This is an interesting musical challenge I found on Facebook,
with an open invitation to anyone who wants to play along:

Using only song names from ONE ARTIST OR BAND, answer the following questions. Try not to use the band I used, or repeat a song title. (It’s a lot harder than you think!)  Publish as “My Life According to (BAND NAME)” and add your link to the list below. Please leave me a comment as well and link back to this post at The Doglady’s Den. Have fun!

Pick your artist:
John Kay & Steppenwolf

[click on the band name for an in-depth concert article]

john kay & steppenwolf

Q and A

Are you a male or female?
Straight Shootin’ Woman

Describe yourself:
Rock and Roll Rebels

How do you feel?:

Describe where you currently live:
Round and Down

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
From Here to There Eventually

Your favourite form of transportation:
Magic Carpet Ride
(what else? 😉 )

Your best friend is:
A Girl I Knew

Your favourite colour is:
Black Pit

What’s the weather like?
Hot Night in a Cold Town

Favourite time of day:
Night Time’s For You

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called?

What is life to you?
Do Or Die

Your relationships:
Ride With Me

Your fear:
Foggy Mental Breakdown

What is the best advice you have to give?
Live Your Life

If you could change your name, you would change it to:

Thought for the day:
It’s Never Too Late

How you would like to die:

Your soul’s present condition:
Hey, I’m Alright

Your motto:
Let’s Do It All


Just for fun, I made a Youtube playlist:
(not required)

Would you like to play? Here’s a badge you can use:

My Life According to Steppenwolf, The Doglady's Den

If you’re joining the blogfest, please leave a comment below and link back to this post.
Visit the others on the list and let them know what you think.

Have fun!



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  1. This is a fantastic idea (so clever!!!). I love it. It’s taken me a while, but I finally got mine posted.
    Foggy Mental Breakdown. That’s a fear of mine, too. Yikes.

  2. Loved your songs, This is so much fun. I’ve enjoyed reading all of the others so much, I’m posting my very own tomorrow. Thursday March 10. Wish I had seen this earlier, but then ‘you know me’. Seems to take me just about forever to get around the blogosphere.,

  3. DEBBIE ~
    This was a great idea! I saw where Lee did it and it looked like fun so I just now did it also. And it WAS fun! I used Tom Waits song titles. Thanks for the inspiration.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    ‘Loyal American Underground’

    1. Thanks for participating, Stephen. Glad you had fun with it! 🙂 I’ll check out your post and add your link to the list. Tom Waits has some interesting material.

    1. Hi, Suzy; The Beatles’ catalogue would be great for this! Why don’t you give it a shot? 🙂 No pressure, no time limit.
      Thanks for checking this out.

  4. Debbie, what a fun challenge! I loved all of your answers. Yeah, I may give this a whirl. Is this something you’re going to do on a weekly basis changing the questions or what? Am I to borrow these questions or do I make up my own as I go? Thanks for sharing the idea. Have a good weekend and I’ll see on Tuesday for March 1st BoTB! 😉

    1. Hi, Cathy; This is a one-time thing. I couldn’t keep up the pace of a weekly feature. 🙂 The idea is to use the questions shown and answer them with song titles from one favourite band or singer. Looking forward to your post!

    1. Got it! It’s set to go live tomorrow (Saturday) as I’m in the middle of something else just now. Thanks so much for sharing and allowing us to share this challenge! 🙂

      1. Well, on one man anyway. 😉 Yes, it’s been a long struggle, but I’m finally feeling much better.

        This is a fun exercise and I’d love it if you joined in, Yolanda! There’s no time limit.

    1. John Kay is one of my personal music heroes and IMO, an underrated musician. Most people have no idea how truly talented he is and only know about Steppenwolf’s top 40 hits. I love that album too. Another thing we have in common, Myke. 🙂 We saw Steppenwolf last June in Niagara Falls. John’s voice has held up well over the years!


  5. This is crazy cool! I’ll have to think about this one to see if I can I come up with answers. I don’t think I’m up to this particular challenge right now with everything going on here, but if I have some time, I’ll see if I can. Perfect that you were able to use your favorite band!

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Hi, Michele; I’ve had this in drafts for awhile and finally finished it. There’s no time limit, so I hope you’ll get the chance to have fun with it at a later date. 🙂

  6. Shady, you are so clever! Great comment using all Pat Boone songs. 😀 Speaking as a Steppenwolf super-fan, I find it hard to believe that another band could “eclipse” them, but I will check out your post, regardless.

    The doctor checked my oxygen levels yesterday and they were back to normal, so I’m definitely on the road to a full recovery. Thanks for your care and concern.

  7. Very interesting meme with plenty of possibilities. It would require a lot of thought for me and I’ve been thinking of things so much lately that I have more thoughts than time to post them on my blog. But if I get moved to do this I’ll let you know. I’m tempted as I love stuff like this.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host

  8. Hah! I like these sort of things! I tried just now to fill it with songs by The Neighbourhood, but I think maybe I should pick a band with more songs ha