Happy Friday my friends!
I have returned after taking a little break to catch up on some things offline.
(Don’t everybody cheer at once!)
I just discovered this weekly photography roundup and thought it would be a great addition to the blog. (Questionable skills notwithstanding!) The objective is to post your own images, based on a prompt provided by the Photo Friday staff.


Viewed from cruise ship. Click HERE for more.

Sunset at Oia, Santorini (Greece). Click HERE for more.
©D.D.B. 2013/2014 “All Rights Reserved”
To link up your photos and/or view all participants, click on image:

[You don’t need a blog to participate; any photo hosting site will work.]
Also added to the “Skywatch Friday” weekly roundup. Click on logo to view and/or participate:

Did you enjoy the photos? Would you like to see more of this type of feature here?
Looking forward to your comments!

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40 thoughts on “SKY – PHOTO FRIDAY”
Lovely shots! Something so soothing and relaxing about the sky, about the vastness. Thanks for sharing these, Debbie. And good to be back on your blog after a while
Nice to see you, Beloo!
Glad you enjoyed the photos and thanks for visiting.
These are beautiful. It seems like you’ve been EVERYWHERE, Debbie.
It’s always neat to see different locations, scenery, cultures, etc.
Hi Lizzie!
Welcome to The Den. Yes, I’ve been fortunate to have had many travel opportunities. Thankfully, these digital cameras make taking photos easy, because I’ve never been that good at it. The sky and the sea in Greece are both amazing! Thanks for visiting.
Stunning photos. Looking forward to more on this theme…
Glad you liked them Archana. There’s a different theme each week.
Thanks for visiting.
wow, beautiful sky images by the way.
Thanks! I’ve been checking out your blog – interesting!
haha, nah, im still finding my voice and still organising ideas for the focus of my blog really. as it is, it is still a mix of things I learn at uni and personal day to day stuff. i still havent been able to comment on any of the WP daily post pools, hope akismet will sort me out! Cheers from NZ.
I hope they fix it soon!
Gorgeous Photos.
I’ve always wanted to see Greece.
The sunset is pure magic.
WOW. x
Glad you enjoyed the photos.
Greek sunsets are magical. Thanks for visiting and have a great week.
What gorgeous sky shots over Greece! I love seeing far off places that I know I will never in my lifetime see through first hand experience, so it’s so nice to take in the scenery from a distance. I participate in Skywatch Friday, too. Check it out here! I tried visiting your Monday Music post, but it wouldn’t pull up. I guess I’ll check back later. Thanks for stopping by this morning to visit. Now following you back!
Hi Cathy and welcome to The Den.
Sorry there was a glitch, but please try again – hopefully, it was short-lived. How cool that we both participated in the same things. 8| I will definitely check out your “Sky” post as well. Thanks also for following back. Cheers!
Hi Debbie, I had the same issue as u had with comments disappearing after you hit “send”, I just came off from the wordpress forum where you asked for help a month ago, which they replied just 5 mins ago, thank goodness! If you (for the love of me!) receive this comment Im posting, that means Im finally able to comment again! Cheers
Hi Pebbles and welcome to The Den.
It’s usually a problem with Akismet and I contacted them right away. Luckily it got resolved quickly. Glad to know yours did too. Cheers!
yes! they are wonderful. I will try to post this comment, but not sure it will go through, since this morning ive been blocked again…cheers!
Well, the comment is here, so that’s good. Sorry you were blocked yet again! Frustrating!
Deb, those shots are just beautiful. The sunset over Greece is my favorite. I love photographs of sunrises and sunsets. I need to take a ride to our beaches for a sunrise. I saw some magnificent ones in San Diego last year and promised myself I would do it one early morning here on the East Coast. Have a great rest of the weekend Deb.
Glad you enjoyed the photos, Lisa!
I’m not usually up early enough to see a sunrise, but I bet those San Diego ones were spectacular. Looking forward to your photos. Thanks for visiting.
The sunset pics rock, Debbie! Have a great weekend, our friend!
Thanks Mike!
Those sunsets were even more spectacular in person. Have a great week; hugs to Phoenix.
Hi Debbie,
Nice pictures indeed, I wish I were living in such a place
Good to be back on your blog after a while, and I hope you enjoyed your little break too. I’d be going for mine as you already know, so see you around in a few days time. Till then, take care.
Happy weekend and happy holidays from my end
Thanks for visiting Harleena. Yes, it was a short break, but sometimes we need to step back, yes? Hope you’re enjoying your summer holiday now. Glad you enjoyed the photos. Cheers!
What breathtaking photos! That sunset snap in Oia is my favourite!
Glad you enjoyed them! They were even more spectacular in person.
Thanks and have a great week.
Amazingly beautiful clicks, loved the first one a lot!!
Thank you Shilpa!
Have a great week.
Glad to know you are back, I too have been waylaid by life in the past couple of weeks and am still trying to catch up with posts; maybe now I will start reading the new ones first.
Loved the prompt and the pictures. Very beautiful.
Yes, sometimes blogging takes a back seat to other things, but, that’s okay. The posts will always be there. Glad you enjoyed this and I appreciate your taking the time to comment. Cheers!
Yay, you’re back!! And your post actually scrolled through my Reader for a change. Besutiful sunsets, but who can go wrong enjoying them on the Greek Isles ?!!
Hi Sammy; Glad the reader is cooperating!
Yes, you can’t go wrong with a sunset in Greece, especially Oia Santorini. Those are world-renowned. Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend.
I love sunsets and dawn shots. Unfortunately I don’t usually wake up early enough to catch the sun rising. I took a pretty good sunset once from my front yard using some pencil pines as silhouettes. I’m pretty sure I posted it on one of my photo blogs. Must look into that.
Must have been pretty nice being able to take some sunsets while at Greece. My favourite one was the one with the boats as it had more to hold my interest.
Hi Peter; I don’t catch many sunrises either, unless I’ve been up all night. Your photo sounds good – let me know where it is and I’ll check it out.
We had a fantastic time in Greece and the sunsets were all great, but the one at Oia, Santorini is world-famous. People start lining up and jockeying for position to take photos at least an hour ahead of time. It was well worth the wait! Thanks for dropping by and have a good weekend.
It would have been a better weekend if Australia beat Chili in the World Cup. Not to worry as the boys did play well.
As for that photo, I haven’t posted it on the blog yet, but I did post a sunset shot that I took while in Hamilton Island. http://www.photos2blog.com/2008/06/25/hello-world/
It’s a beautiful shot! Thanks for sharing it. As for the World Cup, Australia gave it a good try, as you said.
Beautiful Greek sunsets! I’ve been looking at pictures of sunsets lately because one appears on the cover of my next book. I’m going to do a sneak peak of it on this Facebook event I’m planning for next Friday. You’re invited, Debbie, btw!
Glad you enjoyed the photos and thanks for the invitation, Lorinda. I’ll check it out.
BEAUTIFUL photos of the skies and sunsets! I love sunsets. I see far more of those than I do sunrises.
Welcome back!!!
Thanks Michele and I see more sunsets as well.
Good to be back, but not sure how prolific I will be.