Cee's Fun Photo Challenge: Circles, curves & ArchesJoining up with Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge once again.

There’s a different subject every week and it runs from Tuesdays to Mondays.

The current theme is CIRCLES, CURVES & ARCHES.

(click on images to read descriptions [linking to related material] and to enlarge)

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(click on images to read descriptions [linking to related material] and to enlarge)

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(click on images to read descriptions [linking to related material] and to enlarge)

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This photo challenge runs through Monday, Oct. 14. Join us, will you?
Click on the image for details!
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Circles. curves and Arches, Cee's photo challenge

Also linking up to these #WW participants:

 bethere2dayComedy Plus / Curious As A Cathy / image-in-ing
Natasha Musing / The Sky Girl / Wordless Wednesday 

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Do you like this idea for a photo challenge?

Looking forward to your comments!

Debbie's signature

Talk soon Bitmoji


Friday, Oct. 11

Queen purple lighting

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Tuesday, Oct. 15


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Date T.B.A.

Chapter Nine: SCOUT, The Malamute



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  1. Enjoyed our post, Debbie and the way you categorised them is so interesting! Thank you for sharing these lovely pictures and joining our linky party, Debbie. Have a fabulous week ahead!

  2. OH MY GOSH, THERE’S SO MUCH TO SEE! Loving all the places you been to. I shall have to come back and see some more and more and more! You go girl. Must come back for Queen & Adam Lambert too! That Adam Lambert sure has a talent and looks and then fallin’ into Queen that’s one lucky man!!! So if you don’t mind so much too see I shall be back!!! Love it! Your Circles, curves, and arches are awesome. I need to write down when to come back my memory isn’t what it use to be. Thank you for sharing girlfriend! Gotta run and go make supper, but first must feed Charlie (our black/brown lab) he turned out to be a great dog/friend! Love him to pieces. I just wish when he gets the chance he wouldn’t run on us… I follow him and call him, whistle, yell whatever and I have a van with two sliding doors and leave them open hoping he would just run and jump in. He only did it once, but it was surely a hot day!!! Talk to ya later Deb… how’re your pups doing???

    1. HI Marie! I’m so glad you enjoyed the post. Since you’re as big an Adam Lambert fan as I am, you’ll like that one too, I’m sure. 🙂 I Hope your Charlie stays safe! Thanks so much for coming by for a visit. Apologies for the late response. Had some offline issues as well as blog issues. Have a good weekend!

  3. Fantastic collection for the prompts! The descriptions are interesting, but I love the artistic composition of the photos.

  4. I think I end up in your spam folder. I know I commented on this post yesterday.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  5. Debbie,

    I always love looking at your photos! The moon looks so gorgeous! Nigeria Falls is a place I’d like to see someday!! And, all those beautiful arches!! Fabulous!! Thanks for sharing your views with us, my dear. You really have an eye for photography. 😉

    1. HI Cathy; I’m glad you like my photos. Thank you for the compliment! Photography is to me what sketching is to you; a major creative outlet. 🙂 Niagara Falls is about 700 miles north of you. Wouldn’t that make a fun road trip? 😀 And, we could meet there, since it’s only a 45 minute drive from my house. Thanks for coming by. Hope you feel better soon.

      1. Debbie,

        That would be an awesome road trip and who knows maybe, we shall meet one day. 🙂 It’s good to have something you’re passionate about. I like photography, too. I just need to get back into the groove again. Perhaps, while on vacation I can capture some good moments to share. Have a good day, my dear!

  6. I might have to think about doing one of these, although mine would prolly be more like, “Circle: the nerf ball Peanut didn’t put in his toybox; curves: just about to slide into our roadside parking spot; and arches, trip to McDonalds”!

    1. Hahaha! I thought of McDonald’s, but alas, no pictures. 😀 I bet you have plenty of photos in your files that would qualify for various photo challenges. Thanks for coming by.

  7. Love, love, love the travel spin you added to this photo challenge! Special favorites are the ferris wheel and Niagara falls. Makes me wanna go back!

    1. Thanks, Paul. 🙂 Photography is one of my biggest passions and I’ve been doing it for some time. Practice makes “perfect”, or, at least, better.

    1. Thank you, Keith! 🙂 I know you’ve travelled extensively, so I’m not surprised we’ve been to a few of the same places. Cee has several different weekly photo challenges. ? Check out her site. Cheers!

  8. I enjoyed your photos great architecture Marble Arch just down the road from me here in London looks like the one in Rome 🙂

    Have an archtastic week 🙂

    1. Glad you enjoyed the photos. Thanks, Steve! 🙂 I visited London once, way back in 1969, but don’t remember Marble Arch. Pity! You have a good week, too.

    1. I bet we have a few more similar concert photos, Janet! 🙂 Thanks for the compliment. ? There are so many fun photo challenges online. Cee has some excellent ones!