I started smoking at the age of 12. This was back in 1967 when it was considered grown up and sophisticated. We were vacationing in Travemünde, on the Baltic Sea at the time.

I looked and acted older than my age and it didn’t take long for me to befriend a group of 16-18-year-olds. There were nightly parties on the beach and everybody smoked, (tobacco, that is).

In those days, it was commonplace. My father was a heavy smoker and although my mother did not indulge, she tolerated it.

Naturally wanting to be part of the crowd, I accepted when someone offered me a cigarette. It made me a bit light-headed at first, but the taste wasn’t bad, so I had another and another after that. Thus, an addiction was born.

MY CIGARETTE ADDICTION & NICOTINE WITHDRAWAL: Tips for coping with nicotine withdrawal from personal experience. #dogladysden #quitsmoking #nicotinewithdrawal #quitsmokingtips

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By the time I was 14, it was 3 to 4 packs a week. I got caught smoking on the school grounds (strictly forbidden), so my mother was contacted. She tried a little reverse psychology by putting an ashtray in my room. “We know you smoke and prefer that you do it at home”, she said.

Any guesses what happened after that? My consumption increased to a carton a week (that’s 200 cigarettes!) within a couple more years. It stayed that way for decades.

debbie smoking
Typical! Always with a cigarette between my fingers, ca. 1981

In 2003, at the age of 48, I started feeling some side effects, such as difficulty breathing and minor chest pains. The former turned out to be asthma and not COPD, thank goodness!

Heart tests were all normal, but this was enough to convince me to quit. One of the popular drugs of the day, called Zyban, (also known as the anti-depressant, Wellbutrin), took the edge off.

It was still difficult for me to break both the physical addiction and the habit. After all, I had been a dedicated smoker for 36 years!

I discovered some ways to cope, which were originally published on Nov. 17, 2009. It’s New Year’s Resolution time, so hopefully, they will benefit someone again. If I could do it, anyone can!


Everybody knows that smoking is unhealthy, but kicking the habit can be brutal! Speaking as a hardcore former smoker, I know exactly how difficult it is to quit and would like to share some of the things that helped me.

I pretty much had a cigarette between my fingers all the time and this is the first thing that drove me crazy – what to do with my hands! I also missed that inhaling action and had trouble drawing a deep breath.

Tip #1: Take a plastic drinking straw, cut it down to the length of your cigarettes, (regular, king-size, etc.), and hold it like one. Suck some air through it when you feel the need to breathe deeply. (Don’t laugh; this really works!)

When you are extremely stressed, go ahead and CHEW on it. (Yes!) You could alternatively get an inhaler made by the Nicorette Gum people, but that actually has nicotine in it, so the straw is better – and cheaper!

Tip #2: Chewing gum helps relieve the cravings, but stick to sugarless, so you don’t rot your teeth. Nicorette Gum is also available, but there’s the expense again, (and the nicotine).

Tip #3: Drink a large glass of water when you get a craving.

Tip #4: Stock up on low calorie, crunchy snacks and increase your exercise. Many people substitute food for cigarettes and gain weight. I did too, but, it’s still not as bad as smoking!

Tip #5: Think about how happy you will be when you break FREE of this nefarious habit! For those of you in colder climates, no more freezing your asses off in winter to satisfy that nicotine fit!

Hope this helps.

Have you quit smoking? Was it difficult?

Any tips you’d like to share?

Looking forward to your comments!

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From the Archives, The Doglady's Den

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  1. Good for you Deb, and good tips. I know the gruel. I always hated smoke, growing up in a house full of smoke with both parents and anyone who visited. Then, when I was almost 20, a friend talked me into trying it when we went to a nightclub, because of course, I had to look cool. That was that, and yup, a carton a week was regular not long after. I quit in my early 40s, but still was a ‘social’ smoker. And Nicorettes have been my saving grace. In fact, I still use them sometimes! All these years and sometimes I still crave one, but my health is more important. The addiction is crazy! 🙂

    1. Smoking is an insidious addiction and quitting is harder than any non-smoker can imagine! Congrats to you too, Deb! And thanks for reading the article.

  2. I can certainly relate. I kicked the habit over 20 years ago. Believe me a 25 + year habit was not easy to break. I quit when I was pregnant but went right back. I tried to quit several times after that as well. Finally, I moved to NC and my asthma kicked in. So to ensure I became an ex-smoker I went to a hypnotist and it worked and it stuck. Informative article TFS with #IBAsshare.

