Actually, it’s been ten years, five months and six days, to be exact!
Where has the time gone?


Inspired by The Widow Badass, who is celebrating her 10th Blogiversary. Congratulations! 🥂 While reading her anniversary post, it occurred to me that I had probably been at it just as long, so I checked.

First listed post was March 29, 2009, although some prior ones may have been deleted. What a milestone! I’ve hung in for more than a decade. How about that? 😎

Trust me when I say that blogging is an endurance test and you have to love it to keep going. 

In January 2013, I participated in the annual Pet Blogger Challenge (that was my so-called “category” at the time, but I’ve since become niche-free), a series of questions about blogging, goals, etc. I thought it would be fun to repost them here and add my current thoughts (in block).

1. When did you begin your blog?

Technically, The Doglady’s Den was born in 2009, as a Window Live Spaces page.
It became a “blog” when WordPress.com usurped it in 2011.

Wordpress logo with hand. TEN YEARS ALREADY?? AS THE BLOG TURNS!
Public Domain image from PxHere

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2. What was your original purpose for starting a blog?

In the beginning, it was just an extension of the Spaces page, with music videos, photos and reprinted articles.
(Yes, yes I know (now); BAD BLOGGER!  In my defence, I wasn’t a real blogger yet and always quoted the source in full.)

All of the offending articles and most other old posts have been deleted.

My Bad bitmoji

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3. Is your current purpose the same?

Absolutely Not!

3a. If not, what’s different?

I am immersed in the blogging world now and hope to turn parts of the blog into a book or two, eventually.  Also plan on switching to a self-hosted site for selling said books, (and maybe even make a few bucks on the side with the blog on its own.)

Writing/publishing books is still of interest, but it’s not a burning desire. Other projects, like photography (and blogging, as you can see), are currently more engrossing. The move to self-hosted happened in 2013, not long after this questionnaire was posted.

I’ve made a grand total of ~$60.00, to date.  So much for covering expenses! 🙄 Since I have other sources of income and this is primarily a creative outlet, it’s not that important. And, I refuse to shill products or otherwise get more commercial than a few unobtrusive ads.
Not gonna happen bitmoji | HAS IT BEEN 10 YEARS ALREADY?! AS THE BLOG TURNS!

3b. If so, how do you feel you’ve met your goals?

Not applicable, as I haven’t, yet, but am making inroads by being more active on social sites, networking, reading tutorials, making friends with some wonderful bloggers and writing, writing, writing.

This continues, except, the desire to write has died down. Photography is equally creative and so much easier. (I’m a lazy, old broad! 😉 )

That said, there’s renewed enthusiasm for adding more chapters to my dog memoirs, “Adventures in Dogsitting” 🌟, thanks to Sally Cronin.  She shared four of my stories on her site, Smorgasboard Blog Magazine recently. Thank you, Sally!



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4. How often do you post?

Depends on what else is going on in my life. Generally, about once or twice a week, but this is already my 6th post of the new year. Not likely to keep up that pace.

I’ve been struggling with blogger burnout the last couple of years and go through periods of lethargy, followed by occasional spurts of energy. It’s all a bit haphazard and out of focus at the moment.

The distractions of summer 🌟 (my favourite season!) will soon be gone, which should generate more enthusiasm for online pursuits.


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5. Do you blog on a schedule or as the spirit moves you?

Mostly as the spirit moves me, but occasionally I will join a day-specific blog hop.

Still the same. I’m commitment-phobic and don’t like structure, schedules, lists, etc. Go with flow!
(Mind you, I managed to complete the April A to Z Challenge four years in a row.)

I'd rather not bitmoji TEN YEARS ALREADY?! HOW THE BLOG TURNS!

 5a. If you don’t publish on a schedule, why?  

My dog boarding business takes precedence. I am dedicated to keeping the clients happy, plus it pays a lot of bills. Each day’s schedule (including weekends) varies widely.

