Time for another edition of Photo Friday. Here’s the perfect photo for this week\s prompt!

LARGE, photo friday
The objective is to post your own images, based on a prompt provided by the Photo Friday staff.



What could be whiter than snow? A couple of white dogs, of course!


©D.D.B. 2015, 2016 “All Rights Reserved”

To link up your photos and/or view all participants, click on image:


[You don’t need a blog to participate; any photo hosting site will work.]

Do you enjoy the snow?
Personally, I could live without it, but it’s all part of living here in Canada.

Looking forward to your comments!


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26 thoughts on “WHITE – PHOTO FRIDAY

  1. Nice Photos I really liked it whenever i see any photographer i used to see the way he takes the photos and all… Really loved it

  2. When I was a kid, at around age of 12, I wanted the pomeranian dogs, but my parents wouldn’t let me get one. This snap reminded me if my childhood.

  3. Aw! I love the little one with the black harness! The teeth, haha dogs with overbite crack me up 🙂 I hope you start feeling better soon!!

  4. White dogs on snow, a perfect image to cheer myself up after a long day. Since we only had like 10 days of snow right here, we would like to have more. But it’s almost March and I don’t think we’re going to have to many of those.

    Hope you are feeling ok right now and the pneumonia lost it’s grip on you.

    1. Welcome to the Den, Linda. It looks like my health has turned a corner and I feel much better. Thanks! 🙂 We lost all our snow during a recent mild spell, but there’s another storm brewing.

  5. Yes, welcome back! So glad you’re out of the hospital!
    My sister has the same breed as the one in the gray. (sorry my brain’s taking a vacation today!)

  6. Welcome back, Debbie! So glad you’re on the mend:-) Those adorable little dogs in the picture don’t seem to mind the snow at all. I will soon discover how well a couple of pony-sized canine toddlers do in snow and cold in general, hopefully much better than I;-)

    1. Thanks, Diedre. 🙂 The little ones were fine, as long as they had their coats on. Pony-sized puppies don’t usually feel the cold much and most dogs love to play in the snow. Sounds like you’re going on a trip. Have a good time.

  7. Hi, Shady; I’m getting a little better each day, but it’s a long haul. 😛 “Luigi” is such a cute name for a dog! I can just picture him with his mate, Daisy. It’s 52F here today and the snow all melted. Feels like spring, but I know it won’t last. Pity! You should plan a winter vacation back to your old stomping grounds in Pennsylvania. Lots of snow there, usually.
    Thanks for your good thoughts! Those always help.

  8. You are getting stronger by a little each day and this is nice to see. Baby steps is what’s needed which I know can be very annoying. The doggies are so cute and my sis in law has the same type of dog as the little one on the left

    1. Yes, the slow progress is a bit annoying, but here’s hoping there will be a bigger improvement, soon.
      Bichons are so popular these days! 🙂 The other one is a “Shichon” or “Zuchon” – cross between a Shih Tzu and a Bichon.

  9. Glad to see you posting again, Debbie. Hope you’re feeling better. You’ve been through a really rough time of it being in hospital and all. Love your cute white doggies photo who go so well with the snow.

    1. It’s getting a little better, day by day. Sure has been a long haul, though. 😛 Frightening experience and I won’t take good health so much for granted anymore. This is what you call “white on white”. 🙂

  10. Good to know you are on the mend. I saw your post that you were ill. Take care my friend. I like your white dogs. Good choice from your Doglady friend in Georgia.

    1. Nice to see you, Ann. 🙂 Yes, this has been a long illness and I’m hoping to be back to “normal”, soon. The white dogs are two of my favourite houseguests, Murphy the Bichon and Harlowe the Shichon. Thanks for dropping in.

  11. Sooo happy to see you Debbie! Still take it easy, pamper yourself so that you don’t get any fall backs. I spent a weekend in NY City once. My boyfriend read about a modern art gallery right near our hotel. So we strolled on over. The theme was – white- and you guessed it… they displayed white canvasses, all shapes and sizes. Thank God there was no entry fee. Cute littel dogs!!!!

    1. Thank you, Angelika. 🙂 I am trying to restrain myself, but it is tiresome. Hoping to be back to some semblance of normalcy, soon. That’s a funny story! 🙂 What passes for “art” can sometimes be puzzling.