    1. Welcome to The Den, Clearissa. 🙂 Congratulations on kicking the habit for good! Hypnosis is definitely another viable option. Thanks for pointing that out and for sharing this post. Cheers!

    1. Thank you! I see you have an entire website dedicated to quitting smoking. Maybe you’d like to add a link to this article in there, as well? I’d love to spread the word even further! Appreciate the visit. Cheers!

  3. One of these days, I’ll blog about my quitting of “dipping.” I always found it was a battle of the mind. I put it into financial terms and it was quite easy. Haven’t looked back since! Good on you as well. Keep it up!

    1. You and your family have been through so much due to cancer. My heart goes out to you! ♥ Congrats on beating both cancer and the smoking demon.

  4. ☆¸.•°”˜˜”°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°”˜˜”°•.¸☆
    ╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★
    ║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°”˜˜”°•.¸☆
    ║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ NEW YEAR ☆
    ╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ♥¥☆★☆★☆¥♥ ★☆ ♥♥♥


    I’m so delighted that you nipped this demon in the bud! It’s a horrible habit to break. DD#1 smokes and I’m after her all the time to quit now before it’s too late. I think she’s been smoking for about 10-years. I plan to share those inexpensive clever ideas for helping to break the habit with her. I hope she gives it a try to end the cycle before long-term damage is done. I pray it’s not too late. I hope you and your husband had a lovely New Year’s Eve. I pray that nothing but good things come your way in 2019, my friend. God bless!

    1. Happy New Year, Cathy! Yes, I was happy to be rid of this insidious addiction once and for all! Here’s hoping your daughter will be able to quit. She has to want to do it, though. Thanks for coming by. Best wishes to you and DH, as well.

  5. … sent you an Instagram address of son Paul and daughter in law and cat Benny’s North American travels … @paulleanneandavan … just ignore the stupid ads in between and click on Next … Love, cat.

  6. I started smoking age 11 cuz most of my family did it … My mom she wolf would hit me when she smelled smoke on me while she was smoking … go figure, eh? … anyway, friend D … Happy Winter, hmmm? Love always, cat.

    1. Hi cat! Thanks for dropping in. This blog has been pretty dormant lately, but I’m indulging the photography muse on Instagram instead. 🙂 You started smoking even earlier than I did. I guess your mother believed in the saying “do as I say, not as I do”. 😛

      Winter sucks – worse than usual here and I’m SO fed-up now! It’s busy season for the dog business. Everybody gets to go south, except me. C’est la vie! We’re going to Europe for a month in Sept., so I shouldn’t bitch about it. Stay warm out there in Alberta!

      1. … me going to Mexico in March in order to break up the Winter, friend D … daughter and son in law are moving to Deadmonton shortly … go figure … son and daughter in law and cat are travelling North America … started in AB Sept 01 and are now in Slab City, California … @paulleanneandavan … Who is gonna take care of your dog business when you gone to Europe? … Much love always, cat.

        1. March break is the busiest time around here! 🙂 Nice that you can get away, then. Sounds like your whole family loves to travel.

          I’ve already warned my regulars I’ll be away in Sept. For anyone needing dog care during that time, one of my friends is in the same business and there are a few others around who could accommodate. Yeah; I might lose some new business, but life is short and this trip has 5 bucket list items on it. Priorities! 😀

  7. First, a standing ovation on your decision to quit. I know how hard that must be, practically, but you’re a champion and you WILL kick that butt. COPD is not fun. Also, completely agree with tip #5. I had to laugh when I read the first tip…first time I’ve come across this, considering I’ve written several times about quitting smoking on my health blog.
    I am wishing you a wonderful and healthy 2018 ahead. Do post updates on this.
    I’ve smoked occasionally, and my first was when I was 10, my first year in boarding school when I had an older friend. We became friendly because she took me under her wing (our trunks were next to each other and she taught me a few survival tips). Then, later in college, just because it was fun. Never was a regular though. I’ve seen too many people who couldn’t quit shorten their lives.

    Love you!

    1. Hi Vidya; I quit my carton-a-week habit in 2003. This is one of those “evergreen” posts that I recycle occasionally, at New Year’s Resolution time. 🙂 Thanks for the love and caring! ♥♥ Glad to know you didn’t get addicted to smoking!

