Welcome everyone, to the #AtoZChallenge Blogging Extravaganza, where 1500+ bloggers worldwide publish 26 posts in 30 days – one for each letter of the alphabet – covering a myriad of topics!
“Favourite Words” is my theme. (Not all of them – keeping it mild 😉 ) Click HERE to view entire category.
Please support our efforts by visiting, sharing and commenting. We have all worked long and hard on this project. Click on the banner below to see who’s participating. Have fun and thanks for reading! ♥

noun1. a native or inhabitant of Bohemia
2. a person who has informal and unconventional social habits, especially an artist or a writer.
synonyms: nonconformist, free spirit, dropout, hippie, beatnik
informal: bohoadjective: Bohemian
#AtoZChallenge 2015: B is for BOHEMIAN ✌️#dogladysden #hippevibes #bohochic Share on X
Yup, yup, yup. This describes me perfectly. It’s truly a state of being and always has been, since I was barely in my teens, hence the moniker eternal hippie/rockchick. (sic)
Have you noticed, the word “hippie” has taken on some less than complimentary connotations in the last few years? In the U.S., for example, some people refer to welfare bums as hippies.
Just the other week, my husband and I exchanged unpleasantries in a grocery store parking lot with a man who almost ran us down with his truck. His parting shot? “Stupid hippies!”.
But I digress….Bohemian is also a fashion style, commonly referred to as “Boho” or “Boho Chic” aka “Hippie Chic” . For more than a decade (late 70s to early 90s), my true self got buried under a corporate wardrobe; mostly two-piece power suits with wide shoulder pads.
Thankfully, that phase ended and the real me came back. Still Bohemian after all these years!

♫♫ Scaramouche, Scaramouche will you do the Fandango?♫♫
“BOHEMIAN” as a lifestyle term was first used in the 19th century
and associated with the Pre-Raphaelite art movement.
See also Hippiedom and the Pre-Raphaelites.
What one word describes you best?
Looking forward to your comments!


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64 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge: B is for BOHEMIAN”
You have always very good videos on your page, this is pretty artistic song and performance, Brian May created really good guitar sound, it is or sounds for me a bit misty and dreamy, anyway amazing sound. Great post, I think I cannot describe myself at all:) Have a great upcoming day!!
One of Queen’s greatest songs, for sure! 🙂 Brian May is a brilliant talent, as are you, Jean. Your musical proficiency in so many genres is remarkable! I shall explore more of your site in the coming days. A bit pre-occupied just now. Thank you so much for your continued interest!
Thank you so much, I am flattered:) Now I will check out your next video
OMG ! what a beautiful and an Eye-catching dressing. You are amazing..
Welcome to The Den, Cathy. Thanks for the compliment, but I’m just an old hippie. 😉
Wow Debbie, you’re really pretty! My style is so boring compared to yours!!
Thanks for the compliment, Fab. 😀 We all have our own unique style and I think you’re very pretty. (I checked your blog for more photos and that confirmed it 🙂 )
Great photos, Debbie! I like your style. 🙂
Thanks, Laurel. Once a hippie, always a hippie. 😀
Waves at the other hippy writing the blog!
Whilst I love many looks I will always drift back to hippy, a lot of time it’s a bit more turned down these days but just with a modern twist 😉
Good luck with the rest of the challenge!
Curling Stones for Lego People
I’m sure there’s more than just the two of us, Mars. 🙂 I’d live in long skirts and sandals if I could, but it gets too cold for that here, as someone else said, also. Yup; lots of hippies around the Blogosphere. Thanks for visiting and have a good weekend.
Lovely post, and so much fun to read! (You are as beautiful now as a bohemian as you were back in the 70’s) Hmm my word would be a little hard to come up with, maybe because I don’t think I fit into one particular space. Maybe you can say I just go with the flow, if that’s even descriptive 🙂 Looking forward to your other posts throughout the challenge!
“Going with the flow” can been seen as a Bohemian quality too. 🙂 Thank you for the compliment, Paula. Glad you enjoyed the post. Cheers!
I love hippie rock chick! That’s quite a moniker. Not sure what people would tag me with.
Thanks 🙂 I made it even more distinctive by turning it into one word. For you? How about “Distinguished Authorlady”?
AWESOME word!!! I hear it a lot here in Austin as there are many Bohemian and Hippie types all over. That’s one of the main reasons I feel so at home here. I knew the day I visited Austin that I was going to live here and leave Washington DC behind. Girl, you and me, we’re sisters from a different mother! I too gave up the corporate world and could never EVER see myself going back to that world. Wish you lived around here – we’d be hanging out frequently and probably be having lunch at Shady Grove enjoying the Hippie Chick sandwiches. 🙂 Does Toronto have a large Bohemian community?
