This is a special day at The Den. My very first guest contributor! Please join me in giving a warm welcome to Author Cairn Rodrigues, who is currently on a Book Blog Tour for her novel, The Last Prospector.
Check out previous tour stops HERE. Today, she talks about her favourite musician and how he influenced her writing.
First, a synopsis of the book:
Piques your interest, doesn’t it? Worth a visit to Amazon, yes?
Without further ado, here’s Cairn:
Who’s The Boss?
It’s not a trick question, Springsteen is the Boss.
Together Wendy we can live with the sadness/I’ll love you with all the madness in my soul Someday girl I don’t know when/We’re going to get to that place where we really want to go And we’ll walk in the sun But til then tramps like us/Baby we were born to run – Born To Run, Bruce Springsteen
Any man who can write that is a man I’ll follow just about anywhere, how could I but love him? My romance with Springsteen started in my teens, we’ve had 30 years together now and my affection for him hasn’t diminished.
In fact, his tireless performances and genuine humanity have only strengthened our bond. Springsteen has been with me through thick and thin, he’s woven into the tapestry of my life and I can’t imagine a world without him.
So when the idea seized me to write a story, to create a world from nothing, there was only one person I could put at the heart of it. My world needed a Boss. See? I told you I couldn’t imagine a world without Springsteen!

My first novel, The Last Prospector, is set in the world of Solstice. Created by The Boss as a gift to his twin daughters Ylumya and Ynoirya, Solstice was once a playground before it transformed into a battlefield. Now the little world will decide which twin will be victorious – and it’s a debate The Boss is very keen to hear the last of.
The first Prospector was sired by The Boss in the misty times to be a representative, a link between him and Solstice, unhampered by allegiance to either twin. But the Prospectors have another mission and now the last Prospector travels towards his inevitable fate.
Springsteen and all things E Street permeate the Song of Solstice series, from the well-known to the obscure. By series end, all the major members of the E Street Band will have a literary counterpart. In The Last Prospector, I give major love to Max Weinberg and the late Clarence Clemons, but there are a few instances where the references aren’t quite so easy.
Moving into the next few books, we really see all that’s in Solstice with homages to Asbury Park and Madame Marie to warm the hearts of Boss lovers everywhere.
No one will ever truly know the gyrations I perpetrated to get a character named Miami Steve in a place where Miami doesn’t exist.
It would be an outright lie to claim it wouldn’t kill me if Bruce never reads my book. But with his touring and recording schedule, maybe he doesn’t have time to read much. I hope he does and I hope he approves.
But Springsteen has always been an inspiration, he’s given me a lot through his medium and I’m giving back through mine.
You don’t need to be knowledgeable about Springsteen to enjoy Solstice. His story doesn’t drive mine, but his songs are on the radio. The Last Prospector is about the Prospector, why he exists and what his mission means for Solstice.
There are a couple of opportunities to win a copy of The Last Prospector: You still have time to submit entries on Prospector’s Facebook page, but that contest ends Feb. 21/14. The Masquerade Crew blog has more chances to win; please visit and vote for The Last Prospector on Cover Wars!
A big thank you to The Doglady’s Den for letting me in to play with the puppies. And thanks to all of you for reading. Do you have a favorite Springsteen song or memory you’d like to share? We’d love to hear it, please leave a comment.
Cairn Rodrigues is new to the world of publishing. Formerly a stay at home mom, she attended the California Culinary Academy in San Francisco and worked in many facets of the hospitality industry. She was chef and owner of the Café 455 in Sacramento before retiring from professional kitchens in 2007. Born and raised in Sacramento, she is a devout lover of California and still resides near her hometown. Cairn also loves animals, gardening, television and Bruce Springsteen. Connect with her here:
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What fun! 🙂
Hi Cairn and welcome to Debbie’s blog.
Your first guest post Debbie, congratulations and I know how exciting that is. What a wonderful choice too.
