Winter Scenes PhotographyMy part of the world is in southern Ontario, Canada, where it sometimes snows in the winter. 😉 
[Not as bad as in Buffalo, though. Most of it flies over us and dumps on them.]

My part of the world, where we have winter weather

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Here are some images from years past. ▼

Winter Night in Niagara Falls:

Winter night in Niagara Falls

Winter Festival of Lights, Niagara Falls:

Winter Festival of Lights, Niagara Falls

A Frosty Early Morning:

frosty early morning - winter on the Niagara Escarpment

Backyard Snowfall:

backyard snowfall, winter scene

Major Blizzard:

major blizzard, winter scene

Coming Down Hard:

snow coming down hard in winter

Just a Little Snow:

just a little snow, winter scene

Only 69 days until Spring!


Thankfully, these types of severe storms are less frequent than they used to be! We had a couple in November, which was unseasonably early.

The snow all disappeared before Christmas, and we’ve only had a light dusting here and there since then. Amended Jan. 21. See below! 🥶 The bulk of it falls from January to March.

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Originally published Jan. 8, 2020, for Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge
Updated Jan. 10, 2022, but see what happened the next day! 


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What’s your favourite/least favourite season?

Debbie signature style 5

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  1. Debbie,

    That’s some serious snow fall. The kid in me screams, “YAY, SNOW! Let’s build a snowman!!” But…the grown up me says, “BRRR, too cold. It’s pretty but I’m going to stay inside where it’s warm, thank you.” We don’t have to worry with that kind of snow. The Smoky’s can get that kind of accumulation in the higher elevations, though. I’m ready for spring!

  2. It’s freezing here, this time in India too. We barely get to see the sun. But I like it all cosy, wrapped in a quilt, reading, sipping on hot chocolate, or writing and listening to some happy music.

    I love the images you shared here dear Debbie. Yet all snowed out but so inviting at the same time. Brrrrr! ;-))

    Blessed 2022, and may spring bring brand new, joyous beginings.

    Love and hugs

    1. Thanks, Natasha and Happy New Year! The snow looks lovely from the inside, but I could do without the horribly frigid temperatures outside. Hoping for an early spring!

  3. WOW! GORGEOUS photos, Debbie!!
    First, I was blown away by the Niagra Falls picture, and then was amazed to find others I liked just as much, if not more.

    That bucket(?) on its side… OK, I don’t know why, but there’s something magical about that. It makes the photo, for some reason which I can’t explain. That one might be my favorite.

    Snow is truly beautiful to look at, but I really don’t like being in it at all. In fact, when we get hit pretty hard by it – which thankfully doesn’t happen too often – I start melting it with my secret weapon: the Beach Boys’ album ‘Endless Summer’ and several glasses of Cruzan Black Strap Rum from St. Croix in the Virgin Islands. 🙂

    I hope your New Year is off to a happy ‘n’ healthy start!

    ~ Stephen
    DogGtor of Alcohology &
    King of Inebriation Nation

    1. Thank you so much, Stephen! I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. 🙂 The “bucket” is a bit of backyard decor – half a barrel with rocks cascading out of it, like a waterfall. The Beach Boys’ music conjures up images of warm, sunny days. Kokomo, especially. And the rum doesn’t hurt either! 😀 Remember the movie Cocktail?

  4. We finally had a real winter here. The last time we had this much snow, actually more, was in 2017 and even tho it’s a lot by Idaho valley standards it’s nothing compared to your snow or the snow I had growing up in Michigan. I am a snow lover but I wouldn’t be too sad if it was all gone at least by February. 🙂 – Great photos… Absolutely beautiful.

    1. Thanks, Karen! I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. 🙂 It’s funny how places that usually don’t get a lot of snow are getting hammered this year! Vancouver, which is normally mild and rainy, had some major blizzards too. We haven’t had that much yet, but there have been some bitter cold spells. Gone by February would be great! Not likely, though.

  5. Hi Debbie – just so glad I’m out of the snow … I’ve had some during my lifetime, but am happy without the stuff – I know it’s pretty, but … wonderful range of photos you’ve given us … cheers and all the best for the coming year – Hilary

    1. HIlary, I’d be perfectly happy if I never saw snow again. 🙂 But, since that’s not an option, we have to go with the flow, eh? 😉 I’m glad you are experiencing a mild winter across the pond. Cheers!

  6. Oh, great pictures! I love looking at the snow from inside my nice warm house – LOL. We never get to see scenes like this where I am in California. Also the lights. So fun!

    1. Thanks, Janet! I’m glad you enjoyed the photos. Yes, looking at snow from the inside works best for me, too. 🙂 Unfortunately, it is something we have to deal with every year. Come on, Spring!

  7. Debbie,

    The snow is beautiful which brings out the kid in me but the reality is I don’t want to play it anymore. I’m happy to sit by the window to see the swirls of snow falling to the earth. I’m also VERY glad we don’t get the kind of snow you get even though you don’t get much as you once did. I thought maybe we’d get hit hard again last Thursday but it pushed more north of us leaving us with an inch of new fluff. It didn’t stay around long, though. Our biggest problem is ice which is far worse than snow because nothing can go on that stuff the right way. Stay warm, my friend!

    1. I agree, snow is much nicer when looking at it through the window. 🙂 Ice is treacherous and we get a lot of that, too. I’ve fallen a few times and cracked a rib once. Ouch! You stay warm too.

  8. Those are some beautiful snowy scenes, Debbie, and thank you for sharing them. I love snow when it is fresh and white but when it becomes slushy and grungy then it’s time for it to go. We have snow every now and then in my neck of the woods but I doubt we’ll have any this year.

    When I moved to New Jersey from Florida in 1996, I experienced the blizzard of 1996. I think I was the only one that thought it was fun.

    My favorite season is fall.

    Have a great week ahead, Debbie!

    1. Thanks, Eugenia! 🙂 I agree; snow only looks good for a short time and wears out its welcome quickly. Weather-wise, moving to New Jersey from Florida must have been quite the shock! 🙂

  9. Hi Debbie – What beautiful photographs! Do you have as much snow this year? We don’t have as much as usual here in Maine. It always looks so peaceful after it snows. Enjoy the rest of your winter there!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! No, we haven’t had much snow at all this winter, but that could change any time. I didn’t know you moved to Maine. It must get pretty cold there, too. Right now, we’re in a deep freeze: around zero F! Thanks for coming by and Happy New Year!