Who’s to say what’s good, what’s bad
What’s sane, what’s mad
Who’s to say what’s foul, what’s fair
What’s gone, what’s there
Who’s to say what’s fun, what’s not
What’s cold, what’s hot
Who’s to say what’s love, what’s hate
what’s chance, what’s fate
Who’s to say?
Opinions vary.
Narrow minds
Will often carry
Preconceived and
Hateful leanings
Do they even know
Their meanings
So, what do YOU say?

Revised Aug. 7, 2020
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29 thoughts on “WHO’S TO SAY?”
Love the poem and the song!!! I need to find more music like this. I totally dig this tune. Thanks for sharing!
This is a great song and the lyrics are appropriate for today..if only I could stop voicing my utter disbelief in what is happening south of the border.
Excellent! Hateful hearts and narrow mindedness breeds discontent. Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion. Respect for your fellow neighbor, friend, or loved one is what’s needed. Of course as I’ve always said this kind of change comes first from the heart and until that happens, we won’t see a peaceful resolution to our society problems. Thanks for sharing and giving us food for thought. Have a good weekend, darlin’!
Well done, my favorite Doglady.
I don’t mind listening to worthy opinions and if asked I will offer my opinion. Every now and then I add my two cents to a discussion where I feel my comment is constructive. Otherwise, I’m not interested in rants about politics, and religion. Nice poem, Debbie.
I like this poem. Who’s to say, with so many unknowns. 🙂
I say, after a month off due to my travails, I get to set the wagon on fire tonight…
Hi Debbie, love it! I think today this is so important – to be able to think and say what we feel and know instead of being silenced by mass media. If you do disagree just do it politely or be silent 🙂
Depends on the beholder 😉
“We are all individuals!” ….”I’m not”. I think we live in an age where people are scared to voice their opinion or say certain words because of all the political correctness crappola. I feel it best to always speak ones mind even when it goes against the grain.
Personal opinions are being replaced by “groupthink” . The politicians, the media, and others demand that we think in certain ways and if we don’t then we are not only wrong, but something is wrong with us.
We are living in discouraging times for originality in thinking. The real fascists are not who many are saying they are. They are trying to route out the enemies of the people while they themselves are the real enemies.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
Who’s to say?
Well, I AM to say!
I’d have thought that was obvious. [;-)
Looks like your system is fully operational again, Debbie. I mean, when even MY comments are posting you know it’zzz all good!
~ D-FensDogG
[Link:) Ferret-Faced Fascist Friends
Hi Stephen! 🙂 Thanks for dropping in and leaving a comment. It’s a relief to know things are working well again. That was one helluva major meltdown and I was losing hope there, for awhile. See you soon for BOTB!
I’m all for freedom of speech until it becomes an argument. Then, what’s the point? I’m usually pretty quiet unless the situation (kids on the roof) dictates otherwise 😉
Good point, diedre. 🙂 Thanks for dropping in. Apologies for my absence, but I’ve been dealing with website troubles. Hope you’re having a good summer!
I am happy to share opinions. If asked, I will offer. If not, I will sift silently by the wayside.
You are a true diplomat, Myke. 🙂 Sometimes, I just have to say something, whether opinions were asked for, or not. I get into more trouble that way! LOL
Glad to see the comment system is working properly again. Thanks for your patience!
Hi Debbie
And that is what makes us all so different and thank goodness for that.
We would not be very interesting if we all agreed and liked the same things. We would all be a clone of ourselves. Everybody would live in the same part of the country and no one would be helping anyone. We would either all be farmers or whatever else we all decided to be and there would be no one to buy what we were selling. Oh and the list could go on and on. Fun thoughts you have on the topic.
So true, Mary. Vive le difference! 😀 Just a riff off the top of my head to go with the great song at the end. Thanks for visiting.
I have been trying to send you an invite for ages, so if you like why not rattle my gates and I will let you inside, don’t get too close to the dragons breath though as they have a fiery greeting sometimes 🙂 😉 I like your new profile picture by the way and how lovely it is to finally get over here 🙂 Have a funtastic Thursday with lashings of everything that you like the mose, well not everything you like or that could be a tad greedy 🙂
Andro xxxx
Like the Mose? 🙁
Hmm… Obviously my
typing has not improved
since my last visit 🙁
Andro xxxx
Haha! Looks that way. 😀
Well, well! Hi Stranger! 😀 Was wondering what happened to you. Nice to see you here and I will head on over and knock on your door. Thanks for visiting. (and for the compliment).
Wow Debbie….that is just beautiful! I just read this out loud to my kids and they were just sitting there listening. You just captivate an audience with your writing…I love it!
Hope you’re having a great day!
High praise Corina; made my day! 😀 Thanks very much. Was just a riff , off the top of my head to go with the great song at the end. Thanks for dropping by and for sharing the post, as well. Had some trouble with a broken link on Triberr, so I had to delete it from there. 😛
I’m always too quick to say. Thanks for putting me in check.
😀 I have the same affliction, sometimes. Thanks for visiting, Sandra. P.S. Great song at the end, to match the post.
’tis a natural human condition, Debbie, everyone seems to feel they have a right to say. even if their opinions don’t hold water or they’re guided by personal motives. But we do have the freedom to hold our own council, to know and feel whats right and live our lives within those boundaries. Personal choice choice methinks,when you come down to the real question of ‘who’s to say’ Have a great Wednesday my friend. xPenx
Well said, Lady P. 🙂 I’m all for freedom of speech and choice. Found a really great song to go with this too. Cheers!