Another New Year’s Eve is fast approaching and this old “party animal” can’t help but get sentimental about all the good times we had, over the course of almost five decades.  

Back in the 70s and early 80s, it was our annual tradition to invite friends over for a night of carousing that always lasted into the next morning. Thankfully, we lived in a two-storey walk-up, with only stores below and neighbours who either didn’t care or weren’t home. In any case, no noise complaints, ever.  

We put on a good spread and the booze was flowing like water, but, nobody got out of hand. They must have been sweating it out on the dance floor! Yes, we managed to move our furniture out of the way to create a space for that purpose.

Imagine fitting 30 or so people into the living/dining area of a small apartment and having enough seats for everyone, as well as a buffet table and an area for dancing. Does anybody need to plan a party? Give me a call! One of my few real talents…

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We even hosted a shindig “in absentia” once, the year we spent Christmas and New Year’s with my parents in California (1975). Since we didn’t want to disappoint our friends, we stocked the fridge and the bar, gave one of them the keys and headed off to the airport. From all accounts, everyone had a good time and they did a great job cleaning up, leaving us a full bottle of champagne!

Surprisingly, (given the era), nobody in our group was into drugs at all. On the other hand, most of the guys were soccer players, (hubby and I were proud administrators of the team, along with a few others), and in great physical shape, so, maybe not? I do remember a couple of people smoking grass on the balcony, but, this was an infrequent occurrence.

soccer team 1980

One of the most memorable New Year’s Eve parties ended up with several of us going to another friend’s apartment, (right across the street), at 7 a.m. to enjoy a meal of  Spaghetti Aglio e Olio. That hit the spot at the right moment. Delizioso!

Spaghetti Aglio e oglio

Our last big gathering was in the early 80s. The guest list had dwindled somewhat and people were going home sooner, plus we were growing weary of the amount of work required to pull it off.

One of our team’s sponsors also owned a banquet hall and he had recently started hosting formal dinner dances for special occasions, including New Year’s Eve.

Thus, we changed gears and started “puttin’ on the Ritz”. Hubby still had his tux from serving as “best man” to a friend and my closet was stuffed full of fancy clothes, thanks to all the previous weddings, club dinners, christenings etc. we had attended.

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The 80s were a different time and I buried my hippie self in this new, corporate persona who became a workaholic and got dressed “to the nines” all the time. Looking back on it now, I wonder where that energy came from, considering how much I bitch and moan about having to wear anything other than jeans in the present day.

Well, the answer is clear, of course. That was over 35 years ago!  We were young and brimming with enthusiasm, whereas now, we are just old and tired…..

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Still, until 2020, we never, ever spent New Year’s Eve alone and didn’t intend to start. For us, that was a sure sign of being “past it”.  Well, thanks to COVID and other factors, I guess we are, now. It’s not so bad! 

Debbie signature style 5


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Holiday Rerun Series at The Doglady's Den

Originally published Dec. 29, 2012
Updated Dec. 30, 2021 and Dec. 29, 2023

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podcasts by debbie d.


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78 thoughts on “AULD LANG SYNE (OLD TIMES, LONG AGO) #HappyNewYear 🎉

  1. Happy New Year, Debbie! Again, I love this post! You’re absolutely gorgeous and still the rock n’ roll Queen at 69!

  2. Wow, 30 people? It’s been a while since I’ve hosted a party with that many people, but I can imagine how much effort it must have taken! It does sound like great fun, though! And the aglio e olio looks absolutely delicious — my mouth is watering just looking at it.

    1. Happy New Year, Damyanti! 🎉 Yes, we used to have parties like that all the time in our younger years. 😃 Can’t imagine doing that now, though. Way too much effort. 😆 Spaghetti Aglio e Oglio goes down well after a night of drinking and carousing. Those were the days! Sigh…

  3. I would have loved to be among your friends back then! Sounds like you always had fabulous times 🙂
    So what are you guys up to tonight? We’re off to celebrate with our (hockey) friends. Just like in Germany, also in Switzerland we say “einen guten Rutsch”.
    Happy new year, Debbie, hubby and Leafs!