I love your post today. And it was so great listening to Queen! Perfection!!
Later Sis’… 🙂
Hell yes, we are definitely connected, sister mine. 😀 It would be great to get together in person! Hopefully, that day will come. Toronto definitely has a Bohemian vibe. We live in the suburbs but go there fairly often, especially for concerts. Glad you enjoyed the post. Apologies for the late response. This challenge is hard to keep up with, at times!
Lovely post Debbie and so are the pictures with the Bohemian look. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for visiting. I also appreciated the comment! 🙂
Hey, you Bohemian rocker hippy chick! Loved your post! Glad you’ve rediscovered your true Bohemian self after being that biz woman with the padded shouldered suits. Rock on, Debbie! Listening to Bohemian Rhapsody. So nostalgic! Even though I was a bit young to be a hippy, I do remember that time period with fondness. Hippies seemed to have such a good time and nothing bothered them. A good way to be.
Glad you enjoyed the post, Cathy. 🙂 I am grateful to have re-discovered the real me after that crazy corporate bullshit. Thanks for visiting and Happy Easter weekend.
I love your style Debbie. My mom used to tell me I was a hippie in my previous life because I have the same boho chic/rocker style and I love classic rock. She was always amazed at how I knew the “oldies” and sang along with her when she played it. 🙂 I think I just heard them when I was in her belly or something LOL.
And I love burning incense…my dad always asks me if we’re smoking pot because he says that’s what he used to cover it up when he was teen/young adult LOL…yep my parents were hippies :).
I wish we lived closed by. I would so love to hang out with you! Thanks for the video…I hadn’t heard that song in a while. Hope you’re having a great week!
Hi Cori; 🙂 Yes, we obviously are kindred spirits in so many ways. How cool that your parents were hippies! I’d love to hang out with you, too. It could happen one day, since I do travel to the U.S. from time to time. Thanks for visiting. Happy Easter to you and your family.
Stopping by on the A to Z Challenge. I love the theme for your challenge. I also enjoyed watching the Bohemian Rhapsody video.
Welcome to The Den, Susan. 🙂 Thanks for dropping in here. You didn’t leave me a link to follow, otherwise I’d return the favour.
Happy to meet another Bohemian in the blogosphere. 🙂 Though you are one by choice.. I am one by chance. A very well presented thought 🙂
Interesting; a Bohemian by chance? Tell me more! 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the post and I appreciate the comment as well.
Hey Debbie! Loved your boho look in every picture! And, enjoyed reading about it, too.
Thank you, Shilpa. 🙂 Bohemian is a lifestyle as well as a fashion statement.
Yes, Bohemian does fit you, I must agree. The word to describe me? The only one I can think of would be “myself”. I don’t really fit neatly into any cubbyhole, because I’m a little bit of everything. As Popeye said on several occasions “I yam what I yam…” I love the Bohemian style–it reminds me of the old TV show (late 50s, early 60s) Dobie Gillis and his beatnik buddy Maynard G. Krebs.
Thanks for the Bohemian Rhapsody–I love it. Have you heard this version? Russ’ favorite, it was: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgbNymZ7vqY
Thanks, Mary. 🙂 You have a Bohemian style too, I think, at least with your long. flowing hair. Maynard aka Gilligan aka Bob Denver was quite a character; fun to watch. I remember Russ’ favourite version of Bohemian Rhapsody well. Thanks for the memory! ♥
Loved all your pics, Debbie! Love the Bohemian style as well! 🙂
Thank you, Shalini. Bohemian is both a clothing style and a lifestyle that I embrace.
When I think bohemian or bohemia I think Rent. I love the songs and I also love the queen reference. Being from Austin, tx I have that bohemian vibe or hippie nature and I love it. I have a free spirit that sometimes gets trapped by real life but rest assured it will always get free. I love this B!
Nice to meet a kindred spirit, Teresa. 🙂 I know someone else from Austin who has a similar vibe. Must be a cool place to live. 🙂 I’ve never seen Rent but have heard some of the songs. My free spirit was trapped in a false corporate persona for many years. So glad it’s been liberated again! Thanks for visiting.
I love your Bohemian look. Of all the 4 pics that you have shared, I am having trouble deciding on the best of the lot! You look super cool in all of them 🙂
Thank you, Shilpa. 🙂 My vote goes to the younger versions.
