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#AtoZChallenge2015: Q is for QUAGMIRE #dogladysden Share on X
1. a soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot.
“torrential rain turned the building site into a quagmire”
synonyms: swamp, morass, bog, marsh, muskeg, mire, slough;
archaic: quag
“the field became a quagmire”
2. an awkward, complex, or hazardous situation.
“a legal quagmire”
synonyms: muddle, morass, mix-up, mess, predicament, mare’s nest,
can of worms, quandary, tangle, imbroglio; trouble, confusion, difficulty;
informal: sticky wicket, pickle, stew, dilemma, fix, bind
I so love the sound of this word! Say it sloooowly……Quaaaaaaagmiiiiiiiire….. 😀
Do you ever find yourself in a quagmire, with no apparent solution?
It does feel like you’re sinking in a swamp.
You could also get a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Perhaps you feel “bogged down”. Bog is another word for swamp.
See? It’s all related. 😉
I wrote a little ditty about it:
Have you ever found yourself in a quagmire?
(Either literally or figuratively)
How did you handle it?
Looking forward to your comments!

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35 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge: Q is for QUAGMIRE”
Oh yes, often have felt myself in a QUAGMIRE. I have handled it by accepting it for what it is and let life shift and change naturally, no point struggling or you get more stuck into it.
I love this word. SO much more musical than quicksand, which has such a ‘sucky’ sound to it. Ok, bad joke 😀
Haha! Pun intended, I assume. 🙂 It does sound better than quicksand.
Quagmire is a good word. I’ve been in a few over the years. Always managed to extricate myself but it hasn’t always been pretty.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
It often isn’t, but the important thing is, you did get out of it, yes? 🙂 I’ve had some similar experiences.
Quagmire does have neat sound to it. It has rained so much here; anyone who tried to drive across a field or pasture would certainly find themselves in a quagmire. Good word choice.
Glad you liked the post, Ann. 🙂 Yes, we are in a soggy, boggy mess here as well.
Love that descriptive word, Debbie. It’s a good one! It’s sure a quagmire out there in the woods this time of year. I took Loup for a walk and my shoes got totally coated in mud. Should have worn my gumboots.
Yes, quagmires figuratively speaking happen all the time and we feel we’re drowning but somehow we manage to get out. Loved your cute little poem.
Yes, it’s raining a lot here too! Definitely calls for gumboots. 🙂
Glad you enjoyed the poem, Cathy. I’m not as adept at it as you are, but it’s fun.
Hey, that was a new word for me. And pretty sure have been in one, just didn’t know … Not the best place to be anyway. Yes-so fun to say out loud!! He he
Definitely not the best place to be, but, at least we can get out of it. 🙂
I’m in a bit of a quagmire just now, having run out of pre-written A-Z posts. ACK!
That’s exactly the word for the situation I am in for the A to Z Challenge, Debbie! 😉
Hmm, yes, I am in a bit of situation with that too, Corinne. Thanks for dropping by, despite that. It’ll be over soon!
I love the sound of that word too Debbie! 😉 I didn’t realize the first definition though I don’t think. I was in a quagmire with my recent move: the cleaner cancelled the day prior and I was considering an environmental cleaner until I discovered the fee for shampooing carpet – it was a small-sized room, plus cleaning two laminate floors. Luckily I had cleaned pretty much everything else so after my move I ended up doing it. I was tired and I coughed like crazy for an hour – such toxic chemicals – but I did it! I don’t think I’d do it again though! 😉 <3
That sure was a nasty quandary you were in, Elly. You must be so glad to have it finished and overwith. You’d think that toxic chemicals would be phased out more and more.
Here, we call this a lob lolly… Many terms for this, and none of them offer even a single grain of hope… sigh
Oh, there’s always hope! 😀 I’ve never heard the term “lob lolly” before. Thanks for dropping in, Myke.
Love Quagmire, one of my favorite Q words. –Tim Brannan, The Other Side Blog2015 A to Z of Vampires
Yes, mine too. 🙂 Welcome to The Den, Timothy. Must check out your vampires. I’m a huge fan of Anne Rice. Thanks for visiting!
Fun word! When I’m feeling overwhelmed and swamped with “To Do” items, it certainly feels as though I’m in a quagmire.
Yes, it’s a familiar feeling here, too. 🙂
Plenty of times have I been in a quagmire!! Some were not so bad but a few left me shaking with anger and despair! I tend to get angry and push myself harder to do better most of the time. Plus being able to say ‘no’ easily to any one makes my life a bit easy!
Nice word you chose Debbie.
Some quagmires are literally and figuratively deeper that others, to be sure! 🙂 We learn from all of them and hopefully know better next time, as you say.
quaaaaaaggggmiiiiire..I agree it has got a tone to it! Yes, I think I have been too 😉
We’ve surely all been in a quagmire of one type or another, Parul. 🙂 Part of life!
Who hasn’t been in a quagmire at some time in their life? I found myself in one of its synonyms just this morning: quandary, which actually almost became my Q blog, but the quandary was resolved and it will be questions, which is the best way to get out of a quagmire. 🙂
Glad your quandary was resolved, Mary. 🙂 I’ll be on a quest to read your “questions” post.
I hope no one finds themselves in a quagmire with this challenge. The end is in sight!
It’s been a bit of a “sticky wicket”, Nick, but we shall persevere, yes? 🙂
Quagmire surely has a nice ring to it!! But being in one, is certainly not nice and I have had more than my fair share of being in quagmires 😀
Yes, me to Shilpa. 🙂 They are part of life and it’s good that we were able to deal with them successfully.
Quagmire is such a great word – I like you love the sound of it. I don’t think I’ve ever found myself in a virtual quagmire, but I’ve been in more than one boggy hole. I remember stepping out of my wellies as a child once 😉
Tasha’s Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)
For me, it was the other way around. Good thing we both escaped relatively unscathed. 🙂
I so love this word for exactly the reason you do: it sounds so cool and it’s fun to say! Not to mention that my life has been full of them… 🙂
Yes, mine too, Michele. 🙂 Let’s hope there won’t be any more quagmires for awhile, yes?