A full personal life with hubby, (priority one overall), and spending time with real-world friends (not to mention alone time, offline) are also important.

It’s all about balance. As a former burnt-out, workaholic, corporate slave, 🌟 I know how crucial that is!

Same answer, today.

hamster wheel bitmoji TEN YEARS ALREADY?! HOW THE BLOG TURNS!


5c. How do you think your decision affects your audience?

My core followers will stay with me because I have developed cyber friendships with them.
If someone decides to “unfollow”, for whatever reason, that’s THEIR choice and their loss, in my opinion.

Same opinion today. Unless there’s a mass exodus, I’m not going to stress over it.


5d. How do you know when a topic is “post-worthy?”

A topic is “post-worthy” when it’s interesting. I’ve never been a fan of crass commercialism, (ie. writing for the masses, whatever sells). An old expression comes to mind: “Do what you love, and the money will follow”. Here’s hoping!

Same views now, except the money hasn’t followed. 😆 I don’t care much about that, though it would be nice to recoup some of the website expenses.

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6. How much time do you spend writing your blog per week?

Hard to say.  Depends what else is going on.  Average best guess, perhaps 7-8 hours.

It varies wildly. Some single posts (especially travelogues) can take days to write and format!
This one, for example. I have a fetish for graphics. 😏

busy writing new chapters!

6a. How much time visiting other blogs?

I visit other blogs several times a week and comment on some, as well.  Guessing also around 7-8 hours.

Probably not that much now, mainly because other bloggers are posting less often.

6b. Share your tips for staying on top of it all.

Ha!  Talk about an impossible task! I have started using HootSuite, which helps a LOT. It keeps track of Twitter, Google, Facebook and many more posts, plus all the blogs I follow via RSS feed. Convenient tool! As for the daily chores around here, let’s say I’m not quite as efficient as I used to be, but, that’s alright since the standards have been lowered. 😀 

Still an impossible task! My main tools now are https://dlvrit.com/ which automatically shares posts from selected blogs to Twitter and Facebook, and https://feeder.co/ (a Chrome browser app) that lets me know when favourite blogs have new posts (quicker than email notices).

Daily chores are often shunted aside until they pile up and I get overwhelmed. Oh well, put on some high-energy rock music and get ‘er done! Just for fun, I made a playlist of personal favourites: (See more playlists and personal videos on my Youtube Channel.

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7. How do you measure the success of a post and of your blog in general (comments, shares, traffic)?

While it’s nice to see large numbers, for me, it’s all about comments and shares. In my opinion, if someone takes the time to do either of these, then they were engaged.  

Still the same. Comments are more valuable in terms of genuine engagement.

7a. Do you look strictly at the numbers, or do you have a way of assessing the quality of those interactions?

As per above.  Comments and shares mean more than views only.
Likes are better than nothing and do indicate some engagement, at least.

No change.

blogging engagement; TEN YEARS ALREADY?! HOW THE BLOG TURNS!
image courtesy of inkmedia.eu/

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8. If you could ask the blogging community for help with one issue you’re having with your blog, what would it be?

How do you solicit more comments and shares without annoying people?  

That is still the age-old quandary! 🙂  Forging relationships is one of the biggest benefits of blogging, don’t you think? Visiting, writing comments and sharing others’ posts are the best ways to do this, in my opinion. Asking open-ended questions at the end of your post is also a good tactic.

In addition, (time permitting), I try to respond to comments received as much as possible. Sadly, some bloggers don’t see the benefits of these actions and rarely, if ever, interact with their readers or seek out other blogs. 

Yes, ultimately, we blog for our creative satisfaction, but, without an audience to amuse, engage, entertain or inform, it seems rather pointless doesn’t it?  Don’t we thrive on the connections we make? Without those, we might as well set our blogs to “private” and consider them secret diaries!


9. What goals do you have for your blog in 2013?

I hope to turn parts of the blog into a book or two, make a move to self-hosted WordPress and perhaps earn a few bucks from the blog on its own.

