Website Woes

Oh, the “joys” of owning a self-hosted website!
(Well, to be fair, I mostly love being a “webmaster, ” just not when things go wonky. It’s a great learning experience, though!)

Hopefully, the issues have been resolved now, but please let me know if you encounter anything unusual.

Thanks for your patience!

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14 thoughts on “WEBSITE WOES!

  1. Hey Debbie,

    Don’t worry about it. These things happen. I do hope all is corrected, though. I know how annoying website problems can be. 🙂 Cheeri-o!…mmm, that makes me want breakfast. How about you? lol

    1. Hi Cathy, my perfectionist self throws a fit when things go wrong, but then I calm down and try to find the solution. All seems okay, now. ? Cheerios! Had those for breakfast this morning. 🙂 Thanks for coming by.

    1. Nice to see you here, Eugenia. 🙂 I’ve been mostly lucky, with very few outages over nine years, but the last couple of days have been a pain. Still, I learn something new every time and (mostly) enjoy the challenge of trying to figure out how to fix it. Thanks for coming by and have a pleasant week!

  2. Web Woes are a common occurrence sometimes. I hate getting an email from my blog host saying your site if off-line. Really? you can’t just fix it without getting me all work up? I hope your problems are mild and are easily handled. Enjoy fall!

  3. It looks good Debbie. Oh yes, been there and done that. I hired a techie years ago to help when things get really hairy with the self-hosted blog. I get confused with setting up one from the beginning, not easy for sure! But you need lots of patience.

  4. I had one email notification of a post that didn”t exist, or had been deleted. Then I was notified of this one that appeared as usual. Glad to hear you managed to sort it out. 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.