  8. Good for you on quitting, DEBBIE! That may be the hardest habit to break.

    My Sister has quit smoking . . . many times.
    My Ma really did quit smoking, after 50+ years! And BTW, she used the drinking straw aid in quitting. Every once in awhile, even a decade after she’d puffed her last, I would see my Ma pull the old straw out of her purse and inhale through it.

    We’ll let ol’ Baloo the Bear tell us how it is . . .

    ~ D-FensDogG
    Would You Like To… See ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ Come To Life?

    1. Hi Stephen; I just discovered your comment after all this time. Sorry; my blogging days are few and far between at this point. Quitting smoking was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Interesting that your mother also used the straw trick. Here I thought it was my own invention! 🙂 I remember that smoking ditty very well; thanks for posting it! Have you seen the movie Thank You For Smoking? They used it, as well. It’s hilarious!

  9. Thanks for this, I am currently trying to kick the 33-year habit. I started taking Chantix on Tuesday so I can smoke until Monday. I’ve been cutting back and it’s freezing here in SC so I’m down to a few a day, but want to give them up completely.

  10. I had a smokeless tobacco habit, for decades.
    This past Spring, I succumbed to a heart attack.
    I gave up the tobacco immediately, and have not returned to it.
    My way of quitting does not require willpower. It is a matter of survival.
    I commend you for getting ahead of the curve, and being proactive.

  11. Hi Debbie. Congratulations for quitting after so long! I’m sure that had to have been extremely difficult, especially for starting so young, 12, wow! This month it will have been 1 year now since I quit after a pack a day for 20 years. I tried a dozen times before it actually stuck. And I smoked menthol which I heard is even harder to kick because menthol is a separate addiction. The only way I was able to quit this time was with ecigs. The main reason I couldn’t quit before was because it was near impossible to drink without smoking. So I switched to ecigs only when I drank. I still use them occasionally, mostly for the flavors (love the fruit flavors) but I don’t need them anymore, the addiction is over. Isn’t it nice knowing we just added years to our lives!

  12. Hi Debbie! I’ve never smoked, nor has my husband, yet 3 our of our 4 children smoked, but thankfully gave up when quite young. My sister took 3 attempts, using the reduction method. All went through hell. I’m so glad I never started. But what a good think to blog about. You will have given so many people the jolt they needed. 🙂

    1. Happy New Year, Denise. 🙂 Glad to know your family is smoke-free. Quitting was hell for me, too. It took about six years to get rid of the cravings completely. If a hardcore addict like me could quit, then anyone can! Now, the very smell nauseates me. Thanks for dropping in.

  13. Hi Debbie,

    Thanks for sharing your story with us. I never did get into smoking…I did it when I was a teen to be cool and every now and then I take a puff from the hubs cigarette, especially when we’re watching a football game :). I guess I’m a social smoker at best but I know that could lead to a bigger habit.

    Thank you for these tips. I’m going to share them with a hubs because that man is on a pack a day. He wants to quit and has tried but the withdrawals are too strong for him and he gets so moody that I want to buy him a pack of cigarettes, ;).

    Hope you’re having an awesome day Debbie!


    1. Hi, Cori; Glad you never picked up a serious smoking habit, but even a social smoker can suffer ill effects. Then there’s second-hand smoke, which is also a factor. I hope your hubs will consider giving it up. There are many tools available now. Personally, I couldn’t have done it without help. Thanks for dropping in!

  14. Congrats on kicking the butt! Looks like reverse psychology doesn’t always work, does it? The tips are really interesting and I hope they help someone kick the habit as well as you have. I think the mental link to the addiction is probably the hardest to break.

    1. Thank you, Shailaja. 🙂 It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done! Reverse psychology never works with me. 🙂 I have this perverse character flaw that makes me want to prove I’m not that gullible. Wouldn’t have mattered in this case, as I was already hooked. Definitely true that the mental addiction is worse than the physical.

  15. Congratulations, Debbie. Kicking the butt after being addicted for so long is a huge achievement. I hope your story and tips help others to take that step as well.

    1. Thanks, Rachna. 🙂 It was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Took about six years to get over the cravings completely. I do hope my experience will help others who are struggling.

