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Dog Mom and (retired) Canine Innkeeper in suburban Toronto, Canada, known as The Doglady. Former corporate workaholic. Writer, photographer, digital creator. Animal lover, music fanatic, inveterate traveller. Eternal hippie/rockchick. History, literature and cinema buff. Hockey and soccer fan. Dedicated night owl. German/Canadian binational, multilingual. Let me entertain you!
16 thoughts on “WHERE I’VE BEEN 🗺️ THE HIGHLIGHTS”
You’re so well traveled. Some really wonderful places that I would love to visit and explore too.
Have a fabulous day and week, Debbie. ♥
Hi Sandee, I see you’ve landed on one of the static pages. Thanks for checking it out. 🙂 Yes, travel has been a huge part of my life, but it’s mostly over now. It’s become much too difficult to go anywhere these days! The memories are always fun to relive, though. Wishing you a great week as well. Cheers!
What a nice collection of trips you’ve taken. Congratulations and wish many more will come.
Thanks! ? Another big trip coming up in a few weeks. Mediterranean/Adriatic cruise. ?️
We’ll have to compare notes sometime. I’ve been around quite a bit myself. Lived and worked on the coast of Belgium for several months. Did a lot of traveling during that time.
Hi Mickey; sorry to have missed you comment previously. Yes, that would be interesting. Thanks for dropping by.
You have certainly been around the world. I love to travel, but it has become too expensive these days. I have been across the US a couple of times and in Canada, Mexico which was great.
I too am an aging old hippie chick, nice to meet you. I like that voice recording, I have wondered how one could put a greeting on WordPress.
Have a great week.
Raven xox
Nice to see you, Raven. Wish you were still here, (So sorry I missed this comment before.) 🙁
Ahhh now I knew that I had been in here though and am just enjoying a good nosy, I mean a good browse around again, you have visited some wonderful places Debbie…
I am just looking at the comment above where you say ‘Yes I am That Old Andro’, well you could have easily have fooled me Debbie so there, what do you think of that? 🙂 I will just have another look around before I return to My Gothic Realm 🙂 Nosy Vamps… lol
Androgoth XXx
Lucky you, Andro! We hope to make it to Greece for our 40th anniversary, (yes, I am THAT old, LOL), in 2013.
I have been to Greece three times
you will love it there Debbie… Hope
you are well and enjoying your day,
it’s rather sunny here for a change so
Spring definitely here now… Have a
wonderful Easter now
Androgoth XXx
well travelled id say lucky to have been all these places theres parts of britain id love to see although i loved germany and the city of hamburgh xxjen
Yes, very lucky, I agree. Really miss it now and I still have a burning desire to visit Greece and Egypt. One day, I hope. Yeah, Hamburg was interesting.
Thanks for checking out my site. 🙂
You have some extremely fine memories here Debbie, I’ve enjoyed looking through your Travelogue… Wicked.. Androgoth Xx
Thanks Androgoth. I sure miss travelling on a regular basis, but, who can afford it now? 🙁 It was easy, living in Germany and so central to the rest of Europe.