It seems, the #AtoZChallenge took a lot more out of me than I thought!  Add that to the trip down to California -crossing three time zones and back, plus a lingering cold and I’m just spent!  I need a little more time, but promise to be back soon.  Thanks for your understanding. 

If you missed my A to Z Travel & Culture series, click on the image to view:

atoz travel and culture series

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20 thoughts on “HAVE YOU EVER FELT THIS WAY?

  1. I love blogging Debbie but there are times when even my love for blogging is not enough to inspire another creative post out of me. This is when I know it’s time for me to take a break.

    I totally understand how you feel, especially if you’ve been writing a post a day 😉

  2. I go into silent periods when I speak little online even to dear friends. Not sure I can say why but it’s a real affect that sometimes makes me feel guilty for I value my online friendships as much as any others.

    1. I don’t think you need to feel guilty, Chi Chi. 🙂 True friendship, online or off, transcends periods of non-communication. My closest friend of 44 years and I sometimes don’t speak for weeks, but, we just pick up where we left off, like it was yesterday. Sometimes, spending too much time online is exhausting. I think that was my basic problem for all of April, with the 26 posts in 26 days, compounded by the jet lag and the illness. Getting better every day! 🙂

  3. Poor Debbie. Sounds like you are fried. Hope you get rested up and feeling better soon! I sure enjoy your blog posts and you are a real role model of how to do a great blog. I’m always inspired by your posts. (except for the nasty spam police scolding me for not taking enough time before commenting. 😉 LOL!)

    1. Yup, I was definitely fried, but it’s getting better now. Thanks for the kind words and I’m glad you enjoy coming here, despite the over-zealous spam police. 😀 (When I disabled that feature, the spammers started coming back, so I turned it back on – be forewarned! 😉 )

  4. Oh man, Debbie – you got the trifecta: A to Z jetlag, real travel jetlag and a cold. I hope you are back to normal energy level soon. I’ve had some “bleh” days too, and haven’t been able to write anything “thoughtful”, just memory stuff, which is easier.

    Now WordPress is doing that weird thing where I’m seeing your readers’ comments scrolling through my Reader, but not your post!!! At least I can tell from their comments when you’ve got a new post 🙂

  5. Debbie, I totally get you! I am feeling the same way!!! I’ve been not even wanting to check email for the last two weeks since the A-Z ended! I think I needed a break too…but we have to get back to it eventually. I think the best thing to do is to NOT beat yourself up for feeling the fatigue, to be completely okay with taking a break, otherwise that will just be one added layer weighing us down. So enjoy some of the Spring weather, take a few naps and enjoy your free time. Come back to it when you’re ready and it will be fabulous! Know that you aren’t alone! I wonder if other A-Zers are feeling like this???

    1. Thanks for weighing in, Michele. I bet many other A to Zers DO feel that way too. Glad to know I’m not alone. The jet lag and lingering cold don’t help either! I’ll be back soon. 🙂

  6. Hi Debbie, oh yes. I’ve been feeling it a bit lately and haven’t been making the rounds to blogs as I usually do and am trying to keep to at least 1 or 2 posts per week where prior I was doing 3 or even 4. There is life outside the internet and it sure can suck us in but we need to get out too and really enjoy life to the fullest, it’s too short not to!

    1. You’re so right about life being too short Lisa! I think there comes a time when all of us feel the need to cut back a little. Enjoy your more leisurely pace and see you soon. Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  7. I can relate, Sorella. I’ll miss you, but take the time you need. It’s very wise to prioritize things and regroup. I’ll be waiting for your return. Be well, Deb.

    1. Sometimes, one just loses enthusiasm for the internet, yes? I’ll always be accessible though. Couldn’t give it up altogether! 🙂 Thanks for your support Gina and you be well too. Talk soon!