Europe in Ontario Road Trip MapIn this time of Covid-19 quarantine, cabin fever has affected many of us.

Happily, here in Ontario, Canada, we have progressed to stage 3, meaning many businesses, including hotels, are open again, albeit with safety measures in place. ⭐

Masks are mandatory indoors and social distancing continues, as before.

Travel is restricted to our own province, but at least we are able to go somewhere!

And, it’s good to stimulate the local economy, which has taken a huge hit from the ongoing health crisis.

Hubby and I were both born in Europe and have always been drawn back there. Thanks to a random Facebook post, this alternative plan fell into place!

Thus, we embarked on a 5-day road trip, July 27 – 31, visiting local towns named after European cities. Come along for the ride! This is a 5-part series.

(⭐ The above was written in August 2020. Unfortunately, COVID is still with us as of Jan. 2022, with additional closures, off and on.)

Day 1, July 27/20

♦First stop♦ 
Heidelberg, population ~500

Heidelberg is an old-fashioned town with strong Mennonite roots, established in 1840 and named for the German city of the same name. One intersection, one traffic light, and you’re through it!

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♦Second stop♦
Lisbon (well, not quite!)

Lisbon is on Google maps and MUST be somewhere, but we couldn’t find it!  Our GPS came up with nothing, and the people we asked had no idea. We did spot a Mennonite buggy on the road, then headed for Stratford.

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♦Third stop (overnight stay)♦
STRATFORD, on the Avon River
(Just like the one in England!)

Stratford was settled by English, Irish, Scottish and German immigrants, in almost equal numbers, starting in the 1820s but primarily in the 1830s and 1840s. Most became farmers, and even today, the area around Stratford is known for mixed farming, dairy and hog production.

The city is also known for its famous Shakespeare Theatre Festival, established in 1953. Pre-COVID, numerous visitors would arrive in Stratford each week during the May to October season, often by the busload.

National Geographic Traveler considers the theatres to be “nirvana” and also praises other aspects of the town:

“During the festival—which stages everything from Shakespeare to Sondheim to new Canadian plays—you can stay in theatre-themed B&Bs, hang out with actors post-show at local bars like Down the Street, go on backstage tours, and attend dozens of other events with theatre-mad folk.

Stratford itself is the type of walkable wholesome town Rodgers and Hammerstein might write a musical about.” 

[Click on images to enlarge.]

To be continued…

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26 thoughts on “WHEN YOU CAN’T GO TO EUROPE | #RoadTrip Part I

  1. I would love to stay at one of the theatre themed B&B’s in Stratford and I would most definitely be hanging with the “theatre-mad folk.” – Great post, as always, and wonderful to see you back!

  2. Hi Debbie – I think there are a couple of Shakespeare ‘festivals’ in north America – but what fun to be able to visit. The town looks interesting and I guess full of Shakespeare … strange to think that there is no Lisbon town … looks like area should have been developed – may be the geology of the area precluded that thought back in the 1800s. I like to look! Stay safe – Hilary

    1. Hi HIlary, Stratford is beautiful, with or without the Shakespeare festival. I do hope that COVID-19 will be tamed, so they can resume those activities by next summer. Regarding Lisbon, stay tuned! 😉 Thanks for coming by!

  3. What a great idea! We have a restaurant in town named The Heidelberg. Would that count? I really had no idea there were Mennonite communities in Canada. Thanks for taking us along on your first part.

    1. I bet the Heidelberg restaurant has excellent German cuisine. That definitely counts! 🙂 Thanks for checking out the travelogue. Part II has been published also and I am working on Part III. Cheers!

    1. Hi Yolanda, we were happy to get out of town for a few days. That was three months ago when Ontario had “flattened the curve.” Sadly, we are currently in the second wave of COVID-19 and sticking close to home. We also have a new rescue dog, so travel is not an option now, even if we could. Thanks for coming by! 🙂

  4. This is my favorite post of 2020, Debbie. Minutes before coming here, I was dwelling on sonnets. I was contemplating writing one in the coming days. Then I saw your post, about Stratford on the Avon River… You sent me to England for Stratford on the Avon, and whose home is that place? William Shakespeare, the Father of the Sonnet… Add to this, where I grew up in Memphis, Tennessee, if I left my house, and walked up Lynn Road, I would cross Avon, to get to the next street, which was Stratford.

    How about that?

    1. Hi Dora, actually, some of our areas are safe. In any case, most people are diligent about following the safety protocols. Hotels are in desperate need of guests, so they go above and beyond. It’s good to contribute to the local economy and get people working again.

  5. It’s been quite a while since I’ve popped in and I’m glad that you’re still around. In these troubled times when travelling overseas is unsafe, I think it’s a great idea to explore the country you live in so you’re road trip is the right thing to do helping to boost the economy and to help those struggling country towns.
    Thanks for your lovely photos. Because I love architecture I especially liked Stratford City Hall and the Courthouse.

    1. Nice to see you again, Peter! 🙂 To be honest, I haven’t been blogging that much lately, but I hope to get back into the groove. Yes, I think it’s important to stimulate the local economy, especially in these troubled times. We have always enjoyed taking road trips and Ontario has some lovely areas. Stratford is one of the most famous. Thanks for coming by!

    1. Hi Cathy, Ontario has some lovely areas, and we were happy to get out of town for a bit. Since then, COVID-19 cases have increased again, so we’re sticking close to home for the time being. Thanks for coming by during your vacation. Enjoy!

  6. I would love to take the same trip with my hubby. My best friend’s family comes from Stratford and her grandfather owned a home which is now a B & B and they granted her access to the home. It is a truly lovely town where many future famous actors and current ones still act here. I know William Shatner (pre Star Trek) and Christopher Plummer were here. I wonder if Lisbon is off the beaten track hidden away?

  7. I’ve been looking forward to these posts. So, Lisbon has disappeared or never was? How frustrating. I have vacationed in Mennonite country and in Stratford. If I toured Michigan, I could go to Hell in the neighboring county. Which just about sums up what is happening in my country.

    1. Hi Denise, we couldn’t find Lisbon, but stay tuned for more about that. 🙂 We have enjoyed road trips in Michigan as well, particularly Ann Arbor, Frankenmuth and Bay City. The border closure has just been extended another month, so who knows when we can go again. Here’s hoping the U.S. will have a new President come November 3! Things can only improve if that happens. Thanks for coming by.

  8. Oh how fun. I love the small towns the very best. They have such wonderful histories.

    Have a fabulous day and week and thanks for taking me along. ♥

    1. Hi Janie, we did have a good time and there were few people around, which made it all the more relaxing. 🙂
      Here in Ontario, parents have the choice to send their kids to school or do online learning. More and more schools are shutting down again though, due to COVID-19 outbreaks. What a life! ? Thanks for dropping by. Thought I’d try to publish a post again, since it’s been a while.