I was never a big Bruce Springsteen fan, sorry ladies. I know, he’s cool and yes we all know him as the boss. Something about him that just didn’t make me want to drool. Funny right! What woman didn’t want to drool over the Boss.
Congratulations on your book Cairn, how exciting for you. I can’t even imagine but I’m sure the tour will go great.
Thanks for sharing a big of that with us today and you ladies have a nice weekend.
Hi Adrienne; Thanks for visiting today. We all have different tastes in music and while I do like some of Springsteen’s work, he’s not in my top five. Cairn’s book is fascinating though and I hope she sells a zillion copies. Living the dream! 😀
Hi Cairn, and welcome to Debbie’s blog. 🙂
And congratulations Debbie on your first guest post too- great going 🙂
There was a time I listened to a lot of love Bruce Springsteen – I think his music just struck out from the rest, though its been years since I heard him now. So, a nice reminder for me!
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice weekend, both of you 🙂
Thanks for dropping by Harleena. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the post. Springsteen’s music is pretty universal, I’d say. Wishing you a nice weekend as well.
Thanks for the warm welcome Harleena! Since Springsteen has been such an influence for such a long time, it’s kind of hard not to hear his music. Few things make me smile as much as hearing Thunder Road at the grocery store 🙂
How about right here, Cairn? 😀 Love this one!!
I love Bruce Springsteen. The book sounds pretty interesting! I will have to get a hold of a copy. ♥
Hi Kathy; It’s a great read and the Springsteen reference is cool, too. Thanks for visiting. 🙂
Thanks Kathy, I hope you enjoy it!
Hi Cairn,
Welcome to Debbie’s blog. I love Bruce Springsteen. Probably not as much as you do but I do love his music. My aunt was crazy about him back in the day…I’m wondering if she still does.
I don’t have a memory of the Boss but my favorite song is Born To Run.
I really enjoyed reading your post! Thanks for introducing us Debbie! I hope you ladies are having a great day! 🙂
Thanks for dropping by, Corina. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the post. Have a good evening.
I suspect your aunt still carries a torch for the Boss. It’s one of those loves that can’t die. Born To Run is a classic for a reason, good choice Corina!
That is so awesome how you used Springsteen for both inspiration and direction on The Last Prospector, Cairn! My fav song that first came to mind was Dancing In The Dark followed closely by Philadelphia. Good guest post and thank you for sharing her Debbie! 🙂
The pleasure is mine, Mike 🙂 You would love her book!
Thanks, Mike! I’m tempted to find a way to get a copy of my book into Bruce’s hands, but don’t want to be arrested for stalking. If you have any brilliant ideas, please send them on 🙂 Thanks for reading!
Cairn, I have absolutely no clue on how to contact a celebrity! Maybe send a note to their agent or something? If all else fails, Bruce could probably use a good stalker these days! 🙂
I try to keep my stalking purely on Twitter. While I’m hesitant to use the word “liberal”, let’s just say my tweets about @springsteen are frequent 😉
SO nice to get the inside scoop on the connection between Springsteen and “The Boss” in your story. I’m a fan of his music, too. I like “Born to Run” best. Well, maybe… LOL there are so many.
I’m with you Maryann, it’s hard to pick a favorite Springsteen song. My favorite of his albums is Nebraska, though. Reason To Believe is the song from that disc holding the most resonance for me.
Welcome Cairn and thank you for stopping at The Den on your Book Blog Tour. I’ve been enjoying The Last Prospector immensely and highly recommend it. Come one, come all; you won’t be disappointed!
Speaking as a fellow music fanatic, how could it not be at the root of all creativity, be it conscious or subconscious, yes? 🙂 “Born to Run”, indeed!
My acquaintenceship with Springsteen has been at a more casual level, but I do enjoy his music. Love “The Wrestler”
Thanks again and much success with The entire Solstice series. Looking forward to book two!
Thank you so much for inviting me, Debbie! I’m honored to be your first guest poster 🙂
The honour is mine, as well. 🙂 Great post!