    1. Yes, we had lots of fun over the years. Now, it’s just us, going out for a late dinner, then watching the New Year’s Eve shows on TV at midnight. What a comedown, eh? 😆 At least there will be prosecco and panettone! 🥂🍾 Sounds like you will have a fun evening, Tamara. According to Google, this is the Swiss German way of saying Happy New Year! E Guets Nöis Jaar! All the best to you and your family for 2024! 🎉

  4. Deb, I love your parties of the past stories. You reminded me of so many of my own parties. And yes I did so have over 30 people and a huge buffet table and limbo dancing in my very first apartment many years ago lol – less than 1000 square feet, lol. Happy New Year to you! 🙂 x

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Deb. Yes, it’s amazing what you can cram into a small apartment. 😀 Happy New Year to you, too and thanks for all your support! ?

  5. The kids are coming over to count it down. I’m probably going to do something- likely at home, as this year- until my old carcass gives out. Enjoy each other and Happy New Year!

    1. I caught your New Year’s Eve karaoke on Facebook. Looks like you and your son were having a good time! 😀 Happy New Year to you too, Chris and, thanks for all your support!

  6. ☆¸.•°”˜˜”°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°”˜˜”°•.¸☆
    ╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★
    ║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°”˜˜”°•.¸☆
    ║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ NEW YEAR ☆
    ╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ♥¥☆★☆★☆¥♥ ★☆ ♥♥♥

  7. Debbie,

    I get especially sentimental all through the holidays beginning with Thanksgiving then going into the new year. We’ve never been the partying type and the few New Year’s Eve celebrations we’ve attended were hosted by our Sunday School teacher in our early marriage. After children entered our lives, we kept to quiet family time rockin’ in the new year with a movie marathon, pizza, and snack-filled evening and after the kids moved out, we kept to this tradition. Greeting the new year as a couple isn’t all that bad. 🙂 May you and yours be showered with good blessings throughout 2022 and may we have another wonderful year of friendship, my dear! XOXO

    1. Hi Cathy, thanks for coming by and Happy New Year! 🙂 I guess it’s a matter of what you’re used to, My grandparents in Germany threw fabulous New Year’s Eve house parties and my parents always went out to celebrate. It seems a little odd and lonely, just the two of us at home. Well, those are the current circumstances, so we try to make the best of it. Wishing you and your family all the best for 2022! Thank you for all your support, as well. ?

      1. Debbie,

        You’re right, it’s largely in what we’re used to. It’s like eating bread with dinner every day for your life and then one day you find that you can’t do that anymore. Now, that would be horrible! 😀

  8. We had some great gatherings in past New Year’s celebrations, but doubt we’ll see many more of those unless we move closer to my families back east. Like last year, my wife and I will spend a quiet evening at home and likely go to bed before midnight. At least we have a bottle of “champagne” to split between us. It’s a California sparkling wine that’s labelled as “Champagne” but I don’t think they’re supposed to use that designation anymore. But that’s what it says on the bottle.

    All the best to you in the coming year!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Those were the days, Lee! 🙂 Times have changed for all of us, it seems. It’s true, the Champagne producers in France have the monopoly on the name and it’s illegal for anyone else to use it. In Spain, they call it Cava, in Italy it’s Prosecco or Spumante. Happy New Year and thanks for all your support on the blog!

  9. I remember those days of going to a New Year’s party at a friend’s house. We partied heartily and made sure everyone got home safely. Last few years we partied at our favorite pub until 2020. Now we party at home and probably for the best. Happy New Year to you and yours, Debbie!

