blog delurking week

Happy 2020 and welcome to The Doglady’s Den for another year
of (hopefully) entertaining musings, memoirs, music and more!

blog delurking week, black champagne glasses

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A taste of what’s planned for The Den this year:

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This is the week where bloggers honour their silent followers. We ask readers who don’t usually write comments to introduce themselves, so we can thank them properly for their support

No using the like button only! 🚫 And please, no fly-by, generic comments either. This is about genuine engagement, yes? 👌 Of course, regulars are welcome to share their thoughts as well.

Fellow bloggers who come by here can enter their URL and check “CommentLuv” to get a clickable post link, so we may easily pay a return visit. 

Blog Delurking Week badgeInternational Blog Delurking Week was first started by Mel at Stirrup Queens, more than a decade ago.

Since 2018, Parul at Happiness and Food has taken up the baton.

If you’d like to join in by writing something about it, she would appreciate a link back (click HERE – opens in new window).

Let me know in a comment, as well. The more, the merrier!

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What exactly is “Blog Delurking Week”? Social engagement fuels every blogger’s desire to continue. Does this sound familiar? You pour your heart and soul into an article and happily press “Publish.”

Now, the waiting begins. After a decent interval, you check your stats and see that many people have viewed your post, but, what’s this? Only one comment? Or worse, none!

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Then, that little voice – you know the one – starts filling your head with self-doubt. Was it the content? Too boring? Hackneyed? Hard to follow? The images? Too bright? Too dull? Or worse!

Was the blog having technical difficulties? That’s a quick way to chase anyone away! Unfortunately, there’s usually not much we can do about that, other than waiting it out and apologize for the inconvenience.

blog delurking week - black eye on red background

So, dear readers, don’t be shy! If you’ve been lurking in the background (or even if you comment regularly), please make your presence known by writing a few words, below.

It can be anything from a short introduction, (I’d love to know who and where you are), a question or three, or even a critique.

It's International #BlogDelurkingWeek! Don't be shy; come on by and leave a comment. Thank you for your support! ♥ #dogladysden #bloggingcommunity Share on X

What brought you to The Doglady’s Den initially? How long ago was that? What topics are most interesting? Least interesting? I promise to respond to every one of you!

blog delurking week - black eye on red background

Thank you all so much for your support! 

Debbie's signatureI appreciate you bitmoji

NOTE: If this is your first time writing a comment, it will be subject to moderation and not appear immediately. I check regularly, so it won’t take long. Thank you for your patience.


Wednesday, Jan. 8th

Winter #CFFCFrosty Photos! ❄

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Friday, Jan. 10th

Crete: Greek Odyssey XI, Palace of KnossosTravelogue: Knossos, Crete

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Wed. Jan. 15th

battle of the bandsOne iconic blues song, two incredible artists!

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Your comments are appreciated. 🌹 Thanks for your time!

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  1. Debbie, I’m what you might call a “sort of semi regular”. I can’t remember exactly how I met your blog but I think it was through A to Z? I enjoy music and photography posts. Ironically, as I near retirement (later this year) I may devote less time to being online – but we’ll see. Thank you for your support of my blog, in turn!

  2. I am not a lurker here. If I come, I make sure to leave a comment. I love stories from your life, your dogs and sure the music that you share. Thanks for taking this up, Debbie!
    Happy 2020!

  3. Hi Debbie!
    First thing that drew me to your blogs was “Doglady” as I was astonished to have discovered our two adorable puppies had grown into boisterous clowns the size of cows! I figured you’d have valuable advice 😉 Then, I liked your taste in music, your appreciation for art and history. More enticing than anything is the engaging way you share your thoughts. It makes me want to buy my ticket early, so as not to miss a thing 😉 Don’t mean to lurk sometimes. I just get called away or run out of ‘me’ time.
    Happy New Year, dear Doglady!

    1. Hi diedre! What a wonderful comment. Thank you so much! ? Labs are such lovable dogs, goofy as they can sometimes be. 😀 We have much in common, it seems. Happy New Year to you, too!

  4. I’m certainly not a lurker, but I probably haven’t commented here in the longest time, as we kind of drifted away. I now have you in my feed reader, so you won’t have anything else slip by my eyes, though it might take a few days or so. 🙂

    By the way, your blog initially said what I wrote above was spam. I’ve already talked to you on Twitter. This is the replay and hopefully it goes through without picking on me. If not, you won’t see it but in your mind you’ll hear a grown man crying! lol

    1. Hi Mitch! Thanks so much for persevering! My anti-spam plugin had a nervous breakdown, so I turfed it and got a (hopefully) better one! Thanks for putting me on your feedreader. I have done the same. This comment went to moderation, but I’m keeping fingers crossed that you’ll have no further issues, here. Then again, with WordPress, one never knows! 😀 Have a good weekend.