    1. It was BRUTAL, Damyanti! 😛 I’m amazed that some people have a much easier time quitting, but I’m guessing they were not truly addicted. Yes, I hope this will help others who are struggling to quit. Thanks for dropping in. 🙂

  16. I am so grateful I never picked up the habit. My mother was a heavy smoker; she would leave cigarettes burning in ashtrays all over the house. Her brand was Raleigh, which used to feature coupons on the back. Collect enough and you could buy merchandise (sort of like S&H Green Stamps, if they had them in Canada). She died when I was 12; smoking related. I took all those coupons, dumped them in the garbage, and swore I would never marry a smoker. That wasn’t quite true. But my mother in law is now 88 and has COPD. She only smoked “socially” but my father in law smoked – he died at 71 from his 4th heart attack. I want to thank you for repeating this post – I am going to share it everywhere.

    1. I’m so glad you found this post helpful, Alana and thanks for sharing it. I can see how your mother’s situation may have deterred you from picking up the smoking habit. How tragic to lose her so young! 🙁 My father was a chain smoker who quit at age 60. Sadly, he contracted lung cancer anyway, 24 years later and died six months after the diagnosis. Frightening to think that same fate may await me!

  17. So thoughtful of you to share this. I wish more and more people read so that they can all benefit and break free of this habit.

  18. Hi Debbie!
    Wow, feels like the Twilight Zone. Wonder what year my reply will turn up in? Gads, technology is so tricky. I was raised in a house full of smokers, but that’s not to say I blame them for my addiction. My sister never smoked but exhibits some of the same side-effects that I have (yikes!). I agree, one cigarette is one too many. Yet I imagine I smoked half a million before yanking off that leech, not quite a year ago. The straw idea is pure genius and I wish I’d have read this in 2014 since nowadays there are e-cigs (sigh). I can only hope the cigarette damage doesn’t become an issue, but I sure feel worlds better than I did:-) Thanks for sharing this, and for your candor. It could truly help someone who needs to quit.

    1. Hi, Diedre. Sorry for the confusion. This was originally published in 2014. A couple of weeks ago, I was trying to schedule it to re-post for today and instead, it showed up in people’s feeds under the original date, right there and then. Go figure! 😛 End result, subscribers are seeing this twice, with different dates. It is officially today’s post and your comment has today’s date on it. Whew!

      That is scary about your sister, as I always pooh-poohed the idea of second-hand smoke effects. Congratulations on quitting! As for e-cigs, in my opinion, they only keep the addiction going (they still contain nicotine, don’t they?) and aren’t helpful at all. Here’s hoping there won’t be any after effects from this insidious habit! I’m terrified of lung cancer because my father quit smoking at 60 and that’s what killed him two decades later.

      Glad you enjoyed the post. I hope it will help someone else who is struggling with this. Thanks for coming by!

  19. Hey Debbie congratulations on kicking the habit. Breaking any habit of over three decades is an achievement and this one svn more so. Hope you have a wonderful new year and a healthy and happy life ahead.

  20. Well done for quitting such a longstanding habit, Debbie! And what a great idea to share your tips for people who might have made a New Year’s resolution to quit. Brilliant!

  21. I was a vehement anti-smoker–radically so in some sense– for most of my early life. I first took up smoking when I was 29 when another anti-smoker friend and I were both separated from our first wives who where both smokers. He started smoking and I did too. For the next 2 years I smoked heavily. When I met the lady who would become my second wife, she also a smoker, we relished trying exotic tobacco brands from other countries as well as smoking the favorites we had been smoking. In 1982 after she became pregnant, she quit and so did I.

    About 10 years later that wife and I separated and once again I returned to smoking with a vengeance–3 packs a day. This went on for another 5 years until after I met my current wife who was not a smoker. Once I decided she was going to be my future I cut off my long hair (which was starting to look stupid as I was starting to go bald on top) and completely stopped smoking. Haven’t smoked since and don’t miss it. I’ve saved a ton of money since stopping and probably feel a lot better.

    I’ve got a post waiting in my line-up on this topic. Someday I’ll get around to putting it up on my site.

    Arlee Bird

    1. Glad to know you were able to kick that 3-pack-a-day habit, Lee. Some bald guys I know keep their long hair and tie it back, but it sounds like you were getting a new start in many ways. 🙂 I’m sure you feel better since you quit smoking and it sounds like it wasn’t that difficult for you. I had a helluva hard time and it took about six years to lose the cravings completely. Oh yes, the financial aspect is a huge positive! Last time I bought a carton was in 2003. It cost $55.00 then and only lasted a week. Must be over $80.00, by now. Thanks for sharing your smoking experiences!

