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#AtoZChallenge 2015: W is for WANDERLUST #dogladysden Share on X
a strong desire to travel
“a person consumed by wanderlust”
This one’s a natural!
My first travel experience happened at nine months old,
and I’ve travelled on and off ever since.
Plus, the word originated in Germany, just like me. 🙂

During last year’s A to Z Challenge, I talked about some of the places I’ve seen, especially in Greece:
Still more on the Bucket List:
Realistically, finances and ageing may hamper these ambitions, but surely, we aren’t done yet!

If nothing else, thanks to the wonderful world-wide-web,
we can travel via armchair anywhere, at any time!
Check out this fabulous virtual travel site by Google Maps:
What’s on your travel bucket list?
Looking forward to your comments!

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35 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge: W is for WANDERLUST”
Tried to comment yesterday but your WordPress was being finnicky and fussy and didn’t like me so I’ll try again. Loved your word wanderlust. Wouldn’t it make a great title for a book? I bet there are some out there. What a great bucket list! I hope to go to NZ and Australia and meet online friends. Also I want to see more of the States and of course go back to Toronto and possibly meet up with you sometime. That would be so much fun. Hope you get to do some traveling to your dream destinations, Debbie. I hear you about money and aging being factors. Good you’ve gotten to go and do some of your bucket list already. I always enjoy hearing about all your travels. Hope you will share more of them.
So sorry, Cathy. 🙁 There was a technical problem yesterday.
Although beyond my control, I did bitch about it and it’s been resolved.
It is a great word and there are at least two books I know of that use it in their titles. 🙂 Australia is on my bucket list too and NZ would be a natural add-on. The majority of those dream destinations will probably remain just that, but I am grateful to have had the chance to travel most of my life. The biggest thrill of all was crossing Greece off the list. It had been my number one destination since childhood! ♥ We will likely get back to Europe at least once more – hubby’s immediate family lives in Italy – but otherwise stick to North America. Yes, I’ll be writing more about Greece and other travels in the months ahead. Glad you enjoy those posts. 🙂 It would be great to meet you in person! ☼
Oh I love to travel too.I have always wanted to visit Europe. Someday!
I’d love to travel too, for now we’re content with short weekend getaways!! And yes, the internet has taken armchair travelling to a whole new level!
Weekend getaways are fun too! 🙂 It’s great to be able to explore the world online. Not quite as good as the real thing, but certainly easier.
It’s wonderful to travel and see other parts of the world, but it’s also great chatting with people from all around the world in our corner of blogland.
Definitely, Clowie. The internet has made the world so much smaller and it’s wonderful that we can talk to people anywhere, anytime.
Cool! Great that you got to travel to some destinations at least Debbie! 😉 I was curious what the #’s meant by the way… And there’s also bloggers like Raj who takes beautiful photos with a bit of an explanation too! 😉 On my bucket list is India to meet some of the Indian bloggers I have befriended online! ♥
There’s been many destinations over the years. 🙂 The numbers on the map indicate the various places, plus frequency of visits. For example, the “2” in the northeast corner of Africa represents the Canary Islands and the Western Sahara, (only one time for each.) My parents moved to California in the 70s, so that’s a popular area, as well as eastern Canada/U.S. (lived here since 1969). There were myriad travel opportunities while living in Germany in the 60s, plus hubby and I spent a month there, (4 different countries- many places) in 2013.
If you’re interested, there’s an existing Pinterest board. View it HERE.
Raj’s travel posts are fabulous and I’d love to visit Australia, someday. India would be awesome! Hope you get there, Elly. Meeting online friends would make it even more wonderful. 🙂
We have much, much in common, you and I 😀 Traveling is my favorite thing to do. I’d love to take off for three, six months at a time, just wander the world without timetables or schedules or prearranged anything. India–I’d love to backpack through there. I spent two months in Bangalore for work several years ago, and although we did get to travel around a bit, it wasn’t nearly enough. Goa, Kerala, Mumbai, Kalkota, the north border (as dangerous as it is, yes)… I’d love to see that. Eastern Europe also fascinates me. Closer by, Brazil is definitely on the list. An Amazon trek, yes! Sadly, I have seven dogs, so any vacation requires, like you said in a comment above, lots of planning — and definitely budgeting 😉
We do indeed, Guilie. 🙂 India would be fascinating! I am learning so much about it from my blogging friends who live there. Seven dogs is a lot and getting someone like me to take care of them could be expensive. Happy trails!
I would love to travel. My business keeps me pretty tied down: while other people are vacationing, I’m watching their dogs! I’ve never been to Europe and have a keen desire to get there one of these days. I especially would like to see the Czech Republic, Amsterdam and Greece and Ireland. Of course all the other countries too. I love the virtual travel site you turned us on to. That may have to satisfy me for now…
I’m in the same business, Michele. The trick is to plan vacations far in advance and then advise the clients accordingly. I also state it on my incoming voicemail message. The biggest drawback of course is there’s no such thing as paid vacations when you’re self-employed, so budgeting is required. Hope you get to do some travelling in future but yes, there are some amazing virtual travel site online too. Better than nothing. 🙂
