“Favourite Words” is my theme. (Not all of them – keeping it mild 😉 )
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#AtoZChallenge 2015 A is for Aphrodisiac #dogladysden Share on X
1. a food, drink, or drug that stimulates sexual desire.
“the Romans worshiped the apple as an aphrodisiac”2. a thing that causes excitement.
“for a few seconds she’d fallen for the powerful aphrodisiac of music”
adjective: aphrodisiac

Who doesn’t want to feel mellow, sexy, irresistible?
There are different things that can trigger this state of mind.
As per the example above, one that many people find seductive, including me, – most definitely me – is:
♥♥ MUSIC ♥♥
Does anyone remember the movie “10”, from 1979? The love scene, with Ravel’s Bolero
playing in the background catapulted that composition into the forefront of sexual fantasy:
Mmmmm, nice…..but, my tastes run more towards scorching blues-rock, like this:
Oooh, yeah baby! Or, how about this? Smokin’!
Sigh…..Umm, okay, where were we? 😉
Another popular aphrodisiac is:
It’s long been said that oysters stimulate sexual desire. According to a recent study, there’s truth in that.
To quote:
“…they were rich in rare amino acids that trigger increased levels of sex hormones.”
Apparently, this is especially so in Spring. The time is NOW, my friends! 😀
ICK! Not my taste, at all! I’ll have some Seafood Pasta or Calamari. please.

Alcohol, in moderation (too much is a detriment), is also known to stimulate sexual desire, especially when coupled with the other elements. A good bottle of wine can add so much to a gourmet meal! Or, how about some Champagne? That’s a truly sensuous elixir! Add some strawberries and/or chocolate. Extra fun!

Of course, the best aphrodisiac of all is your partner...♥♥

“APHRODISIAC” is Greek in origin, stemming from “aphrodisios”,
ie. pertaining to Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love.
Okay, I showed you mine. Now tell me yours…
What turns you on?
Looking forward to your comments!