    1. I was definitely a hard-core smoker, Myke and am glad to be free from it. It did take about 6 years to get rid of the cravings completely. Now, the very smell nauseates me. If I could quit, anyone can! Thanks for your kind words. I hope to be around for a long time. 🙂

  22. Debbie, thank you for the words of encouragement to those who want to quit. Your straw idea is awesome. I have never smoked but two men in my life have — my son and my son-in-law. I take it very personally in that I grieve for their spouses and their children. I was elated to find out recently my SIL quit and he has proven to himself and his family that it is official!! You mention how difficult it is to quit and that is one thing I never understood regarding my SIL because he is one of the most disciplined men I ever met — yet quitting smoking was so hard for him. I am so pleased he has – especially with the new baby coming! I will never forget your post and pass it on to those who I know could use the encouragement. Thank you for the gift — Merry Christmas and a very Happy HEALTHY new year

    1. I’m glad you found this post useful, Carol. The straw really kept me from going insane in the beginning. Congratulations to your son-in-law for quitting! It seems to be harder for some of us than others. Took me years to get over the addiction completely, but then, I have that type of “addictive” personality. Probably related to OCD in some way.

      N.B. I was trying to schedule this post to re-publish in early January, but something went wrong and it somehow showed up now, with the old date. Apologies in advance if you see it again in a couple of weeks.

      Thanks for sharing your experiences here. Merry Christmas to you and your family. We’ll definitely be switching over to healthier mode after the holidays. Cheers!

  23. Avoiding the wickedly hard pain of 3 heart attacks made quitting easy for me. I wasn’t afraid of dying I was afraid of that pain. Nearing 8 years of being smoke free (March of 2007) all from wanting to avoid the pain. I’ve seen people dying from cancer who continued to smoke. Man is a strange creature. Some act out of preservation and some throw caution to the wind even though they know better.

    1. Congratulations on being smoke-free for so long, Chi Chi! I guess people figure if they’re dying anyway, what’s the point to stop? What scares me is, my father quit smoking at age 60 and STILL got lung cancer when he was 83. Does that same fate await me? Not something I dwell on, but it does cross my mind from time to time. Thanks for sharing your experience as well, Chi Chi.

      N.B. I was trying to schedule the post to re-publish in early January, but something went wrong and it somehow showed up now, with the old date. Apologies in advance if you see this again in a couple of weeks.

  24. Hi, Debbie the Doglady!

    As a former heavy smoker I salute you, dear friend. You have every reason to be proud of yourself for breaking free of the habit. I quit cold turkey one day in June of 1992 and have been reaping the benefits ever since. The method I used to kick the habit did not require a prescription product or over-the-counter gum. It didn’t require hypnosis, acupuncture, ice water baths or shock therapy. Like Jerry Reed in that video, I sat down one day and thought about how long I had been smoking. (I had started in 1964 at the age of 14.) I thought about how much money I had spent on cigarettes and all the other things I could buy with that money. I thought about how difficult it was becoming to take deep breaths and climb stairs, and how much I disliked being a slave to anyone or anything. I tied my smoking to other undesirable habits that included heavy drinking with black-outs and recreational drug use. I got good and angry with myself that day – disgusted is more like it. I declared “enough is enough.” I knew I was better than these behaviors and I promised myself right then and there that I was going to prove it. I didn’t play the fool’s game of waiting to finish the pack I was on before quitting. In an empowering ritual, I tore the remaining cigs in the pack to pieces and threw them in the trash, and dumped all the alcohol in my apartment down the drain. Since that day, since that pivotal moment, I have not taken another puff or another sip of alcohol. Every day I wake up without a hangover and thank myself. Every day I take a deep breath and exercise vigorously and thank myself. Every day I know I am free and in control and I thank myself. Smoking cessation is a gift to yourself that keeps on giving.

    Thank you for sharing your story, dear friend Debbie!

    1. I so admire you for quitting all your bad habits at once and without any help, Shady! You are much stronger-willed than I am. Quitting smoking was a huge struggle for me and it took several years to get over it completely. Now the smell nauseates me, which is the best deterrent. 🙂 Thanks for coming by to share your experiences. Most inspirational!

      N.B. I was trying to schedule the post to re-publish in early January, but something went wrong and it somehow showed up now, with the old date. Apologies in advance if you see this again in a couple of weeks.