    1. Good times were had by all! 🙂 I have to admit, this complete change is a bit of a bore, but, such is life. Happy New Year, Eugenia. Thanks for all your support! ♥

  10. Hi Debbie – it’s amazing how life has changed for many of us in the last 22 months or so … peace and quiet mostly … have a very happy evening, and then let’s hope 2022 gives us a little more ease – cheers Hilary

    1. Yes, peace and quiet in overabundance! Frankly, I’m rather sick of the whole thing, but, we have to ride it out. Happy New Year, Hilary! Thanks for all your support.

    1. Thanks. Corinne! 🙂 I think being over 60 and realizing that life is getting shorter by the day has something to do with my outlook. Happy New Year to you and yours!

    1. That’s one helluva compliment and I thank you for it, Mimi. 😀 Cher just happens to be one of my favourite celebrities, so it means a lot. Happy New Year!

  11. My wife and I spent this New Years alone and it was so nice. We’ve never given a New Years party, but usually we’ve been with my family. Either way I do fine whether quietly by myself (which I’ve done on a couple of Eves) or with a bunch of carousers (preferably my family members).

    Happy New Year to you!

    Arlee Bird

    1. I’m glad you and your wife had a nice time. 🙂 As long as the company is good, it doesn’t matter if it’s a twosome or a crowd. Happy New Year, Arlee!

  12. What a terrific post! Your fond memories sound much like mine. I often wonder how I survived 😉 Last summer I finally let go of my ‘office’ heels since they just didn’t go well with Levi’s.
    Having a party in absentia sounds like something I should have done more than once 😉
    I hope your holiday season was/is wonderful!

  13. Omgosh. I LOVE this post. I could truly imagine those parties. They would’ve been a blast! And, if I’d have been there and been invited, I wouldn’t have missed a one of ’em! – I liked the 80’s. The clothes, the hair, the shoes. What I didn’t like was how housing changed so much. They started building weird looking houses and everything inside was peach and teal or gold n’ black! Just an FYI, I never did jump on the Miami Vice train wagon. Don Johnson just did not do it for me. 🙂

  14. Debbie,

    When we were younger, we did celebrate NYE with our Sunday School group but that’s about it. We were never partyers and after our first child arrived on the scene we stayed home. Of course, we created our own celebrations and as the kiddies grew they enjoyed the fun festivities. Now, it’s just the two of us and that’s fine by me. I like quiet, cozy NYE celebrations. Here’s to another new year of sharing great mewsic and friendship with you. May God’s blessings of good health, happiness, and prosperity be with you throughout 2018. Happy New Year!!

  15. The older we get, the more we revert to our memories. It was nice talking to you guys just now, and I do wish that quantic physics gets going so that we can phase ourselves wherever we want!

    Luv ya! Happy new year!

  16. Wishing you and yours a very happy and healthy New Year, friend Debbie … Me just returned from a lil Southern Caribbean island hoppin adventure … St Thomas, St Kitts, St Lucia, Antigua and Puerto Rico … then meeting up with the “kids” in Fort Lauderdale, Florida for XMas … The kids are travelling North America via van for a year … here is their address in case you are interested: @paulleanneandavan … Me back in snowy Alberta now … Trucking away … 3 more years and then me hope to be free … Anyway … Wishing you well, friend, hmmm? … Love always, cat.

  17. Hi Debbie,

    It’s great to read your post. I was busy with my projects, that’s the reason I was inactive a bit, specially reading & commenting was completely off.

    But Anyways, Thanks for the interesting & informative read. Keep up the good work and enjoy the holidays.

    A Very Happy New Year Debbie! Cheers

    ~ Donna

  18. You knew how to throw a party and so did I and I know I could still do this if I wanted to. My parents had a few fun New Year’s parties that had a great spread, lots of drinking and talking and laughing and we had a dance floor. There are many fun stories from this time.

    1. I used to be a LOT more social, Myke. 🙂 Those days are pretty much over, since we’re older and lazier, now. Still, we will at least go out for dinner on New Year’s Eve. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  19. Hey Debbie,

    That photograph of your four-legged family is just adorable 🙂 Like they have been told they gonna be in a family photograph. May be you told ’em so? 😉

    Actually, we don’t celebrate New Year as a special occasion but do celebrate anyway considering a brand new year. Yet we have our traditional New Year falls in April 😉 Now, that’s where real celebrations begin with all the cultural aspects.