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64 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge: A is for APHRODISIAC”
Great music and some nice conversation – simple things are enough for me!! This was a great post, Debbie, had fun reading it!
Glad you enjoyed it, Fab. 🙂 Thanks for visiting.
I like your favorite word and you choose a good one.
I find music and a relaxed environment to work wonders. Of course some wine never hurt;)
Thanks Indy! 🙂 Wine, music and relaxed setting are all mood setters for me, too.
Girlfriend, I need a time machine to take about 20 years off this old bod.
Other than that, a lot of romance is needed. The older I get, the more high maintenance I have become.
Cheers, best post I’ve read today.
Well yes, there is that, but with the right partner, it won’t matter. 😉 Romance is always nice, but I find music a good substitute. Glad you enjoyed the post and thanks for visiting, Ann.
Love your A post Debbie: Awesome job! 😉 I bet you had as much fun writing it as I had reading it along with listening to some of those tunes! 🙂 For me, a kind, caring, compassionate, and gentle heart is what stirs me…oh, and a great (not corny) sense of humour too! 🙂
Yes, this was fun to formulate. 🙂 Those are all ideal attributes for a partner and I’m with you about the sense of humour. Corny isn’t funny. Thanks for visiting, Elly!
Thank you for the musical trip back in time. I enjoyed it. I am looking forward to the rest of your list. This was a great A post.
I like oysters, but don’t love them so they aren’t on my list of “sexy” foods. Chocolate was my go to aphrodisiac in the past, but for now I am looking for a new one as I am off sugar. Savory and sexy will be my new food savoir!
Glad you enjoyed the post, Snarky. 🙂 Sugar-free chocolate is out there. I saw some recently that was sweetened with guava instead of artificial sweeteners. Oysters are definitely not sexy to me! 😛 Thanks for visiting.
What a fun post, Debbie! Love it… you’re off to a fabulous start!
Thanks, Laurel. Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂 Hope I don’t run out of steam. 😛 You amaze me, with all you’re doing this month!
What a great post – I was pretty much dancing away to the music while reading!
Great start to the A-Z, looking forward to your next post!
Glad you enjoyed the post, Kai. Music is the universal language. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and good luck in the challenge.
Oh this post is an aphrodisiac to me, well in fact lots of thing are right now as I am in a new relationship hehe! But Oh yes to the music and I love it all, but love a good blues guitar and sultry voice. As for foods oysters were never my thing, but I love ice-cream, chocolate and a good coffee. And of course anything fed to me by a lover (grin). I am enjoying this challenge and my theme is feelings. And right now sort of connects with yours on the topic of love attraction PURRRS….. If you fancy dropping by check my blog out here http://www.kellymartinspeaks.co.uk/
Nice to meet you, Kelly. Welcome to my Den. 🙂 I’m with you on blues guitar and sultry voice. May your new relationship bloom and flourish! Yes, we do seem to have similar themes. Thanks for visiting and have fun with the challenge!
Thanks Debbie, you too x
Ah Debbie, I sooooo agree with your assessment of oysters…and pasta ai calamari or even deep fried calamari. oh, yes. I never saw ’10–but Ravel’s Bolero, that is good. Tchaikovsky is better though, or perhaps a bit of Moody Blues or Neil Diamond… White Satin sheets, though? Not so good! They say mint is also a very good aphrodisiac.
Hi Mary. 🙂 Moody Blues’ “Nights in White Satin” is definitely sexy! ♥ Love your play on words and I’ll pass on the satin sheets, white or otherwise. Much too slippery! I didn’t know mint had aphrodisiacal qualities. I’ll add it to the list. Thanks for visiting today. Enjoy the challenge.
Lovely post! I love all the included tidbits too. I am totally excited to hear about more of your favorite words.
Glad you enjoyed it, Astrid. I hope the rest will be as interesting. Thanks for visiting. 🙂
Wow, Debbie! What a great start! Loved your A (whats not to love) and looking forward to more of your favorite words:-)
Glad you enjoyed it, Eli. 🙂 Hopefully the rest will also be interesting. Thanks for visiting!
I like a lot of classical music, but Bolero does nothing for me – Led Zep is a much better choice!
I agree about the song choice, although, I don’t mind Bolero. It’s just not emotive enough. 🙂 Thanks for visiting, Clowie! 🙂
I likey. This a great first stop on the the A to Z tour. I love words and etymology.
Nice to meet you djinnia. Welcome to my Den. 🙂 We have this in common, along with a few other things. Thanks for visiting!
Music. Slow, romantic number and also a long ride 😉
Sounds great; I’m all for that! 🙂 Thanks for visiting.
Loved this post! Kilt Rock, a little wine (or Laphroaig single malt Scotch), some grilled salmon, and a few sincere whispers in a Scottish accent and I’m good to go! (Just in case Mr. Right is reading comments today.) Looking forward to the rest of you A-Z posts this month.
Kilt rock – good stuff! 😀 I notice a Scottish theme here. Is it true that men are naked under those kilts?
Hope Mr. Right is watching! Nice to meet you, Sorchia. Thanks for visiting my Den.
I’m a huge seafood fan and love oysters off the BBQ – OMG, I can eat them all day long and did once. We were at a BBQ and several people brought fresh oysters and I had my very own section and the man that as manning the BBQ would call me when my oysters were ready. By the end of the afternoon, everyone was looking at me funny and now I know why.