  25. Whenever I see folks huddled in front of their office buildings, all bent over cupping their cigarette in icy hands,… I think… thank God I quit! I didn’t start smoking at 12, but I guess I was 15. I smoked till I turned 48. One evening we went out to a restaurant with friends. Just before entering the place, my heart seemed to make a flip flop. It scared me to death. As brief as it was, it was as strong. From that moment on I quit, and never picked up a cigarette again. Fear is a great motivator. And also the thought of having to go through quitting again, prevented me from taking another puff ever again.— by the way you were gorgeous… even with a cigarette in your hand. 🙂
    Angelika Schwarz recently posted…Brighten a Senior’s Day – A NEW RELEASE!

    1. I have that same thought in bad weather, Angelika! LOL Congratulations on quitting smoking cold turkey. You are stronger-willed than I am. Thankfully, I’ll never pick it up again because the smell nauseates me now. It took many years to get rid of the cravings, though. Thanks for the compliment. I was vamping it up for the camera. 🙂

      N.B. I was trying to schedule the post to re-publish in early January, but something went wrong and it somehow showed up now, with the old date. Apologies in advance if you see this again in a couple of weeks.

  26. This just showed up in my email RSS feed. I see it was from January 2014, but I think your story is inspiring and I’m sure it has helped some people stop smoking. I never smoked. I was a not a cool kid when it was cool to smoke as a teenager and by the time I got to college, hardly any of my friends smoked. OTOH, I had plenty of second hand smoke exposure. My father smoked until I was in my late teens. I think he only smoked a pack a week—one after dinner and he liked to smoke in the car. I used to get carsick and his filling the car with smoke didn’t help. We used to have significant arguments about it. It was his car, I could walk, etc. etc. Then, I married a lung doctor who would have been so upset if I started smoking that I would never even consider it. Coincidentally, one of our sons works in a lab that studies smoking cessation. They have learned that nicotine addiction has a genetic component. Some people can become addicted after smoking just a few cigarettes, while others find it relatively easy to quit.

    1. Hi, Suzanne; Sorry about that. I was trying to schedule it to re-post on Jan. 6/2016, but something went wrong.
      Anyway, thanks for sharing your experiences. I’m glad you never took up this horrible habit!

      My father was a chain smoker who used to roll his own. I remember the ugly, stained fingers. He quit cold turkey when he was 60 because he was in a major accident and spent months in the hospital. Still, he died of lung cancer 24 years later and I’m terrified of suffering the same fate! It doesn’t surprise me that nicotine addiction may be genetic. I was hooked almost immediately. 😛 Fortunately, this scared me enough to stay away from other drugs.

      Happy Holidays to you and your family! 🙂

  27. Congrats on quitting, especially after so many years. My dad also smoked quite a bit and stopped for a brief moment after being told he had the beginning symptoms of Emphysema. He recently started smoking again. He did gain quite a bit of weight when he had stopped, although he does not exercise to compensate.

    You offer some great tips! I like #1, using the straw.

    1. Welcome to The Den, Arelis. 🙂 Thanks; it was quite a struggle, but I’m very glad to be free now. The straw was really my salvation in the beginning! Hope your Dad will be able to quit again, especially since he has Emphysema. 🙁 Appreciate your comments. Cheers!

  28. Wow!!!!! Kudos and congrats to you. I’ve just got to tell you what a great article this is to someone who might be mentally ready to quit smoking. Great tips. Great motivational story. Great thoughts about habit breaking forms. Loved the discussion on the straw because of behavioral habits.

    So glad we are connecting through the I’m Every Woman weekly. I’ve meant a great group there and love that Cori has referred to her goal as creating a sisterhood. I’m in! = )

    Irish (Lisa)

    1. Thanks Irish; hope it helps you and congratulations on taking that step! If I could quit, anybody can! :thumbsup: Yes, Cori’s weekly online magazine is a very cool project and a boost for female bloggers. Appreciate the visit. Come on back, any time. 🙂

  29. Hey Debbie,

    I hope this post will help anyone who wants to do the same as this years starts taking off.

    For me, I’ve never smoked. My Dad smoked in his early 20’s but he kicked the habit shortly after that from what I was told. He never smoked when we came along.

    I’ve had friends that smoked but I think it’s just nasty, smelling and tasting and yes I did try. I also thought coffee was nasty so I never started that habit either.

    Happy to hear though that you’ve never gone back. Yay!!! Here’s to many more healthy years ahead.


