of the guy measuring his lawn is hilarious. I wonder if there are some that actually do this. I like things done a certain way but I don’t think I fall in the ‘perfectionist’ circle. It’s not a bad thing but I do get not wanting to drive others bonkers and I’m sure they, especially the hubby, really appreciate your self-awareness. This video reminds of at least one family member just like this girl. I had to smile. We often poke fun of this person saying, “Oh, N would love how I arranged the food on my plate!” Or, if I do a sloppy job on something, I might say, “N would be so disappointed with how that turned out.” You’re right, a perfectionist can’t seem to help the way they are but at least you see the humor in the madness and you’re learning to how to manage yourself so to not drive everyone away. 🙂

    1. Well, I’ve never measured the lawn, but have been known to pull out blades of grass that stuck out higher than the rest. ? Thankfully, these perfectionist traits tend to mellow with age, but I have re-parked the car a few times too. Hard to change some things! Hubby takes it all in stride. ? Thanks for coming by, Cathy!

  2. I used to be that way but I’ve changed as I have gotten older. Some things still drive me bonkers like pictures on the wall that are crooked. But all in all, I have become more tolerant and feel being imperfect is a lead in to self-improvement, thus never being bored.

  3. I absolutely adore people like this… Because I may have one or two of these instances in my repertoire… That parked car was just so bad…

    1. Oh no, that would be awful! ☺ But yes, I do often have that “all or nothing” attitude. Old dogs have trouble learning new tricks, as they say. Thanks for coming by, Yolanda!

  4. I’ve occasionally gotten like that with my writing over the years, usually with the weird OCD routine I would go through prior to. Now, it’s mostly vanished and I’m back to my old abnormal self. My BiL is like that though. Things have to be just so, no deviation, etc. etc. etc.

    With me, I usually apply a T.L.;D.R. at the end of my semi-rants and continue on my merry way.

    1. I had to look up TL;DR. I guess this wasn’t too long and you did read it. ☺ When it comes to writing, I have a bad habit of over-editing, and worse, editing as I’m writing, which is frowned upon. You are likely much better at it!

  5. I have enough character faults without the attempt at perfection. I made it through high school doing stupid stuff to get laughs so no one would laugh at the stuff I was insecure about.

  6. That used to be me, but not anymore. As I’ve gotten older I’ve relaxed that tendency a great deal. I’m happy about it because it used to drive me insane.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Debbie. ♥

  7. Definitely not me. I do like to get things right, but I am not obsessive about it. And maybe getting older has something to do with it. Then again, my 83 Year old friend is definitely pedantic. Must be in the genes.

  8. Hi Debbie – great word … so many are perfectionists aren’t they – pedantic … can describe so much and you’ve certainly set the examples out perfectly … and we do relax as we get older … stay safe and all the best – Hilary

    1. Yes, it’s good to let go of such rigid standards, but I’ll always be bothered if something isn’t centred properly. 😀 I can imagine having children would be incentive to relax.

  9. That was a funny video. No, I am not so pedantic. We have a friend who is a perfectionist. Everything has to be at it’s proper place, everything has to be clean and in perfect shape and form. His wife is just the opposite and is truly fed up of his habits 😀

    1. I’m still very pedantic about writing and a few other quirks, like things being centred, straight, etc. but have otherwise mellowed with age. 🙂

  10. My best friend is a true pedant, he is so perfect in what he does, a true virgo. He is also what I term a grammar nazi, but this comes in handy when he helps me edit.

  11. In my younger days I was pedantic about many things – correct grammar, tidiness, error free work etc etc but as I grow older, I find that a little imperfection is actually okay.

    1. Hilarious, Michele! 😀 I would have definitely noticed the table out of place (made from a tree stump? That’s so cool!), and put it back too. My standards have also relaxed over time and I figure if it looks okay on the surface, then it’s good enough (like the Knick-Knacks and the feather duster). That said, things still have to be centered, straight, etc. LOL And I will clean for service people. For instance, if the stove needs fixing, you can bet I’ll be pulling that sucker away from the wall and cleaning behind it before they arrive! 😛 Yes, the more I get to know you, the more I realize how much alike we are. Awesome! 😀

  12. I like and prefer the word persnickety actually. 😉 However, though I can be at times primarily in my writing, I think it’s a lot of hassle and not enough for what it’s worth. <3

  13. Life is too short to try so hard to make things perfect, no one is perfect, no one can be perfect. I like order, but I do not try to make things perfect. About the only thing that needs to be perfect in life really is math. One’s bank accounts are either balanced or not, there really isn’t an inbetween. Houses, work, weather, people etc. nothing I can of is perfect. I had never heard that word before, it’s always nice to learn new things.

    1. I’m laughing Mary, because I do the exact same thing! 😀 Hilarious that Word considers fuggheddaboudit to be a real word. My laptop has it underlined in red; a real fugazzi. LOL

  14. Ah, I know perfectionism well! My father is a die-hard perfectionist and I used to be. I say used to be because I’ve totally relaxed over the years. Everything had to be in its proper place and if something was slightly askew, I would notice it right away. I remember one night I had two friends over. I went to the bathroom and apparently one of my guests accidentally moved the coffee table/tree stump with her foot and it literally moved less than an inch. When I came back in the room, I noticed right away and straightened it. They both cracked up laughing and Kathie was yelling, “I told you! I told you she would notice!” I said “What??” and she explained that when the coffee table had moved, Kathie bet the other girl that I would notice that slight little change. She knows me well! I’m not near as perfectionist as I used to be…and my life is so much less stressful because of it! I think when I got dogs is when I started relaxing. Before dogs, my house was always in perfect order, I cleaned top to bottom, it was absolutely spotless, always. Now it’s just not that important that I dust every single nook and cranny. Girl, we are definitely sisters from different mothers! We absolutely have to meet one of these days… 🙂 XOXO

      1. Some of us have this fetish and just can’t help ourselves, Elly. 🙂 On the other had, it used to be a lot worse. These silly standards tend to relax with age.

  15. Yes, well… Pedantic I am not, except perhaps in my writing. If perchance I should discover – after posting a comment or article – that my fingers have typed out something different from what my brain has told them to type, I click on edit and fix it up. If I can’t edit, I immediately type a new comment with the correction. I’ve been trying to teach Word that its grammar isn’t always right, but Word is VERY pedantic and won’t listen to logical reasoning. But, strangely enough, it does accept fuggheddaboudit as a real word…

  16. Hahaha – what a funny picture – cutting grass with the scissor – oh yeah- definitely pedantic, I am not though. Fun read Debbie:-)

    1. I check my hair incessantly, have re-parked the car and always measure things in equal amounts. 😛 Glad you’re not afflicted wtih this, Parul. 🙂

  17. For me, it is a strain to be pedantic. I used to be more or less like that but after a husband and a kid, I find it easier to change me than driving them nuts which in turn drives me nutter (they never do the way I would like) :). BTW, didn’t know the meaning of th word. Good one, Debbie. Enjoyed the video too. 🙂

    1. Good idea to change yourself, rather than driving others nuts. I’ve gotten better over the years, but some things will always bother me. 😛

      1. Good points, Sandy! 🙂 I don’t disagree, but some of us are beyond help when it comes to certain things. Thanks for visiting and have a great week!

  18. I’ve always loved that word pedantic. Good one, Debbie. I always thought it meant more of being a know it all and trying to impress others with your great knowledge. Interesting to find out its real meaning. You have enlightened me. No pedantic genes in my body. Quite the opposite.

  19. I feel very lucky not to be as pedantic as I am stubborn, or I would have a big problem 🙂
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