Most of my travel time is spent visiting family. I guess I’ve made these choices. Instead of budgeting for travel, my disposable income goes into my home and instead of taking exotic trips, I choose family instead. I understand that these are my choices and for the most part, I’m happy with these decisions. But should my lot in life improve, I would certainly do some pleasure traveling. For now I’m content to spend my down-time with family and friends back home. Though because my parents live in North Carolina, I find that I seldom get back home (Niagara Falls). As soon as I do get back there though, you and I are going to meet! That will be so much fun! XOXO
I understand completely and have also spent much of my time going back and forth between here and California to visit my family. Hubby’s family lives in Italy, so that’s a big reason we’ve been there a few times now. It’s also a lot easier to travel when there are two incomes. On my own, I couldn’t afford nearly as much. Yes, I hope we get the chance to meet one of these days. XOXO back! 🙂
I think most Americans, to at least some degree, have a bit of wanderlust in their genes. Think about it–most of us are here because of wandering ancestors… seriously, though, there are two places in particular where I’ve never been but would like to go: Ireland and India. And of course, I’d like to return to Italy for a visit some day–then I can hug my daughter over and over again.
Greece and Egypt tempt me, too, but not as much as the three – no wait, four; we can’t forget Israel! – “I” countries. 😉
India would be fascinating, for sure! 🙂 Ireland, too. Of course, anywhere foreign is fascinating to me. Hope you get back to Italy so you can hug your daughter, Mary.
My admiration for your work and the execution of it! It is fun to read in this place. My Wanderlust started also when living in my home country Germany, when my husband and our children made vacation in the Netherlands, Norway and Austria with our camper trailer. The urge to travel went to extremes when my husband and I immigrated to the United States in 1984. Since 2000 we live in a Fifth Wheel RV permanently and have seen this nice and big country, some Canadian Provinces and Alaska. Our advanced age will have us settle in one place soon. Wanderlust will be always there, but our wonderful memories of traveling have to do….. If one of your readers is interested in my travel blog and pictures, please explore my 20+pages website http://karinbartsch.weebly.com
I am so glad you are my friend, Debbie.
You have had many exciting journeys, Karin. 🙂 I say the same thing about travelling – that it will give us wonderful memories when we are older. You’ve done a fantastic job with your website also. Glad you’ve enjoyed my posts and that we are friends. Tschüß!
I suffer from it. Really bad. Loved your list in Pinterest.
Me too and the only thing that cures it is lack of funds. 😉 I’m sure there will be more additions to the bucket list, but most of it will remain a dream.
Wanderlust is one of my favourite words
I really hope some day I would travel the world
loved your theme
Glad you liked the theme, Pooja. 🙂 Travelling is one of my favourite activities!
The people with a desire to see the world are the most interesting and the most intelligent. You mentioned Greece. We visited Greece earlier in the 21st century. We stayed at a villa in Santorini, and we visited Athens with all of its history. I’ve traveled to various countries. Thailand is one of my favorite locations. Africa is on my bucket list.
Nice to meet a fellow travel buff, Jolie. 🙂 Greece is magnificent, isn’t it? We toured the mainland as well as the southern islands. Best trip of my life! ♥ Thailand would fascinating. I’ve been to the Western Sahara (formerly Spanish Sahara), northwest coast of Africa, while on vacation in the Canary Islands, back in 1967. We visited a Bedouin tribe. The Sheik served tea. 🙂 If you’re interested, you can read about it HERE
Love this word. I don’t have a particular desire to travel, but I do wander often. I didn’t know the word originated in German – and neither di I know you’re originally from Germany.
Yes, Astrid, I was born in Soest, Nordrhein-Westfalen, which is only ~240km from the Dutch border. 🙂 I’ve always been crazy about travelling!
There was a time when I wanted to see the world, and I’ve been blessed that I have travelled to so many countries. Now I want to travel in my birth country of India. My wanderlust is to see the beautiful places there.
It would be a dream trip to visit India! I’ve been learning so much about your birthplace, thanks to the members of B-A-R who live there. Hope you get back there, Suzy. 🙂
Sadly I don’t travel much due to hectic work schedules but given a chance I’d like to travel to Europe 🙂
Travelling Europe has always been a great experience for me. Hope you get to go, someday. Thanks for visiting. 🙂
I have a strong desire to travel within a reasonable radius of where I live. In other words leave home and arrive back the same day. As far as going from state to state, not in my itinerary. Leaving the country, I don’t ever see happening unless I go to Ireland when I retire. As far as space travel, I am afraid of big rockets. 🙂
Not the adventurous type, eh? 😉 Ireland would be lovely, but only in summer. Nasty, damp climate, otherwise. (Not that I’ve been there, but I know a couple of people who are natives.) I wouldn’t be up for space travel either, at my age. LOL
Wanderlust is something I have, but I’ve never used that word to express my strong desire to travel. If I didn’t have to worry about the resources I’d love to travel all over the world, but mostly I’m content to stick with North America.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
Yes, resources. That’s the trouble! Sigh…..
My bucket list includes several North American destinations too: Vancouver (never been to western Canada), San Francisco + drive all the way down the coast to San Diego (where my parents moved to years ago), New York City, New Orleans and Key West. These are probably more doable than going back to Europe, although hubby’s immediate family still lives in Italy, so we’ll likely visit at least once more.