Hosted by StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands, this is where you listen to different recordings (usually cover songs) and choose the one you prefer. There are two “Battles” per month, on the 1st and 15th. Votes will be tallied and posted the following week. (Please note: Effective July 2017, I switched to once a month on the 15th only. This will allow me more time to share other types of material with you.) Click HERE to view a complete list of my BOTB entries. See below for a list of current participants. Care to join us? Contact our host, by clicking on the above link and leaving a comment on his blog. The more, the merrier!
Also connecting with Mary at Jingle Jangle Jungle for #RMF2019. Great rock music, all month long!
Join us, will you? Click on the image for details.
♫ This month, I’m featuring two scorching covers of my favourite Who song. It’s a battle of the sexes, with bands from the same home town. Oh, and these are live performances, just to make it more interesting. ♫
“Love, Reign o’er Me“, subtitled “Pete’s Theme“, is a song by English rock band The Who. Written and composed by guitarist Pete Townshend, it was released in October 1973. It was the second single from the band’s sixth studio album and second rock opera, Quadrophenia. It is the final song on the album, and has been a concert staple for years. The song peaked at #76 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and #54 on Cash Box.
“Love, Reign o’er Me” concerns the main character of Quadrophenia, Jimmy, having a personal crisis. With nothing left to live for, he finds a spiritual redemption in pouring rain.
[Reference only. NOT eligible for voting!]
Heart is an American rock band from Seattle, formed in 1970. Since 1973, sisters Ann Wilson (lead vocals, flute, guitar) (born Jun. 19, 1950) and Nancy Wilson (vocals, guitar, mandolin) (born Mar. 16, 1954) have been at the helm. Love, Reign O’er Me is the 15th track from their album Dreamboat Annie Live, released in October 2007.
Pearl Jam is an American rock band from Seattle, formed in 1990 and fronted by Eddie Vedder (lead vocals, guitar) (born Dec. 23, 1964). Love, Reign O’er Me is the 14th track from their live bootleg album, Bonnaroo 6/14/2008 – Manchester, TN.
Please state your preference in comments below and why you chose it.
Voting remains open until 11:59 pm, Oct. 21st,
after which I will count the votes, add mine and publish the results.
These are the other BOTB regulars and semi-regulars.
Please cruise on by their sites and, if they have a post up, vote on their selections as well:
[Check back – there’s no set posting time]ai love music / Cherdo On The Flipside / Curious as a Cathy / Jingle Jangle Jungle /
Mike’s Ramblings / Sound of One Hand Typing / HOST: StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands / Tossing it Out
As always, “Sharing is Caring”. Spread this musical joy all over your social networks.
Hashtags are #BOTB and #dogladysden
LOVE, REIGN O'ER ME | BATTLE OF THE BANDS #BOTB Who did it better? #dogladysen #rockchickbliss #RMF2019 Share on X
Next Battle on this site will be Nov. 15th.
In the meantime…Well, I’m not sure. 🤔 Stay tuned!

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Well that’s unfair. All three follow the same basic song format/style. And all DO IT WELL. Could I ask for a tougher competition. I could speak volumes about each artist. But, since I have to vote, to pick one!!! I’m going with HEART. Cuz . . well, to be cliche, few can match her passionate voice. She embodies Heart.
There is no clear winner here for me though.
Thanks for coming by, Donna. It’s nice to see you! 🙂 This was from October 15th, and Heart did win, so you made the right choice. 😀 And, I agree about Ann Wilson’s voice. One of the best! ? I only do these battles once a month on the 15th. Come on by for the next one. Cheers!
This is a gooooooooooood battle! I love Pearl Jam and their first album will always be my favorite. But, I have to go with Heart with this as their version is closer to the original and have traces of the good ol’ rock-n-roll in it.
Thanks for coming by to vote, Amy. Heart gets another one. This is a close battle! 🙂
Super matchup! They both were excellent as you would expect. My vote goes with Pearl Jam, liked them better.
Thanks for voting, Mike. Pearl Jam is on a roll, here. 🙂
Oh, better late than never, dear friend!!!
This is really a great pairing of two bands I genuinely love! Whoo-hoo! Can’t pick a baddie.
For this go ’round, it’s got to be Pearl Jam!
There’s still plenty of time. 🙂 Thanks for coming over. Another vote for Pearl Jam. They’re catching up!
Well, I made it! 🙂 Both covers are excellent but in the end I think I slightly prefer the rendition by Pearl Jam. Maybe the orchestra backing played into the equation a wee bit. Cool battle!
Hi Cathy; So nice of you to interrupt your vacation for this! Hope you and your DH are enjoying yourselves. 🙂 Thank you for your vote. Pearl Jam might just be catching up, a bit. There’s been a lot of back and forth.
I vote Heart version.
What a cool idea for a challenge post. I might have to look into this a little more as I get a bit more regular with my postings again.
Welcome to BOTB, PJ! 🙂 This is a fun music blogfest that happens every month (once or twice, depending on personal preference). We could use some more participants. Thanks for coming by to vote. Another one for Heart.