  5. I appreciate your devotion to the craft. I try to post 5 days a week, and unelss there’s a disaster, I do. I’m working on February alreay.

    Have a wonderful day.

    1. Thanks, Paul! 🙂 I don’t know how you and many others manage to publish every weekday. That’s so impressive! I participated in the April A to Z Challenge four years in a row and was utterly burned out afterwards. 😛 Writing posts for future use is a good way to go, yes? I did that during my hiatus. Hope it helps!

  6. I’m afraid I’ve often visited your site and left without a comment but it’s not because I wanted to lurk.
    I enjoy the pictures of your travels and enjoy your musical quizzes.
    Hope to be more interactive this year !

    1. Happy New Year! 🙂 We all have time constraints or other reasons for not writing comments. I just read about your ordeal with the broken arm. That would deter anybody! 😮 Thanks so much for dropping by today and for your support, in general. ?

    1. Happy New Year, Raj! 🙂 The only reason I was able to do all that planning is that I took a month-long hiatus from the Blogosphere and social media. Kind of a vicious circle! ? Thanks for coming by!

    1. Happy New Year, Deb! 🙂 Great idea, however, it’s been completely unsuccessful, so far. ? Only the regulars are leaving comments. Oh well…Thanks for coming by! ?

  7. Blog Delurking is a new term for me but it makes sense! Drive-thrus is how I term the likers but no comment bunch. There are times I am guilty, well because I’ve other things to do or I am just dog tired. And sometimes, I don’t have anything to say. So, with all that said, I do my best when I make my rounds, especially with my loyal followers.

    I’m looking forward to another great year at The Den!

    1. Happy New Year, Eugenia! 🙂 I agree with you about the loyal followers. Thank you so much for your support! ? Drive-thru is a good way of putting it, except many people don’t even bother to click on the Like button. Sure, we all have time constraints and other things that prevent leaving comments, sometimes. What this week is all about though, is asking those who read but never make their presence known in any way to come forward, so we can thank them, too. 🙂 So far, this has been completely unsuccessful! ? Only the regulars are leaving comments. Oh well! Better luck next year…

  8. Lurkers are amazing! They seem to pop up just when I need them. I wish Blogger had a hat-tipping emoji in their comments, or any other site, really, for when you love the post but are just too tired for coherent thought, or too impressed to show off your lack of knowledge!

    1. Happy New Year, Chris! 🙂 Sounds like something similar to the WordPress “LIKE” button. Blogger has those squares at the bottom of a post where you can select a reaction. Isn’t that more or less the same thing? I know, most people don’t bother. So far, no silent lurkers have made their presence known on this post. Only the regulars. 😛 Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Happy New Year, Debbie!!! And I have never heard of delurking but what a cool idea! I’m guilty of lurking sometimes but sometimes I only have time to read and like, telling myself I’ll get back to comment and then oh look there’s a butterfly! I may hop on this bandwagon next year!

    1. Happy New year, Karen! ? We all lurk, sometimes, depending on time constraints. This week is more about those readers who have never commented before. Seems I’m not having much luck with that, though. All comments so far are from regulars. ? Thanks so much for your support and for starting that blogging group! ? P.S. this runs through Jan. 12, and you could join at any time until then if you feel like doing a post.

  10. I always comment on your posts. I don’t blog on the weekends though. It’s my two days to do something other than blog.

    Have a fabulous day and week and welcome back. Happy New Year. ♥

    1. Happy New Year, Sandee! Thank you for your ongoing support. ? I take weekends off too, except for the rare occasion when I’m doing a date-specific post, like BOTB. Wishing you all the best for 2020 and beyond!

  11. Happy New Year & Welcome back after the hiatus! I love both your posts and your feedback on my posts. Here’s to another year of blogging together as a community!

  12. Debbie,
    WOW, here we are in a brand new year! It’s time to get back to the norm of life. Bah-hum-bug! I love the seasonal bliss but I guess by the time January rolls around I’m ready to get things going again. I don’t have to have to be in ‘the season’ to let ‘the season’ live inside 364 other days of the year,right? 😀

    Okay, now this cool event you’re promoting. How cool! I never knew such a thing existed. It makes me wonder if those silent readers will actually play along or just remain anonymous? I hope some of your silent readers let you know who they are and what brought them to your niche. I definitely understand the frustrations low to no comments but in recent years I don’t let it bother me nearly as much as it did in the beginning.

