Welcome to another edition of

Battle of the Bands BOTB

BATTLE OF THE BANDS (BOTB), hosted by Far Away Series and  StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands. is where you listen to different recordings of the same song and vote for the one you like best. Two “Battles” per month, on the 1st and 15th. Votes will be tallied and posted the following week. (See below for further details.)

#BOTB Battle of the Bands WHITE RABBIT. Who did it better? Come on over and cast your vote! #dogladysden Share on X

As threatened promised, I’m going back to my rock roots for this one. Psychedelic Rock left a big impression on me (read more about that HERE) and I’m still getting high on the music, all these years later.

Psychedelic Battle of the Bands, White Rabbit
By Ирина Печкарёва (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

♫♫ To make it even more excruciating interesting,
this battle features Heavy Metal vs Hardcore Punk♫♫


[reference only – please do not vote on this one]

White Rabbit” is a song written by Grace Slick, lead vocalist for the American psychedelic band Jefferson Airplane. Recorded for their 1967 album, Surrealistic Pillow, itwas released as a single and became the band’s second top ten success, peaking at number eight on the Billboard Top 100. The song was ranked number 478 on Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Songs of All Time and appears on The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame’s 500 Songs that Shaped Rock and Roll. – Wikipedia

Side note: Grace originally recorded this song with her previous band, The Great Society. You can listen to it HERE, but it’s not part of the competition.

The foregoing serves as background information only.
Now, on to the actual contest……


Sanctuary is an American heavy metal band founded in Seattle in 1985. They split up in 1992, but reformed 18 years later. White Rabbit is the 6th track from their debut album, Refuge Denied, released in 1987.



Slapshot is a hardcore punk band, formed in Boston in 1985. White Rabbit is the 12th track from their 3rd album, Sudden Death Overtime, released in 1990.


Please state your preference in comments below and why you chose it.

Voting remains open until 10 am ET,  Oct. 21,
after which I will count the votes, add mine and publish the results.

These are the other BOTB regulars and semi-regulars.
Please cruise on by their sites and, if they have a post up, vote on their selections as well:
[Check back – there’s no set posting time]

Angels Bark / Book Lover / Cherdo On The Flipside / Curious as a Cathy / DC Relief BOTB / Far Away Series / Holli’s Hoots & Hollers / J.A. Scott /Jingle Jangle Jungle / Mike’s Ramblings / Novel Brews / Quiet Laughter / Sound of One Hand Typing / StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands / Tossing It Out / Women: We Shall Overcome / Your Daily Dose


As always, “Sharing is Caring”. Spread this musical joy all over your social networks.
Hashtag is #BOTB

Until next time.



♫♪♫♪♫ Rockchick Rapture!

Listening to Bewitching Bach on headphones

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  1. Cool I am a fan of psychedelic rock and acid rock myself. I like how you have covers from a band considered Heavy Metal and one considered Punk covering the song. My vote goes for Slapshot on this one,

    1. Hi Mike; Sounds like we have similar tastes. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed the battle. That’s another vote for SlapShot. Thanks for dropping in.

  2. No contest here for me; Sanctuary. Slapshot is good, but as dear St Mc observes, some originals just can’t be beaten by a cover. This is one such song. That sound, and this song, just sums up that era perfectly. But, Sanctuary does a decent cover. Awesome band, and they managed to keep the creep factor that makes this song so memorable.

    Awesome match up. I’d listen to more Slapshot on a different song.

    1. So true, nobody beats the original. 🙂 Nice to see someone else who enjoys Heavy Metal (it seems we’re in the minority). Your vote for Sanctuary is duly noted.

  3. I love the original…and intensely dislike both versions here:) Can you tell I am not into heavy metal-lol Anyhoo, even though they go off the rails at the end I go for Slap shot since they seem to stick a bit closer to the original for me…a tiny bit.

    1. Hi Birgit; I had a hunch you wouldn’t like these choices. Sometimes, I just have to let loose! LOL
      I appreciate your choice of SlapShot as being a tiny bit less awful. Any vote is a good vote, yes? 🙂

  4. Truth be told, I don’t care for either version offered up today. I admit, it’s a pretty good BATTLE in that you have two distinctly different versions that are also very different from the original, simply neither one is my cup o tea. I’ll go with Sanctuary as I can take ‘heavy metal’ over headbanger any day. Ha!

    1. I knew this battle wouldn’t have mass appeal, but you can’t please everybody and I was in a hard-rockin’ mood at the time. 🙂 I’m glad you thought the structure was good, anyway. Another vote for Sanctuary. Heavy metal triumphs over Headbanger. 😀

  5. Honestly, not crazy about either one of these. Jefferson Airplane owns this song. Throw my vote at Slapshot. Sanctuary just hurt my head (bad migraine day).

    1. Hope your migraine has gone away, Robin. Sorry you didn’t like the choices and you’re right. Jefferson Airplane would win, no contest. 🙂 Your throwaway vote for SlapShot is duly noted. Thanks for coming by

  6. This is another favorite of mine – loved Jefferson Airplane’s version. I’ve got to give my vote to Sanctuary today, though! Loved that cover.

