Hosted by StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands, this is where you listen to different recordings and choose the one you prefer. There are two “Battles” per month, on the 1st and 15th. Votes will be tallied and posted the following week. (Please note: Effective July 2017, I switched to once a month on the 15th only. This will allow me more time to share other types of material with you.) Click HERE to view a complete list of my BOTB entries. See below for a list of current participants. Care to join us? Contact our host, by clicking on the above link and leaving a comment on his blog. The more, the merrier!
This round features a Canadian band facing off against an American singer/songwriter/Idol winner
[for reference only – not part of the vote]“Wicked Game” is a song by American rock musician/actor Chris Isaak, released from his third studio album Heart Shaped World (1989). Despite being released as a single that year, it did not become a hit until it was later featured in the David Lynch film Wild at Heart (1990).
Lee Chesnut, an Atlanta radio station music director who loved David Lynch films, began playing the song, and it quickly became a nationwide top-ten hit in January 1991, reaching number 6 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, making it the first hit song of Isaak’s career.
It has subsequently been covered by many other artists and been featured in numerous high-profile movies and television series and advertisements, so much so that Dazed magazine questioned whether it might be the most influential love song in modern music. – WIKIPEDIA
Background info only. Now, on to the actual contest…
Theory of a Deadman (abbreviated as Theory) is a Canadian rock band from Delta, British Columbia, formed in 2001. The band also includes traits of other music styles, such as country and acoustic, in addition to their post-grunge and alternative rock base. Our host, Stephen, recently featured Theory’s hit, “Santa Monica” in one of his battles (They lost. Hope that’s not a bad omen!)
“Wicked Game” is the 11th (last) track on Theory’s sixth studio album, Wake Up Call, released in October 2017.
Phillip LaDon Phillips Jr. (born September 20, 1990) is an American singer, songwriter and actor who won the eleventh season of American Idol on May 23, 2012. His coronation song, “Home,” became the all time best seller from American Idol. His debut album, The World from the Side of the Moon, was released on November 19, 2012. “Wicked Game” is the 14th track from the bonus edition.
Please state your preference in comments below and why you chose it.
Voting remains open until 11:59 pm, April 21st,
after which I will count the votes, add mine and publish the results.
These are the other BOTB regulars and semi-regulars.
Please cruise on by their sites and, if they have a post up, vote on their selections as well:
[Check back – there’s no set posting time]ai love music / Cherdo On The Flipside / Curious as a Cathy / Jingle Jangle Jungle /
Mike’s Ramblings / Sound of One Hand Typing / HOST: StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands / Tossing it Out
As always, “Sharing is Caring”. Spread this musical joy all over your social networks.
Hashtags are #BOTB and #dogladysden
WICKED GAME | BATTLE OF THE BANDS #BOTB Who did it better? #dogladysen Share on X
Next Battle on this site will be May 15th.
In the meantime, come on back for some other cool stuff:
[Click on image for details. Everyone welcome to participate!]~~~~~~~~
[Click on image for details. New participants welcome!]~~~~~~~~~ WEDNESDAY, MAY 1ST:
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Phillip Phillips gets my vote
Yay! Another vote for Phillip. Not looking too good for him, though. Results are in.
I like Theory’s version the best. It doesn’t have a lot of instruments but the vocals are great.
Thanks for casting your vote! The results have been tabulated. Have a good week. 🙂
Phillip Phillips does put a different spin on the song, but it’s just not appealing to me. I’m definitely handing my vote over to Theory. Good battle! Sorry to be so slow to make my rounds.
Thanks for voting, Mary. Better late than not at all and I’m very late with responses, so, I guess that makes us even. 🙂 Results are in, now.
“Hokey-Smoke!!” (As Rocket J. Squirrel would exclaim.)
DEBBIE, this Battle was “Fantabulous!” (As Van Morrison would exclaim.)
This may have been my favorite BOTB installment in this round as it appealed to me on multiple levels:
First of all, the song title, ‘Wicked Game’, meant nuttin’ to me. (I didn’t think I’d ever heard the song before.) But you mentioned Chris Isaak and his album ‘ Heart Shaped World’ (1989). I recognized that as being one of the all-time favorite albums of a dear friend of mine, The ~Flyin’ Aardvark~. She’s such a wonderful person, and I remember her touting that album years ago on her Amazon profile page.
So I played the Chris Isaak original first. I don’t normally bother playing originals when a BOTBer embeds one “for reference purposes”. But I did this time because I knew it came from one of my friend’s favorite albums. I recognized the song INSTANTLY – I’ve heard it dozens and dozens of times but didn’t know the artist or the title.
