garland gif

Much as I love the holidays, there’s always lots to do at this time of year. Mostly reruns of Christmas specials and movies on TV, but those are fun, don’t you think? To that end, please enjoy one of my holiday reruns:

Holiday Rerun Series at The Doglady's Den

‘Tis the season to be busy Fa La La La La, La, La, La, La
Hither, yon and in a tizzy Fa La La La La, La, La, La, La

Originally published Dec. 6, 2013. Updated Dec. 9, 2016 and Nov. 23, 2022

Woah! Wait a minute! Wasn’t it summer yesterday?  

Hard to believe it’s almost December and time for our usual holiday rituals. Don’t get me wrong; I love this time of year (except for the weather), and my German upbringing is steeped in tradition.

debbie loves the holiday season

Happy Holidays from The Doglady's Den

We always went full tilt inside and out with the decorating. It was physically taxing, but worth it for the spectacular results. Hubby grumbled about the roof lights. I wouldn’t be happy without them, so up he went on that extension ladder, year after year. I did my share too, at ground level, though (acrophobic).

christmas lights 2010 for the holiday season

Happy Holidays from The Doglady's Den

This continued every year until 2013, when we lost our festive mojo. “Are you ready for this?” I asked. He shook his head. “No; why don’t we just skip it?”

SKIP IT??! What a concept!  

I couldn’t go along with that, but agreed to forego the outdoor light show for a couple of understated, pre-lit trees and cut back on elaborate decorations. Instead, we added a few more lights indoors because they give the house such a warm, inviting glow.

holiday christmas tree

Happy Holidays from The Doglady's Den

So, what was wrong with us?

Exhaustion. That was the year of our epic 4oth anniversary trip. Running around Europe for a month and climbing all those rocks and steps in Greece had taken a toll. Either that or we were getting old!

It must be the latter because the house lights have yet to reappear. Instead, we discovered a workable compromise with laser lights. Much easier than scaling a ladder and crawling through the bushes!

Laser lights: The Holiday Season

Happy Holidays from The Doglady's Den

Skimpy or not, the decorations look nice, and that festive feeling has returned. We enjoy the social aspects of the season as well; good times, good friends (not since COVID!), epicurean delights, roasted chestnuts…

There’s much to be grateful for. So many people are struggling, and it’s especially difficult for them at this time of year. (Especially now, in 2022!) We always try to give back by contributing to various food banks and charities. Everyone deserves a little good cheer!

Happy Holidays from The Doglady's Den

Previously, our house teemed with four-legged guests. (I operated a home boarding service for dogs, but retired in 2021.) Many people go on vacation for Christmas and New Year’s, so, we literally “went to the dogs”. COVID pretty much put me out of business, and I’m okay with that now. Hubby also retired last year and we enjoy the more languid pace.


There’s still shopping, wrapping and so on to do; things I find fairly tedious, but once again, the end result makes it all worthwhile.

Happy Holidays from The Doglady's Den

What do YOU do to prepare for the holidays?  

Or, perhaps you don’t?

wishing friends happy holidays

Debbie signature style 5


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  1. DEBBIE ~
    For a bloke who’s always been known as a “Mr. Christmas” kind of guy, I am way behind this year. Haven’t even got my Christmas tree up yet or mailed any cards.

    Hopefully today I can get the lights on the tree fixed and get it installed so I can decorate it tomorrow while drinking Hot Buttered Nuttin.

    I have been playing lots of Christmas music, however, and have watched 5 of the Christmas shows I watch annually, so I’m not 100% behind the 8-Ball.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    STMcC Presents ‘Battle Of The Bands’

    1. Christmas music and shows are surefire ways to get in that festive mood. 🙂 Here’s hoping all went well with your tree! Hot-buttered cocoa, maybe? Do people still send Christmas cards? We stopped doing that a few years ago. Used to take me a whole weekend, but I included my clients, so it was a real pain. Thanks for dropping in. See you on the 15th!

