Terri Webster Schrandt‘s blogfest theme this week is:
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My father’s hair was white at age 26, and I took after him. Decades of hair dyeing drudgery followed. By 2012, I’d had enough and embraced the natural look.

#WhiteHairDontCare #GreyIsTheNewBlonde 😉
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Also joining Sandee at Wordless Wednesday.

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47 thoughts on “WHITE 🐩 💭❄️👩🦳| #SundayStills #Photography📷📱#ColourChallenge”
Finally got my post done and now getting around to commenting. Love all of these!
Thank you, Kirstin! 🙂 I’m way behind with comment follow-ups.
You look fabulous! “Hair dyeing drudgery” is right. Although, these days I’ve noticed more and more young people dyeing their hair grey or white. The irony! Loved all the pictures, especially the dogs.
Thank you, Damyanti! Yes, it’s ironic to be fashionable without even trying, when others spend big money for the same effect. 😆
Enjoyed all your photos of white and your natural hair is lovely. 😊
Thank you, Pepper! And welcome to The Den. 🙂
Yay for white hair! Mine started to turn when I was in my fifties. I don’t mind it and I get a lot of compliments on the color. Love the pics of the doggies.
We are the height of fashion these days, Eugi! 🙂 The dog pics are my favourites as well.
I love your hair!! And your pictures are beautiful; all of them. I really enjoyed seeing all the doggos.
Thank you, Kymber! 🙂 The white dog gallery is my favourite as well.
Beautiful white-themed photos! Your hair looks fantastic.
Happy Friday, Debbie!
Thank you, Veronica! 🙂 Have a good weekend.
Great take on white.
Thank you, Dora! 🙂 I appreciate your visit. 🌹
I like white! I wear a lot of white. As I always say, white’s alright, grey’s okay!
White clothes look lovely and tropical. At least, until they get dirty! 😉
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Debbie. Hugs. ♥
Thank you for hosting, Sandee! 🌹 Wishing you a lovely weekend.
Great choices for the theme, Debbie. My wife gave up dying her hair blonde in 2018, and it is now white/silver. Now people stop her and ask her what colour she has it dyed!
Best wishes, Pete.
Thanks, Pete! 🙂 It amuses me that younger women pay big money to dye their hair this colour. Julie and I are the height of fashion these days. 😀
Lots of lovely white photos. Your hair looks great. My hair is naturally dark chestnut and I inherit my genes from my mum who never went grey before she died at 50. I recently lost all mine to chemotherapy and I was expecting it to grow back grey. I have started to grow back some fuzz which looks black, but whatever colour it is I will be happy to just have hair again!
I love the clouds too. They fascinate me looking for shapes in them.
Thank you, Jackie! 🙂 I’m so sorry you had to go through chemotherapy and lose your hair! Apparently, it’s supposed to grow back thicker. My mother didn’t have any grey until later in life, either. Yes, cloud formations are fascinating for me as well.
Love the doggie pics, Debbie 😍 Only one winter comes to mind when we had snow as deep as your snowmageddon and in the main it stayed lovely and white. Your hair is a lovely colour, natural works well for you.
Thanks, Cathy! 🙂 We don’t often get that much snow either. Big storm!
A beautiful set of whites, Debbie. I’m so sorry I may have missed the link to my post. Yes I left Twitter yesterday. I rarely use it except for sharing posts. I’m on Bluesky now and just shared your post there. BTW, I’m daring my hair to go gray! You look amazing!
No problem! 🙂 Thanks for coming by here. I mostly use Twitter/X for sharing posts too. Keeps the bullshit at bay! 😄 I will look for you on Bluesky. Thanks for the compliment. 💖 Any grey hairs you get will probably blend in nicely with your curly red hair, Terri. I’m envious! For years, I dyed mine red and also permed to get curls.
I couldn’t find you on Bluesky, Terri. What’s your handle there?
Mine is: @debbie-d.bsky.social
Love the white theme Deb. And you are lucky to have such nice white hair. I’d hate to thing of the steely grey mine would be if I’d dare give it a chance. But not happening, lol. 🙂
Thanks, Deb! 🙂 I definitely lucked out with the hair. Younger women pay a lot of money to have theirs dyed this colour. 😄 I’ve even seen some go steel grey, but it’s not for everyone, I’m sure. Besides, you have the perfect fiery personality for a redhead! 😉 I used to be one too.
