Here’s the original video, to give you the melody.
♫♫♫ GRAVITY ♫♫♫
Here I am
At the mirror, slowly looking down
What is this?
Such a vision makes me truly frown!
Sagging boobs
Expanding waist and all, what else?
I really should be grateful though
Grateful though
Oh hell no, oh hell no!
With the face collapse and the drooping ass
It’s gravity!
When the image shocks and the mirror mocks
It’s hard to bear
There’s no going back and it’s all so unfair!
When your daily goal is to gain control
It’s gravity!
When the image shocks and the mirror mocks
It’s hard to bear
There’s naught you can say and it’s all so unfair!
What to do
Go for Botox or the surgeon’s knife?
Not for me!
Just accept that this is part of life
Here I stand
Expanding waist and all; oh well!
I really should be grateful though
Grateful though
Oh hell no, oh hell no!
We’re all getting older (63, but who’s counting?) and that’s life, but acceptance works better with humour, yes? Besides, it sure beats the alternative!
Truth be told, if I won the lottery, I’d be looking into some Juvederm or Restylane treatments to counteract the collapsing face.
Unfortunately, the results only last about six months and you’d have to keep it up. I’d rather spend my money on other things, like travel.
What’s YOUR take on ageing?
Image credits: 1. This Little Light of Mine 2. Laugh Lines.

Joining the MIDLIFE SHARE THE LOVE link party #MLSTL
hosted by Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 and Beyond and Leanne from Cresting the Hill
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Ha ha! You made me laugh, this morning. Just what I needed 🙂
Welcome to The Den, Chris. I’m glad you enjoyed my little ditty. 😀
I was heeere, friend D:) Much love, cat.
Hi cat! ? Thanks for coming over here. Did you like my little ditty? ?
Aging sucks but it’s better than the alternative. 🙂 Acceptance is a difficult part of getting older the many changes, especially to one’s appearance. Next, to trying to do our best to minimize the visual signs of aging through good choices, humor helps to off-set things. Your ‘Gravity’ parody is fantastic. The chorus is my favorite. Way to go, girlfriend! Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning. 😀
Once, when the engine light came on in a car I didn’t much care for, I put a ‘Post-it’ over the light and drove it till it died. I’ve been doing the same thing to mirrors of late 😉
Omgosh, that cartoon with the boobs year after year is so me, oh, and adjusting the “girls” in their cups. Hell, it’s all me and you make it so funny. I almost choked on my drink!
So much fun, Debbie. Love the lyrics and the cartoon too. I can relate!
Fun laughs at something that’s oh so real! I enjoyed your post – and laughed my way through it.
Sharing on FB (Embracing Life page) and on Twitter for MLSTL.
When I was younger, I thought I’d be the first of my group to get in line for a facelift, but now I say, NO WAY!! If the wealthiest, best connected women in the world… who you’d think would find great plastic surgeons and have wonderful facelifts and Botox… but don’t… Count me out! I’m aging au natural.
Growing old is a privilege, but it’s not always pretty. Still feeling good is the main thing, I briefly lost independence for a while and it doesn’t half make you think!
Loved the poem – visiting from ML link up
This is hilarious! Just what I needed today. Thanks for this!
ha ha ha… very clever and mostly true!
You made me smile this morning – thank you! BTW, I got 10 years on you 🙂
I’m glad you enjoyed it, Carol! 🙂 Never would have guessed you’re 73, more like 5 years older (68). Looking good!
As I always say every day on this side of the grass is a good day. Yes, things are expanding and sagging but it beats the alternative in my opinion. I thought the other day about a tummy tuck but would rather spend the money on a cruise.
We share the same thoughts, Victoria! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.
My boobs have been sagging a while, it bothers me not. But that chicken neck thing, ala Candace Bergen in the original Murphy Brown (she took to wearing turtlenecks to cover it up.) That is an affront to all of humanity I say! Thanks for the morning laugh. I’ll have that tune in my head all day long. “Gravity…”
Welcome to The Den, Jennifer. 🙂 Yes, the neck thing is a real tragedy, for sure! I’m glad you enjoyed the song parody. Thanks for coming by!
haha! So funny! TFS!
Welcome to The Den, Amy. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for coming by!
Loved this Deb – and the boob measurer made me smile – gravity definitely has a LOT to answer for! I also strategically adjust myself – so I’m definitely “old” but at the same time I feel younger and happier than I did in my 20s so life is still pretty darn good.
Thanks for linking up with us at #MLSTL and I’ve shared this on my SM ?
I’m glad you enjoyed it, Leanne, and agree with you completely. This is the best time of our lives. 🙂 #MLSTL is such a great idea for a blog party! Thanks for sharing my post and I hope to join in again, sometime.
We should have a sing along,
follow along with a bouncing ball.