A friend of mine had the Quadrophenia album when it came out in the ’70’s and said that it was dull and depressing, so I’ve never heard anything but this song from it.
Pearl Jam went all out with the arrangement, strings and all, but I prefer Ann Wilson’ s vocal, so I’m going with Heart on this.
We saw The Who perform Quadrophenia live and it was a fabulous show! Likely a better experience than listening to the album. Heart gets another vote. Thanks, John! 🙂
Alright, this is atypical of me, as I am normally a huge fan of Heart. But I felt the passion of Eddie Vedder as he sang his heart out on this one. Giving my vote to Pearl Jam
This contest is going back and forth, now! ? A vote for Pearl Jam. Thanks, Mary. 🙂
Boy Heart did a better job than I would have thought possible; have to say PJ didn’t hit it for me. This is why you always listen before voting, lol! Heart for me.
Always a good idea to listen first. 🙂 Heart has done some excellent rock covers, of which this is one. Thanks for your vote. Another one for Heart.
Easy for me. I love Heart and Dreamboat Annie. So that’s my vote. 🙂
And, an easy vote for Heart! This is turning into a real battle, now. 🙂 Thanks, DG.
This is the easiest choice for me ever, in a Battle…
Pearl Jam, please… This is one of their best performances for me. And, just for kicks, they performed it in the Nashville area, which is only a couple of hours from me.
An easy vote for Pearl Jam! Thanks, Myke. 🙂 Hopefully, they will get a few more votes and make a real battle of it.
This is a tough one, Debbie! I like both versions but I have to go with Heart. Ann can really belt it out! Yep, who doesn’t love The Who!
Two great voices here! 🙂 Thanks for your vote; another one for Heart. And yes, WHO doesn’t?
Tough choice as I love ‘Heart’ and they’re guitar playing. However, as my wife says Eddie Vedder’s voice is amazing. He reminds me of Daltrey – but different – and there’s more great guitar there too.
Pearl Jam for our votes then, please.
I meant to say that I have the Quadrophenia album on vinyl. Plus, I lived for a few decades in and near Brighton, where the movie of Quadrophenia was set and filmed.
Cool! We saw the Who perform Quadrophenia in its entirety a few years ago. Fantastic show! 🙂
Ann Wilson, Eddie Vedder and Daltrey all have amazing voices! 🙂 And, Nancy is a guitar goddess, for sure. Nice to see Pearl Jam getting more votes – they are falling behind! So, that’s two for Eddie and company; one from you and one from the Mrs. Thanks, Roland!
Funny thing about The Who… I think their album ‘Who’s Next’ is one of the greatest “Classic Rock” albums of all time! I really dig every single song on that album (which I own on CD). But oddly, there are NO OTHER songs by The Who that I like. Not one… except for ‘Love Reign O’er Me’. Other than that one, the only Who songs I really like are all found on ‘Who’s Next’.
In this Battle… well, frankly, I’ve never liked Eddie Vedder’s voice. I always feel like he should be clearing his throat or something. Like he’s got a “frog” in there. I think the guy was meant to be a construction worker or a roofer but somehow he got lucky. 😀
Heart is OK, but I feel about Ann Wilson the same way I feel about Janis Joplin and Beth Hart. Yeah, I know you disagree with this, but I feel all three of them really “over-sing”. In my opinion, it just gets way too over-the-top until I feel it’s more of an artificial “performance” than a truly genuine heartfelt reading of the song’s sentiment.
Having said that, I certainly concede that Ann has some pipes and can hit the notes, so I’ll vote for Heart over the lucky construction worker / roofer. 😉
~ D-FensDogG
Hahaha! This is something we’ll never agree on, Stephen, since I love super-powered alto/baritone voices. If there’s a rasp (or a frog), even better! 😀 According to Wiki, Eddie Vedder had a bunch of menial jobs like waiter, store clerk etc. but not construction worker. Ann Wilson is pushing 70 and still looks and sounds amazing! Thanks for your vote. Another one for Heart.
Have to go with Heart on this one, Debbie. One of the times we saw them in concert at an outdoor venue they did this song and right at the crescendo of “Reign’ on me” it started raining. It was magical. I have pictures 🙂
That must have been a fabulous moment! ? Heart is so great, live, in any case. Thanks for voting; another one for Heart.
This one is a tough one. They are both really good, but Heart and that voice. Got to go with her.
Have a fabulous day. ♥
Another vote for Heart and Ann Wilson’s voice. 🙂 Thanks, Sandee!
This is a tough one because Pearl Jam’s instrumental style is more dramatic but I love Heart’s voice. Hmmmm…..I will go with Heart because I love her voice and the sis on the guitar is always great so Heart gets my vote.
Good to hear it was a tough one. That’s what I was going for. 😀 Another vote for Heart. Thanks, Birgit!
Interesting Battle. I know the song by the Who but I’d never heard it covered. Both versions work nicely which makes for a tough choice. Let me go with Heart as they gave the song a bit of a different twist.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
I’ve seen Heart perform this one in concert, but didn’t know about Pearl Jam’s version, until now. I thought these two would make for a decent battle. 🙂 First vote goes to Heart. Thanks!