Thanks to Mary Burris of JINGLE JANGLE JUNGLE for giving me this platform today. Her site is a music lover’s delight, so be sure to have a look around.
I’m sharing some early memories of music and how I evolved into the Eternal Hippie/Rock Chick. Come on over and join the fun! To read and comment, please go HERE.
NOTE: Comments at Jingle Jangle Jungle are subject to moderation and will be visible after approval.

Speaking of old Rock Chick Ramblings, I got some fabulous photos at the Queensrÿche/Scorpions concert last week! If you missed it, click on the image to take you there.
Also coming up at The Den, another “Soundtrack of My Life” segment, featuring the year 1967, as well as the next Battle of the Bands contest, Oct. 1. Click on the logos for previous installments.

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That is so fun to read – nothing makes me more happy than music!
There is fun, music and melody here. Glad I came over in the morning 🙂 🙂 Makes me smile!
I left this comment over there…
“I find it ironic that I was listening to modern covers of “Paint It Black” when I happened onto this blog… I have two television music stations that play in my music room, late of an evening. One is the 60s Channel, the other basically what we call elevator music. These are my comfort zones… Back in the latter sixties, when the age query was asked, “The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?” my quick response was always The Monkees. (Boy, did I get some hard looks from the British Invasion faithful.)
I have a lot of theories about the Summer of Love, but I keep them to myself, even as I enjoy the overwhelming list of music tracks that evolved from the brief time in history. The Scott McKenzie song is an all time favorite… Great article here!”
Thanks for visiting both sites, Myke. 🙂 I responded to your comment at Jingle Jangle Jungle. It would be interesting to know more about your theories pertaining to 1967. Some of the music that came out that year was phenomenal. Have a great week!
Thanks for the reminder, Shady! 😀
Thanks for posting the video, dear Debbie the Doglady! I still get chills watching the “If 6 Was 9” sequence. To me it is the pivotal point of the film. You can begin to sense the danger as the boys enter the heart of redneck country. Their journey “in search of America” is about to take a dark, dangerous and deadly turn.
Have a wonderful week, Debbie!
Yes, it is the perfect song for that part of the movie! I must watch it again, soon. It’s part of our DVD collection.
I left my post on the guest post but loved reading about your song picks. Loved the Monkees and the TV show
Thanks for coming by, Birgit. I saw your comment and also responded. The Monkees were my “teenybopper” crush. 😀
So sorry you had a hard time, Shady. 🙁 Your comment was visible after approval. All WordPress sites have some spam safeguards. and often, website owners do opt for individual comment moderation. I whitelist people I know so it’s a bit easier for them (and for me). Anyway, your comment is there and I also responded. Please don’t let this deter you. Your comments are always great!
Enjoyed your journey thru music, Debbie.
I love hippies, Joplin, The doors, & Woodstock!!
Glad you enjoyed it, Kim. I didn’t see you over there, but thanks for reading. 🙂
I wanted to go to Woodstockso badly! LOL I was only 14 though and we were moving that very weekend (Aug, 15-17, 1969) from Germany to Canada.
Loved your journey through a musical time!
Hope you check out the picture I posted for you.
Thanks for checking out my post, Yolanda. Loved your photo and yes, you could have passed for a hippie. 😀
Thanks for the shoutout! And even bigger THANKS for being my guest today! You ROCK! (literally)
Likewise, Mary! 🙂 Thank you so much for allowing me to be your guest today. Music fans will love your site! Have a geat week.