Welcome to another edition of Photo Friday.

As a life-long dog person and self-employed “Canine Caregiver”, this week’s photo prompt is the perfect fit!
The dogs love going for a walk. As you can see, my sidekick gets the “fun” job
Always remember to SCOOP THAT POOP!
(If there was a market for it, I’d be rich by now 😉 )

To link up your photos and/or view all participants, click on image:

[You don’t need a blog to participate; any photo hosting site will work.]
What do you think of my four-legged charges here? 😀
Is going on a walk something you like to do? With or without dogs?
Looking forward to your comments!

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24 thoughts on “ON A WALK – PHOTO FRIDAY”
Know there’s no Scrappy there- no one in back sniffing butts…
They’ve already dispensed with the formalities. 🙂
I walk with my pup all the time, sometimes I take my sister’s pups with me.. We recently introduced a new pup – an 8 yr. old – into the family and it is so incredibly challenging.. My pup is jealous, the new dog is jealous, the barking ensues and at least once a day snarling and lunging.. My walks ease those tense moments.
Dogs can have personality conflicts, just like humans, unfortunately. Hope it works itself out, Mimi – it usually does. Sounds like neither one of them is biting, so, that’s good, anyway.
At times like this, I appreciate living so far out in the country, we have to pipe in sunlight… The dogs love it here. They have their run of the place, no need for leashes and such. Looking out the back door, I see one now, and he is eyeing a squirrel… I better go break that up before it turns serious!
That sounds like the perfect property for dogs! 😀 I bet yours are supremely content, Myke. Although we live in an urban area, my Dalmatian never needed a leash. She was the “Leader of the Pack” and always stuck close to us. Thanks for visiting.
I’m always amazed when a person can walk more than one dog at a time…I think that takes skill! I love going on walks though I prefer to have a side kick too with the same job as yours! 😉 <3
Hi Elly; I’ve been doing this for a long time. 🙂 My sidekick is very loyal – 42 years worth! 🙂 Thanks for visiting!
Wow! They’re all well-behaved. As much as I love dogs, I’m not sure I’d be able to manage all of them so ‘awesomely’ as you seem to be doing. 🙂
Hi Sid Yes, this was a good group. Not all of them are so well-mannered. LOL I’ve been doing this for over 20 years; lots of experience. 🙂 Thanks for dropping in.
Well I wonder if I’ll ever be able to do this…. I am so scared of dogs!
That’s too bad, Nabanita. 🙁 Did you have a bad experience with dogs? Like people, there are good ones and mean ones. It’s the human owners who make the dogs that way – not the dogs, per se. Thanks for visiting.
You should market that slogan.
I get so upset when people don’t pick up their dog poop. I always have bags in my pocket, due to my 2 furbabies and the one I walk weekdays for a friend, and have been known to chase people down with bags and make them clean it up. It makes me wonder what they live like if they can’t clean up their poop…..
Me too, Freda! I shame people into picking up the poop, by saying “I see you forgot your bag – have one of mine”. Usually works. 😀
Winter is especially bad. Do they think the poop will melt with the snow?? Thanks for visiting.
What a fabulous photo! Such well-behaved dogs, too! Perfect response to the prompt. 🙂
Thank you, Laurel. 😀 Yes, most of the dogs I take care of are well-behaved, but not all of them and I have the arthritic fingers to prove it. (All those years of dogs yanking and pulling on their leashes.) This prompt was a natural!
I love it! I don’t know how you walk them all at once! Amazing! ♥
They were all extremely well-behaved, Kathy, plus I’ve been doing this since 1994 – lots of practice. 🙂 Have you ever seen videos of those New York City dog walkers? They have at least 10! Don’t know how they manage, especially with the poop scooping.
What a fun photo of you guys on your walk! That must have been a lively one! ICK! I can just imagine all the poop!
I took the nicest walk in the woods with my Malamute, Loup yesterday. The sun was shining and it wasn’t windy. Also it was later in the afternoon around 3:30, but not too late for there to be lots of people around. This was a good thing as Loup doesn’t get along well with other dogs and always starts a fight which makes for some scary walks.
It was lively to be sure, Cathy. Good thing hubby was available to help. 😀 Sun and no wind is the best possible weather in winter. Glad you and Loup had a nice walk. One of my first clients ever was a Malamute named Scout. She didn’t like male dogs but was okay with other females. Go figure!
There’s a crappy side to every business. 🙂
Hahaha! Good one, Angelika! 😀 Have a nice weekend.
There is a business for poop. I saw some guys on Dragon’s Den promote it. They picked up poop by the truckload but I can’t remember what they did with it LOL. My goodness, you must have quite the bagful by the time you get back home!!
There is? Well damn, I missed that episode, Carol! 🙂 When I was first starting out, one of the services I provided was poop scooping people’s yards. Some people let it sit out there all winter – disgusting! 😛