This is the question I was asking this morning.  

My charges all looked guilty, but nobody answered.  

cartoon dog

Thankfully, it was nice and firm and easy to pick up.  

Only a pet person will get this.  LOL

dog poop cartoon


Have a good weekend, everyone! 

Debbie's signature



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27 thoughts on “WHO POOPED IN THE KITCHEN?

  1. hahaha! When I saw the Title, I was instantly hooked. It reminded me of ” Who let the dogs out?” lyrics. A creative way to start the day.

  2. Okay, I haven’t a clue who pooped in your kitchen, but I can certainly appreciate that it was firm and easy to pick up! Hope the rest of your day improved! LOL

  3. HA HA. One of the reasons I feed my dogs expensive dog food is because the “end product” is smaller, firmer and easier to pick up.

  4. Hi Debby,
    I know what you mean”Nice and firm, easy to pick up…” I’ve done my share of that and the “poop patrol” thingy!
    Have a great weekend!

  5. They ALWAYS look guilty, don’t they? Except for my Magical-Dawg who never looks guilty even if caught in the act.

    Here’s a trick to ID the poop-ertrator. Feed each dog a different color of (nontoxic of course!) crayons to color-code the creativity. 🙂

  6. I can honestly say it was not me and I never have pooped in the house 🙂 I know dogs that have, but it was not me! May I suggest the cat…if you have one?

  7. As soon as I saw “awww” my dogs go under the desk. I haven’t had that happen in a long time but when it rains I have to watch them because they hate going in the rain 🙂

    Have a great weekend Debbie!

    1. Hi Corina; It’s funny how dogs all have that guilty response, whether they did anything or not. LOL I know so many dogs who hate the rain, but it was dry today. Not a common occurrence, thank goodness. You have a great weekend, too! 🙂

  8. ha ha!!! good one!! we used to have a dog that would go hide under the bed, and for some reason she would pee on the phone box, well pretty soon that thing stopped working…. took the phone guy a while to figure it out….. :))