garland gif

‘Tis the season to be busy
Fa La La La La, La, La, La, La
Hither, yon and in a tizzy
Fa La La La La, La, La, La, La

Much as I love the holidays, there’s always lots to do at this time of year.
Mostly reruns of Christmas specials and movies on TV, but those are fun, don’t you think?
To that end, please enjoy one of my holiday reruns:

[Originally published  Dec. 5, 2012. Updated Dec. 6, 2021]

Holiday Rerun Series at The Doglady's Den

Winter is my least favourite time of year (fortunately, we live in southern Canada, so it’s not as bad as most of the country). Despite that, I always look forward to December and all the trimmings of the holiday season. One thing I can’t get my head around is the “new age” decorating style.

Pink?  Purple???  What?????  Please!  

Compare these three images:

To each their own, of course, but wouldn’t you agree the traditional style is more elegant and pleasing to the eye? Is this a generational thing? Perhaps it stems from my heritage. The Christmas Tree or Tannenbaum was invented by Germans, and we take it very seriously.

I can remember my mother painstakingly hanging the tinsel “just so” and lighting the real candles, fastened to sterling silver holders.

candles for the season

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Are you in the mood yet? 

greenery and bow for the holiday season

People have different tastes for Christmas carols and other holiday music. I like most of it, traditional and contemporary, but please…


Starting too early is not a good idea either and tends to turn people off.  December 1st sounds about right, don’t you think?

This is my favourite Christmas classic; originating in 19th century Austria:

Michael Bublé, that silky-voiced Canadian crooner,
(yes; he’s one of ours), came out with a wonderful Christmas CD in 2011.
Here’s a sampling:

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Alright, we have the decor and the music. What about sustenance? Most of us over-indulge in December, and you know what? So we should!

This is, after all, the “holiday” season; let’s relax and enjoy it! A friend once said that calories don’t count this time of year, and I fully agree—plenty of time for dieting after New Year’s.

christmas season dinner
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The commercialization of Christmas has become ridiculous, wouldn’t you say? People strive to find bigger, more expensive gifts and load their credit cards to the breaking point.

Come January, when the bills roll in, they’ve probably forgotten all they spent and keel over in shock! No wonder it’s such a miserable month.

I would much prefer an inexpensive, meaningful gift to an extravagant, frivolous one, any day.

xmas gifts - a great season tradition
scroll divider coexist happy holiday season

My holiday wishes, especially for you!
Thanks so much for supporting the blog.

santa debbie

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What do you enjoy most about the holidays?

(Or, perhaps you don’t?**)

Debbie signature style 5

For more festive music, visit the 4M crew HERE►

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**Postscript: Not everyone enjoys the holidays!
Please be kind and generous to those less fortunate. 🎄💖


podcasts by debbie d.



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63 thoughts on “‘TIS THE SEASON!

  1. DEBBIE ~

    This was a good rerun.

    >>… Winter is my least favourite time of year (fortunately, we live in southern Canada, so it’s not as bad as most of the country). Despite that, I always look forward to December and all the trimmings of the holiday season. One thing I can’t get my head around is the “new age” decorating style.

    I agree! When I was a young lad, I kind of liked the “flocked” trees (fake white, snow-like stuff on them), probably because growing up in Southern California, snow wasn’t a thing – we didn’t even know what a ‘White Christmas’ was. But now that I’m older and have spent nearly a decade living in places where Winter snow is to be expected, I have changed my mind about fake snow on trees. Flock that!!

    I hope you have a Merry Merry and a Happy Happy, Debbie!
    Stay safe and well… so you can overindulge like ya ought! 🙂

    ~ Stephen
    DogGtor of Alcohology &
    King of Inebriation Nation

  2. Growing up in New York City in a housing project, I loved to see the window lights people decorated their apartment windows with. My Dad took me to Radio City Music Hall two or three times (that I can remember) to see the Christmas show and the Rockettes and, of course, there were the decorated department store windows. I haven’t seen Midtown Manhattan since the early 1970’s and I would love to go back. That’s my memory! The instrumental Silent Night and Michael Buble really put me in the Christmas mood. Now, I’m longing for some eggnog.

    1. Big city lights and decorations are so beautiful, aren’t they? ? I can imagine that Manhatten offers some spectacular displays! Thanks for sharing your Christmas memory, Alana. Cheers! ?

  3. This was a good one to revisit, Debbie. Parts of it made me sad, because of someone who is no longer an active part of my life. I may be getting sentimental in my twilight times.

