Here’s the original video, to give you the melody: 



Early in the morning, I can’t sleep

I can’t work, get on the PC

Been lazy all day, can’t concentrate

Better get up, before its too late


Sitting down on my big fat butt

Hours pass and I say “What”?

Next thing you know the day is gone

And once again the job’s not done


Oh no not again!

This can’t be good

I don’t understand





Headache pounds like a big bass drum

Losing all equilibrium

It’s so hard in the middle of the week

Motivation is what I need

Maxine: can't escape the computer!

Oh no not again!

This can’t be good

I don’t understand


[repeat three times]

[Instrumental break]

Time to go and get things done

Trouble is, this is too much fun

My own advice can I really heed?

Motivation is what I need


Oh no not again!

This can’t be good

I don’t understand


[repeat six times]

Rev it up!

alarm clock gif blonde winking gif

Summer Re-run Series at The Doglady's Den

[Originally published April 2012]



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  1. Have you been looking into my home and seeing my on my iPad? Yes, I think you have. This is excellent! I love how you are able to create words to this song. I could never do that.

    1. Hahaha! So many of us get caught up with online stuff and the time whizzes by! 😀 Thanks for the kind words, Birgit. I love writing song parodies. It’s about time to do another one, but the muse is sleeping just now.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed it, Mimi! 😀 I tend to lose myself at the computer and forget about the housework, then freak out because it has piled up so much. Dogs sleep a lot, so there’s plenty of time for me to go down that internet rabbit hole. 😛 As the sign says, my house was in a lot better shape before!

  2. I am a big procastinator when it comes to cleaning to house. I get all sorts of headache, stomachache, leg pain, knee pain before starting it 😛 Loved reading your post. I could so relate to it.

  3. Hi Debbie,

    The broken computer quote, that’s for me too :). I love when you do these. You definitely have an ear for music lady. I love Rod Stewart, this is one of the songs I like from him.

    This week has been full of procrastination and lack of motivation. Your post summed it up perfectly!

    Love the images you shared too. Have a great day and fabulous weekend!

  4. You’re hilarious with your song parodies, Debbie. I can sure relate to this one, that’s for sure. Just call me the Procrastination Queen. I get on that computer and the day whizzes past before my eyes.

  5. It is a lot more fun typing comments to Rod Stewart music. Now I need to do some work, oh well…

  6. Nope – not me. I am the opposite. I married a procrastinator and it drives me nuts. My daughter is one as well. I never put anything off for later — my life motto “Do it right, Do it now.” Judging from your comments I guess I am weird.

    1. You’re not weird, Carol. Just better organized and more industrious than most of us. 😀 I’m easily distracted and go off on tangents a lot. On the plus side, my best efforts are always under pressure and at the last possible moment. Thanks for visiting today. Cheers!

  7. Can totally relate. Even when laughing, I can see that this is me. I have lived my life like this, and it obviously shouldn’t be. Then again, maybe I have too much that I’m “supposed” to do or just want to do too much. Who knows? Thanks for the giggles on this – for me – serious topic.

    1. Hi Linda; It’s been the story of my life as well. I’m so easily distracted. LOL Truth is though, I do my best work under pressure and at the last minute. Good point, we probably DO have too much on our plates. Thanks for visiting and have a great day.

    1. Me too, Corinne! 😀 Glad you enjoyed this (and Rod is one of my all-time favourites as well). Thanks for visiting and have a great day.

  8. LOL, funny and yes, I’m a terrible procrastinator! Shiny bright objects or not enough hours in the day to do all I want to do. PRIORITIZE they say! I’ll do that as soon as I finish this…. hee hee

  9. Hi Debbie, this does sound familiar. I was going to go to the gym this a.m. but here I am still online 🙂 Let’s see if I make it after work or if it will be the same story 🙂 Thanks for the humor today!

  10. once you get sat at the pc time just flys past before you know it its dark thanks for visit debbie xxjen

  11. I LOVE IT! Such a great choice of images to compliment the message of your witty lyrics. So many of us can relate.

  12. I got plenty of that going on this spring – things are beginning to pile up: tax prep still on hold, fencing projects and lots of outside things that need attention – very difficult, especially when the task master isn’t home to keep me on track.

    1. Hahaha! Yes, “when the cat’s away, the mice will play! 😉 Hope you don’t owe any taxes, because the IRS will get ya if you’re late! 😮