FRESH 🪟🪺🌷| #SundayStills #Photography📷📱#WordlessWednesday

Terri Webster Schrandt‘s 
blogfest theme this week is:

So many definitions! 😆

I’ve chosen an eclectic mixture of photos and Bitmojis.

FRESH 🪟🪺🌷 | #SundayStills #Photography📷📱 #dogladysden #fresh #WordlessWednesday #WW

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Neighbourhood food mart. 🛒


Pizzeria in Venice, Italy. 🍕

Fresh Trim and Perm, Aug. 2018

Getting ready for our 45th anniversary trip. 🚢

Fresh Foam Sneakers by New Balance

Move it or lose it! 👟


Yuck! 😱🥶

Fresh Flowers

Warm smile on a cold day. 💐

Fresh Summer Snacks

Wishful thinking! 🥺

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Also joining Sandee at Wordless Wednesday

Debbie signature style 5



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53 thoughts on “FRESH 🪟🪺🌷| #SundayStills #Photography📷📱#WordlessWednesday

  1. Love the flowers and love all the food. I was hungry this morning.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Debbie. Hugs. ♥

  2. I love reading your blog! You always bring sunshine to my day. I love the photos, even of the snow. 🙂

    We’re actually having a heat streak with the thermometer sitting at 45F. Things are melting!

    1. Thank you, Kymber! 🙂 Snow photos are nice, but I don’t like the reality of snow. 😆 We are having the same weather as you right now. Supposed to stay above freezing through Thursday. After that – back into the deep freeze! 🥶

      1. Okay, I forgot I could post on Reader but posted on your website and I always wait to see if it posted before I leave. Tonight I am able to “like” posts again, so WP must have fixed that.

  3. How fun using a Bitmoji in these sequence of fresh pictures … very creative Debbie. Another snow-hater here as you know and although I say every year that I will not complain about the heat and humidity this year after Winter lingers or is bad like this one, in 2025 you will not hear one utterance of complaints about it. * (* A disclaimer: when heat spikes cause volatile weather, tornadoes and derochos especially, I do complain, but more out of worry than anything else. It used to be we had a couple of volatile storms every Summer that brought some hail and high winds, even the occasional tornado warning, but the last two Summers it seemed every week I was worried about volatile weather. The night we had seven tornadoes, all in the county I live in, about stopped my heart.)

    The shoes look comfortable. I have New Balance hikding boots and after I broke them in, they are like slippers. I had to put bubble wrap around my ankles ’til I got used to them as the high boots rubbed my ankles.

    1. Haha! I have NEVER complained about heat, because I prefer that over cold any day. Plus, it takes my arthritis pain away, and I feel 10 years younger. 😀 MInd you, we don’t get that much extreme weather here. Last year there were a few incidents of torrential rain, though. Seven tornadoes in one night?! That WOULD be scary! 😲

      Yes, those shoes are very comfortable, but I need a shoehorn to get them on. Bubble wrap to ward off blisters sounds like an excellent idea. 🙂

      1. Well, believe me, I won’t be complaining about the heat anymore either. Yes, seven tornadoes that one night and the closest one was at the Lake Erie Metropark golf course. The next time I was there I could see how the tall reeds were bent over and the grass too. The tornado ended up in the water, so no damage to that Park.

        Funny about the shoehorn and the fit because I wanted to like these boots but could not wear them. I always bought my work shoes, then my walking shoes from a mom and pop shoe store and the woman who ran it wanted to retire – her parents owned the store and after they retired, she took over. She was a walker and recommended the walking shoes and then I asked her opinion on the hiking boots for Winter. It looked dumb, but I broke them in that way. I’ve never had that problem before but they rubbed on all four ankle bones.

        Just finished “All Creatures Great and Small” season finale. So, I went to stream it on PBS at 9:00 p.m. and there was an issue … luckily I get the video the next day in an e-mail that recaps the episode, but I wanted to see it tonight in case they didn’t send the e-mail since there was no preview for next week … it’s only on seven weeks per year. I came over to the Windows 10 and had to watch it here on Google. Edge was the issue I suspect.

        1. There’s something weird going on with your URL, Christian. When I hover on it, it shows a “404” page not found message, but we know it is a valid URL. And your comments continue to get placed into the moderation folder. 🤔 I will contact Akismet support and see what they have to say about it.

  4. Fun pics and emojis, Debby, though you don’t look too happy about the snow! 🙂

    I kind of used to a hobby photographer as well in my teens and early ’20s – mostly during vacations trips. I had a nice all-manual lens camera with a bunch of different lenses and filters. Everything fit in an aluminum case, which I schlepped with me “everywhere” – even when hiking up to the Acropolis in Athens in 95F heat! My two buddies from high school, who accompanied me, thought I was nuts. They were probably right, though everybody liked watching my slides after the fact! 🙂

    Anyway, I still own that Pentax MX, but the shutter mechanics no longer function properly, and I haven’t used the equipment in many years. I imagine finding somebody with the necessary skill set to service/repair such an old fashioned camera is nearly impossible, especially in a “modern” country where all cameras are digital and most folks rely on their smartphones for taking pictures!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post, Christian! And yeah, I’m not a fan of snow at all. 🙂 Sorry about your comments ending up in the moderation folder. Akismet is a mystery, sometimes… Anyway, I can sure relate to hiking up to the Acropolis in Athens in 95F heat. We did that in 2013, but I had a digital camera. 🙂 My smartphone doesn’t take the greatest photos, so I still use the Canon more. Have you thought of getting a modern camera? Photography is such a fun hobby! 🙂 Thanks for coming by today and have a pleasant Sunday.

      1. I definitely have thought about getting a digital lens camera. That said, I have to admit smartphone cameras have become pretty good for everyday use, which most of my photography is nowadays.

        “Real photography” perhaps would be a nice hobby to pick up again when I’m retired, though who knows when that’s going to happen. I’d do it today if it would be feasible! 🙂

        1. I know, iPhones especially have some excellent cameras! Mine is a basic Samsung, so not so wonderful. Yes, it would be hard to find the time to pursue photography when you’re working, especially since you already have a time-consuming hobby with the blog. Fortunately, I retired in 2021 and have few time constraints. 🙂

          1. I’m planning not to work one day longer than I have to. That said, realistically speaking, I’m not quite in the final stretch yet. Though at the rate time is racing these days, it might be here faster than I think! 🙂

            1. I think I see why your comments are being moderated. Your URL shows http:// instead of https://. Weird! 🤔
              Retirement was kind of decided for me by COVID, but my husband was retiring anyway, so I embraced it. Here ‘s hoping all will go as planned for you.

  5. Lots of fresh fun here, Debbie! I giggled at your fresh snow and your yuck comment! We have a Mennonite farmer here too that sells produce from April-October. Can’t wait! Nicely done on the theme. My post goes live any minute 🙂

    1. Thanks, Terri! 🙂 When it comes to snow, “Yuck” is one of several 4-letter words I’d use. 😉 Glad you enjoyed the post. I just read and commented on yours and revised mine to add your direct link. Have a good Sunday!

    1. Thank you, Laura! 🙂 This prompt had me stumped for a minute, but I fleshed it out a bit with the cartoons. Thanks for coming by and have a great week! 🌹

  6. Hi Debby – great selection of ‘fresh ideas’ – I understand difficult to show those! but love all the ‘freshies’ here … it’s chilly – but I feel Spring in the air … cheers Hilary