  2. Hi Debbie!
    Love your holiday message! I see I must have channeled some of your thoughts when I wrote my blog – ha! You brought to mind a book I read a few years back by John Grisham, called “Skipping Christmas”.
    Now that hubs has put up outdoor lights this year, I can’t wait to drag out all the decorations! We have dated bulbs for every year we’ve been together, so our tree is pretty crowded 😉 Merry Christmas, my friend!

    1. Thank you, diedre. 🙂 I haven’t read John Grisham’s book, but we watch the movie based on it, “Christmas with the Kranks”, every year. Funny, silly and cute. 😀 Your tree sounds lovely. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  3. Debbie,

    I always admire those dedicated to bringing a little Christmas to those of who aren’t so include to do all that fanfare outside. Secretly I wished that we had done it but time or expense never allowed it and now…well, age sorta gets in the way. Not that we can’t do it but just a little too scared to try for fear something horrible will go wrong…broken leg, hip, or neck perhaps. Anywho, loved the recorded voice Christmas greetings. You have a great voice and should be on radio. 🙂 Have a joyful, blessed season, dear friend and God bless! 😉

    1. Hi Cathy; Not everyone is into it, but we’ve always been gung-ho about decorating for Christmas. Had to make things easier on ourselves in recent years, though. No more roof climbing! The laser lights are a reasonable alternative, but I do miss the old ones. I’m glad you enjoyed the recording and thanks for the compliment. 🙂 It seems, I’ve missed my calling, going by how many people have had similar comments. Maybe an internet radio station? Never too late, yes? 😉 Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas!

  4. I love outdoor lights but totally understand how hard it is when one gets older. We have a big tree that my hubby decorated with coloured lights, the old fashioned kind. We also have the LED lights on the other 3 trees in blue and one in coloured. Suddenly the lights went out on the big tree and my hubby couldn’t find it plus he hates those old fashioned lights. Last week…..he took down those lights and sthat was that!the other trees are lit but I miss the big tree. I have completed my advent wreath and plan to decorate some more today. I have my traditional Santas out, the village, nativity scene, hand carved from South Tirol and I decorate the real tree with lights, ornaments and lameta. I still have the old Kind right from Germany which, yes, are lead based but no one died and no pussy cat has ever been harmed.

    1. Hi BIrgit; I understand your hubby’s frustration! Those old lights are a pain because the whole set dies when one burns out. Hopefully, he will get some new ones to put on there. Sounds like your house is beautifully decorated. 🙂 That German tinsel really is so much nicer than the modern version. We only use tabletop trees here (pre-lit and decorated) and no tinsel, but they’re still pretty. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  5. Wow, I love the image of the lights outside your home. Gives the whole house such a festive look. You certainly go all out for Christmas. We do something similar for Diwali, although not around the whole house.

    Have a lovely,warm, wonderful Christmas, Debbie!

    1. Thank you, Shailaja. 🙂 I can imagine how beautiful everything looks for your Diwali celebrations. Christmas lights seem to be falling out of favour here, so the laser lights are a good alternative. Quick and easy!

  6. I love the laser lights… Have seen it here too… They look beautiful and need less work too. Love your four legged guests. Have a wonderful Christmas ?

    1. At first, I thought the laser lights were a poor substitute for the real thing, but I’m starting to like them more. Way less work, that’s for sure! Thanks for dropping by. Wishing you and yours the happiest of holidays. 🙂

  7. This post is a treat to the eyes and reminds me of the holiday season in Shillong, just before Christmas – the winter, the reds and greens and the scent of cakes with the sounds of carols being practised. I loved the holiday season and generally just wait to relax a bit during this time 🙂

  8. The laser lights is a splendid idea and also looks amazing! I go traveling in a Christmas. I find joy in seeing the beautiful lit places and cheerful people around. ?
    Have a great December ?

  9. We gave our full size tree to my youngest daughter, in favor of a four footer, that stands on a table. More people means less space, so this made sense. It’s all good.
    Wifey and I are taking two days off work, in advance of Christmas. One of the days will be dedicated to wall to wall shopping; the other will be to take our niece to lunch, then on to grocery shopping for the holiday season. These will be fun days.