Hahaha! They must have thought you were gearing up for something. 🙂 I believe they’re supposed to be raw to have an aphrodisiac effect, though. Tried them once and that was enough. Definitely not my taste! 😛
Thanks for visiting, Kimberly. Enjoy the challenge.
Love your music choices Debbie and the food, minus the oysters. I’m wondering does aphrodisiac come in a powder that is potent enough to jump start my hubs? LOL Way to kick off the challenge girly!
Sounds like we’re on the same wavelength, Bren. 😀 Believe it or not, there are many different aphrodisiac potions on the market. Check these out: Herbal Aphrodisiacs
Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for visiting!
GREAT word! I love the word aphrodisiac! It’s sexy in its own right. Love the music you chose too. I have never understood the oysters thing: to me they’re just disgusting! I tried, I really did, but I almost choked trying to get an oyster down my throat so it definitely wasn’t an aphrodisiac for me, that’s for sure. Music is sexy. The right music can put me in the mood so fast but what really turns me on: Lips. I love soft sensuous lips…especially when they’re on the back of my neck. Oh my….mmm, mmm, mmm! Great post Debbie! Can’t wait to see what tomorrow’s word will be.
You’re right, Michele. It is a sexy word. 🙂 I had the same experience with oysters.
Definitely not appealing to me either. 😛
The soft, luscious lips on the neck; always a turn on! Glad you enjoyed this.
I have a hunch you’ll like tomorrow’s word too. 😉
Thanks for visiting!
What a fun read, Debbie! Trust you to have an attention grabbing word like that for A to start things off right.I like to tease the hubs about his bass clarinet being an aphrodisiac for me. I love the mellow sound of it and prefer it over the clarinet, alto sax and soprano sax that he also plays. We are both in a community band together and he sits behind me so I hear him. Sexy stuff! I’m surprised he hasn’t brought it into the bedroom to serenade me yet. Hahaha!
Oh yes, bass sounds are most pleasing and I also love baritone voices. 🙂 You could suggest having a little private concert in the boudoir. Might be fun! 😉 Glad you liked the post, Cathy.
I have tried raw oysters… it was icky!! couldn’t even swallow it. But I love seafood and calamari 😀 I think chocolate is a good aphrodisiac 😀
Icky describes oysters best for me too! 😛 Never say “no” to chocolate – it goes great with wine. Thanks for visiting.
I have never understood the whole oysters thing – I tried one once and could only think of stagnant sea water 😉 Music and wine are much more likely to get me in the mood. Great word 😀
Tasha’s Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)
I know what you mean. I tried oysters once too. They were slimy and distasteful. 😛 Music and wine are so much better! Glad you enjoyed my selection and thanks for visiting. 🙂
Oh man… I like the start… my favourite Aphrodisiac is chocolate though!! Better still chocolate syrup… that you can dip strawberries in and then… err, you get the drift?
I sure do and may I add a little whipped cream? 😉 Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for visiting!
Great start and what turns me on? Positive people, good humor and red velvet cake 😀
All good things, Parul! 🙂 Thanks for visiting and enjoy the challenge.
Hi Debbie, What an interesting article. I think music always sets the scene along with a nice glass of bubbly!
That sounds good to me, Carolyn! 🙂 Thanks for visiting here today. Cheers!
A solid sense of humor, and an attractive smile will get me every time, Debbie. Gosh we’re practically music-soul-mates! What a fun start to the A to Z! Hugs!
Oh yes, a sense of humour and a sexy smile are definitely important. 🙂 I didn’t know you liked Blues/Rock too, Vidya. One of my favourite genres. Glad you enjoyed the post. ((HUGS)) back!
Yep I remember the movie 10 though I can’t remember much of the scenes in it. Music is definitely an aphrodisiac.
It’s such an old movie, Suzy. I bet many people haven’t even heard of it, so I’m dating myself here. LOL Yes, music is a wonderful mood enhancer.
Oh myyyyy. Deep looks, kisses on my neck, fresh sheets, hmmm s’cuse me…. where is that man of mine!
Those all sound good too, Angelika. Find him – quick! 😀
Aha! This is soooo interesting, debbie! I think I’ll go with the seafood pasta along with wine with my partner and music of course! 😀
That sounds good to me, Shilpa! 🙂 Background soundtracks can be so romantic.
Interesting! And love all the tidbits you posted on Aphrodisiac.
Thanks! 🙂 So, what’s your pleasure?
I’ve got a “Bolero” story, but I’m not going to tell it here now. I’ve been eating a lot of apples lately–can’t vouch for any properties of being an aphrodisiac, but I’m going to continue eating them and maybe I’ll find out. I love oysters, but don’t have them very often.
Rumors, rumors–all my life I’ve heard stories about the magic substance, but have yet to find it.
For me it’s mainly a matter of the right partner in the right moment and some healthy imagination. Good music usually helps too.
Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out
How cool to have your own Bolero story, Lee! 😀 Apparently apples are on the list of aphrodisiacs. Eat Something Sexy. I agree; right person, right time, right atmosphere – that’s all you really need. Cheers!
What an intersting start, Debbie! 😉
I’ll pass on those oysters and have that calamari too! Thank you for the music! I had quite forgotten about ’10’!
Ravel’s Bolero became popular once again, after that movie. 🙂 Music always sets the mood, yes?