It’s Friday again, already!  Time for some more fill-in fun,

brought to you by 

Hilary of Feeling Beachie

The premise is simple; just fill in the blanks.

This week’s statements:

1. My ___ is my least favourite feature
2. I was very ____ as a child
3. The first room I clean in my house is___ because___
4. If I had the guts to ____then I could ____


1. My  fat ass  is my least favourite feature.  Trying to lose weight when you’re post menopausal and hypothyroid is SO frustrating!

Baby Boomer Lament!

2. I was very independent as a child.  When you have no siblings, you learn how to enjoy your own company and fend for yourself.  That’s where the writing muse came from.

 3. The first room I clean in my house is the kitchen because dishes are always piling up in the sink and I hate that!  Just as an aside, my house used to be a LOT cleaner B.C. (Before Computer)  Never this bad, though!

4. If I had the guts to invest more in the stock market,  then I could retire sooner……..or not!  

Another Baby Boomer Lament!

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20 thoughts on “FOLLOW FRIDAY FOUR FILL-IN FUN; MAR. 22/13

  1. My answers are on my blog. While I’m here, While I’m here I notice you have visited my blog before and I wondered if you would like to visit again and play my new meme, Tuesday Choices. I would be really grateful if you would as I don’t want to be the only person doing it!

    1. Thanks for visiting me. I already have my posts planned out for the week, but, I’d be happy to publicize this for you. Social networking is the best way to get your blog noticed. Use Twitter, Google+, Facebook, (make a fan page for your blog), Tumblr, Stumbleupon , etc. Also, if you use the CommentLuv feature here, it will add a link to whichever of your blog posts you like, so others can visit.
      Have a good rest of the week! 🙂

  2. I love posts like these…you can learn a little something from people… Here are my responses:

    1. My ass is definitely my least favorite feature
    2. I was very loud and crazy as a child
    3. The first room I clean in my house is my kitchen because it’s the first room people see as they walk in the house.
    4. If I had the guts to fly then I could travel around the world. Instead I’m stuck in Houston, Texas forever 🙂
    1. Hi Corina; These are definitely fun and a Friday tradition. 🙂 Many people have a fear of flying, but overcome it. I couldn’t imagine not being able to fly away from home now and then. Was bitten by the travel bug early in life. 😀 Have a good Sunday.

    1. Hi Hilary; You know what I mean, then. When you have a lot of time to yourself, you learn how to be your own best friend. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend.! 🙂

  3. My three older brothers were soooooooooooo much older that in many respects I felt like an only child…I, too, had to entertain myself some how! Sorry about the thyroid. I gain weight every time I say the words post-menopausal! Have a great weekend!

  4. I try to keep my kitchen mostly clean as well, because I don’t like to cook when it is not. Stock market – something I was not into until I met my husband, who has got a degree in finance. Now I know a little, but am still pretty scared and usually just ‘play’ a little with some ‘extra’ money.

    1. Hi Claudia; Everbody hates a messy kitchen! 😛 We lost a lot of money on the stock market in 2009, (in the hands of a financial advisor), so we are definitely leery of it now. Thanks for visiting. 🙂 Schönes Wochenende!

  5. Love your blog – lol at number 3 – my house was a lot cleaner before the computer and the kids at that point

    Take care x

  6. Thyroid issues are the pits. My grandma suffered and I know, I need to get checked again – so far so good. I was pretty independent too as a child being the oldest and having to help out a lot. And I’d be scared to invest in the stock market – it seems like such a gamble. Schoenes Wochenende! 🙂

    1. Hi Susi; Yes, trying to lose weight, even with medication is incredibly difficult! :-p We did invest in the stock market and lost a lot of money during the recession of 2009. Definitely a gamble, but many people do very well. Danke, gleichfalls! 🙂

    1. Glad it’s going well for you Judy! We are trying to recoup our losses from 2009, but, it’s not easy. Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend. 🙂