TMI: 26 Things About Me #BlogfestRemember the game “20 Questions”? How about 26? Yes, it’s another A to Z quiz! (Do I hear groaning? 😉 ) I was tagged by Guilie Castillo on Facebook to answer “TMI: 26 Things About Me” and thought it might be fun to make a blogfest out of it.

Are you game? Let me know in a comment, then copy the questions into your own post, write your answers, link back to The Doglady’s Den (this post) and add your entry to the list below (open for a month).

Feel free to use the badge as well. If you don’t have a blog, or don’t want to write a post, you can play along in the comment section.

A fun #Blogfest for all. Join us! TMI: 26 Things About Me from A to Z #dogladysden Share on XTMI: 26 THINGS ABOUT ME #BLOGFEST

Twenty-six things about me from A to Z:

A- Age
61 (Jan. 1955)

B- Biggest fear
Hubby dying before me

C- Current time:
2:30 AM (I’m a night person)

D- Drink you last had:
Hennessey XO Cognac

TMI: 26 Things About Me

E- Every day starts with:
Is it time to get up already?! Five more minutes!

F- Favourite Song:
“Nights in White Satin” by The Moody Blues

G- Ghosts, are they real?
I don’t think so. Skeptical about most things.

H- Hometown:
Soest, Germany (in the north-west)

I -In love with:
Hubby, dogs, music, travel

J- Jealous of?
Nothing, really. Not in my nature

K- Killed someone?:
Only figuratively and temporarily

L- Last time you cried?:
Last month when a client’s dog died

TMI: 26 things about meR.I.P. Nikita ♥

M- Middle name:

N- Number of siblings:

O- One wish:
Travel the world

P- Person you last called?
A female friend

Q- Question you’re always asked:
How do you manage to walk multiple dogs at once?

TMI: 26 Things About Me

R- Reason to smile:
Many; incl. hubby, dogs, rock concerts, travelling

S- Sounds that annoy you:
Any loud, repetitive noise, but especially electric saws

T- Time you woke up:
6 am (sigh…) then again at 8 am

U- Underwear colour:

V- Vacation destination:
a) Favourite so far?
Greece, Italy, Tenerife
b) Wish List?
Too many incl. Egypt, Venice, Malta

W- Worst habit:

X- X-Rays you’ve had:
Teeth, right knee, right ankle, abdomen (gall bladder), lungs (including angiogram)

Y- Your favourite food:
Seafood (especially Italian)

Z- Zodiac sign:

TMI: 26 Things About Me #Blogfest

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Coming Up at The Doglady’s Den 
Hope you can join us!

Wednesday, June 15:
A fabulous, female vocalist vs a rowdy rock band!

Any guesses what the song might be? Your hint is “train”.

Battle of the Bands

Thursday, June 16
Meet Angelika Schwarz; author, photographer, artist and traveller.
 Her suspense novel “Wings At Her Heels” is a real thriller!

Meet Author Angelika Schwarz


Are you joining the blogfest?
Do you like music battles?
Want something good to read?
Party at The Doglady’s Den all week and beyond!

Looking forward to your comments!

Debbie signature style 5

podcasts by debbie d.


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61 thoughts on “TMI: 26 THINGS ABOUT ME #BLOGFEST

    1. Thanks for joining the blogfest, Denise. 🙂 Sorry about the long scrolling. I’ve been trying to get the comment form to appear at the top, but it’s a fairly complicated coding issue. Definitely working on it, though. Cheers!

    1. It’s always so much harder to get up in the winter. 😛 Thanks for coming by and for participating in the blogfest. Cheers!

  1. This was so fun to do Debbie. Thanks for the opportunity. It’s a good way to learn more about our blogging friends. And your love of dogs certainly shines through. Thanks for including food and drink, too. Always popular with me! 🙂

      1. I screwed up and didn’t put the permalink on the linky. My post goes up on Wed. Sent you a message via your website with permalink. Didn’t know if you could edit it on the sign up or not.


        1. Thanks; I got it, but it gives me a “page not found” message because it hasn’t posted yet. I’ll change it on Wednesday. 🙂

  2. Quirky questions and fun answers, a great idea for a bloghop! What a wonderful way to getting to know someone better. And anything with A-Z in it will always get my attention 🙂

    Have a great Wednesday!

