Welcome to another edition of

Battle of the Bands BOTB

BATTLE OF THE BANDS (BOTB), hosted by Far Away Series and  StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands. is where you listen to different recordings of the same song and vote for the one you like best. Two “Battles” per month, on the 1st and 15th. Votes will be tallied and posted the following week. (See below for further details.)

#BOTB BATTLE OF THE BANDS: ECSTASY OF GOLD - Who did it better? Come on over and vote! #dogladysden #rockchickbliss Share on X

♫♫ Today’s battle is Movies vs Metal ♫♫

Inspired by Guilie’s last BOTB post at Quiet Laughter



This song was part of the soundtrack, composed by Ennio Morricone,  for “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly” (1966), last in the trilogy of   “Spaghetti Westerns” starring Clint Eastwood and directed by Sergio Leone.

The foregoing serves as background information only.
Now, on to the actual contest……


Ennio Morricone is an Italian composer, orchestrator, conductor and former trumpet player, who has written music for more than 500 motion pictures and television series, as well as contemporary classical works.

His career includes a wide range of composition genres, making him one of the most versatile, prolific and influential film composers of all time. Morricone’s music has been used in more than 70 award-winning films.

He  gained worldwide fame (1960-1975), by composing music for Italian westerns, including the Clint Eastwood trilogy.



Metallica is an American heavy metal band formed in Los Angeles in 1981. The band has won eight Grammy Awards and five of its albums have consecutively debuted at number one on the Billboard 200. Metallica has used “Ecstasy of Gold” as the introductory music for its concerts since 1983.

It is included on the live symphonic album “S&M” as well as the album “Live Shit: Binge & Purge”. The instrumental metal cover (with minimal vocals and lead guitar work by front man James Hetfield) appears on the 2007 Morricone tribute album “We All Love Ennio Morricone”.

This metal version was nominated for a Grammy Award in the category of Best Rock Instrumental Performance.


Please state your preference in comments below and why you chose it.

Voting remains open until noon, EDT Aug. 7,
after which I will count the votes, add mine and publish the results.


These are the other BOTB regulars and semi-regulars.
Please cruise on by their sites and, if they have a post up, vote on their selections as well:
[Check back – there’s no set posting time]

 Angels Bark   Book Lover   Cherdo On The Flipside   Curious as a Cathy  *Far Away Series*
 J.A. Scott      Ji
ngle Jangle Jungle      Mike’s Ramblings      Quiet Laughter
Sound of One Hand Typing     *StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands*
Tossing It Out  Women: We Shall Overcome  Your Daily Dose


As always, “Sharing is Caring”. Spread this musical joy all over your social networks.
Hashtag is #BOTB

Until next time.



♫♪♫♪♫ Rockchick Rapture!

Listening to Bewitching Bach on headphones




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  1. Metallica is ok, but I’m giving my vote to Morricone. It just feels more appropriate for what it is.

  2. Debbie, those old movies really had the music, didn’t they? This is a fabulous song to spotlight. I’m not a Metallica fan, but I enjoyed their cover. However not enough to vote that direction. I preferred the traditional style of Morricone. Please give another vote to Ennio. Now, I want to see The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. lol

  3. I’m not a Metallica fan for several reasons, though I won’t let that sway me in my vote this week. Their version of the song is actually really good. But, I’m more familiar with the Ennio version. Yes, I love the movie this is from and love the rest of the work done by Ennio for the film. Give me vote in that direction please.
    The Good – Ennio
    The Bad – Metallica
    The Ugly- Jeffrey Scott signing out for now.

  4. I like both versions. I prefer Metallica’s version. Both versions build up from the start but Metallica’s grabs me as a listener early in the piece and takes me for a ride.

  5. Hi Debbie. BOTB day. Well, what can I say? I’m a Metallica fan so can’t go past them. I’d listen to them any day, although Ennio probably did as well on this.

    BTW thanks for signing up for the WEP challenge! Lovely to have you on board! It’ll be a great ride.

    Denise 🙂

  6. Add my name to the list of folks who don’t care all that much for metal music. I’ve never been a fan, but when I started getting migraines… well, that pounding rhythm and my pounding head didn’t jive so well together. That said, this version by Metallic was listenable… woohoo… but it didn’t steal my vote from Ennio. I think Stephen T. McCarthy stated with eloquence why the Ennio version is so amazing. So, I won’t repeat it, but I’ll add a “ditto.”

    1. “Listenable” is high praise, along with Stephen’s “least offensive” from someone who doesn’t like Metallica. 🙂 That’s one more for Ennio. Thanks for your vote, Robin.

  7. I’m voting for Metallica this round. Although it did get a bit on my nerves about two-thirds of the way through, it wasn’t enough to turn me off. I just found Metallica’s version more robust, if that’s an accurate term to describe it. Ennio was fabulous too though…

  8. Welcome back, Shady. Hope you had a good visit with the in-laws. There’s more to life than blogging, yes? 🙂
    May I say, AT LAST a Metallica fan?! Thanks for that! First vote for the metal version. Still, it doesn’t look good for them.
    As you said, a losing cause. Oh well………My next BOTB is likely to be unpopular since it features an original Metallica song. Methinks this is the wrong crowd for that! 😀
    Thanks for your vote and comment.