You sure collected a ton of white images here in this post Debbie. All the white dogs … you needed the Dalmation to sleep on the zebra-striped throw. 🙂 I have a Dalmation living across the street from me. For such a big dog, they have an oddly tiny, almost squeaky, voice. My mother’s hair turned gray in her early 20s and she dyed it her natural color of black for years, then finally let it grow out. Her hair was short and her hairdresser suggested she do it over the Winter so she could wear a hat if she went out and then get it cut really short in the Spring. But in the Fall, first he frosted her hair with golden highlights for the transition and, as her hair grew fast, she went for a cut and told him her gray/white hair at the back of her head made her look like the back end of a deer. I think your hair looks great and yes, embrace it – gray is the new blonde. My hair is mousy brown, but I’m getting some gray strands in it. I highlighted it for years and when she said she had to do lowlights I said “okay” and I looked like a tiger – too much gold and dark brown and it looked unnatural. She said she’d do it more subtle next time – well it looked worse. So, then it was COVID and I’ve never gone back. Cut my own long hair, but no more long layers as I’m not good at that, but I still have some of those dark strands – the rest has faded. Your yard is beautiful with the snow!
Yes, the Dalmatian (our Tasha) would have looked perfect on the Zebra background! 😄 Too bad we didn’t have that pillow when she was alive. Transitioning from black to white hair would be a lot more complicated. Easier for me, since my dyed strawberry blonde hair always faded to paler blonde, and the white just blended in. You’re brave to cut your own hair! I don’t like getting mine cut, but, once or twice a year, I go to Great Clips, which only charges $25.00 for seniors. Snow always looks good from the inside looking out. 🙂
Debbie, I’m not going to mess with anything more on my hair – it is not even that noticeable … well yet. I have pretty much cut off all the layers now. I am not fancy as to cutting it, like not pinning it up and using a mirror – sorry to say that I just take my finger and cut. I would never-ever have done that in my younger and very vain days. 🙂 I wouldn’t mind getting the long layers again, but most of the time I wear it up in a messy bun anyway. I’d like bangs, but I never could work with them as they did what they wanted to do, so I finally grew them out again. My mother’s hair grew out, she was gray, more like an iron gray and she went very short to be one color. She had naturally curly hair. After the cut, we went grocery shopping. She had the cart and wanted some spices so I went to grab it a few aisles away. It was a warm day and she had on a new Spring coat we got on sale the year before … I went up and down the aisles looking for her, getting mad as she said she’d stay there until I got back. She watched me walk past her a few times and finally said “Linda – you stupid fool, I’m right here.” True story. I shouldn’t admit it … damages my credibility.
Cute story! 😆 I can imagine your mother looked very different with the short hair and new coat.
Yes, we laughed about it for years! She did look different as she cropped off all the remaining black and gold frosting and looked like a man and this was not a coat she’d usually wear – she liked a hip-length coat. A lifelong friend of my mom’s lived in Oakville on Weir Avenue. She and her husband did not own a car – ever. He was a TTC bus driver and caught a bus to go to work not far from their home. She took in kids from the Children’s Aid and would mind them at their house – they ended up adopting three or four kids. Anyway, the husband died, the kids were grown and she came over to visit in 1989. We visited her from time to time when we went to see my grandmother (who passed away in January 1986), but had not seen her in about five years. Before she had auburn hair and was heavyset. But she let her hair go gray, got very thin and came over to visit on the Greyhound bus. I was supposed to walk over to the Greyhound terminal from my downtown Detroit office and we would take the same bus I took every day to get home. I got there – no, I didn’t’ see her. Long before cellphones. I was irritated as she was supposed to wait by the ticket counter as it was a large terminal. No Mrs. Gibbs. The bus wasn’t delayed so I called home at a pay phone and asked if she cancelled her trip. My mom said she just called her and asked if I was delayed at work. She was sitting across the terminal (not where she was supposed to be mind you) and we had been staring at each other the entire time. Granted, she looked radically different, but I didn’t think I looked different. The suburban bus was no longer running until the next day, so we had to take a Detroit City bus and our neighbor came and picked us up (two miles from where it dropped us off).
Quite frankly I’ve had my fill of white stuff, our hair notwithstanding…
Haha! You must be talking about snow. 🙂 We have some, but it’s not overkill – yet!
My best-ever dog was a black and white Dalmatian! I loved seeing the image of one in your post.
Mine too, Cheryl! 🙂 Her name was Tasha, and we had her for 15.5. years. Still miss her a lot! 💖
Beautiful pups, beautiful shots and beautiful Debbie.
Have a fabulous day and week. Big hug. ♥
Thank you, Sandee! 🙂 I hope you have a lovely week as well. 💖
I like your white hair, Debbie, along with the other photos of all things white. I clipped Princess’ nails last night. We made it through the process by negotiating.
Thanks, Janie! 🙂 And I’m glad Princess let you clip her nails. Sorry I was so late responding. Zoey won’t let me near her feet, but we have a “dog whisperer” who does that for us.
A lot of beautiful white today
Thanks, Thomas! 🙂 Do you still have snow on the ground?
No it’s gone now. I’ll bet Toronto still has some.
Yes, we actually just got some. 😄 First snowfall since Christmas., which was white for the first time in 7 years.