  3. Even I have wondered about that, Debbie? How do you manage to walk so many dogs at the same time?
    I had no idea you were 61. Man! I wish I am half as cool as you are by the time I reach 60!
    By the way, I joined in too! 😀

    1. When walking multiple dogs, I have to stop and regroup frequently, because the leashes get tangled. It’s not easy! Thank you for the compliment, Chicky; it made my day! 😀 In my head I’m only 35. 😉 I believe the secret is to think young and act accordingly. Thanks for joining the blogfest. I’ll be right over. Cheers!

  4. This is such a fun and cool post, Debbie. Got to know a bit more about you!! I am joining you in this blogfest!! 🙂
    How do your manage to walk multiple dogs at once is something that deserves a blog post! We’d like to know how you do it!! 🙂

    1. Hi, Shilpa; I’m so glad you’re joining the blogfest! 🙂 The main thing you probably learned about me is that I’m old. LOL Walking multiple dogs isn’t easy. I have to stop and regroup all the time because the leashes get tangled. Thanks for coming over. Cheers!

    1. Hi, Corinne; Yes, my parents named me Deborah (after actress Deborah Kerr, but NOBODY ever calls me that – it seems foreign) Rita (my mother’s first name). The link is open until mid-July, so there’s plenty of time. I hope you do join us! 🙂 Thanks for coming by and have a great week!

  5. This morning has been so pleasant, with visiting Cat’s blog and seeing this blogfest that led me here, Debbie! (Thanks for your lovely comment on my cartoon character quotes post!) I love the idea of this blogfest! Your answers are so interesting – I love Nights in White Satin! In some sense, I already feel as though I know you well… through your blog and the interaction we’ve had, plus there’s the incentive of meeting you when I make it to your part of the world again. (yes, I will!).

    Procrastination is a very good friend of mine, too, Debbie. Just push me – I am on the verge of joining you on the blogfest!

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Vidya. Yes, please DO join in! You can procrastinate until July 12 when the link closes. 😉
      We have gotten to know each other well and I look forward to meeting you in person! Thanks for dropping in. Loved your cartoon quotes! 🙂

  6. Fun to read your quiz and get inspired to come up with my own. I wasn’t as good as you adding all the nice photos and graphics so I added a quick poem.

  7. This is pretty cool. Love the idea and willing to take this up 🙂
    Many of my answers will be like yours Debbie 🙂
    Let me write and link up 🙂

  8. Now the song “Lovely Rita Meter Maid” is playing in my head. I wish I were 61 again.

    I did this for my Wrote By Rote blog in the recent April A to Z, except mine went for 26 days. I really milked this meme for all I could get out of it.

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. That’s a good song! 🙂 Age is relative. DiscConnected thinks 54 is old. Ha! I’m so sorry, but I forgot about your other blog. 🙁 Now that you mention it, I remember that was your theme. This is one I’ll be visiting on the road trip. Can’t wait to find out what you answered for the “K” question. Thanks for coming by, Lee.

  9. I saw CW’s (at Tilting At Windmills) post on this and thought I would crash the party.

    I tried to link up above-not sure if it worked. Some interesting questions…when I read the K question, my first reaction was “huh? who’s gonna ‘fess up to that?” but since I grew up in between wars I don’t think of combat first. Although my friends who have seen combat would still rather not talk about it.

    And for the record, I bawled like the baby in the picture on my blog when my cats Buddy and then Chickenfoot died, but you asked the last time I cried, and that was for my Mom.


    1. Welcome aboard, Larry! Your link works fine and I took the liberty of adding CW’s as well. 🙂 Combat didn’t enter my mind either for the “K” question; it was more along the lines of using it as a form of venting (“I could kill you for that!”) when you’re pissed off at somebody. My sympathies to you about Buddy, Chickenfoot and your MOM. ♥ BTW, the questions were written by someone else (unknown to me); I only answered them. Thanks so much for playing along! I’ll be by a little later to read your entry and CW’s. Cheers!

      1. Sorry, I would have added it myself but I typed it that night for posting automatic the next morning, and when I got off work that aftrenoon, you’d beaten me to it.

  10. I’m going to participate in this but it’s going to be next week before I can get the post up on my blog. I’m on my way to schedule it to drop on Monday!! I love this idea!!