    1. Hi Adrienne; Not starting is the best thing you can do, in regards to smoking. Good for you! 🙂 Believe it or not, since quitting I have developed a total aversion to the smell and have no desire to smoke. That took about six years, though. A difficult addiction to break!

  30. Hi there Debbie, congratulations on beating the habit, my partner had been a smoker for ages, but suddenly was able to kick the habit through telling himself he hadn’t given up for good, just one more day, then the next until suddenly he’s been smoker free for years. It’s been a relief, both financially and healthwise, a smoke free future is so much better. I hope 2014 is a great year for you, and continues to be a smokeless zone. 🙂 xxPenxx

    1. Hi Pen; Your partner had a good plan, there. One day at a time. At this point, I would never, ever smoke again! The very smell disgusts me. Good thing! 🙂 Thanks for visiting and all the best to you in 2014.

    1. Thanks Joyce! Yes, it was quite a struggle, but I’m so relieved to be rid of it now. You were smart not to start because it really grabs hold of you. Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend. 🙂

  31. Congratulations on breaking your addiction, Debbie! I can only imagine how difficult it was. For me, food, which I love, is more of an issue. I tend to eat when I’m happy, sad, mad, bored … so basically all the time. 🙂 It’s never easy changing habits but this year I am determined to still love food but moderately … with me in control!

    1. Hi Tanya; Thanks; it was a struggle, for sure! One comes to appreciate food even more after quitting smoking, and that’s another addiction I’m trying to tame, as well. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend.

  32. Many congratulations on quitting, Debbie – I know how hard it is. I didn’t take up smoking until I was over 20 and only smoked for a couple of years, but I was very addicted – it was 20 a day or nothing for me – and it took me several attempts before I eventually managed to give up. My father smoked from a very young age, like you, and eventually gave up at the age of 60 when he developed emphysema, but he found it very hard and always craved a cigarette, until his dying day!

    1. Hi Sue; It is an insidious addiction and really sneaks up on you, doesn’t it? It became a part of my personality, even. It took 6 years for me to lose the cravings, especially for that after-dinner cigarette. The result? I just kept eating. There’s another addiction I’m trying to tame, LOL. Sounds like your father had a rough time quitting. My father was a chain smoker and also quit at 60, because he was in a bad accident and spent months in hospital. He really didn’t seem to miss it though and developed an aversion to the smell, which I have too. It disgusts me that I used to reek so badly! Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend. 🙂

  33. Congrats on quitting! So few manage to do that. I’ve heard that nicotine is harder to quit than many narcotics. I’ve also heard that the more times you try to quit the more likelier you will succeed. I guess that’s common sense, but smokers need to know that they will probably fail several times before succeeding.

    My dad started smoking at 10 along with his buddies. When they all hit 45 they started dropping like flies. He saw three of them die of lung cancer in one summer. That was enough to scare him straight. He stopped cold turkey and never picked up a cigarette again. He lived into his 80s and we enjoyed having him with us every minute of it. I’m so thankful he quit when he did.

    I was never tempted to smoke because I love food more! That’s another story!

    1. Hi Maggie; It’s an incredibly difficult addiction to break and I thank you for your praise. My father was a chain smoker and quit when he was 60. He contracted lung cancer anyway – a fact which isn’t lost on me, let me tell you! 🙁 At least he had those bonus years and lived to be 84. Ah – food! Yes, that is another one of my addictions and I have once again embarked on my yearly quest to lose weight. BTW, food becomes much more interesting after you quit smoking, LOL. Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend.

  34. Hi Debbie,

    Thank goodness I don’t smoke! 🙂

    For that matter, no one’s ever smoked in our family and for generations, so perhaps it has a good and positive affect on everyone where it’s against our religion. But I do have friend’s who are chain smokers and are facing health issues, just as some of the ones you mentioned. I’d surely be forwarding them these tips, some of which sound very new and if you have tried them and they work, that’s wonderful indeed.

    Thanks for sharing it with us. Have a nice weekend 🙂

    1. That’s great not to have any smokers around, Harleena. It was such an accepted part of society here, for a very long time. It is one of the most difficult addictions to break, but if I could do it, anyone can! 🙂 Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend. yourself.