No books yet, in 2019, but the idea lives on. (Three of my dog stories were published in an anthology book a few years ago; details on the Author Bio Page.)  Even though photography is currently ahead of writing in the battle of the muses, I am committed to adding more chapters to the dog memoirs. We’ll see how things go after that…

After six years of running a self-hosted website and learning a shitload of technical stuff, (mostly the hard way),  it would be difficult to revert back, even though it’s not “earning its keep”, so to speak. There’s total freedom in web design here (which is a personal interest) and endless other possibilities.

Yes, it’s a steep learning curve, but for me, that’s the fun part! 😀 I’ll keep at it, at least until my current hosting contract runs out in Nov. 2021. 

S'all good Bitmoji

In conclusion, it’s been an interesting decade. We’ll see how the blog evolves during the next one.
To that end, I’d love to know what you would like to see more of, less of, in addition to, etc.
Share your thoughts, below!

Thank you all for your time and support. It wouldn’t be worthwhile without you!

Many Thanks! ten years akready?! as the blog turns!

Debbie's signature


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  1. Hi Debbie – I’m erratic in my blogging … as long as I’m following I just pick up posts as and when. Good luck with your ideas – and those I’m sure will come to fruition – you’ll get there … when there’s time. You’ve got lots going on and that’ll pay off too … take care and look after yourself – cheers Hilary

  2. Hi Debby – congratulations … I’ve been going a few months’ longer than you … but I haven’t interviewed myself on how I’ve done … so I’ll be back to read your thoughts … take care – cheers Hilary

    1. Thanks, Hilary; Congratulations to you, as well! 🙂 Not many people last this long in the Blogosphere. I wasn’t interviewing myself, though. These questions were posed by the website “Go Pet Friendly”, for their annual “Pet Blogger Challenge” back in 2013. I shared my original answers, then added updated ones for 2019. Cheers!

      1. Sorry I did reply – but got bombed out and haven’t been back to sort it out – life is life at the moment! Shows you I hadn’t paid enough attention to the post … cheers for now – H

  3. Congratulations on your blog run. Sounds a bit like my experience except you’ve taken some the extra steps for growth where I’ve been kind of standing still whilst in a regressive mode.

    Yeah, where’s that money! Maybe one day I’ll get back to making this blog thing work, but for now I’ll just let my wheels spin to see if I can recoup any blogging traction I might have once had.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thanks, Lee. 🙂 You’ve made a huge difference in the Blogosphere by starting the A to Z Challenge, which has run for 10 years straight. Congrats to you, as well! It’s hard to sustain enthusiasm for a long period of time. There’s bound to be some lethargic days/months in between. As for making money blogging, I think you have to sell stuff to do that, or, in the case of Google Adsense, have many thousands of followers. Not gonna happen, here! 😀 Thanks for coming by.

  4. A decade! Yay, you! Of course, it’s no surprise. You’re easy to follow because your blogs are enjoyable, your comments thoughtful and genuine.
    If my poor little muse wasn’t always taking a backseat to life in general, I’d probably blog every day. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride, I guess ; -)
    Wishing you many more happy years of blogging!

    1. It’s incredible how quickly the time has passed! 😮 I’m glad you enjoy my material, diedre. Thanks! 🙂 You must be busy, with your fabulous writing, not to mention, a full-time job. At least I work from home and have plenty of downtime. Dogs sleep a lot! 😀 And yet, I never seem to get caught up. LOL

  5. My ten year blogiversary came and went without any notice on my part. By that point (2018) “the thrill was gone” and I was primarily just focusing on BOTB.

    For a lot of people – myself included – I think blogging was a kind of fad that has come and gone for the most part. The technology allowed us to reach a lot of people we’d have never met in our lifetimes otherwise, but after awhile what was new becomes old, and we get older, too, and move on to some other things.