    1. Thanks for joining the blogfest, Robyn. 🙂 The link is open all month, so there’s no rush. Looking forward to your post. Cheers!

  11. That is my biggest fear too. And I want to travel the world as well. You are really awesome … I wonder if I will be as awesome and energetic when I am 61 🙂

    1. Nah, I’m just an old hippie, but thanks for the compliment. 😉 You will surely be incredible when you reach my age. Definitely in better physical shape, going by your yoga posts. Thanks for dropping in!

  12. This is a fascinating plethora of information on all things you! I hope you had as much fun compiling this as I had reading it, Debbie.

  13. I’ll have to give this some thought, as soon as the living room is vacuumed! 🙂
    I cried this morning – then I got to work and scrubbed the mud room and kitchen. No time for tears, well, no time to wallow in them when they fall. 🙂
    Loved learning more about you!

  14. BTW, some comments on your post:
    Nights In White Satin is a great song! Prolly in my top 20 or thirty.

    There is a little bitty village called Soest not far from us… I came from a little French namesake village myself.

    1. Yes; that’s my favourite song of all time. 🙂 How interesting that there is a village in North America named “Soest”. I wonder if it was founded by Germans. There’s another in Holland, as well.

  15. Verrrry Interrrrrresting…. (Rolling the rrrrr’s and saying it with a German accent). Dear Debbie, because you are sooo beautiful and you carry your heart on your sleave… you don’t need to keep secrets from the world.
    As for me… I’m afraid if I open my life’s book … my brains might fall out. lol….My life’s story (in a nut shell) will be revealed at the special event you are organising… Guessing guests can be gloriously gratifying 🙂 … I’m so looking forward to the ‘author happening’ that you have organised.

    1. Ach, wie schön. My mother rolls her rrrr’s. 🙂 Thank you, Angelika; I am pretty much an “open book”. Looking forward to hearing about your life story on Thursday! Here’s hoping your brains remain intact. 😉 Thanks for dropping in.

  16. Oh this was a delightful read! I smiled the whole time I read each line. I could have guessed many of your answers because you are such a truly genuine person 😉 I’m tickled that we share many of the same likes and dislikes, but I have you beat on X-rays – ha! It’s remarkable that you don’t experience jealousy and it’s also just that kind of confidence that others find attractive. Not sure if I’ll sign up, but it sure is tempting 😉 Thanks for sharing these interesting tidbits!

    1. Hi, Diedre; Yes, what you see is what you get. 🙂 You sure have had a lot of X-rays, then! I’ve never been jealous of others; not sure why, because there certainly are masses of people who lead more luxurious and fascinating lives than I do. I guess it just means I’m content? The link is open all month and I’d love it if you joined in. Thanks for dropping by!

  17. Hi, Shady: Yup; my secret is out. I wear boring underwear. 🙂 I remember the story of your neighbour’s dog. Always sad to lose our 4-legged friends. I wrote about this client’s dog during the A to Z challenge. She was a Havanese, named Nikita. I was looking after her in her last days (she had lymphoma) and it was heartbreaking. 🙁 On a cheerier note, your dinner sounds delicious and what a fabulous location! Thanks for dropping in.

  18. I love Knights in White Satin and I love the Moody Blues! I wish I could say I was born in Germany but I was born in, gulp, Welland..blechhh. My mom was born in Wittenberg which is cool considering that is the birthplace of the Luthern religion. I keep thinking of The Midnight Train to Georgia but probably wrong:)

    1. The Moody Blues are among my all-time favourites, too. 🙂 You may have been born here, but I can tell, you’re definitely German in spirit, Birgit. No wonder we get along so well! 😉 Wittenberg has a fascinating history. Midnight Train to Georgia? Hmmm, something to do with going back to find your world? Thanks for dropping in!

  19. I’m thrilled you took the FB thing to the blog, Debbie… Even though I’ve already answered there, I’m going to join the ‘fest and post my TMI on the blog. (Soon, haha…) I’m so glad you liked the idea, that you decided to play along, and it was wonderful to find out these tidbits about you!

    1. That would be so cool if you joined the blogfest, Guilie! 😀 The linky list is open all month. Thanks for tagging me and inspiring this post. Cheers!