We can’t go wrong with your clever song;
just include no dancing. I might fall.
Hahaha! That’s so clever, Myke. 😀 Thanks!
Hi Debbie, lovely to meet you and thank you for bringing a smile to my face. You are so clever! I’m with you though. At almost 61 (next month) and I don’t have a problem with ageing. If we have the right attitude and enjoy life mixed with humour, age isn’t important. Thanks so much for joining us at #MLSTL and hope to see you link up again. have a great week!
Welcome to The Den, Sue! Song parodies are something I really enjoy writing 🙂 I think we met before, during an A to Z Challenge, maybe? Yes, age is (mostly) just a number and as the old cliché goes: “You’re as old (or young) as you feel.” This is a fabulous link party and I hope to join in again, time permitting. Thanks for coming by!
OMG-I’m DYING here! LOL!!
Welcome to The Den. Kim! I’m glad you enjoyed this. 😀 Thanks for coming by.
Just dying laughing, Debbie! I knew the song well so I sang this outloud as I read along, laughing my slightly flabby arse off! I exercise every day to keep as much as possible firm (at age 58) but if I miss one or two days, it’s like I took three steps back! Read this on #MLSTL!
Welcome to The Den, Terry! I’m glad you enjoyed it. 😀 I admire your determination to keep to an exercise routine. I’m too easily distracted, but make a point of walking as much as possible. Thanks for dropping in.
hahahaha this is hilarious 😛 Well in a decade or so I might be singing the same song though 😛 But I would like to grow old gracefully.
Happens to everyone, Raj! 🙂 I’m trying to be graceful about it, but the mirror can be so mean, sometimes. LOL
LOL! Too funny Carol: what a hoot! 😉 I’m not one for aging gracefully unfortunately though I usually FEEL younger than my looks…is that a paradox? 😉 <3
This is Debbie, but I’m glad you liked the post. 😀 I’m trying to be graceful about it, but still don’t enjoy looking in the mirror! The natural hair colour turned out well, though. Feeling younger isn’t a paradox. In my head I’m 35!
Hilarious! Its strange how we yearn to ‘grow up’ as a kid – mostly to be able to do things we are not ‘allowed’ to and suddenly when ‘old’ we want to look younger! There is nothing sadder than trying to physically try to continue looking as if in the twenties. Its better to focus on staying fit, mentally alert and content. Great post 🙂
I agree for the most part, Archana, although I would love to look somewhat younger, like before the face started giving in to gravity. LOL Not willing to do anything painful or overly expensive though, so best to just try and age gracefully. Glad you enjoyed this and thanks for visiting.
Hey Debbie,
That’s so funny and since I know the tune well I was singing along. Loved it.
Yep, we’re all getting old and there is no turning back the clock. I was talking to a neighbor of mine about this the other day who just happens to be in a network marketing opportunity of course for health products. One of the ones she promotes is about something that can help tighten the skin and yes, you have to keep applying it but it’s not as expensive as some I’ve seen and we have to keep doing moisturizers anyway right!
I don’t have a problem with aging but I do have a problem with having inherited my Dad’s side of the family partially in my face. Just trust me when I say my Dad’s mom was NOT a pretty woman and I do NOT want to look like that but I’m headed that direction if I don’t do something about it. Not trying to turn back time but I’m just trying to prevent looking like either of them. Love them dearly but…
Hi Adrienne; Yes, there are some potions and lotions that can help a little. I like the Oil of Olay Wrinkle Eraser, myself. It really does soften the crows feet and others lines and my moisturizer also has a tightening agent. Hope yours gets the desired results as well. 🙂 Kind of scary when you get an unflattering preview of what you might look like later in life. My mother kept her good looks into her 80s, so. here’s hoping! Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend.
That’s hilarious 🙂 Lots of fun actually. Aging is part of the game, and we’ll be better off playing it with grace and style!
Not to mention humour! 😀 Glad you enjoyed it, Beloo. Thanks for visiting.
I love this Debbie! I’ve read a version of this and sung it to that tune. And yes, I sang it again now.
My take on ageing? I am showing it the middle finger. Age ain’t nothin’ but a number, babe! 😀
P.S.: Thanks for sticking that Bee Gees song in my head now! Hmph!
Glad you enjoyed it, Vidya! 🙂 Yeah, age is just a number and I’m giving it the middle finger too, but, it’s giving it back to me. LOL As for the song, I know, it’s catchy enough to stick in your head. We call songs like that “ear worms”. Just start dancing. 😉 Thanks for visiting.
Mama always said — you’re old when your chin touches your boobs…
your boobs touch your tummy…and your tummy touches the floor.
OMGOSH, I hope I’m not livin’ that long!
Great, funny post. xx
Yikes! I don’t think I want to live THAT long either. Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for visiting. 😀
Now that is originally funny. 😀
My take on aging is to have you ask me next year when I turn the big 5-0.