  35. Pingback: I’m Every Woman Weekly Issue #19 - Not Now Mom's Busy
  36. Oh! Boy, do I have a good tip. Thanks for reminding me – I’m going to see if I still have the blog post, since re-running that is guaranteed to (a) help all the folks resolving to quit in the new year; (b) increase my blog’s traffic exponentially; (c) get me TONS of new comments from folks hawking their own “weird tricks” to stop smoking now; (d) and… well, if anyone here is interested, it’s deadly nightshade. Well, no, not really. Jalapeno peppers are so much safer!! (You’ll have to come read my post, if I can find it again. I quit in 2006, and have not had ONE craving since about the third week. Not ONE.)

    1. Jalapeno peppers would kill me! LOL You should reprint it, Holly, for all the reasons you mentioned. I’d definitely read it. Thanks for visiting. 🙂

      1. I did! And gave you credit for the inspiration. I updated it, too. Dangit, I need to re-check all the links… off to do that. 🙂 Thanks to you, though, I only have one more post to write today to get caught up in that blasted 30 day challenge I signed up for!

          1. That was fascinating, Holly! I just love learning new things and will comment on your post shortly. Thanks so much for adding a link to my article as well. May I return the favour and revise this post to add yours? People trying to quit smoking need all the help they can get. Cheers!

  37. Hey Debbie,

    This is gonna come in handy! 🙂 I’m really happy you quit this habit after all and I can’t believe you smoked for 36 years (36 x 365 days). I only heard about the use of plastic drinking straw, nicotine patches and e-cigar as an alternative.

    Oftentimes I heard doctors say alcohol is far better than smoking. Not only to self, but inhaling the smoke is too bad for others, nah? It breaks my heart when non-smokers have to be victims. Especially, children.

    I know some elders who quit smoking and it’s really hard. Isn’t it? Few are still troubled when sleeping. Fortunately, I never did but my father. Used to roll a piece of paper and imitate him when I was a kid 😀 Due to our culture, smoking for women is kinda in backseat and I’m glad about the friction too.

    Let’s hope this will help more and more smokers Debbie 🙂 That;s very nice of you to come up with this one.

    You have a lovely and healthy week dear 🙂


    1. HI Mayura; Yes, I smoked for a very long time, so if I can quit, anyone can! 🙂 Agreed that second-hand smoke is harmful for everyone, especially children, but also pets. I feel bad that my hubby (who was only ever a “social smoker”), was subjected to that all those years. It was part of our culture for so long and nobody gave it a second thought, at the time. Thankfully, attitudes have changed and smokers are in the minority, with more and more people quitting every day. Thanks for visiting and I’m glad you don’t smoke. Cheers!

  38. It is hard to quit. I’d been smoking for 14 years when I quit. That was quite a while ago. Glad I did it. But no matter how long you’ve smoked, you can still benefit from quitting. Good post, Debbie–thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Congratulations on quitting too, Teresa! It is difficult, no matter what and I’m thrilled I beat it. Glad you enjoyed the post. Please pass it along if you know someone who could benefit. Thanks so much for visiting and Happy New Year! 🙂

    1. Hi Michael; I quit several years ago, as the article mentioned. This was meant to help others. Congratulations on quitting, yourself! Thanks for visiting. 🙂

  39. Wow, Cledus is not his same self from 1977. How ironic as JUST this morning I was talking about Smokey and The Bandit! Good video. The first step I would think is the overwhelming will and desire to quit. They second to eliminate all of a person’s “triggers”. All of your suggestions sound wonderful and great advice, no doubt! Doctors have often said for years that quitting nicotine can be worse than coming off of heroin. So proud of you, Debbie! Double smiles 🙂

    1. Hi Mike; Sadly,(and ironically), he died in 2008 from Emphysema. I didn’t know that when I posted the video. 🙁 Yes, one must have the desire to quit, otherwise it won’t work. Eliminating the triggers is much more difficult. Could never do without those cups of coffee! (That’s where the straw came in especially handy!) It really is a difficult addiction to break and I’m proud of me, too. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.

  40. I’m glad you were able to kick the habit Debbie. I too tried to quit many times and then finally in 2007, did for good. I have to say, chewing gum made me crave cigs. I did the nicorette gum and got addicted to eat. Eventually weaned myself off and haven’t had one in 7 years now. It’s a very hard habit to break BUT I am much healthier than I was then.


    1. Hi Bren; Congrats on kicking the habit yourself! 🙂 I definitely got more addicted to food when I quit. Still trying to shake that one, LOL. Glad you’re feeling the health benefits of not smoking. My asthma actually got worse, but I’m sure my lungs are healthier. Thanks for visiting and Happy New Year!