Joining John Holton’s Writer’s Workshop again this week.
Thanks for the opportunity, John!

  1. Write a post based on the word hugging.
  2. Write a post in exactly 13 sentences.
  3. How do you cope with days where you’re stuck in the house due to bad weather?
  4. What are your favourite food items to order online?
  5. If evidence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe were discovered, would it alter your core beliefs or sense of self?
  6. List your five most recent favourite things.

I will attempt to answer all of them. Well, maybe not number 2, since I tend to drone on 😆

FROM HUGGING 🤗 TO RECENT FAVOURITE THINGS 🥰 | #WritersWorkshop ✍️ #writingprompts #dogladysden

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I asked ChatGPT for some popular quotes about hugging, and these are the heartwarming results: 🤗

Which one do you like best? They’re all good IMO, but number 4 grabbed me the most.


Too restricting, so probably not! Let’s see how it goes. 😆
[right-click to open links in new tab]



What I SHOULD be doing:


favourite takeout food items
Images generated by Canva AI


“If evidence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe were discovered, would it alter your core beliefs or sense of self?”

No, because I have always believed in the possibility of other life forms in the universe. Think about it! Given the vastness of outer space, surely, we can’t be the only ones occupying it?

As a young person, I watched the documentary, “Chariots of the Gods” (1970), and totally bought into it. Debunked by the scientific community, it still fascinated me.

This was a couple of years after a UFO-sighting experience I had in Switzerland, along with several other people. From my as yet unfinished memoir (don’t ask! 🙄😆) “CONFESSIONS OF A BOARDING SCHOOL INMATE”:

Something happened one chilly autumn night that sticks in my mind to this day. We had congregated in our room, (larger than most, with three beds), for an evening of “girl talk”. One of our regular, impromptu pyjama parties.

I went to the windowsill to grab a yogurt (they kept cold there), where something caught my eye. It was a round, bright light, bobbing through the trees. Puzzled, I blinked and looked again. Now there were several lights lingering amongst the branches.


What were they? My friends saw them too and called the girls from other rooms to look. Even Fraulein Paula, the housemother, came in. We watched until they disappeared from view.

Much discussion followed. Could these have been actual UFOs? We’ll never know, because the mystery remained unsolved, despite a write-up in the paper.


From left to right:
1. The Coca Cola Kid movie on DVD
I’ve been trying to find it for years. Finally did before Christmas.
2. New casual winter boots
The old ones were no longer waterproof.
3. A threesome of cute shelf figurines
Saw them at Temu, had to have them! 😀
4. Mozart Chocolate Cream Liqueur
Only available for a short time in Nov. and Dec.
5. Snazzy 24 oz tumbler from Tim Hortons
Keeps drinks cold for up to 24 hrs.

To view all participants’ entries, and/or join the workshop, visit John:
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Original badge designed by Patty at Another Cookie, Please!

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26 thoughts on “FROM HUGGING 🤗TO RECENT FAVOURITE THINGS 🥰 | #WritersWorkshop ✍️

  1. I love the George Thorogood song, but I’m sure you’ve never talked so much that it’s bothered your husband. Jimmy Carter said he saw a UFO and a lot of Air Force pilots say they’ve seen them. Why not you and plenty of other people? I love your new boots and your little figurines. My friend and neighbor, Maureen, give wonderful, warm hugs. I need some advice from you, my Doglady friend. Princess used to let me trim her nails without it being a big deal. When she was on the bed, I’d grab the clippers and we’d be done in a flash. Now she protests and throws a fit over me even holding her paw. I’ve been trying to clip her nails for a few days now and haven’t managed to complete one paw. Even if I give her tranquilizers, I suspect she will still muster all her strenth to fight me. She will also not allow nail clipping at the vet’s office. What am I going to do with her, Queen of the Dogladies?


    1. That should say Maureen gives warm hugs. I hate it when I spot an error after I publish a comment. Now I’ll publish this comment and probably see another error in it! lol

    2. Well, hubby might disagree with that, Janie! 😄 I wonder if Princess has a sore paw? It’s odd she would suddenly give you a hard time about her nails now, when she didn’t before. Have you tried distracting her with treats?

  2. I like the #4 quote the best, and I love your new boots. I feel there is life out there other than our planet. Stay warm, Debbie!

  3. I like quote number 4 about hugs too – great set of quotes Debbie. I liked your comfy Muk Luk slippers. I have some too . I used to have a pair that went up to the knees but they were too slippery on the bottom and I was afraid I’d wipe out in them. I like your snow boots to that go to the knees too. Today I had to take mine out of the closet and I haven’t seen them since 2023. I was able to get away with just shoveling snow with my regular hiking boots I wear in the Winter all last Winter … not today though as we got four inches (10 centimeters) of snow, with more to come tomorrow through Tuesday – ugh. The shelf figures are very creative! Stay warm and remember … only 67 more days til Spring (not that you can’t have wintry weather then.

