(of a voice or words) sweet or musical; pleasant to hear.
“the voice was mellifluous and smooth”
synonyms: sweet-sounding, dulcet, honeyed, mellow, soft, liquid,
silvery, soothing, rich, smooth, euphonious, harmonious, tuneful, musical
“mellifluous dinner music”
I have a “thing” for mellifluous voices, especially those in the lower registers; baritone and bass for men, contralto (aka alto) for women. Please spare me that male falsetto stuff! 😛 (Except for Neil Young, whom I adore, regardless!)
It was first popularized by Frankie Valli in the early 1960s, then again by Barry Gibb of The Bee Gees during the Disco era (late 70s). I liked Barry’s voice much more before he started doing that! For example:
He’s technically a tenor, not a baritone, but the voice is beautiful, don’t you think?
Most of the old-time crooners, like Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, were baritones,
as are the modern-day ones, like my favourite, Michael Bublé:
His range is so extensive, a more accurate description might be “Baritenor”.
For a true baritone voice, Jeff Martin, frontman of the Canadian band
The Tea Party is a prime example. Gives me goosebumps!|
(Comparisons to Jim Morrison of The Doors abound)
Nigerian/British singer Sade has an amazing voice!
Here’s a couple of famous contraltos you might recognize:
For those who read music, the vocal ranges are illustrated below:

This is one topic I could talk about forever. 🙂 Brief aspirations to become a professional singer (I even took lessons in 1976/77), ended with the realization that my (alto) voice was mediocre, at best.
It doesn’t stop me from singing, though. The shower has great acoustics!
Originally published Apr. 15, 2015 for the A to Z Challenge.Revised Mar. 23, 2020
Do you sing? What’s your vocal range?
What style of voice attracts you the most?
Looking forward to your comments!
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17 thoughts on “MELLIFLUOUS VOICES | #MusicMonday #4m”
Doesn’t everyone sing in the shower? I used to belong to the choir – second soprano. Listening to favorite songs and singing along. Every chance i get. 🙂
I have no musical training whatsoever, except I did sing in my elementary school chorus in 4th and 5th grade and I loved it. But I have far from the best voice, except (of course) in the shower. I never learned a musical instrument, either. I just go by the “if I like it”. And what I like isn’t necessarily the best voice (I’ll be hated, but I don’t think Billy Joel has the greatest voice – but can he ever write and perform and I love him) but just overall musicianship. Michael Buble has a wonderful voice. So did Bing Crosby. So did Bobby Darin (who went to my high school – not at the same time as I did, I might add). Three men who could sing the phone book (as the cliche goes). I do like the falsetto singing of Barry Gibb and Frankie Valli.
Loved all the mewsic, but that last video was absolutely Stunning!?Pawkisses for a Happy Thursday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie???
Hi Debbie – have a great April … haven’t quite decided what to do … may do ‘an A-Z tour’ through a small part of London where I used to live. I love Sade … but am so unmusical … but appreciate the vocal range you’ve put up. I do love music … thanks for the clips you’ve included. Cheers Hilary
Well, I must say you really have some great taste in music here girlfriend. I haven’t heard Sade in like forever, and I never heard that song about the ocean at the end. Michael Buble who doesn’t like him. He’s a great performer too. Great job my friend. Happy that you joined us. Hey ya know any time you want to be our Honorary Conductor just say the word. I believe July through November is open & you get to pick the theme for every other Monday. Wouldn’t that be fun??? Have a great day and hope to see ya next Monday too. Stay healthy, be careful and please take care of yourself. Hugs
Thanks for the uplifting songs Deb. Enjoy your break and stay safe! 🙂
I would include “Snowbird” Anne Murray, who came into the spotlight fifty-ish years ago.
We really think of lot of her, down here in Tennessee.
What a wonderful post filled with wonderful music.
Have a fabulous day and week, Debbie. ♥
Def a good post! With you on Neil, Barry off the falsetto (and Frankie was better off it too!), and Sade, especially her M10 hit…
Very nice songs. Enjoyed them all.
I’ve never heard Barry Gibb sing like that but you’re right, he does sound much better like that 🙂
I really love Michael Buble’s voice! Sade is a great singer too. I was a fan back in 80s.
Debbie, I am also a fan of mellifluous voices. High pitched voices get on my nerves. Regarding the Bee Gees, it was their style I appreciated more than their voices when they got into that male falsetto stuff. My only exception to a male falsetto voice is Roy Orbison. He had a fantastic range and his high notes weren’t squeaky and strained.
Tina Turner and Cher, two of my all-time favorites. Both have unbelievable style and energy and I love watching Tina’s videos.
Back in the day when I sang in a church choir and in glee clubs, I was an alto.
Stay safe and take care,
monday music…i’m a big fan…and you always get it right! have a great week. hope things are going ok for you considering the state of the world!!!!
Nice song choices
Great post on the different types of voices, Debbie. So interesting. I look forward to taking a listen to some of those videos. Funny about those singers and their falsettos, eh? You’d think it would be hard on their voice to do that. I remember going to see the Bee Gee’s alley way in Brisbane which is where they grew up. It was so cool. They have videos going of them when they were young and singing as kids.
I liked that chart you included. I am an alto 2 in the women’s choir I belong to. The director says I am a contralto as I am very low. I have always liked singing along with alto women singers. Karen Carpenter was a favourite for me as a teen as her voice was so rich and just the right range for me.
Love that word mellifluous! It’s a good one!
I definitely like mellifluous male voices! Thanks for sharing the Bee Gees singing an oldie before their days of falsetto popularity. I’m not a fan of men singing in high registers generally but I do like many of the Bee Gees top hits sung in like this, though. Michael Buble is my favorite modern day crooner. I’d love to see more new talent adapting this old style singing. The Tea Party is an introduction to my ears this morning and I really like Jeff Martin’s voice and this song really fits in with my cup of tea, too. 🙂 I will check out more of this band’s mewsic on YT later. I also prefer women who sing a bit lower, too. Often times women who sing high their voices become too sharp and brittle which makes listening to a bit painful and unpleasant. I’ve heard of Sade but I’m not sure how many times her mewsic has crossed my ears. I definitely liked this song by her and will sample more of her tunes on YT, as well. Tina Turner is iconic. I love her energy on stage! Well…in the videos of her live purrformances that I’ve seen. I do like many of her classics to listen to on occasion but I don’t know if I could listen to an entire album. There is something about her voice that doesn’t always set right with my ears. Call me crazy, it won’t be the first time, if you will! lol It’s great having you on the 4M dance floor today. I hope you have a boogietastic week. Saying prayers for you to be safe and well, my dear friend. xx
I loved this whole post and I agree. The Bee Gees sound so much better in those early days BUT… My greatest find in this post is The Tea Party! I had never heard of them – I can’t believe it – and now I have them qued up on YouTube. Great music and a long song like they used to have! – I hope you’re staying in and staying safe over there. Keeping you in my prayers, friend. <3