    I always love visiting your blog. You and I connected first through the Wordless Wednesday community and since that time we’ve developed a lovely friendship with our shared passions for photography and mewsic. Blogosphere is a great platform to connect with like minded folks and I’m happy it brought us together, my friend!

    Please, if you’re a silent reader leave a few words for my good bud, Debbie! You’ll really make her day special. 😉

    Happy delurking week!

    1. Happy New Year, Cathy! Thanks for dropping by today. and for your support over the years. ? So far, it’s only been the regulars, but I am hoping to make at least one new acquaintance before the week is out. You and I do have quite a few things in common and I am glad we connected in the Blogosphere. Looking forward to more of the same in 2020 and beyond. Cheers!

  13. Hey Debbie!
    We are friends because of our love for dogs and blogging. And whenever I visit you, I leave behind a comment. ?

    I like what you write and share my thoughts with you. I appreciate it that you speak your mind whenever you visit my blog.
    Cheers to us! ?

  14. Hi Debbie – good to see you … and hope you had a peaceful, yet festive time … I shall just slowly slot back in to regular blogging – however as is my way … irregularly! Have a very happy 2020 and everything of the best for us all … lurkers and commenters alike … cheers Hilary

    1. Happy New Year, Hilary! Your blogging habits sound similar to mine. 🙂 Mind you, I was able to write and schedule a few posts during my hiatus, which should make things a bit easier. Here’s to a stellar 2020! ?

      1. Thanks Debbie – I’m sort of organised … but taking over the monthly dinner(60+) for an organisation I belong to, let alone the courses I go … take time … we’re getting there. My posts are vaguely organised … visited lots of places last year I want to post on … and next Monday will be a big one … see you before or then! Cheers and looking forward to yours – Hilary

  15. Oh, and I found you via Karen’s blogging group on Facebook Old School Bloggers – The Originals. A lovely friendly group which sadly, I cannot keep up with because I feel it isn’t right to post links when I know I can’t reciprocate visits. If there is one thing I can’t abide it’s the narcissistic type of bloggers in blogging groups who drop links but don’t reciprocate when you spend your precious time reading and commenting on their work. Grhhhhh! Makes me cross and I don’t want to be one of them. But I do miss the lovely people there, a LOT. ?

    1. Karen’s group is the best! ? You and I have the same views about blogging. Ideally, it is a reciprocal activity, but if you can’t, sometimes, that’s understandable too. Agreed about those narcissistic bloggers who always take and never give! ?

  16. Hi Debbie, Happy New Blogging Year to you! I’m not a lurker, I’m a sporadic reader and commentator! ? Yes, it’s an issue when you see you have lots of readers and very few comments and yes, we do go through all those thoughts.? But then I read a huge number of blogs in the course of my net surfing, quite often in response to searches I have done looking for info on something specific. And do I always leave comments? No. Why? Because I simply don’t have time in the midst of trying to work, look after my mum and have some kind of leisure time as well. Even though I am deeply grateful to people out there who provide me with answers or entertain me, quite often, the most I can do is hit like. I don’t even have time right now to update my own blogs that often, which isn’t good! And if I am on my iPad, I often can’t even do that (like right now, I can hit like but nothing will happen so I have to come back to hit like when I’m on my Mac). And on my craft blog, I get way more readers than my anything except housework one but I rarely get comments. I get people contacting me via the contact form. Blogging is a strange world indeed. Thanks for doing the delurking post, it’s interesting to see we all have the same issues.

    1. Happy New Year, Gilly! Thanks for coming by. ? You are so right about the time constraints involved with commenting. A “Like” is also welcome in lieu (except for this particular post ?). Yes, we all experience these blogging frustrations. It sounds like your metaphorical plate is overflowing these days. May you find more time for yourself soon!

  17. Great to see you posting, here in the new year, Debbie. I look forward to reading the commentary this blog will generate… I visited for a while, before actively participating. Shy people are like that, you know. But, you have always made me feel welcome.
    I like your music content, and your pictures, and when you write about your everyday life experiences.

  18. Well, you know me so don’t have much to say in that regard other than it’s been a joy having your blogging friendship for the past many years.

    Keep on doing what gives you greatest contentment.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thank you, Lee and I feel the same way! 🙂 So glad to have you as a blogging friend. All the best for 2020 and beyond! Thanks for coming by.