    1. Thanks, Linda! 🙂 My feet are always freezing in the winter and I wear those slipper boots all the time. We had a fair amount of snow too this week, for the first time since Christmas. And that was our first white one in seven years. Haha! I’m always counting the days until spring. Can’t come soon enough for me!

      1. My feet are always cold too Debbie and something new, my knees are cold and I’m trying to figure out where the draft is coming from. I’m so disappointed in the all-house insulation I had put in in 2017 … kinda wondering where they put it. Better get some warm socks for in those boots before that Siberian Polar Vortex hits next week. Yikes. I hope the cold zaps all the ticks!

          1. Dangerously cold. Tonight’s the last night to not have to drip water, open cupboard doors and do small loads of laundry. I hate going down into the cold basement just before bed or first thing in the morning when it’s this cold. Might be a good time to get Jack Frost pictures if you can do it from inside the house. Too cold for taking the camera out. Or ourselves either.

            1. We’ve never had to drip water before, and we keep the house temp between 69-72 all the time, but I won’t be going out much, that’s for sure! Thankfully, my husband doesn’t mind the cold and he’s in charge of dog-walking for the duration of this Polar Vortex. Short walks only, of course. Zoey doesn’t like it either. Stay warm!

              1. I keep my heat at 73 in the Winter, but have had it at 74 the last week due to this cold spell. I may put it to 75 over the next few days. It is already a real feel of 5F (-15C). My mom did the dripping for years, but it is recommended by many plumbers to keep a small drip in all faucets, especially those that are next to an outside wall. When it is cold like it will be the next three days, I have a thin trickle of water instead of a drip. They also recommend doing laundry to keep the pipes warm and opening all the cupboard doors where there are pipes to keep them warm. I don’t blame Zoey – it is not my cup of tea either! I will go out to run the car, even though it is on a battery trickle charger. I’m glad I got a new battery. I get a new battery every two or three years. The car is old (2009) but only had 13,300 miles on it.

                1. Your house is probably bigger than mine; 75 would be way too hot for us. Until you mentioned it, I hadn’t heard of doing any of those things. We’ve lived here since 1996 and there were no problems with the pipes. Still, I’ll open the laundry tub faucet just in case, because the basement is colder. Worst night for us will be Tuesday, with a real feel of -28C (-18F)! 🥶 I have an old car too (2005 Ford Focus Wagon) and we’ve had to change the battery a couple of times in recent years. It gets driven every day, though, because we visit various parks for exercise with Zoey. (Too far to walk.) Here’s hoping this week passes quickly! We’re supposed to start “warming up” again by Thursday.

  4. Deb, this was such a fun and diverse post to read. I love your favourites list, and although I don’t order takeout, I see we’d eat well together, lol. And I think hugs are essential, it’s a feeling of human connection. And lastly, there is definitely more intelligent life out there than on this planet. <3

  5. My favorite hug quote is, “Sometimes a hug is all you need.”

    Your UFO sighting brings to mind a story DH shared which took place back home in the hills of southern WV. It was some time in his late teens or maybe it was when we were first married. He’s unsure but anyhow, he went outside where his dad and another family member was gazing up in the sky. He noticed a cigar shaped object with lights hoovering in the distance. He ran back inside to get his camera but by the time he got back it was gone. When he questioned his dad and the other person, they had no clue what he was talking about. That’s just so strange. As for intelligent life else where, I sure hope there is because I’m beginning to wonder if there’s very little of that on this planet. lol

    I need to get back to my elliptical. That’s one of my goals but right now there are too many things blocking my attempts. Actually, I haven’t tried that’s why because of everything else. I am going to put more effort into it starting soon, though. I’ve put on too much weight over the holidays.

    Stay warm, my dear!

    1. Yes, good quote! 🙂 Interesting story about your DH’s UFO sighting. Too bad he didn’t get that photo. I’ve heard the description of cigar-shaped vessels before somewhere, but the ones we saw were round globes. Oh yeah, we always gain weight over the holidays. I’m trying a new tactic this year, Cathy. Intermittent fasting! You have an 8 hour eating window (choose whichever hours work best for you – I went with noon to 8 pm), and fast for 16 hours. It’s a little rough, because there are times you feel hungry, but so far (it’s been 7 days), I’ve lost a pound a day! 👌 My doctor recommended this to me and many people have lost weight using this method.

  6. I like the Boomerang hug quote, and I agree that there is probably life in the universe even if it is so far away we may never discover it. We don’t have Netflix, but my winter activities have been very similar to yours.
    Best wishes, Pete.