  4. Hi Debbie – yes the natural, old fashioned (I guess) Christmas tree – that’s what we have … nothing tacky! But each to their own. Enjoy your build up … I’m still taking it easy here – a few things going on … but I’m not travelling out of the area – so will be reading lots and keeping out of everyone’s way. Well a few seasonal dinners … and some personal presents … let’s hope things improve next year. Enjoy some of those traditional carols – they are the best – but Michael Buble isn’t bad!!! All the best – Hilary

    1. Yes, I think “tacky” describes these renegade decorations pretty well! 😀 But, as you said, to each their own. Nobody is travelling here either, but we always stick close to home in December anyway. I’m sure many others are upset, though, and I hope this dreaded COVID situation clears up in the new year. Thanks for coming by, Hilary. Cheers! ?

  5. What a festive post, Debbie! I am a traditionalist and prefer a green tree with lots of twinkling lights and pretty baubles. I enjoy December and the holiday spirit and I even enjoy cold weather (our cold weather, not yours – lol). Here’s a toast and wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season. ?

    1. Hahaha! Yes, I think your “cold” weather would be a lot easier to take, Eugenia. 😀 Although, we do have milder spells too. Cheers to you and yours! ?

  6. Ughh…Screw the pink tree and that all purple tree. I love purple and have a glass fish ornament that is purple but not all purple. I am all for traditional which stands the test of time. I play German Christmas carols, The Pops, Andre Rieu, Harry Simone, Ivan Rebroff and Freddie but also Bing and a collection of the old singers who know how to sing and not sound like a cat in heat. Germans are THE best when it comes to decorating which is why so many traditions come from Germany without anyone realizing. I still hang my tinsel on the tree, one by one. Love the songs you have here and a great shout out to Michael Buble.

  7. So far, I have ordered stuff for Laurie, and manufactured a cross out of Chewy boxes to affix lights to and posted it at the front window. Anticipate looking for more lights to string up soon, as I am off this week. Currently I am amusing myself by betting on KHL games on draft kings. (My son lost on the Leafs last night, lol!) Happy holidays!

    1. Lights are beautiful and make our homes feel cozier, don’t they? 🙂 Ahhh, The Leafs are so unpredictable! ? Merry Christmas to you and your family! ?

  8. I love the green trees decorated in red and gold.

    Oh the food and I drank a glass of champagne too. Thanks.

    Have a fabulous day and week, Debbie. Big hug. ♥

  9. Debbie,

    What a beautiful post for the season! I’m a traditionalist when it comes to Christmas decor. I prefer an evergreen tree, fake or real to glitzy shiny or colored ones. “Silent Night” is perhaps my favorite Christmas song, as well. The message and the melody are simply lovely – so peaceful. That’s what we want to feel this time of year. Thanks for sharing some wonderful sounds of the season, my friend. Please feel free to join the 4M crew on the dance floor. 😉

    1. Thanks, Cathy! ? Yes, peace and goodwill should be the theme this month and every month. Too bad that holiday spirit doesn’t last. I’m glad you enjoyed the post, and I added my link to your 4M crew. Merry Christmas! ?

      1. I agree hope and peace needs to extend pass the holidays, Debbie. It’s a shame when folks don’t wish to carry these essential year round for healthier, happy attitude. Can you imagine the difference we would see in our world if people did? Change begins with me and so I’ll continue to share these things with others whenever possible. Thank you for joining the 4M party, my dear. You rock!

  10. I’m not much of a Christmas person or December for that matter haha! That said, I do like to spread my joy to others for their time of the year. I do like some of the nostalgic Christmas music! 🙂

    1. You’re in good company, Mike! Lots of people aren’t into Christmas and don’t like December either. I, for one, hate the cold, the early darkness and the general greyness. Holiday fun makes it a little more bearable and some of the good old songs stir up the festive spirit. Thanks for dropping in! Wishing you all the best in the New Year.

  11. It would be the classic colours for me too, Debbie. This is the first time I’m listening to Christmas carols this season. So thank you. Silent Night is simply the best one ever!

    1. Hi Corinne; We of the “old school” seem to be large in number! 😀 I’m glad you enjoyed the musical selections here. Thanks so much for dropping in! Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas.

  12. This Christmas is shaping up to be quite epic. I am all caught up in the season.

    Wishing all the best this holiday season to you, Debbie, and all your fine friends here…

  13. I’m not in much of a Christmas mood this year. I’m not going back East so that’s kind of sad. I’ll be home alone probably, but I’m kind of indifferent about this. Hopefully, my wife will spend a few days of her vacation with me and not spend all her time at her daughter’s house. Either way, I’m okay.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Home alone at Christmas? That is sad, Lee and I hope your wife will spend time with you. Sorry you couldn’t go see your family back east. May 2019 be a better year for you!

  14. >>… “NO RAP!”


    >>… “Starting too early is not a good idea either and tends to turn people off. December 1st sounds about right, don’t you think?”