  7. Debbie, Jefferson Airplane gets my vote. Oh wait, they weren’t in the running. Shoot! When I saw you threw a mental group against a hardcore punk rock band I thought I knew which way my vote would swing. You’re gonna love this, but I went with Sanctuary. I’m not a real fan of either genre, but I disliked Slapshot’s cover (the music was okay, it was the vocals that did it in for me) and preferred the heavy mental music arrangement (vocals too scary for me, though. lol) better. So, there you have it why I went with Sanctuary. Interesting battle!

    1. Hahaha! Loved “mental” group! Was that intentional or just a typo? 😉 This is a momentous occasion, for sure. Cathy.
      Ms. Kennedy picks a heavy metal group. Love it! 😀

      1. Debbie, I’m taking the 5th on the reason why I called Sanctuary a “mental” group on grounds that it might incriminate me. Actually, I was thinking mental (how else would you explain it?) so my subconsciousness flowed from my brain to my finger tips. 😀 I knew you would love my pick!

  8. Out of the two, I think Sanctuary is better performed. At least it annoys me the least. It’s just not my kind of music.
    Well, sometimes it is, but I have to REALLY be in the mood for it.

    1. This is a surprise, Jeffrey! I thought you were into this type of music on a regular basis. 🙂 So, Sanctuary gets your vote for being less annoying. Any vote is a good vote; thanks.

  9. I like the original song a lot. I own a few Jefferson Airplane CDs, haha .. but as for the battle, I gave my vote to Sanctuary. Good stuff, that!

    1. Nice to know you’re a fan, Madilyn. 🙂 Sanctuary gets another vote. I’ve been listening to more of their music on Youtube. Definitely some good stuff!

  10. LOVE this battle, Debbie! I really wanted to vote for Slap Shot; after reading the comments I felt they were a bit of an underdog… But after listening twice I’ve come to the conclusion they probably deserve it (the *under* part, not the dog 😀 ). It sounded like I was listening to two, maybe even three different bands, or at least different arrangements… Like they couldn’t make up their minds on what sound to stick with. Sanctuary, though, did an excellent job all-around; they stayed true to their metal soul, and some of the guitar bits in there actually gave me chills. The guy’s voice is awesome, too. So. I apologize, Slap Shot; I really did try to like you. Sanctuary gets my vote.

    Coolest battle ever, Debbie! (I also have punk rock on my battle today, hehe… Gotta love synchronicity 😉 )

    1. Hi Guilie; It seems, our taste in music is similar and I enjoyed your battle, as well. 🙂 Interesting observation about Slap Shot; I’ll give it another listen. (The band’s name and the album, “Sudden Death Overtime”, instantly attracted my Canadian, hockey-loving self.) I’m so glad you enjoyed this battle; it was time to cut loose. 😀 Sanctuary gets another vote. I think this will be a close one!

    1. I had a hunch you wouldn’t like this one, Angelika. 😀 How about a vote for “least offensive”? That’s what most people do when they aren’t into the music. You probably think they’re equally offensive, yes? I knew this battle wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but I just have to let loose sometimes. Next one will be milder.

      1. Debbie just do your ‘thang’… how boring this world would be if were all alike! I love the variety you present,.. and I’ve downloaded one or the other song that you’ve presented.

        1. Reminds me of a famous quote (can’t remember who said it): “You can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.” 🙂

          And a song too. 😉

  11. Wow, interesting battle. I love this song. No one does like Grace Slick, that’s for sure. I had to go back and listen to both versions twice. At first I found Sanctuary’s version to be a bit too hard for my taste. So then I listened to Slapshot and although I liked their music better, I hated the vocals in their version. I think if you could take the vocals from Sanctuary and add it to the music of Slapshot, that would be a good song! This is a tough one. I thought I’d be voting for Slapshot but the vocals just killed it for me. So by default, my vote is going to Sanctuary.
    Good battle Debbie. This one should be a close one…

    1. I’ll have to listen again; interesting idea to switch them around. In the meantime, your vote for Sanctuary is duly noted. Thanks, Michele. 🙂

  12. To be honest, in my view, this is one of those songs that one so strongly identifies with the original artist that I’m not sure covering it is such a wise move.

    But at any rate, I’ll vote for SANCTUARY, because although Slapshot started out kind of good, with the drumming, it got old for me pretty quickly.

    ~ D-FensDogG
    ‘Loyal American Underground’

    1. I agree with you, Stephen. Nobody can live up to the original and there are so many covers out there that are pale imitations. I was happy to find a couple that were harder-edged and different. That’s one vote for Sanctuary.

  13. I have this song on my someday list, but you certainly picked different artists than what I have. And I must say you really picked a couple of interesting versions. They both have something interesting to add regarding my taste in music as well as having some irritation factors.

    Sanctuary was scary at first–I thought the devil had come into my room. When the vocal started though I was in more familiar territory. I actually do like a lot of this version.

    Slap Shot was a bit rougher edged and harsh. I wasn’t sure that I’d like the hardcore punk sound–and actually it would probably eventually annoy me–but I think the group uniquely captured the spirit of the original song. So for now I think I prefer Slap Shot. I’m kind of surprised.

    Excellent and challenging choice presented in this round.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Yay! I’m thrilled to have surprised you, Lee. ? It took me a long time to find covers that were significantly different from the original. You mean you didn’t like Sanctuary’s death growl introduction? Not my thing usually either, but it made me smile in this case. First vote goes to hardcore punkers, Slap Shot