  9. OK I was surprised by Metallica and how well they paid homage to this great piece of music but I am simply not into heavy metal at all. I love Ennio and have loved this piece since I was a kid and I have this actual album! My vote goes to Ennio all the way

    1. I’d say you’re in the majority here, Birgit. 🙂 Although it’s nice to know you were pleasantly surprised by Metallica. Thanks for your vote – one more for Ennio.

  10. OH MY!!! Debbie, this is a fantastic battle! Glad you’re giving Ennio another shot at a BoTB triumph — looks like he’s got it so far, eh? — and I was hoping I’d be able to vote for him this time around (I carry the guilt over Gabriel’s Oboe with me like a ball and chain…) but, alas, I join the minority for Metallica. WHAT A VERSION! It gave me chills. It’s giving me chills just remembering it, haha. Yes, I’m a Metallica fan, too, but I do love Ennio, and his original is flawless. Which puts Metallica’s, I suppose, that much closer to divinity 😀 Metallica. METALLICA! (And now I’m off to listen to it again.)

    AWESOME battle!

    1. We are kindred spirits here, Guilie. 🙂 I knew Metallica would be in the minority, but didn’t expect such a solid trouncing! Oh well, there’s still time for others to weigh in. I love both versions, but like you, the chills are there only for Metallica. Oops! I’m not supposed to reveal my choice yet. Pretend you didn’t read that. 😉 Yours is the SECOND vote for Metallica. Thanks!

    1. Not many metal fans here, I see. 🙂 C’est la vie! Thanks for coming by and casting your vote, Diedre. That’s one more for Ennio.

  11. DEBBIE ~
    [Looks like my comment gotten eaten by the Blogger bug. I’ll try it again…]

    Ennio Morricone is a tremendously talented composer who automatically makes a movie better with his music. He’s got that style which suggests grandeur, power, and images of rugged vistas and tough people. I love the way he incorporates so many sonic textures, including the female voice / voices singing sounds rather than words. (My favorite of his soundtracks is for ‘Once Upon A Time In The West’, which I also happen to think is the greatest “Spaghetti Western” of all time, and by a huge margin. (‘The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly’ was also good, but primarily because of Eli Wallach’s performance and Morricone’s score.)

    By no stretch of the imagination am I a Metallica fan, but for Metallica, this recording wasn’t too shabby (or “wasn’t too offensive”, which is how I generally perceive Metallica’s music). But even though I could listen to their version without a lot of discomfort (and probably would have dug it when I was 18 years old), ENNIO MORRICONE gets my vote in a cakewalk.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    ‘Loyal American Underground’

    POSTSCRIPT: Ugghhh! How does one make those distracting square symbols for Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc. disappear from the left edge? They’re overlapping the comment box but I can’t find a way to “X” them out into oblivion.

    1. Sorry about the technical glitches, Stephen. I found both of your comments in the spam folder. Odd! Anyway, should be okay now. (I deleted the duplicate comment.) No question about Morricone’s talents. We actually watched “Once Upon a Time in the West” again today. 🙂 I think Metallica is one of those bands you either love or hate – like Nickelback. Since you’re not a fan, your “least offensive” comment constitutes praise. 😉 Looks like Ennio is running away with this battle. Thanks for your vote; another Ennio marker.

      These buttons on the left are the sharing icons. They’re not removable, but they shouldn’t be encroaching on the comment form. What device and browser are you using? I checked IE, Chrome and Firefox (using a laptop) and the only way they overlap is if you have the zoom level set to a minimum of 125%. If it’s a real problem, I could move them back to the right side. Let me know. Thanks for the report.

      1. DEBBIE ~
        I use Firefox, but my zoom level is set at 100%. I see you’ve got them on the right side now and, for me anyway, that’s much better. No problem and no overlap to speak of. Thanks!
        ~ D-FensDogG

  12. I’m just going to have to add my vote to the stack. I must admit, though, that the Metallica version was pretty good. But I’m a purist at heart, and I spent 31 years gaining a first-hand appreciation of Ennio Morricone, watching all the Spaghetti Westerns (as they are proudly called even in Italy–I’ll bet Angelo knows something about that 😉 ) and not just Sergio Leone’s. Put Metallica’s version with someone else, and I’d probably vote for it. (That’s a big concession, you know. heeheehee)

    1. You have surprised me, Mary. Never in a million years would I have thought you’d enjoy anything by Metallica! 😀 Hubby and I love Spaghetti Westerns too. Thanks for your vote. Another one for Ennio. He is a legend.

  13. Mettalica gave the song a new interesting twist,.. but like said before by the Miracle Girl, it sounded too metallic. I’m with the crowd on this one: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Theme • Ennio Morricone ..Yeah!
    Debbie, are you the only Mellalica fan around here?

    1. So far, it does look like I’m the only Metallica fan here! 😛 Oh well, so it goes…….Thanks for your vote, Angelika. yet another one for Ennio. 🙂

    1. Welcome to The Den, Yolanda. 🙂 I’m looking forward to your blog fest later this month.
      Ennio has all the votes, so far. Thanks for adding yours!

    1. Well, at least you enjoyed the Metallica version, even if it didn’t get your vote. 🙂 I’m thinking this will be another blowout! 😛 Another one for Ennio.

  14. Morricone vs Metallica; no contest, as far as I’m concerned. I listened to Metallica, and for the first few seconds thought maybe they were going to surprise me, but nope. Give my vote to Morricone.