Welcome back! It’s time to announce results for the April 1st BOTB post

Battle of the Bands BOTB WESS and the AIREDALES

BATTLE OF THE BANDS (BOTB), hosted by Far Away Series and StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands. is where you listen to different recordings of the same song and vote for the one you like best. Two “Battles” per month, on the 1st and 15th. Votes will be tallied and posted the following week.

This one pitted Italian Soul/Funk band,  Wess and the Airedales
against themselves, using two different songs.

Like so many of you, I enjoyed both songs and had a tough time choosing. In the end, the horns in “I’ll Never Turn My Back on You” (as Stephen also mentioned) were the deciding factor.

Wess, first with the Airedales and later as part of a duo with Dori Ghezzi, was popular throughout Europe in the 60s and 70s.



By more than twice the votes!

#BOTB Results Wess and the Airedales

I couldn’t find a live performance of the winning song, so here’s a different one, “Tu Che Non Mi Conoscevi” (This translates to “You don’t know me”, but the song is called “In the Chapel in the Moonlight” in English. (Wess only recorded this Italian version.)

As a self-indulgent bonus, I’m throwing in a “Soundtrack of my Life” song by Wess, called “Solitudine” (Solitude). This brings back so many memories from the time I spent at boarding school in Switzerland (1968-1969). One of my roommates was Italian and had all these great records.

Don’t forget to check back with the others for their BOTB results:

Angels Bark / Cherdo On The Flipside / Curious as a Cathy / DC Relief BOTB / eVil pOp taRtFar Away Series** / J.A. Scott / Jingle Jangle Jungle / Mike’s Ramblings / Quiet Laughter / ReInVintaged / Sound of One Hand Typing / StMcC Presents Battle of the Bands** / Tossing It Out /  / Your Daily Dose


(Related to the A to Z Challenge, but as a separate post.)


Check out today’s #AtoZChallenge post, F is for FOX TERRIER. Read it HERE.

Was this the outcome you expected or were you surprised?

Looking forward to your comments!

Until next time.



Rockchick Rapture!


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18 thoughts on “WESS and the AIREDALES – #BOTB RESULTS

      1. I was thinking of that too. That’s why I did the hectic and quick Weird Al post this time.
        I’m still pondering giving April 15th a pass. It’s so busy, I’m struggling to keep up.

  1. I’m glad that song won because I really liked it.
    Love the two songs you posted here by Wess & the Airedales. Great stuff. The horns reminded me of Chicago for some reason…and I think it’s solely because of the horns…
    Thanks for the introduction.

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the battle, Michele. In hindsight, though, I should have put BOTB on hold until May. This is getting too crazy! There’s another one coming up soon. I Guess I’ll still do it since the post is 3/4 finished. How are you holding up this month? It must be a bit easier for you since you had all your posts ready to go ahead of time. Every year, I swear I’m going to do that, but something always interferes. Yesterday, I spent most of the day writing a week’s worth of posts. Sigh….

      1. I thought about not doing BOTB but I really wanted to do the April Fools parody as I did and then for the 15th I’m doing a Tax theme battle because April 15th is the deadline for Income Taxes and it’s a crazy day with everyone scrambling to get their taxes in on time so as to avoid penalties… so I decided to go ahead and do the battles. I was disappointed because I had a lower than normal turnout for voting and that was all because of the A-Z craziness…

        I can’t imagine doing the A-Z if I didn’t have my posts prepared ahead of time. I spent all day yesterday visiting others blogs (over 30) and then responded to comments. I just can’t imagine having to do posts on top of all that! I do highly recommend having the posts done and scheduled ahead of time. It’s all I can do to visit a bunch of blogs and take care of things around here. But hey, you got a whole week of posts written yesterday so that’s a big accomplishment! Hang in there. You can do it!!! Who needs sleep?? 🙂

        1. I had a much lower turnout for BOTB as well and will probably skip it for next April. My plan was to write all the A-Z posts in February, but then I got sick for the whole month and March was so busy offline. I already have a theme picked out for next year and will definitely start writing this summer or fall like you did. I’m so far behind in comment responses and blog visits now, I’ll likely never catch up! 🙁 Plus, the offline stuff (like doing taxes – at least in Canada we have until April 30th) is piling up. Sleep? What’s that? 😛

  2. You’re so right about Dean Martin singing “In The Chapel in the Moonlight”. “Solitudine” came out a couple of years before “Mr. Monday”. I don’t think they’re related, but there’s definitely some similarity. Thanks for keeping up with these daily posts. You’re doing much better than I am, Shady. I’m losing the battle to keep up with comment replies.

  3. I’m so sorry I missed voting on this one, Debbie; sounds like it was a winner! Though it doesn’t look like my vote would’ve made much difference, one way or the other 😀 Congratulations on a very cool battle!

    1. Hi, Guilie; We’re all crazed, trying to keep up with things this month. No worries! 🙂 In hindsight, I should have put BOTB on hold for April. Thanks for checking it out!