    Ha ha… It’s good to know that I can count on you when I need throw a party Debbie 😉 Awesome!

    Wishin’ you and your all the family members (I know there’s not only 4 or 5) a very Happy New Year Debbie 🙂 May all your favorite dreams come true and happiness be with you throughout the year!


    1. Happy New Year, friend! 🙂 Yes, we had quite a crowd here over the holidays. I hope you have a wonderful celebration in April. Yeah, I can throw a good party, although it’s been years since we did that. Nice memories though. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and sorry for the late reply. All the best for 2014!

  20. This was such a fun retrospect to read of your New Year’s gone past, Debbie! Some of your parties sound like so much fun to have attended. And that is awesome that your friends to enjoy your digs while you guys were gone. Wow, that is trust! I haven’t celebrated New Year’s (as far as out partying for 32 years now due primarily to my employment. And I’m perfectly content to spend it with Phoenix when I get home. Loved the intro with full canine gang! That so made me smile. Happy New Years to all of you! 🙂

    1. Hi Mike; Celebrating New Year’s is a life long tradition that started with my German grandparents, so, staying home alone this year was not really that thrilling for us. LOL We do have a fun group of dogs to hang out with, at least. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and Happy New year to you and Phoenix!

  21. Hi Debbie,

    I can so well relate to all that you wrote, and I think with time things take a little back seat and tend to slow down, more so as we age. We aren’t the very ‘partying kinds’ ourselves but yes, there was a time when the charm of having lavish parties or going out with friend’s was fun. But when kid’s come in and you start a family, or when you begin to prefer your own little space and time, it all slows a wee bit.

    Now we all just like to be with our kids at home, as a family for New Year’s and watch a little of television, say our family prayers and be together, which is much better I feel than anything else.

    Thanks for sharing. Wishing you and yours (including your pets!) a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 🙂

    1. Happy New Year to you and your family, Harleena! 🙂 We had a very quiet one this year; guess we’ve run out of energy! It’s always been a social occasion for us, so this was a bit boring, but at least we have a nice group of dogs to hang out with. Thanks for visiting and all the best for 2014.

  22. Hi there old gal! a kaleidoscope of emotions reading your blog. finally found time to go through your things…came home a bit early, and am, as usual, alone!
    Yes, I remember the parties at your place [and some at my place!] so fondly! And do I remember the year I was flat on my stomach due to a minor operation in an embarassing place LOL! and you brought me everything you guys had to eat! duck à l’orange is what I remember most! Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelicious!
    And the NYE I was back in Canada from the old continent!
    As I said, mixed emotions….sadness for times gone by, happiness for the good time we did have. And being thankful that we were able to enjoy ourselves and each other without the aid of anything except a good drink!
    Am looking forward to having you here! Luv ya both!

    1. What a nice surprise to see you here, Bianca! 😀 Yes, I remember the Duck a L’Orange very well and your incapacity at the time. We sure did have some good times. Looking forward to visiting you!

  23. Stopping through from the blog hop! I’m so happy I found you….so sad I wish I could attend your parties! Sounds amazing…maybe I should start a tradition of my own….sadly we’ve moved too much and we don’t have very many close friends.

    Would love for you to join my Tribe on Triberr (Chewylicious)! I think you’ll be a great fit! Find me on there and I’ll send you an invite! Looking forward to getting to know you better! xoxo

    1. Thanks for the visit, Chewylicious (Chewyleecious). Yes, we had so much fun in the old days and the “spark” is still there. LOL I’ll check out that Triberr link. While I did join some time ago, I haven’t really been very active there yet. See you soon! 🙂

  24. I can relate to what you’re saying Debbie, ah the 80’s were fabulous times. We use to have parties at friends homes and that’s how we would spend our New Year’s Eve. They moved the furniture out of the way too and had room for dancing which we did all night long. Even had a balloon drop, what fun.