    >>… some bloggers don’t see the benefits of these actions and rarely, if ever, interact with their readers

    Yeah, I’ve never understood that. What’s the point if you’re not going to interact with someone after they’ve taken the time to read what you’ve written and reached out to you about it? But then I guess some folks do talk to themselves, and this would be a kind of form of that (i.e., blogging about something and then ignoring folks who “speak” to you about it).

    I’ve met some really cool, neat, and interesting people through blogging, and made some virtual friendships that I believe will last until one of us takes our last breath. So I don’t regret having started a blog (3 of them, actually), but my interest in it is at low ebb nowadays. Not dead, but not exactly doing somersaults, either.

    Debbie, you’ve managed to keep your interest up better’n I have. I’m pretty tired right now and mostly just…

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Hi Stephen; I can’t imagine having multiple blogs, as one is difficult enough, for me. No wonder you’re tired! 🙂 Not a fad for me, but a creative outlet for my writing and photography. That was always the intention and still is. I’m just a little weary of spending too much time online when other things (and people) need attention. I think it’s only common courtesy to respond when someone comments, but it sometimes takes me a few days to get to it and then I feel bad about it. Silly, especially when you consider those bloggers who never interact with their readers. 😛 It’s hard to find the ideal middle ground. Thanks for coming by. Cool tune!

  6. Hmmm…. mine’s easy to remember. I turn over to year 11 on New Years Day. So we aren’t that far off!

  7. Hello Debbie! I started my blog May of 2006. Seems like a lifetime ago! My main purpose was as a venue to record my thoughts for my grandchildren (should they be interested in what Nana had to say!) I, too, am a lover of photography and that is my primary source of creativity these days. My muse comes and goes according to her will. Congratulations of 10 years! That is quite an accomplishment in dedication and passion. xoxo

    1. Hi Lisa! You’ve been doing this even longer. Congratulations to you, too! 🙂 The muse has a mind of her own, doesn’t she? 😀 Thanks for coming by!

  8. Wowza! Congrats on your 10 year blog anniversary! I started BrewNSpew in 2015 and have changed its appearance many times and its niche a couple of times. I started PoemsNSuch in 2017 because I wanted my poetry in a separate blog.

    I don’t watch my stats much. I feel camaraderie is more important. I’ve had a few comments that my blog is a warm and friendly place to be and that is my intent.

    I spend a lot of time reading other blogs and need to slow it down. I enjoy every aspect of blogging but then there is life! LOL

    I love your blog because of its variety and upbeat personality.

    1. Thanks, Eugenia! 🙂 I don’t know how you manage two blogs and have time for everything else, too. One is time-consuming enough for me. 😀 Stats aren’t something I dwell on, either, but it’s always interesting to see which posts are popular and what part of the world my readers are in. You’re right, the interactions are the most important aspect. Cheers!

  9. Congratulations on 10 years of blogging. That’s a long time. It’s funny how we start off with one venue and change is several times as time progresses. I started out with jokes and now I’m doing memes most of the time. It’s the way of things.

    Some blogs ask a question or question and that tends to get folks to comment more. Especially if the question is about them.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

    1. Thanks, Sandee! 🙂 Yes, everything evolves, over time. I usually ask questions at the end of a post – one of the first bits of advice I got from a pro early on.

  10. Too cool. My blog will be 10 on 10/9/2019. So we started the same year! Great minds, huh? Congrats. My blog isn’t what I had planned, but ya go where the mind takes ya right?

  11. Debbie,

    Congrats on 10 years of blogging!!! I hit that milestone next June. Like you, I’ve learned many things the hard way but I wouldn’t change a thing and blogging is a creative outlet while connecting with like-minded bloggy friends such as you. Just know whenever you get your book published and heck it’s a whole easier today than it used to be as a self-published author, then you can count on me to share the word and you’re welcome to hit me up for a spot on my blog. 😀 I’m with you interacting with a few is better than having a ginormous social circle. Have a funtastic weekend, my dear!