I felt that the Theory Of A Dead Man cover was just too similar to the Isaak original. They were playing it pretty close to the vest, and when a band records a cover that barely deviates from the original, I always wonder: “What’s the point? Why bother? That approach to the song has already been established.”
However, PHILLIP PHILLIPS definitely made the song his own, and in the process, he added another level of intensity to it. His singing left me thinking: “Wow! This guy REALLY means it!!
Excellent Battle, but casting my vote for P.P. was easy.
~ D-FensDogG
That happens to all of us, I think. We know a song when we hear it, but not the artist or title. I’m thrilled this was one of your favourite battles, Stephen. 🙂 And also that Phillip got another vote. It was looking like a dreaded shutout for awhile. He is an excellent singer in my opinion, as well. Interesting point about covers being too much like the original. Results are in.
Thanks for joining me in my BoTB showdown!
Great battle song featuring two amazing talents but I knew before I clicked on either artist who’d get my favorite and after listening to them my opinion remains the same. Ever since his introduction in 2012, who I predicted early into the season would win the 11th season of AI, I loved his style. Give my vote to Phillip Phillips. I haven’t kept up with his career since that time but hope he’s making a decent living as a mewsician. Have a bandtastic day, my friend!
Hi Cathy; It was looking like a shutout, but your vote for Phillip Phillips averted that, thank goodness! I think he’s doing very well as a musician. His first single was used in commercials and a movie. Good start for him! I’ve been a fan since his very first Idol audition. Thanks for voting!
This will be attempt #3 to get your blog not to eat my comment. Normally, I comment, hit post, and seconds later, it- and I- am right there. Tonight, two tries, both depositing me back at the TOP of the blog and leaving no comment. So if any of the other two show up, I wasn’t drunk! I voted for Theory all 3 times, btw…
Hi Chris; Sorry you had problems with comments. I see a total of 4 from you here. Theory is running away with this battle. Thanks for persevering.
I don’t know what happened, but sometimes, if you don’t see your comment, try refreshing the page and checking again. It will usually show up. Only one vote counts, though. 🙂 Not that Theory needs any help, by the look of things.
Theory of a Deadman gets my nod in this tangle, Debbie. That was a pretty smooth track.
And, just about everyone agreed, Myke. 🙂 Results are in. Thanks for voting!
OBVIOUSLY my first attempt got ate. Again: “I first heard it on 90210… sad to say. Easy vote for Theory.”
I first heard it on 90210… sad to say. Easy pick for Theory this time.
All comments accounted for. The internet moves in mysterious ways…
I know it sounds a bit like the original (though Chris Isaak…whew…not too shabby), but I really liked THEORY OF A DEADMAN more than Phillip Phillips.
This is seriously a favorite song of mine; loved it the first time I heard it. Great video, too!
Thanks, and best wishes!
Cherdo on the Flipside
Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge
It’s definitely one of the most hauntingly beautiful songs around. ♥ Thanks for your vote, Cheryl. Results are in.
Theory of a Deadman is my vote.
Have a fabulous day and week, Debbie. ♥
Thanks for coming by to vote, Sandee. 🙂 Results are in. Have a great week!
One of my most favorite songs by Chris Isaak. Saw him perform it live and it gave me chills. Theory gets my vote for sure, not sure whether it was the video that went with it or just his haunting voice. I couldn’t even listen to the Phillip Phillips version. Great battle.
Seeing a live performance of this song must have been fantastic, Janet! ♥ Thanks for voting. Results are in. 🙂
Theory all the way for me! I love the voice which is strong and the musicality. Phillip Phillips just sounded like so many of the American Idol people and same with the musical accompaniment. I found it boring. How about this weather eh? Maybe we will see colour one day soon.
Another vote for Theory. Thanks, Birgit. We are yearning for some long-lasting spring weather at this point. You never know what’s going to happen from day to day! 😛
Loved this song my Isaak! I am casting my vote for Theory of a Dead Man.
Thanks, Eugenia! 🙂 Another vote for Theory.
I remember first hearing this song in the David Lynch film and then immediately getting the album on cassette (ugh!). On a recent American Idol show one of the contestants sang this is duet with Isaak. It was pretty cool.
I do like Phillips but maybe not as much on this song. Give my vote to Theory of a Dead Man.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Funny you should mention the American Idol duet with Isaak! Watching that gave me the idea for today’s battle. 🙂 It was a great pairing! First vote goes to Theory. Thanks, Lee!