WORDS AND MUSIC – #MicroblogMondays 21 #MondayMusings

Starting a couple of new, semi-regular traditions here at The Den,
called “Microblog Mondays” and “Monday Musings”.
See below for details – but please, read the post first. 

This website has been on hiatus for several months, so I’m eager to get it going again.
Here’s an idea of what’s on the agenda:

My experiences of “Living the Childfree Life”

Photo Fridays  *

Music Mondays  *

More “Greek Odyssey”

April A-Z Challenge
(26 posts in 26 days!)

More creative writing and memoirs

More music!!


Speaking of music, I lost myself in Youtube over the weekend, making playlists. Have a look! ♫♫♫
[click on “The Doglady’s Rockchick Rapture”, below]

Additional playlists ►

WORDS AND MUSIC – #MicroblogMondays 21 #MondayMusings Share on XWhat’s in store at The Doglady’s Den #MicroblogMondays #MondayMusings #WriteTribe[/tweetthis]

Turning this over to you, now.

Do you like what I’m planning?

Is there anything in particular you want to see here?

Please share your thoughts! All suggestions welcome.

#MicroblogMondays at THE DOGLADY'S DEN
#Microblog Mondays explained
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Brought to you by Mel at STIRRUP QUEENS

write tribe
Click to participate #MondayMusings ►

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29 thoughts on “WORDS AND MUSIC – #MicroblogMondays 21 #MondayMusings

  1. SO, SO, SO excited for this Debbie!!! LOTS OF GREAT STUFF and I can’t wait to read it all!!! SO HAPPY to have you back!!! – Having 4 kids I’m soooooooooooo interested in your child free life. I love my children more than life itself and they are in fact the air that I breathe, along with their “littles” but I gotta’ say.. There were moments when I would see women shopping or riding in the car sans car seats or 8 hands on the shopping cart, or hell, just their hair and make up on – child free – and think, wow.. What must that be like.. Lol.. I always look at women who have made the choice to not have children as being forever on vacation.. And again, wow, what must that be life – only momentarily, just a little blip because I did in fact choose to have my children but ask any mom, and if they’re honest, they’ll say, for at least one nano second of their life they envy the women who choose not to have kids. It’s true.. (Waiting for everyone to attack me for speaking this truth, what a horrible mother I am right??) – Did I mention I’m SO HAPPY to have you back?? 😀

    1. Hi Mimi; I love your enthusiasm! 😀 My childfree life article dealt more with the slings and arrows society has thrown our way because we chose to be different. It’s the post after this one. I bet you’re a great Mom, but I’m sure every parent, during moments of high stress, has that nanosecond where they envision a different life. There’s a hilarious video on the post about that. Your forthrightness is why I’m such a fan of yours. (Kindred spirit!) Thanks for the warm welcome back.

  2. Nice to see you blogging again Debbie. Did wonder where you were. Sometime ago I did a series on music and it was great fun. Look forward to your posts.

    1. Punk rock is fun too 😀 Music is one of my biggest passions and it includes several genres. Classic Rock will always be at the top of the list though. Thanks for visiting. ROCK ON!

  3. Hi Debbie,

    Welcome back – sure good to have you back into the blogosphere 🙂

    I like your plan and I think anything that you like would work! We’d just love to see whatever you come up with. Looking forward to it in-fact. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂

  4. Wonderful to see you back and I love your plan, Debbie. And thanks for the music too!

    I’ve shut down the previous Write Tribe group, but have restarted one for those commited to blogging twice a week. It’s a pretty rule-free zone, which I know you’ll appreciate! 😉 Let me know if you would like to join in.

    1. Thanks, Corinne. 🙂 It’s good to be back. I have heard about your new group and it’s tempting, but that word “Committed” gives me pause. I may well post twice a week at times, Other times it may be more, or less, or not at all. Basically, I just follow my muse and “go with the flow”. How hard and fast is that rule and what are the other ones? As you indicated, I’m not a fan of rules. 🙂 Perhaps a trial period?

      1. Let me rephrase then, Debbie. We encourage you to blog at least twice a week – we’re not checking! I’ll add you to the group and you’re free to stay or leave. Deal? 🙂

    1. Thanks, Shailaja; it’s good to be back. 🙂 I’m a little nervous about the A-Z because it was pretty gruelling last year. Hope to make it more stream-lined this time.

  5. Looking good as always, Debbie,, you are so talented… love it for you.. …… I know you aren’t into…country.,, butt I love the original song ” The Dance, By Garth Brooks””” ”IF you run into it by accident””’ I cain’t seem to find the original, song w/ the video ………… Ty.. Have fun.:)

    1. Thank you for that high praise, Glenda. 😀 I’m checking for your song, too. I do like some country and think Garth Brooks has a beautiful voice. As you know, I’m also a huge fan of Craig Wayne Boyd’s. ♥ Cheers!

  6. Your Youtube page rocks. Indeed, it does. I enjoyed it over the weekend… As for what types of blogs you post, it really does not matter to me. You could discuss the “Talmadge to Taylor” page of a random telephone directory and make it interesting. Whatever makes you happy will work for us all.

    1. Music is one of my biggest passions, Myke. Seems we have similar tastes. 😀 I’m flattered by your high opinion of my website, as well. Thanks for dropping in!

  7. Hi Debbie,

    Can’t wait for you to start sharing this great stuff, especially your stories…and what a way to kickoff than with a great post with great music. I love your taste in music :). Have a great 2015!

    1. Hi Corina; It feels good to be back in the Blogosphere. I thought you might enjoy some of my musical selections. Don’t you just love Youtube?! 😀 Thanks for dropping in and Happy New Year!

  8. I love this idea! Especially since I don’t seem to have the time to surf and listen to as many songs as I would like. Since we are from the same generation, it looks like we have the same taste!