    1. Hi, Corinne; Yes, the last two weeks of December and first week of January are always booked up well in advance. The dogs enjoy their holiday and it’s fun for us, too. 🙂 I’m glad you like the lights. They’re a major compromise, but better than nothing. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  11. I so love the holidays! Your lazer lights look better than I’d imagined. We haven’t dragged out exterior lights out of the closet since our daughter moved out. As it is, I’ve yet to even get my tree up, but plan to do so by week’s end – or bust! Have you read “Skipping Christmas” by John Grisham? Thanks for the Christmas carol!

    1. Hi, Diedre; The laser lights aren’t bad, but they don’t hold up so well when comparing them to the real thing. Still, they satisfy my need to have something lit up outside. (Those skimpy little trees weren’t doing it. LOL) Have you put up your tree yet? Didn’t read Grisham’s book, but the movie, “Christmas With the Cranks”, is part of our holiday viewing marathon lineup. Silly fun! 😀 Wishing you and your family all the best for Christmas and beyond!

  12. This has been the year for starting some new traditions. It just seemed easier since our family has changed a lot. Some have left us. Some have moved far enough away to make the old way of doing things impossible. Some have new families to consider. I just decided to make it easier for everyone and myself to say, let’s make it work for everyone, but in a different way. Fingers crossed.

    Have a great Christmas and here’s to a wonderful 2017.

  13. Well, darned if you have not just gotten me feeling all holiday-ish here and now… This Christmas poses numerous challenges, but then, don’t they all?

    I am quite fascinated by the concept of your laser lights, Debbie.

    1. I’m sorry you’re facing challenges this Christmas, Myke. May you find some joy in the season, regardless. The laser lights are better than nothing, but honestly, I think the traditional ones look so much nicer. We’re making allowances for age and infirmities. 😛

  14. I am so totally with you on ‘Christmas and winter and German’ 🙂 I don’t like the cold either, but the lights – mhmm – love ’em! I can understand that you are skipping the roof lights, but honestly they are one of the nicest ones IMO. Those laser lights are popping up all around this year.

    1. It seems everyone else is getting lazy too. 🙂 The traditional lights do look much better, but, short of paying someone else to put them up (that’s an expensive service here), it’s just too difficult for our old, arthritic selves. (Hubby and I are both over 60.) Frohe Festtage, Claudia!

  15. Well, I love the Germans who really know how to celebrate Christmas! I make my Advent wreath and it hangs from the ceiling with 4 candles on it although I am scared to light the candles. I have my musical garland with the cherubs hanging each with a different musical instrument. I have a couple more garlands, one looks very German. I have my Santas and other decor. I also put up my nativity and my houses. Finally, my tree which has coloured lights, ornaments that my mom made from eggs and glass ornaments. Finally, I place the lameta on one by one and I have the combo of German tinsel and Canadian flyaway tinsel. I am off this coming week so besides decorating, I will be baking and making my German cookies:)

    1. Real German tinsel is the best, isn’t it? Sounds like you’re really into the spirit! 😀 I’m intrigued by your handmade egg ornaments. Do you have a photo of them on your blog? My mother and grandmother used to bake wonderful Christmas goodies. Sadly, I didn’t inherit the baking gene, but the local German deli has some delectable items. Frohe Festtage, Birgit. Viel Spaß!

  16. Debbie,
    I think the decorations look awesome. Just looking at your pictures put me in the Christmas spirit. But I have to say. The cold weather sucks. All those dogs will keep you warm. We home boarded a dog once for a shelter. I was sad to see her go. But she was adopted by a nice family.

    1. Hi Lauren; Glad you enjoyed the post. I do miss the look of the outdoor lights, but not the work involved. The interior is very Christmas-y, though. Agree about the cold weather! 🙁 The only good thing about snow, in regards to the dogs, is that it’s clean. Rain is my biggest nemesis. Dogs are such sweet creatures, aren’t they? (Well, the ones I look after, anyway). One of my favourites, (an adorable little Bichon), just passed away unexpectedly and I was heartbroken. Thanks for visiting and Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to you and yours! 🙂

  17. Hi Debbie,

    What a gorgeous tribute to Christmas and I love your pictures and cartoon that represents you. So, cute 🙂

    I agree with you, I thought it was summer yesterday too. As a matter of fact, I’ve moved back in May and it seems to be like I just moved only a few weeks ago, really. Time just fly by so quick!

