It’s MERRY MAYHEM at The Den today.

Join us for a bloody good time!

Blood, Boobs and Carnage Blogfest, The Doglady's Den

WARNING: Not for the squeamish. If this concept disturbs you, please come back another day.

Bllod, Boobs and Carnage Blogfest - SONS OF ANARCHY. The Doglady's Den

Hosted by  Alex J. Cavanaugh and Heather Gardner

Here’s the premise:

On May 18, 2015, post about a movie, television show, book, or all three that falls into the category of Blood, Boobs, and Carnage. (Or just Blood and Carnage or other mixture.) It can be any genre that fits the bill – fantasy, science fiction, action, adventure, western, thriller, etc. Post the badge and visit other participants. 

Clicking on the badge will take you to the master guest list and their blog links. If you’re not a blogger, check it out for the sheer entertainment value. You might even find something good to watch or read.


At first, I was going to showcase all three options, but then realized nobody wants such a marathon post. Way too much to slog through!

Instead, I’m focusing on a TV series that I became addicted to. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present:


Sons of Anarchy - Blood, Boobs & Carnage Blogfest, The Doglady's Den


Created by Kurt Sutter, who was previously involved with The Shield. (plenty of blood, boobs and carnage there too!), Sons of Anarchy is about an outlaw motorcycle club located in Charming, a fictional central California town.

Sutter has been quoted many times that he used Shakespeare’s Hamlet as inspiration for the plot lines. We all know how that turned out, yes? (Hint: Not good). Read more about that, HERE.

Sutter cast his wife, Katey Sagal, as the clubs’ matriarch, Gemma Teller-Morrow and himself, as incarcerated member Otto Delaney.

Sons of Anarchy cast, Blood,Boobs & Carnage Blogfest, The Doglady's Den

Although Sons of Anarchy made its debut in Sept. 2008, I didn’t even know about it, until a friend posted a soundtrack video on Facebook last summer. Every last hair stood on end – it affected me so profoundly! (Thanks, Gina! 🙂 ) 

Check out my recent BOTB post to see which song that was. (It’s the last selection. While you’re there, please take a minute to vote, if you haven’t already. Poll closes May 21.)

I went searching for more videos and became fascinated by the snippets of story portrayed. After learning the 7th season (Sept. 2014) would be the last, I found a free site online (always use an ad blocker with these) to watch the episodes – which I did – in a 4 week period!

Six years worth, late at night and any other time available. Major obsession!

This show has all the blood, boobs and carnage you could want, plus a sexy young stud and one of the best soundtracks I’ve ever heard!

Isn’t it interesting that so many movies and series of this genre have fantastic music? But, I digress…..(can’t help myself! 😉 ) On to the mayhem!

(Fun fact: Betrayal by any club member resulted in a death sentence, referred to as “Meeting Mr. Mayhem.)

[SPOILER ALERT: If you’re still watching Sons of Anarchy, you probably want to skip the rest of this.]


The blood flows on every episode of Sons of Anarchy. Here are but two examples:

(L) Club member Juice, (Theo Rossi) being put out of his misery by Marilyn Manson, playing a Neo Nazi convict. (R) Otto Delaney (Kurt Sutter), biting off his own tongue so he doesn’t have to squeal on his brethren.


There’s a plethora of boobs here too:

(L) Gemma’s back story involves having open heart surgery and the scar on her chest certainly draws attention to her cleavage. You’ll see it clearly at 0:13 of the video.

The club also owns a porn studio, “Red Woody” and partnered (that did not end well!) in a brothel, “Diosa Norte” with pimp Nero Padilla, (Jimmy Smits). He and Gemma became lovers in season five. (R)

Another fascinating character on Sons of Anarchy is transgender escort, Venus Van Dam, (Walton Goggins). Check out the boobage on him, er…her!

Puzzling, isn’t it that blood, guts and general carnage are fine for all to view, yet glimpses of cleavage (not even nudity!) are restricted?!


Oh, the carnage! Never a dull moment with SAMCRO!! (Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original)

In conclusion, I just have to go back to the killer soundtrack! “Make it Rain” is a song written by Foy Vance and covered by Ed Sheeran for Sons of Anarchy‘s final season. This video depicts scenes from the complete series:

Have you seen the show? Do you like it? Looking forward to your comments!


P.S. Don’t forget to see what the other participants have to offer HERE.



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33 thoughts on “SONS OF ANARCHY – BLOOD, BOOBS & CARNAGE #Blogfest

  1. i like what you did there! not at all what i expected but very clever. i’ve never watched that show but who doesnt love Katey Sagal?

    1. Thanks, Pam. 🙂 Yes, Katey Sagal is a long time favourite of mine, as well. This character is so different from Peg Bundy! Thanks for dropping in and have a good weekend.

  2. We haven’t watched it this season but my son loves the show. My husband purchased a Harley that was driven by Tom Flanagan who plays Chibs. He drove it from a Harley dealership in Houston to the Galveston bike rally a couple years ago. When the hubs was shopping for a bike he saw that one and the sales person showed him pics as proof so he bought it. So the first 47 miles were put on by Chibs :). And that made the bike even more special to the hubs :).

    Great post Debbie! Hope you’re having a great week!


