#AtoZChallenge: S is for SCINTILLATING

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“Favourite Words” is my theme. (Not all of them – keeping it mild 😉 )
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#AtoZChallenge, Day 19: S is for SCINTILLATING
Day 19, April 22

#AtoZChallenge 2015: S is for SCINTILLATING #dogladysden Share on X




1. sparkling or shining brightly.

“the scintillating sun”

synonyms: sparkling, shining, bright, brilliant, gleaming,
glittering, twinkling, shimmering, glistening

literary: glistening

“a scintillating diamond necklace”

antonyms: dull

2. brilliantly and excitingly clever or skillful.

“the audience loved his scintillating wit”

synonyms: brilliant, dazzling, exciting, exhilarating, stimulating; sparkling,
lively, buzzy, vivacious, vibrant, animated, ebullient, witty, clever

literary: coruscating

“a scintillating performance”


antonyms: dull, boring


 I love shimm’ry neon lights
Vegas nights
All the sights!

Sensual Sating!

See more Las Vegas (plus San Diego) photos HERE.
©DDB 2012/13/14/15


Don’t you just love a wicked sense of humour? Such scintillating wits as George Carlin and Robin Williams (may they R.I.P. ♥), always bring on tears of laughter.

Back in the mid 70s,  we went to see Irish comedian Dave Allen perform and laughed so hard, our jaws were aching the next day!  Another comedic genius gone, much too soon. 

 Note the antonyms: “DULL” and “BORING”
Life should never be that, if at all possible!

What do YOU find scintillating?

Looking forward to your comments!


#AtoZChallenge 2015, The Doglady's Den
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40 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge: S is for SCINTILLATING

  1. I find listening to Kate Bush sing scintillating. I also adore air-planes and airports I am dazzled by big city lights and it is my dream to visit Vegas one day,

    1. Vegas is fun and fabulous, Kelly! 😀 Even if you’re not into gambling (we’re not), there’s plenty of other things to see and do there. I love airports too, and flying off somewhere. 🙂

  2. I think the antonyms are very helpful in understanding the true meaning of scintillating!! Yes, our lives should never be dull!

  3. How synchronistic (and I’m not just saying that ’cause it’s an S word)! I just used ‘scintillating’ in my comment to Vinitha’s S poem today (not seeing your post or word today)! 😉 A most excellent word to describe Robin Williams as you mention above (and not aware of the other two). <3

    1. Synchronistic, indeed! (and another great word..) Yes, Robin Williams certainly had a scintillating wit. George Carlin was amazing too and so was Dave Allen. I can only think of one comedian out there today, who would be on their level and that’s Billy Connolly.

  4. What a scintillating post about the word scintillating. I’ve always loved that word. It sounds all bright and sparkly like its meaning. Nice choice for the letter S, Debbie. Another fun post.

  5. I have not thought about Dave Allen, in years. I used to watch him on television. He was fantastic.

    We don’t say “scintillating” very often here in West Tennessee. That is a really big word. 😉

    1. Nice to see another Dave Allen fan! 🙂 We watched his show every week. He was even more hilarious in person, because there was no TV censorship. You don’t use big words in West Tennessee? Different dialect, huh? 😉

  6. Dave Allen is hilarious! We used to watch his show on Sunday nights, and would laugh like idiots. I’d be telling his jokes for the rest of the week.

    1. Yes, we loved Dave Allen and never missed his show, either. 😀 His live performance was insanely funny, as he was not restricted by TV censorship.

  7. Love the word scintillating! Another fun word to say. Loved the video clip of Dave Allen. I bet he was funny live. I was fortunate to get to see George Carlin and OMG, talk about laugh! He was soooo damn funny. I love scintillating wit: to me, laughter is tonic for the soul and it’s vital for a functional life. Without it, life ceases to be worth living, in my opinion…

    1. I wish I could have seen George Carlin live. That must have been hilarious, Michele! 😀 Yes, Dave Allen was good. We used to watch his TV show, “Dave Allen at Large” every week. I agree with you about laughter. So necessary! Have you heard of “Laughter Yoga”? Groups of people gather on a regular basis and just laugh, as long and hard as they can, about nothing. Apparently, the very act of laughing has healing properties.

      1. I have some friends who have taken the laughing yoga classes. I think it sounds weird! But I guess if everyone is fake laughing, there has to be something inherently funny about that! 🙂

  8. Love your pics of Vegas Debbie…they are very scintillating! Robin Williams was one of my favorite comedians. I watch his stand up on TV when they air. 🙂

    I wonder what your word will be tomorrow :). Hope you’re having a great week!


    1. Hi Cori; 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the photos. I added a link to the rest; should have done that before. Duh! Robin Williams was hilarious, as were the others. Too bad they’re gone now. 🙁 I don’t think there’s a comedian out there who’s up to filling in. I’m starting to run out of energy with these daily posts. LOL Even changed a couple at the last minute. Thanks for visiting.

  9. Scintillating is right. I adore Robin Williams and Carlin. I keep watching their old YouTube videos for some much-needed humour. Sigh.

  10. Scintillating was the natural fireworks display Monday night here in Brooklyn. We had the display long before sound effects arrived, although when that happened I was already half asleep. I also love looking at the scintillating stars in the Brooklyn night (yes, believe it or not, there are actual stars. Of course, we must beware of scintillating conversations, because there could soon be sparks flying. Oh dear, you may be right about my channeling Russ… :3

    1. Vegas is a fun place to visit. You should go, Raj! 🙂 I’ve been twice now and each time it was different. Love all the neon lights!

  11. You named a couple of my favs Dave Allen and Robin Williams already 🙂 I always find Professor Brian Cox scintillating when he talks about the universe – his programs always have me completely hooked.
    Tasha’s Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

    1. It seems like all the brilliant comedians have passed away. 🙁 Oh, except for Billy Connolly. He’s another one who cracks me up. I will Google Professor Brian Cox and see what he’s all about. The universe is a scintillating subject, for sure!

  12. Hi Debbie – thanks for finding me … you’ve got some good words to explain and show what they mean .. scintillating is a great S word, as too R for recalcitrant … cheers Hilary

  13. Scintillating is one of those words that gets used often in show business especially in stage introductions. I’m sure I heard it used more than once by the barker in front of the carnival girlie show that I worked on a few times.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host

    1. Yes, I suppose it does get used a lot in showbiz. 🙂 Interesting that you worked at a carnival girlie show, Lee! Was this during your time as a juggler? Your life sounds fascinating!

      1. My mother, sister, and I had a juggling act that we performed in 1966 at a girlie show on the Gooding’s Million Dollar Midway in Knoxville and Nashville, TN at the fairs in those cities. Later I was with a magic show that worked a brief stint on a girlie show at the fair in Sedalia, Missouri in 1976. I didn’t juggle in that one, but performed a packing trunk escape and most ran a spotlight. I wasn’t very fond of that gig as by that time the girlie shows had lost some of the “class” the old ones used to have and had become pretty raunchy.

        Arlee Bird
        A to Z Challenge Co-host