    I LOVE Christmastime, and I refer to Thanksgiving as “The Gateway To Christmas”, so I’m willing to start with the Christmas stuffs the day after Thanksgiving (whatever date Thanksgiving happens to fall on). But I staunchly adhere to that rule — so, I will NOT listen to Christmas music on the radio (or anywhere else) until Thanksgiving Day (in the U.S.) has passed.

    ~ D-FensDogG @ STMcC Presents ‘BATTLE OF THE BANDS’

    1. Hi Stephen; Hope you had a good vacation! Starting at U.S. Thanksgiving seems logical. In Canada, we celebrate that holiday in October, so that wouldn’t work, although the stores already have their decorations on display. 😛 They used to wait until after Halloween! ~rolling eyes~ German tradition starts everything on the 1st Advent (4th Sunday before Christmas), which can fall either late Nov. or early Dec. Thanks for coming by and have a Merry Christmas!

  15. I love Christmas and my mom brought the true meaning of it to us since she was German. No country can compare to the beauty of Christmas more so than Germany from the tree, to the lights, the Christmas markets and family. They do not make it Disney, pink, purple or have music where the lead singer sounds like a cat’s tail is being pulled. I listen to the German carols with the bells, Andre Rieu, Bing, The Tenors etc… We even have the Bonanza Christmas album which is corny as it is beautiful in sentiment. I will never have a pink, purple or even white tree..I have a real tree and I do put tinsel or Lametta on it. I put the Advent wreath up and I actually feel guilty because this is the first time I didn’t make it. I now have my mom’s which she had specially made quite a few years ago. I feel like I am letting her and her family down and the tradition will now die. This is my guilt talking. I love everything Christmas and I really miss my mom

    1. There’s nothing like a German Christmas, is there? 😀 These modern aberrations seem so distasteful to those of us from the old school. I bet your tree is beautiful, Birgit, especially with the Lametta on it! I’m so sorry about your Mom. It must be difficult for you, but hopefully, the fond memories of years past will give you something to smile about. I think using her Advent wreath is a way of honouring her. ♥ Fröhliche Weihnachten!

  16. 1st, yes, traditional tree rocks!!!

    2nd, yes to coexisting!!!

    3rd, I’ve always loved the song “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”.

    4th, lovely radio voice there, Debbie 🙂 Oh, and Maligayang Pasko 😉

    1. Hi, J. Gi. 🙂 (BTW, both of your comments were posted, so I’ll delete the duplicate. Must have been a temporary glitch.) Nice choice of Christmas song! People have made the “radio voice” comment before. Thanks for the compliment. Looks like I missed my calling! “Maligayang Pasko” means “Merry Christmas”? Awesome to learn something new. Thanks again!

  17. Call me crazy, but I love the commercialization of Christmas. That gives me unlimited ideas as for what to buy as Christmas presents. Otherwise, I would have to learn how to make stuff.

    Love your pictures… such a festive post. 🙂

    1. Well, commercialization is okay, up to a point. Nothing wrong with buying gifts, but I’d rather get something inexpensive, given from the heart than something ostentatious and superficial. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Myke. Wishing you and your family all the best!

  18. I guess I’m a traditional person when it comes to Christmas. The tree has to be fresh and green. I love that smell in the house. However, I doubt I’ll put one up this year. We’ll be traveling to other people’s for the holiday and I’m tired of hosting dinners already. I’m not doing a bah humbug; I’m just taking a break. Enjoy your Christmas whatever you do and wherever you do it.

    1. A real tree would be lovely, but it’s not practical for us. Too many dogs in residence. 🙂
      Travelling over the holidays can certainly offer a nice break. Thanks for visiting and have a Merry Christmas!

  19. I still have to listen to your BOTB. I have a real tree with a mix of real lameta from Germany and the flyaway kind from here. We just have to watch the pussy cats. I can’t fathom having a (ughh) pink tree or purple…it must be green and, as long as I can, it must be real. I love the real Christmas music as I like to call it which are from our old albums-German Christmas music and also from North America but usually some kind of choir, Andre Rieu, Bing, Ivan Rebroff(I think that is it). Christmas would not be the same without the Bonanza Christmas album that has all 4 men and others singing and giving stories while they decorate the Bonanza home. It was my dad’s favourite.

    1. The real tinsel from Germany is so much better, isn’t it? We haven’t had a real tree in years and miss the scent. Just not practical, with all these dogs in residence. I can imagine your cats are attracted to the tree, Birgit.:) As much as I loved Bonanza, I don’t remember that Christmas album.Off to Youtube….And, here it is! 😀 I’ll be listening to it later, for sure. Thanks!