Until then, I leave you with a quote from a mediocre Popeye cartoon: You’re as old as you feel young.
Thank you George. Glad you liked it! 😀 Only 50? 😉 I’ve got you beat by 10 years, but agree with Popeye. In my head I’m 35. Cheers!
You’re too much Debbie! I couldn’t stop laughing out loud over here! I love the poem and I can totally relate! I’m noticing more grey hair and wrinkles. The boobs are still in place but I know it won’t be long before gravity starts to take its toll! LOL
Oh and I love the song! I know he wasn’t a big part of the BeeGee’s but I loved me some Andy Gibb!
Hi Corina! 😀 Glad you enjoyed this. You’re a lot younger than me, so you have some time yet. I remember Andy Gibb well. He had a beautiful voice, like his older brothers. This song was always a favourite as well. Thanks for visiting and have a great rest of the week.
Isn’t the worst part about getting older is that you don’t ‘feel’ or ‘think’ any older? When I look in the mirror sometimes I am shocked and wonder who that old lady is. I loved the song and the cartoon measuring the boobs. I once was told (when I turned 60) that you know you are old when you kneel down and your boobs hit the floor before your knees do.
Oh, I’m with you there, Carol! LOL Don’t think the boobs are hanging quite that low yet, but kneeling down isn’t a regular activity for me – too hard to get back up, with my bad knee and arthritis. That sure is a funny visual though! 😀
Debbie, that is hilarious. Seeing her measure the downward slope of her boobs is one of the funniest aging chuckles I’ve seen. I color my hair and try to whiten my teeth, but am almost giving up on the spreading waistline and butt. I’ve begun buying shorts in men’s department because they fit my waist/hip ratio better ANDhave more room in the crotch. I’ve always hated tight pants in my crotch (I’m so delicate). Won ‘t try any if the facial stuff -as you say, it’s all temporary and expensive, PLUS, until they come up with decent neck and back-of-hand remedies, the face stuff is worthless because hands are a dead giveaway!!
Wish I could get rid of our mirrors, but they are necessary for some things.
Great post 🙂
Glad you enjoyed this little ditty, Sammy! Yes, we all make certain adjustments and tight pants are damn uncomfortable. A delicate area for everyone. 😀 I switched from shorts to capris a couple of years ago, about the same time I quit dyeing my hair. Fortunately, that turned out well and it’s great to be free from the drudgery. Oily skin and being “pleasantly plump” (I think they call it “fluffy” these days LOL), helps keeps the wrinkles manageable, but what I hate the most is the crinkling on either side of the chin and the drooping, jowly effect from the collapsing face. UGH! 😛 Banish the mirrors – great idea! It was so nice to see you here. Thanks for taking the time and have a great week.
LOL 😀 That was fun and hilarious too.I agree, accepting the limits, accepting yourself is the key. Ageing gracefully should be the mantra!
Yes – I’m all for ageing gracefully but have to admit, the collapsing face is what depresses me a little bit. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.
There is still lot of time for me to worry about getting old 😛 and I agree with what Kalpana said. Life is to be lived, not measured!
So true and I’m glad you don’t have to think about it yet. 🙂 Thanks for dropping by.
I’m not getting old, I’m becoming more senile!
Hmmm, well you’re in good company, Chi Chi. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.
What a hoot, Debbie! I couldn’t help singing the lyrics. I used to love the Bee Gees. My kids thought I was nuts. You crack me up!
So glad you enjoyed this, Cathy! 😀 I loved the Bee Gees from the very beginning – around 1967. Was kind of disappointed when they went full-tilt Disco, but I do like this one. Thanks for visiting.
What a great write-up Debbie.
All the artificial treatments only last for a small period of time but what should get wider with age is the smile on the face. Smile with sagging bodies , grey in the hair and let the world know that life is to be lived and NOT measured.
Well, I certainly have the smile, sagging body and grey hair. 😀 All of that is okay with me, but what I don’t like is the sagging face. LOL You are right though, that life should be lived, regardless. Thanks for visiting.
This is hilarious Debbie! What a great way to start the morning…as I lie here under two fans, trying to cool off from a hot flash! Very funny! And true. Acceptance is the best way to go. I can be pissed off that I’m getting older, but the clock still keeps ticking away. It sucks getting old, but it is what it is. Fun post!
Glad you enjoyed it, Michele. 🙂 Yup; it sure is what it is, whether we like it or not! 😛 It’ll be the BIG 6-0 for me in January. What shocks me most is how fast the time passed! I feel for you with the hot flashes; wild yam supplements helped me manage those and they seem to have stopped now.
Wild yam supplements? Never heard of those! Will have to check into that for sure! Thanks.
You should! They helped alleviate the hot flashes for me and several other women I know. They’re not expensive either.