In Search of Zeus

In Greek Mythology, ZEUS is the God of the Sky and Thunder, the ruler of the twelve deities residing on Mount Olympus.  (The Romans called him Jupiter).

In Sept. 2013, we found ourselves treading in his footsteps.

Read more about our Greek Odyssey HERE.►

Mount Olympus
Mount Olympus is the highest mountain in Greece and the second highest mountain in the Balkans. It is located in the Olympus Range on the border between Thessaly and Macedonia. [Photo Credit]
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 The largest Temple of Zeus was built at Ancient Olympia:

Artist rendition of Olympia Temple of Zeus
Artist’s Rendition. The Temple of Zeus at Ancient Olympia, built between 472 and 456 BC. [Photo Credit]
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The temple was ordered destroyed by emperor Theodosius II in 426 AD.  Subsequent earthquakes devastated the ruins, and they were partially buried.  Excavations began in 1875 and are ongoing:

Ancient Olympia excavations, Temple of Zeus
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It took archaeologists eight years to reconstruct one pillar:

Ancient Olympia pillar reconstruction, Temple of Zeus

Click HERE► to read more about Ancient Olympia.

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Also, long gone is the famous statue of Zeus (one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World) inside this temple.  It was approximately 13 m (43 ft) high and was made by the sculptor Phidias in his workshop on the site at Olympia. He took about twelve years to complete it.  A painting of it hangs in the Olympia Museum:

painting of Zeus

Remains of Phidias’ workshop at Ancient Olympia:

Ruins of Phidias' workshop at Ancient Olympia; in search of Zeus
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Another temple, known as the “Temple of Olympian Zeus,” was completed at Athens in the 2nd century AD but pillaged by Barbarians a century later.  It was right across the street from our hotel, and we had a great rooftop view.  Sadly, there’s not much left!

Temple of Zeus hotel rooftop view

Read more about Athens HERE► and HERE.►

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Are you interested in Greek mythology/history?
Looking forward to your comments!

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Previously published April 30, 2014
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42 thoughts on “IN SEARCH OF ZEUS

  1. I’ve always been in awe of the creativity and artistic talent of the ancient civilizations. I find the Mayan ruins in Mexico and Central America fascinating.

  2. I doubt I will ever see these sites in real life, but seeing your pictures was all kinds of fun. Greek Mythology was my thing, when I was in elementary school. I would gladly drop the bad mouth on the minotaur, simply for the asking. Ovid was my inspiration.

  3. I would love to see these places in person. Why do folks destroy history? Shouldn’t do that.

    Have a fabulous day and week Debbie. Big hug. ♥

  4. The nerdies in my high school formed a Greek/Roman mythology club. I have a book about it the myths in my bookshelf. I loved seeing the ruins in Greece when I visited and just discovered that ancestors were Greek Catholics from the Balkan states. And a friend and I were just talking about how Christianity stole some Greek myths and incorporated them into their religion. Names changed of course.

  5. Hi Debbie – it’s something my knowledge is very limited about – but I keep absorbing a little as it comes my way – I’d like one day to learn more … beautiful photos – and some useful information … sounds like a wonderful trip. Greece is beautiful … all the best – Hilary

  6. Historical tours make me a bit emotional…these ruins seems like trying to tell us a story… don’t they? It was really nice you took us along with you to different places during A-Z journey…I enjoyed it… Congratulations on the completion of the challenge…

  7. Hey Debbie, congrats on finishing the A-Z! Whew, we did it! What a cool experience. I feel like I have to keep posting and coming up with decent posts. The momentum this challenge created was great but there’s no way I can post every day, I don’t think. Nor do I think I can come up with interesting things to say every day without some kind of prompt. So what’s our next challenge?? It was great getting to know you and I’ve enjoyed reading about your travels and hearing all your stories! And I’m glad to have found The Den! 🙂 Happy posting…

    1. Glad you enjoyed the series, Corina. No big challenge planned at the moment – this one wore me out! LOL Thanks for dropping by.

      1. Yup; Zeus was a dirty old man, underneath it all! 😀 Thanks for visiting Joyce and congratulations on completing the challenge.

  8. Congratulations on making it all the way through A to Z – I’ve really enjoyed reading your posts, and am now ready more than ever to travel the world! 🙂

  9. Hi Debbie,
    A fitting tribute to the A to Z Blogging Challenge this year.It was my first at this challenge and I enjoyed it thoroughly.Lovely post and hoping to keep in touch.
    Best Wishes.Shail

  10. Zeus – a fitting end to your powerspful, colorful, entertaining posts. I have loved revisiting some of your favorite places. Hugs and toasts and well-done, my friend!

      1. Thanks Laurel and congrats to you also! 🙂 I enjoyed your alphabetical Zentangles and wish you much success in that pursuit.

  11. I enjoyed traveling with you all month, Debbie! Congrats finishing the challenge. It’s been fun connecting with everyone.

    I love Greek mythology. Interesting to read about Zeus and the structures built in his honour.

  12. What an accomplishment Debbie, congratulations on completing the challenge lady!

    I missed some of the entries while I was offline but I’m definitely going back to check them out. I just love the pictures you share!

    Greece is the place that’s on my bucket list. I would love to visit and take in all that history while standing in the midst of it, you know?

    So, what’s your next challenge ;)! Happy Wednesday!

    1. Yes, all things Zeus really took a beating over the centuries. Such a shame, but at least the archaeologists can determine how things used to be. Congratulations to you too and thanks for visiting. 🙂

      1. It was my first attempt as well and I hope to be better organized, next time. Thanks for visiting and congratulations on completing the challenge. 🙂

  13. Congratulations Debbie for completing the challenge and taking us to so many lovely places in the world! This is a wonderful post to end the challenge with, some great pictures there! Hope to see you around often in the blogging world 🙂

  14. So sad that not much is left of the original. I enjoyed reading all about it and seeing your pictures. Very cool. Congratulations on completing the A-Z Challenge! ♥

      1. Thanks and hugs to you too, Sammy. 🙂 I’ve enjoyed your posts also and will definitely check out more of them in future. Cheers!

          1. I’m glad we connected too, Michele. 🙂 This challenge was pretty gruelling and I can’t imagine blogging on a daily basis either. My strategy for next time will be shorter, less complicated (in terms of formatting) posts. LOL I’m taking things easy at the moment and not thinking about new challenges. Plus, it’s spring and there’s a ton of yardwork to do. Cheers!

            1. Yes, I feel the history of these places too, getting lost in the past and envisioning how things were back then. Glad you enjoyed the series and congratulations to you as well. Cheers! 🙂