    1. Thanks, Cathy! 🙂 You’ve been blogging for a long time, too. I look forward to your anniversary post next June! And thank you for the book offer, as well. I keep dragging my feet about that! 😛 Still, there is some new-found inspiration. Even my husband, who has never expressed any interest in what I do online, has said I should do it. Cheers!

      1. Debbie,

        Sounds like a sign that you should pull those stories off the shelves in your mind. Whenever you need promoting, let me know and I’ll be the first to jump on your bandwagon. 🙂

  12. Congratulations on reaching this great milestone, Debbie! Bravo! I’m sorry I’m not as attentive to your blog as I used to be in my blogging days. You’re better than me keeping the blogging going. I haven’t blogged in years and seem to have pushed it aside in favour of the photography and my fiction writing (as well as the usual distraction and procrastination stuff!)
    I always enjoy your posts which are honest, funny, heartfelt, thought provoking, interesting and always entertaining. Here’s to more in the future. Cheers!

    1. Nice to see you here, Cathy! 🙂 No worries, we all find our various creative niches. I love your photos! You mentioned fiction writing? Are you publishing any of it online? Your blog would be perfect for that, too. 😉 The photography muse has been stronger for me as well, but I do want to pick up writing more memoirs again. I’m so glad you enjoy my stuff! 😀 Thanks a lot for the kind words and for taking the time to come by! ?

  13. I love your graphics. I can draw a decent circle. Blogger burnout seems to affect several bloggers I know Including me. Got up this morning and thought maybe I should get the flower photos out of my camera. Or maybe not.

    Keep on traveling and posting.

    1. Thanks, Denise. I think blogger burnout is a common side-effect when you’ve been doing it for a long time. I hope to keep at it, but likely with less frequency.

  14. Congratulations on making it to ten. Personally, I’ve been at it since 2007 (more or less). Mine has gone from an initial high of two per every other day to my current output of once per week.

    I think one of the pitfalls of blogging that people should avoid at all costs is to make new blogs. Always thought the solution to my various burnouts was to make a new blog. However, in the process I’ve managed to lose a ton o’ readers in the process.

    1. Thanks, G.B.! 🙂 I didn’t know you’ve been blogging that long. Impressive! Redesigning an old blog can be just as fulfilling as starting a new one. That’s what I did a few years ago and didn’t lose any readers, far as I know. Consistency is a good idea, for sure.

  15. Congratulations Debbie! 🙂
    Not many bloggers can say they have been at it for a decade. I can tell you from the countless broken links I’ve had over the years due to bloggers quitting. I’d love to see what you come up with for a book.
    I like you, have put my blog behind my client work and time with hubby/family. It’s all a balancing act for sure. Especially if you stick with it for years.
    Here’s to another decade of blogging!!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! 🙂 You’ve been around a long time too. and I admire that you’ve now turned it into a full-time business. ? Trying to juggle it all is a constant challenge. Maybe one day, we’ll figure it out!

  16. Happy Blogaversary!!!! ten years is quite an achievement in this world – so many give up after a few months. It’s interesting to hear you were pre-Wordpress. Lots of what you have said here echoes where I’m at. Here’s to the next 10 years!!!! Oh go on – you know you want to. 🙂

    1. Thanks, Gilly! 🙂 I love learning how to do things like website design and maintenance. WordPress has been around since 2005, I think, but I didn’t even have a computer then. (I was scornful of the whole idea!) My father bought me a laptop for Christmas in 2008, insisting I “come into the 21st century” (there’s a post about that) and I took to it right off. 😀 When WLS was discontinued, everyone who had a page there was converted to the WordPress.com platform.

      There’s a bit of a love/hate relationship going on here, I’ll admit. 😀 On the one hand, writing and formatting new posts is always fun, but, the follow-up can be daunting, as I’m sure you know. Still, making friends all over the world is the biggest thrill!

  17. What an anniversary… Ten is a big number, Debbie. That is a lot of hours spent, devoted to putting your best out there your public. Congratulations, and I look forward to hanging out with you as long as you lean over the lecture.