    1. How cool that your hubby has Chibs’ bike! 😀 He was one of my favourites on the show. The soundtrack is KILLER and that attracted me every bit as much as the riveting story lines. Thanks for dropping by, Cori. Have a good long weekend.

  3. I haven’t seen the show but I’ve known so many people over the years who were obsessed with it that I feel like kind-of an idiot for not watching it sooner. One of these days I will definitely have to check it out.

    1. Hi Kim; I binge-watched the first 6 seasons last summer, then tuned in every week for the 7th. SO riveting! The music gave me chills and the stories were intense. 🙂 I hated to see it end too, but am looking forward to the prequel, “First 9”. Might be a couple of years away though. Yeah, Jax was hot, but a little too young and grungy for my taste. Don’t like baggy pants. LOL Chibs had a certain something…scars and that accent! Tig, with those blue eyes and black hair AND he was a dog lover! Always had a thing for Latin types, so Nero wasn’t bad either. 😀

  4. Another participant chose SOA and I told them that I felt shame after I watched each episode, knowing I shouldn’t watch and/or enjoy any of what went on in these episodes, but that I turned it back on each week. I miss it SO much.
    Excellent choice.
    THANK YOU for joining Alex and me in this EPIC blogfest!
    Heather M. Gardner

    1. That series was so addictive! I binge watched the first 6 seasons and tuned in every week for the 7th. Have you heard, there’s going to be a prequel, called “First 9”? Probably a couple of years down the road, as Kurt Sutter is currently involved in “The Bastard Executioner”. Can’t wait!
      This Blogfest was fun. Thank YOU and Alex for hosting it. Cheers!

  5. Heard of it, never watched it. But it takes some devotion (and insanity) to bite off your own tongue to protect your friends.

  6. I have to say I have not seen this but want to one day. I have to laugh at the name because my friend who also loves dogs(I have a rescue) made a jacket for her pug called “Pugs of Anarchy”

  7. I’ve seen it on Netflix but never watched an episode, because I don’t handle that much carnage very well. Love the music though! I thought of Waco also when I read this, because I used to live there and it’s horrible to see such things happen in a town that I loved living in. By the way, the Branch Davidians, didn’t live in Waco. The disaster there wasn’t IN Waco. It was in Mt. Carmel, 20 miles north of Waco. “We” got all the bad press, but it wasn’t Waco! So this new violence just adds insult to injury, especially because this time, it was in Waco…really. Thanks for coming by! Lisa @

  8. Watched this from the first day it aired to the last. I was disappointed in Jax’s end, but he did believe his dad killed himself that way. The sound tracks are awesome, sometimes I watch it as much for the music as for the story concept. Can’t wait to see what Kurt comes up with next.

    1. I was sure the end would be “death by cop” but it seemed fitting to go out the same way he thought his father did. The music added so much to the storyline, didn’t it? Absolutely amazing soundtrack! ♥ The SAMCRO prequel about the First 9 should be equally riveting. Wonder when Sutter is going to start on that? He’s currently doing another show called “The Bastard Executioner”.

  9. I have never seen this program. I heard enough at the outset to make make me believe it was not my cup of tea. Count me as one the squeamish.

  10. Oh, such a great series! Awesome pick for the BB&C. Hey, do you have the SOA book, the keepsake that came out at the end of the series? I bought it last Christmas for myself. Beautiful book! SOA is the epitome of Blood, Boobs and Carnage. In every single episode. I love Kurt Sutter. Can’t wait to see the Redwood Original series that he’s working on now, with the Original 9 members.
    And Walton Goggins played Venus so superbly! It took me a few episodes to even recognize him. Loved him on The Shield.
    I just can’t say enough good stuff about Sons of Anarachy. Goes down in my book as one of television’s best series.
    Thanks for bringing a little SOA into my world today! 🙂

    1. BTW, I thought of the irony of your BB&C post being SOA when I heard about the blood and carnage up in Waco TX (about 2 hours from Austin) yesterday in the biker gangs shootout. It totally could’ve been an episode in Sons…

      1. Yes; that truly was ironic. Those Bandidos are a vicious bunch! They massacred 8 of their own members in London, Ontario 9 years ago. One of them lived here in town. It was all people talked about for weeks.

    2. I did buy that book, Michele! 😀 It’s a great companion to the series. The SOA prequel should be equally riveting! Wonder who they’ll get to play Clay? Ron Perlman has such a distinctive face. Glad you enjoyed the post.

  11. Great post, Debbie! I know a lot of people of love SOA! It comes on later here and by the time I remember it’s on, it’s already been 3 episodes later. 🙂 Maybe some month I’ll have an SOA marathon! 😉

    1. Thanks, Bren. I did the marathon and was completely addicted to it! 🙂 It’s a gripping show and the music really adds to the drama.

  12. I’ve never seen this show, but your pick is appropriate after the real life “Sons of Anarchy” motorcycle gang carnage that occurred in Texas on Sunday. I used to enjoy the motorcycle gang movies back in the 60’s.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Road trippin’ with A to Z

    1. Yes, that was gruesome, wasn’t it? 🙁 (Coincidental – I chose this show weeks ago.) Those “Bandidos” are a vicious bunch! They executed 8 of their own members in London, Ont. 9 years ago. One of them lived in my town. It was such a shock to everyone!