    I haven’t been out for NYE in ages now. I sit home alone most years but I love it myself. Watch movies, eat dip and chips and drink. Yep, those are definitely the good days now. So much more mellow.

    I hope you have a wonderful New Year and here is wishing you the best ever.


    1. Watching movies, eating chips and drinking sounds like fun, too. Our Christmas is like that, so now, we like to kick up our heels a little. 🙂 Thanks for visiting, Adrienne and I wish you all the best for 2013. So glad I met you this year. Cheers!

  25. Enjoyed reading about your New Years eve parties ~ I think that was me up on the balcony. My old boss used to shoot big fireworks on New Years and that was fun but he’s passed on. Otherwise we are stay at home and unless I can get a good nap, I will never make midnight. The three of us will enjoy shrimp dinner and after walking the shelter dogs, hope to squeeze in the new Bond flick. Looks like you were right about the 5200 year old Mayan prediction however our “Fiscal Cliff” could snowball the world economy into more depressing austerity… Hope Your New Year ~ European travel!!! goes as planned and you follow up with a book or two ~ take pictures and take care ~ Geohuntr

    1. Thanks for visiting, Geo. Fireworks are a big New Year’s tradition in Germany too, but, not here. Just as well – the dogs get SO scared. The new Bond flick is fantastic – we loved it! 🙂 Enjoy! I’m hoping the U.S. DOESN’T throw the rest of the world back into a recession and I also hope your politicians will see the light and pull together to fix your economy. Yes, we are looking forward to the BIG TRIP and will take many pictures. Books are planned as well, on various topics. Wishing you and your family all the best for 2013. Cheers!

  26. Long ago, we had friends who could throw a party! Oh wow! the times we had! Then they moved, we moved, they moved again…Oh well! Thanks for bringing back some wonderful memories.

    1. Happy New Year to you, too! The parties have dwindled to more quiet evenings, but, it is still nice to get out and mark the occasion. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  27. I love this post, Debbie. Must be my age, but boy oh boy, did it resonate with me. It was like reading the evolution of a human’s life. 🙂

    I’m a tad worried though. We are the people who stay home on New Year’s eve 😉 I like to think it’s because we really are just plum worn out from the whole holiday season with a string of gingerbread parties. Yeah. That’s it. We’re really not old fuddy-duddies. 😉

    Great post! Happy New Year, my friend!! All the best in 2013!

    1. Hi Teresa; Thanks for stopping by and I’m glad you enjoyed my post. 🙂 Well, everyone is different and I do know many people who just want to stay home and chill over New Year’s. Doesn’t make you an “old fuddy-duddy” 😉 We do it the other way around and “coccoon” at Christmas, (no relatives in this country). Happy New Year to you, as well. CHEERS! 😀

  28. I’m getting old. My idea of New Year’s Eve is going to bed way before the ball drops. Unfortunately, that is not the tradition of my in-laws so I will use toothpicks to keep my eye lids open..

    1. This is the lament of many people, I’m sure. One of my friends is a total morning person and can barely stay awake after 9 p.m. Her solution? Coffee! Gets her through many occasions. 🙂 Thanks so much for dropping by and I wish you all the best for 2013. Cheers!

  29. So true how life “happens”, Debbie. Memories are so much a part of our happiness in the present. Here’s to a New Year of happiness, health, and new memories!

  30. You made me laugh…It’s kind of like going through all the stages of adulthood from wild & crazy to falling asleep a half hour before midnight…I’ll be working this New Year’s Eve but will be having that glass of champagne to toast 2013 Happy & Healthy New Year to you and yours

    1. Hi Gizmo; Glad you enjoyed my post and thanks for dropping by. Shame you have to work on New Year’s, but, Cheers to You! Wishing you all the best for 2013.