#AtoZChallenge: “Q” is for QUEBEC CITY

quebec city skyline

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#AtoZChallenge "Q" is for QUEBEC CITY
Day 17: April 19

Quebec City (Ville de Québec) is the capital of the (French) Canadian province Quebec and is situated on the St. Lawrence River, north of Montreal.  It is one of the oldest European settlements in North America and has a fascinating history.  

Quebec’s Old Town (Vieux-Québec) is the only continental fortified city north of Mexico whose walls still exist. 

Quebec City Canada
Wiki Commons

Although French explorer Jacques Cartier built a fort at the site in 1535, this first settlement was abandoned in the summer 1542, due in large part to the hostility of the natives combined with the harsh living conditions during winter. (I can attest to that, having spent several days there on business one January!)

Quebec was founded by Samuel de Champlain, a French explorer and diplomat on July 3, 1608, at the site of a long abandoned St.Lawrence Iroquoian settlement called Stadacona.  Champlain, also called “The Father of New France“, served as its administrator for the rest of his life. – Wikipedia

Many battles were fought over possession of New France.  Quebec City was captured by the British in 1759 during the Seven Years War and held until the end.  France ceded New France, including the city, to Britain in 1763.  During the American Revolution, troops from the southern colonies attempted to “liberate” Quebec, without success.

I’ve been to Quebec City three times (twice on business, once on vacation), and just love it’s European flavour!  Unfortunately, the photos I had are misplaced (again!), but this tourist video illustrates the charm very well:

Chateau Frontenac
Quebec’s most famous landmark: The Hotel Chateau Frontenac 
[Photo Credit]

saint-louis gate
The Saint-Louis Gate, one of four remaining
[Photo Credit]

Rue St. Louis, Quebec
Old Quebec: Rue St. Louis
[Photo Credit]

Rue du Petit-Champlain [PhotoCredit]
Rue du Petit-Champlain
[Photo Credit]

Quebec City has a world-renowned Winter Carnival and a Summer Music Festival.  Lots to do, all year round.  Just bundle up in winter!

Speaking of winter, if you’re into skiing or snowboarding, there are several resorts in the area, with an average natural snowfall of over 400 cm each year.

Aimez-vous Québec? (Do you like Quebec?)  

Looking forward to your comments!

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38 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge: “Q” is for QUEBEC CITY

  1. I have always wanted to visit Quebec, but haven’t…yet! 😉 I would love to visit and stay at Hotel Chateau Frontenac, cruise the St. Lawrence river, see the falls, and possibly immerse myself in the Winter Carnival (if I can withstand the cold). Otherwise their famous jazz fest. 😉 I had no idea that it had old European charm and that would appeal to me: it might remind me of The Netherlands (where I’m from) with cobble stone streets, and small shops etc. 😉 <3

    1. You would love Quebec City, Elly! 🙂 It’s the most European city I’ve seen that’s outside of Europe. It would definitely remind you of home. It certainly does that, for me.

    1. Thanks for dropping by Ambrozya! Sorry to have missed your comment earlier. Montreal is my father’s birthplace and I enjoy it there as well. Quebec City’s European flavour is wonderful. 🙂

  2. Nice one Debbie – and u made me wanna go and visit Quebec even more now:-) Seems to have a lot to offer:-) Hugs

    1. Yes, all that and the ice sculptures you mentioned, Eli. 🙂 It really is a beautiful city and I’d like to go back again, (but only in the summer 😉 )

  3. I had heard about Quebec but didn’t know much about it… thanks for telling about its history and other facts and activities…
    well, I ‘m glad I’ve come to know more about many such nice places, going through A-Z posts

  4. FINALLY – I’ve been some place you mentioned! Now here is the funny part – whenever I think of Quebec I remember the best pizza I ever ate (and I love pizza) We walked a couple miles to get there and certainly were not disappointed. Can I remember the name of the place now? NOPE

  5. Arghh did my comment disappear again? Want to visit Quebec City – easier than traveling to France, but same flavor, I hope 🙂

    You have a new portrait photo, Debbie. I like it!!

    1. Your previous comment was there, Sammy and I just replied to it. Had the same issue on your site though. What new portrait? I haven’t changed anything in months and have the most current one there; the “old grey mare”. Hmmm……..Downright “Twilight Zonish”!

  6. Oui, je l’aime! I’ve never been, and it’s certainly on my list. A tad more accessible than France but hopefully with the flavor. I’ll have to talk to Hub about making a visit to Quebec happen. Thank you for this enticing nudge.

  7. It’s been way too long since I was in Quebec City. You’ve reminded me of what a beautiful city it is and so historical. I lived in Montreal for 7 years in the 1980s and went to Quebec City once during that time with my mom. I must go back again with the hubs sometime. Thanks for another fun travel article to entice us to go traveling.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the article, Cathy. Yes, I’d say it’s time for a return visit, for us too. We were there last in the late 80s. Thanks for visiting. 🙂

  8. I didn’t really know much about Quebec, so this was an interesting article for me. Who knows? I may get there some summer (not winter–Salt Lake City was cold enough for me, and after this winter here in Brooklyn, I’m not a probable winter visitor. 😉

  9. Looks like a very interesting city. Love the The Hotel Chateau Frontenac Thanks for sharing lovely pictures.
    Dropping by from AtoZ

  10. OK, now here’s a city I HAVE visited! We stayed for five nights in a hotel just outside the walls of the old city, and spent every day exploring the streets of Vieux-Québec. I adore that beautiful place, and am dying to return some day. Thanks for the memories!