  20. I’ll take traditional in just about anything about Christmas. Though a fake tree that looks kind of real is our preferred choice. Save a tree, save the hassle of disposing a real one and I’ve got nowhere to plant one.

    Arlee Bird

    1. Haha! We do the fake trees that look real, also. Tried a live tree once and it was a disaster; not to mention, messy! 😛 I’m all for saving the trees. Thanks, Lee! 🙂

  21. I LOVE Christmas and I have to say, being a Michigander and having been to Frankenmuth nearly every year of my life. I like all trees, the traditional and the new. Each one is just so beautiful to me in its own way. When my dad was in the Army we lived in Germany and I remember the real candles on the trees altho we did not do that.

    1. What a coincidence! We just came back from a long weekend in Frankenmuth. 🙂 The German atmosphere makes me homesick. How cool that you also lived in Germany! Thanks for dropping in.

  22. I love Christmas and look forward to it all year. I also plan for it all year. Usually by October everything is done. Gifts bought and wrapped and meals planned. The last few years we have traveled at Christmas so I don’t do much decorating. I take food and baking to the homes we are visiting and I am happy about that. I suppose that is my new tradition and a lot less work. We still maintain the tradition of opening Christmas gifts on Christmas Eve just like we did growing up — a German tradition 🙂

    1. Hi, Carol; I knew you would have a handle on all the holiday festivities. 🙂 Christmas Eve is still the main event at our house too, but we combine traditions: The opening of gifts, German style but seafood for dinner instead of meat, as per hubby’s Italian upbringing. Thanks for coming by!

  23. I agree. The traditional tree is prettier than the pink one. These days, our holidays are extremely watered down. No sticker shock in January for us. I hear more people complain about how stressed they are before Christmas. That’s not what it’s supposed to be about.

  24. Debbie, Christmas here for Phoenix and I has never been about a tree and surrounding it with a comfy bed of presents. Our holiday is always experienced and shared outward towards others. We just completed our (Mike and Phoenix) Santa rounds for this year and it brought so much joy to us once again! I did listen to both the Austrian video of Silent Night and Michael Buble’s as well! I love hearing different stuff from different countries. And folks different takes on this holiday. Oh and yikes on the pink tree ha, ha! Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and a safe, happy holiday! 🙂

    1. That’s wonderful Mike! 🙂 We donate to food banks and other charities, because we have so much and it’s good to give back. Yes, that pink tree just doesn’t do it for me, either. LOL Wishing you and Phoenix a Very Merry Christmas! Thanks for visiting.

  25. Hi Debbie, many thanks for dropping by, for me Christmas starts when there’s no more shopping to be done, you have everything set to ‘auto’ and whatever happens enjoyment is the order of the days to come. Have a great time and much love to you and yours for Christmas and may 2014 be a fantastic year. xxPenxx

  26. Hey Debbie,

    Well, a lot of things going on in this season, eh? 😉 Hope you already done with shopping dear. I’m not too fond of shopping though 😀 lol…

    Anyway, I love the traditional Christmas tree. Pinkish, whitish and all sorts of ish trees are cool too, but I feel they are results of commercialization. Green is always good on eyes, don’t you think? 🙂

    I know your celebrations won’t go without music at all dear 🙂 Thanks for sharing some music which I’ll be heading again to listen to them.

    You have a fabulous weekend ahead!


    1. HI Mayura; Yes, this is always a busy time of year, although shopping isn’t my favourite thing either. LOL Agree with your comment that the “ish” trees are the result of commercialization, which is another thing I don’t like. Thanks for visiting and Happy Holidays to you. Cheers!

  27. Hello Debbie!

    Ah, the music definitely put me in the spirit! I love this time of year but I’ll pass on the super cold weather. I know you all are having some tough weather so I can’t complain about the upper 30’s. 🙂 I tell you though it hurts my bones.

    I’m with you my sister…I’ll stick to the traditional colors for Christmas. I know everyone has their own taste so whatever gets them in the spirit, let it be :).

    When it comes to the music I prefer the classics. There is stuff I like today like Michael Buble. I love his version of White Christmas with Shania Twain.

    I saw houses decorated in the first week of November, can you believe that? I wait until the day after Thanksgiving to start decorating.

    Oh yeah my diet goes out the window and unfortunately so did the workout. It’s back to the grind come January 1st.

    We don’t go overboard on gifts either. I like to keep it simple and from the heart.

    Here’s wishing you a very Merry Christmas my rocker friend. I’m so glad we met and connected!

    1. Hi Corina; Seems we have similar styles for Christmas. 🙂 Some people really start early, don’t they? I find it offensive when stores are all decked out even before Halloween. They used to at least wait until that was over. Thanks for visiting and I’m also glad we met. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas. Feliz Navidad, amiga!