This concept was new to me 🙂 But I can say that you look great in the pics 😉
Thank you, Swathi 🙂 To be a Bohemian is to follow the beat of your own drum.
Hey Debbie. I love your Bohemian take on the challenge… Look forward to reading your next word 🙂
Thank you, Nimi. Welcome to my Den. 🙂
Good for you! I like to be a Bohemian too. If it was warmer I would forever live in long skirts and sandals an have flowers in my hair.
Oh, same here, Kelly! I hate winter and having to wear boots, coats, mitts, etc. Cheers to a fellow Bohemian. 🙂
I didn’t know that about the Pre-Raphs – I love their art. Was lucky enough to see the exhibition at the Tate Britain the other year. It’s amazing how different their work is in real life as opposed to on TV or in books. It glows. Bohemian Rhapsody is such a fab song.
Tasha’s Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)
Hi Tasha; I’ve never seen Pre-Raphaelite art in person, but I can imagine the photos don’t do it justice. You might find this interesting: Hippiedom and the Pre-Raphaelites. Yes, the song is a classic and I want to learn how to do The Fandango. 😉 Thanks for visiting.
I love the word “Bohemian” and the idea of the lifestyle. I have never been to Bohemia, but it also sounds like a beautiful place to travel to.
As for what word I’d choose for myself, ha, I have sometimes said I’d go with “complex”. “Survivor” also suits me.
It’s a sort of freedom, to be a Bohemian non-conformist. 🙂 I’ve never been to Bohemia either, but have heard about it. “Survivor” definitely suits you, Astrid. You have so much to deal with and I admire your candor. Thanks for visiting.
Bohemian look suits you so well ! I’m yet to try 😀
Looking forward to read your posts! 🙂
Thank you, Sharu. 🙂 It is definitely the real me! That corporate persona was an imposter. Cheers!
Funny, while looking at your photos, the Bohemian Rhapsody went through my head before I saw that you posted it. Lol. I can honestly say I was never a hippie… You sure were a beautiful one, and you still are quite a beautiful lady. I was more a preppy boarding school type…although I never really fit into that scheme either. I guess I was never one for extremes − one way or another. With one word, I would describe myself as artsy. Is that even a word?
Thank you so much for the compliment! 🙂 Oh yes, “Artsy” is definitely a word and a good description for you, Angelika. You are such a creative talent! I’ve known my share of preppy boarding school types (I attended one for a year, in Switzerland), and that doesn’t really suit you, in my opinion. Have a lovely Easter weekend!
As Maxine would say: “It’s Easter and I’m surrounded by a lot of pink and purple…varicose veins.” Hah! Wishing you a happy Easter too Debbie.
Ha! This is why I don’t wear shorts anymore in the summer. 😛 Frohe Ostern.
Ha ha! I loved those pics of your in Bohemian look! I think a nerd should describe me the best 😛
Nerd is a good thing to be, these days, Parul! 😀 Glad you enjoyed my Bohemian musings. Cheers!
Love the pictures and of course Bohemian Rhapsody is one of my favourites! Bohemian is so ‘you’, Debbie.
Thank you for the music.Sadly, I couldn’t view the video as it’s not available in India. I’m off look for the Queen folder on my computer though! 🙂
Yes, this is me to a T! 😀 Sorry about the video, Corinne. I replaced it with another, which should work. Thanks for visiting.
Can’t choose just one word — will have to think about it. Loved the pics — hard to believe you wore padded shoulder power suits
Hi Carol; One word I would use for you is “Survivor”. 🙂 Yes, I was a total corporate workaholic for several years and had the wardrobe to go with it. Looking back, I’m wondering how I got caught up in that culture. I was planning to visit your site today but time got away from me. Hopefully tomorrow. This challenge is so hectic! Thanks for coming over here.
I don’t know if anyone ever thought of me as “Bohemian” but I know I was considered to be kind of a hippie back pre-90’s or so. When I settled down with kids and kind of regular job I was mostly a regular guy. Well other than my hair which I kept long until 1997 when I started getting bald and the long hair looked kind of weird.
I’m still fond of the Bohemian concept though.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
We all got infected with the “normalcy” bug, I think. I’m happy to have rediscovered my true self now though. Non-conforming is what I do best! 😀 Hubby is 65 and still has longish hair, although it’s definitely thinning on top. I know a few guys who are balding but still have long hair. Looks okay when tied back. One friend even went so far as to get dreadlocks! That was pretty radical and now he’s regretting it, because his hair got damaged after so many years and he had to cut it all off. Thanks for visiting, Lee. I’ll be by tomorrow to see what you’re up too. 🙂