
Ever since delving head first into the Blogosphere, I’ve been meeting all kinds of nice people and discovering ways to network.  Following and commenting on blogs of interest, for example, or, participating in Blog Hops.

Now, thanks to Bren at Pibbles and Me, who wrote about it today, I learned of another excellent opportunity, known as The Pet Blogger Challenge.

 This has been running for three years, hosted by Amy Burkert of Go Pet Friendly.

Participants answer a series of questions designed to build camaraderie and make new connections.

Looking forward to it!

How about you?  Care to join me?

Click on image for details:

Debbie's signature


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  1. I’m doing it! I love to see everyone’s answers and check out new blog! Love it, thanks for sharing.. =^..^=

  2. I’m so in…Spent the morning answering the questions so I’m ready to post on Thursday… I’m looking forward to reading all the posts…I think I’ll be learning a lor from them…I’ll be looking for yours 🙂

  3. I was unable to leave my comment as it is Facebook orientated 🙁 This is what I tried adding there…

    [ This sounds rather interesting andI hope that the Pet Blogger Challenge
    increases traffic to your website, oh and of course there is the fun aspect
    that will certainly enhance blogging on a regular basis :)]

    It does look like a
    good website though 🙂

    Andro xxx

  4. This sounds like a truly wicked challenge Debbie but as my Space is Private it will be impossible for anyone to connect with my me, well that is if they even wanted to bearing in mind what horrors lay just beyong the tombstones 🙁 lol

    Of course I will be popping over there later to have a better look at this challenge, just to be incredibly nosy you understand 😉 lmao

    Have a really excellent rest of evening my great friend 🙂

    Andro xxx

    1. Nosy is good. 😀 This is something set up to allow bloggers to network and get to know each other, so yes, it wouldn’t work with a private blog. You probably don’t need any more fans, anyway. because you’re already so very popular among the Blogerati. 😉
      Have a great rest of the week. Andro.

      1. I did try leaving a comment there but unfortunately I was unable to due to it being FB but I like the concept of it and like you have already said, it helps to bring like for like bloggers together and create new friendships, which is also very nice Debbie 🙂 🙂

        Have fun tonight and be good 😉 lol

        Andro xxx

          1. I am not on FB Debbie 🙂
            You will have some fun
            on that challenge I think
            and I did like the website
            too, very interesting 🙂

            Andro xxx

            1. Hey, I think I found you on Google+ the other day. Could that be? I’m surprised! Thought everybody was on Facebook these days. I held out for a long time, but, now it’s fun. 🙂

              1. Yes I am on there but purely by default, it automatically added me on G+ when I joined Youtube so they must be linked in some way 🙂 I didn’t know that…

                Andro xxx

                1. Yes, Youtube was taken over by Google. Actually, Google+ is really catching fire these days and will probably overtake Facebook at some point. More adults than kids on there, I think. So, I will look for your Youtube account. 😉

                  1. While on Youtube just type in Andro Goth and you should see my nutty videos I think there is around 12 or so, I am not sure now 🙂 lol

                    However I can guarantee that they are absolutely crackers so you have been warned 😉 lol

                    Have a lovely rest of evening Debbie and be wicked 🙂

                    Andro xxx

                    1. You really are crackers! LOL and you sound like Alfred Hitchcock; “Good Evening”. Funny stuff. 😀 Have a good night. Must go and tend to my flock. Cheers!

                    2. Yes and I will be going for
                      a coffee soon, there are not many
                      of our friends around on WP this
                      evening, perhaps they are resting
                      in time for the weekend? 🙂

                      Enjoy your time
                      away from the computer 🙂

                      Andro xxx

    1. You should join the challenge. Should be fun! 🙂
      Yes, I used to be primarily a dog walker, but, now my business is strictly running a little “doggie hotel” out of my home. This photo is several years old and you can see our late, great Dalmatian there. The rest were house guests. It was a busy time! LOL