Y is for YORKSHIRE TERRIER | #AtoZChallenge

#AtoZChallenge 2016 G is for Golden RetrieverWelcome everyone, to the #AtoZChallenge Blogging Extravaganza, where hundreds of bloggers publish 26 posts in 30 days, one for each letter of the alphabet, covering a myriad of topics!

“Dog Breeds & Anecdotes” is my theme. Click HERE to see all posts and HERE to view the participants. 

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#AtoZChallenge day 25: Y is for YORKSHIRE TERRIER, The Doglady's Den
Day 25, April 29

Y is for Yorkshire Terrier #AtoZChallenge 2016, Day 25 #dogladysden Share on X


#AtoZChallenge: Y is for YORKSHIRE TERRIERThe Yorkshire Terrier is a small dog breed of terrier type, developed during the 19th century in Yorkshire, England, to catch rats in clothing mills. The defining feature of the breed is its maximum size of 7 pounds (3.2 kg), although some may exceed this and grow up to 15 pounds (6.8 kg).

It is placed in the Toy Terrier section of the Terrier Group by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale and in the Toy Group or Companion Group by other kennel clubs, including the American Kennel Club.

A popular companion dog, the Yorkshire Terrier has also been part of the development of other breeds, such as the Australian Silky Terrier. It has a grey, black, and tan coat, and the breed’s nickname is Yorkie. -WIKIPEDIA  [photo credit]

These are popular little dogs and, although I see them around all the time, I’ve only had one experience with Yorkies as house guests. They were siblings, and incredibly cute.

Unfortunately, the male insisted on marking his territory (ie. peeing) indoors on a daily basis, even though he was neutered. (Not necessarily a cure, especially if done after the bad habit was already established.)

This prompted me to suggest they find an alternative for boarding next time.

#AtoZChallenge: Y is for YORKSHIRE TERRIER


What do you think of these toy breeds?

Would you tolerate a dog peeing inside your house?
(I can handle the odd accident or two, but not as a frequent occurrence!)

Looking forward to your comments!



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33 thoughts on “Y is for YORKSHIRE TERRIER | #AtoZChallenge

  1. I was never tolerant of any animal peeing inside the house and that has to be rectified. I know these dogs and they have never been my favourite even though they are cute…they are just so small

    1. I’m with you on the peeing issue! I can forgive the occasional accident, but this willful marking is a sign of poor training. Yorkies are cute, no question, but I too prefer a larger dog.

  2. Reminds me of the time my brother and his wife came for a visit. The first time in our new home, with all new furniture. They walked in with their precious new dog and he immediately lifted his leg and pissed on our new couch. LOL I learned early on that the word ‘new’ is an invitation for destruction and damage. Second hand comes with less drama – you know it’s already suffered. LOL

  3. My niece has Yorkies. I think they are cute as a button. I don’t have any pets currently, but if I did, I’d probably want a lap dog – or a cat. LOL

    1. These little dogs are cute but have big personalities, which is true of so many smaller breeds. Cats are a lot easier than dogs – you don’t have to walk them, but they’re usually more aloof.

    1. People do like to dress up these little dogs and carry them around in big bags. 🙂 Not something I would do, but they seem to tolerate it.

  4. The Yorkshire terriers are cute. I like them but if I were to ever get another dog, it is going to be a Beagle. Now, I’m thinking when it happens, getting a cross breed Beagle.

    Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.

    Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

  5. Cute dog, but how do you stop it from ‘marking’ his territory? Is that really an effective way for dogs to claim territory? I’ve often wondered that.

    1. It helps to train them from the get-go not to do that and also to have them neutered before this bad habit ever starts. It’s a form of male posturing. You can break a dog of this habit with diligent training and repetition, but this little guy wasn’t here long enough for that.

  6. Such adorable little dogs! They do seem given to anxiety at times, as in Shady’s little guy. Regrettably, any pet who can’t or won’t get with the potty-training program is banished to the backyard (except on special occasions). Typically, they come around, though a few require frequent trips outside;-) I have one like that now and fear it might be permanent. There are worse things, I guess;-)

    1. Anxiety or excitement peeing I can forgive and even the occasional accident 🙂 It’s the willful indoor marking I won’t tolerate. Too difficult, with multiple dogs in residence. Sadly, people actually accept this as normal behaviour! Here’s hoping your dog comes around!

  7. We have a Yorkie in our village; he is now blind and deaf but still enjoys life to the full – and he does not pee indoors. Without fail, when he’s out he knows where he has to cross the road.

    1. Little dogs can certainly be barky. The willful peeing is usually due to lack of training. A dog who has been properly house-trained wouldn’t dream of peeing or pooping in the house! It’s especially difficult for me, with multiple dogs in residence. It’s weird because Andrew didn’t exhibit any such behaviour in the preliminary meeting, but there were no other males here at the time. Might explain it since he was living with three of them during his stay.

  8. Yorkies are so adorable!! I had a good friend who had one and I just loved her. I’ve never had one as a houseguest.
    The marking is so nasty! Do you use Belly Bands for the dogs that do that? It saves the furniture, that’s for sure. I don’t have many that do it but all males who come to my house are on a “belly-band probabion period” where they wear a band for the first day until I see that they aren’t going to mark. If they do, they just wear the band all the time, which they never seem to mind. And I use the incontinence pads with them which saves the bands too.

    I had a little mini-doxie that marked constantly. Drove me nuts! I made bands for him out of vet-wrap because I didn’t have any small enough to fit him! After that I ordered a whole bunch of different sizes of bands so I’m prepared now no matter the size of the dog.

    Looking forward to what you’ll use for Z! Almost over….

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. I’ve never heard of Belly Bands, Michele. They may not be available here, but I’ll definitely check this out. Thanks! I always insist on a preliminary meeting for potential new clients. That way I can assess the dogs and see how they behave in my house. Little Andrew was on his best behaviour at the time and didn’t attempt any marking, which would have garnered him an instant rejection. It was a complete surprise that he started doing it during his stay. Thinking back, I didn’t have any males in residence for the meeting, but there were three of them during his residency. 😛

      1. Oh you should check into getting some belly bands for sure. They are a Godsend in this business. I do Meet & Greet visits before boarding too and they don’t always mark while they’re there with their owners (although I’ve had several who come in and will want to mark right away which is why I ask people to have the dogs pee out front before coming in). But as soon as they come in, I let them walk around for a bit and if they even hint at marking, they get a band on. I use incontinence pads inside the belly bands so you can reuse the bands over and over without having to wash them every time they pee in them, if they do. Sometimes just having the band on is enough of a deterrent to the marking behavior. And sometimes it’s just not, in which case these things are like gold!

        I just did a search on ebay for “belly bands for dogs” and came up with several. Here’s an example which has a photo so you can see what they look like on. They come in all sizes and for people like us who take in all kinds of dogs, it’s a good thing to have a variety of sizes in stock. This particular listing is Buy 2, Get 1 Free. Not a bad deal. But shop around for sure…


        1. They sound good, but I haven’t seen such a thing here in Canada. That Ebay link says “does not ship to Canada”, but I’ll definitely look around for a source. Thanks for the info. 🙂 All in all, I’d prefer not to take a dog who does that. I grew up with that zero tolerance attitude and you don’t see it in properly trained dogs. These would be great for incontinence as well!

    1. This isn’t necessarily a common trait within the breed. I blame the owners and their lack of proper training. Yorkies are cute and very popular these days.

  9. My mum had a yorkie for years – gorgeous little thing who was also very territorial – she loved mum and you didn’t dare come near if she was on mum’s lap in case you lost a finger 🙂