    Thanks for the fun read.

    1. Hi Sylviane; Glad you enjoyed the post. It’s amazing how quickly time passes and it seems, the older we get, the faster it goes! Thanks for visiting and Joyeux Noël! 😀

  18. Hey Debbie,

    Well I don’t blame you really. With all that globe trotting you two did and this time of the year just creeping up on us, it’s hard to get in the mood.

    I quit putting up a tree years ago. As you know I live alone so although someone would help me put it in the car, it was up to me to do everything else once I got home and I live in a condo so I had a little bit of a walk from my car to my front door. Add about 10 years of doing that and you’ll forgo the tree too!

    I do decorate though and it’s very festive in here. It’s pretty to me but very minimal. That’s okay, no one ever comes over to my house for the holidays, I’m always going to theirs. It’s for my eyes only the majority of the time but I don’t mind.

    I’m sure it’s pretty anyway and I do love your little tree. The lights on the house are pretty too, I do love looking at lights. You probably made a wise choice though.


    1. Hi Adrienne; We’re just too tired this year to do the usual stuff, but, the two little lighted trees on the porch are better than no lights at all. I completely understand about the indoor tree! It’s so much work! We haven’t had a full sized one in many years, because of the dogs. We do have three table top models with lights and they look pretty in the dark. 🙂 Easy as can be, because after the season, they go back in the basement, under dust covers. Of course, decorating should be done for yourself, regardless whether people come over or not. We don’t do much entertaining either, because there’s a houseful of dogs. It’s primary clients dropping off and picking up.
      Thanks so much for visiting. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  19. Hi Debbie, since my kids are grown I don’t get into it as much. I supposed a week prior I will do some decorating. I’ve yet to get the cards. I must move soon. I wish life were more simple and we could keep holidays simple too 🙂 I hope you have a great one Debbie. Loving your bitstrips!

    1. Hi Lisa; Many people probably feel the same way. We don’t have kids, but I’ve always been big on decorating for the holidays. We’re getting older though and the physical labours of it were just too much this year. LOL As for cards, I only do a few now, whereas a couple of years ago, it took an entire weekend to get them done. I’ve found that many people prefer the ease of sending ecards, anyway. Those Bitstrips are fun. Wish they had a bigger wardrobe, though. 😀 Thanks for visiting. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  20. Amazing and Thank you for writing which is quite good and best wishes always, and greetings. Kindness blossoms in your heart.

  21. Good morning, Debbie!

    I’ve yet to do one bit of Xmas shopping, not even cards. Xmas has come too fast this year. I propose we delay it one month till 25 January 2014 to allow procrastinators and others time to catch-up!

    Merry Xmas to you and your readers!

    1. Good day, Chi Chi! 😀 I so agree that Christmas has come too fast, but, somehow, things always get done. I stopped sending most cards a couple of years ago, because it’s just too time consuming. Thanks for visiting and a Merry Christmas to you, too. Cheers!

  22. Hi Debbie,

    It surely must be feeling nice to be back after such a lovely vacation 🙂

    Yes, it’s the holiday season for all of you. For me too, though more than Christmas and New Year’s, we have the kid’s vacations that keep us rather busy. Ah…and their never ending decorations, and wanting goodies all the time keeps poor Mom busy!

    Loved the pictures, and your home surely looks warm and inviting with that wonderful Christmas tree. Seems like you’d be busy with the pet lovers leaving their pets at your place, but then I’m glad they have you to take care.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend, and wishing you all the best for a lovely Christmas, though it’s still away but the moods set right 🙂

    1. Good day, Harleena; Actually, coming back from Europe was rather anticlimactic, but, now we are enjoying the holiday season. 🙂 Sounds like you will have your hands full too, but, I’m sure there will be some enjoyable moments as well. Fortunately, my husband will be on vacation for 10 days and he always helps with the dogs, then. Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for visiting and Merry Christmas to you and yours!