Welcome everyone, to the #AtoZChallenge Blogging Extravaganza, where hundreds of bloggers publish 26 posts in 30 days, one for each letter of the alphabet, covering a myriad of topics! “Musical Memories” is my theme.Click HERE to see all posts and HERE to view the A to Z Blog. Please support our efforts by visiting, sharing and commenting. We have all worked long and hard on this project. Have fun and thanks for reading! ♥

UNTIL IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO GO | #AtoZChallenge 2017 (U) Day 21 #MusicalMemories #dogladysen Share on X
The time: Summer 1972
The place: Toronto suburbs, Canada / Bochum, Germany
If you read the ‘D’ post, you’ll know that hubby and I had started dating in October 1971, after a rocky first meeting seven months earlier.
Life was wonderful until the following spring, when my mother informed me that she and I would be going to Germany that summer, to visit her parents again. Imagine my devastation! (Just like the ‘C’ post.) Crying and pleading didn’t work, so off we flew, as soon as school was over.
Elvis Presley’s rendition of ‘Until It’s Time For You To Go’ was getting lots of airplay. How appropriate!
Misery and longing overwhelmed me. My boyfriend wrote letters, but the contents were disturbing. His relatives, (old-world Italians), were determined to turn him against me and fill his head with wrong ideas.
Fortunately, he trusted me and did not believe for one minute that I was “partying, getting drunk and screwing around”, per their accusations.
We moved in together less than a year later and got married in August 1973. It’s been more than four decades. So much for the naysayers!
Can true love ever be denied?
Looking forward to your comments!
The Doglady’s Den #AtoZChallenge 2017 Youtube playlist:

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52 thoughts on “UNTIL ITS TIME FOR YOU TO GO | #AtoZCHALLENGE (U) #MusicalMemories”
Debbie, Just leaving a note to say I always enjoy you little bits of history so tweeting an old A to Z link worked to get me here. Fran
Thanks, Fran. I’m glad you enjoy the memoirs. 🙂 These old posts all need some revised formatting—project for another day. Cheers!
I’ll bet you’re still a party girl!!! (Just kidding!!! *wink*)…Well, no ne can ever accuse me of being a party girl. I WISH I were more sociable, actually.
I party in my head. 😉
That’s the best way to party — no inhibitions!!! And you can get drunk, too, up to way over your limit 😉
Debbie, Oh, my! That retro photo of you two is priceless and I so love happy endings! I’m delighted y’all were able to disprove the naysayers to finding love and happiness for more than four decades. Don’t you ever ask, how did that happen? lol The years just slip away like blur, don’t they? Thanks for sharing another fabulous memory through mewsic!
Thanks, Cathy. 🙂 You’re so right about the years going by quickly. Kind of shocking! 😮
I remember 1972. I turned 7 that summer. My oldest brother had just graduated high school, and the brother younger than him wanted to join the Army, but was too young. He begged and pleaded (and even ran away from home!) to get my dad to sign the paperwork that would allow him to join. Dad finally relented, on the condition that my oldest brother join with him. So both older brothers enlisted in 1972. I’ll always remember them coming home on leave. My oldest brother would pick me up and twirl me around. We had a strong emotional bond, even with the 10 years age difference.
Thanks for sharing your memories of 1972, Mary. Sounds like yu had a wonderful relationship with your brothers.
The parting you endured reminds me of my parents. They did not have parents talking negatively but my dad did have his brother and other family members talking negatively against my mom saying the same thing plus adding she will stay there. My mom went over in 1960 because she had trouble with her thyroid and she was under her father’s health care so she left and ended up staying for 6 months. They wrote each other love letters which I have and cherish because it’s so romantic. Actually when I read some of the letters I found out my mom caught pneumonia over there and almost died. In fact, she wrote they called in the minister! I had no idea until the last 5 years and when I asked my mom, she remembered this and said she did almost die and then said she was lucky. The nice thing, she came back in October and 9 months later my brother was born.
That’s quite an ordeal your Mom went through, Birgit! How wonderful that she got healthy again and reunited with your Dad. Must have been a good celebration. 😀
If it’s truly meant to be, then nothing can deny it. Congratulations.
Another day in Amble Bay!
Thanks. 🙂
It took a while, but when they got to “Don’t ask why,” I recognized the song.
It’s a popular song with many covers. Thanks for dropping in, John. 🙂
Wow, you must have been so young! But I guess if you know he’s the right one for you, age is not important. Good for you! ❤️
Thanks, Tamara. 🙂 Physically, I was 18 but always felt much older, even as a child. Plus, I had experienced more of life in that time than a lot of other people.
I still love Elvis’ songs.
You two look radiant together… than and now.
I don’t believe in true love. Not in India. Sorry, I’ve been turned into a cynic in that respect. 🙂
Happy AtoZing!
Elvis’ music is timeless. Thanks for the compliment. 🙂 I’m a cynic in general and wouldn’t have believed it either, but true love did happen, in our case. I’m surprised that arranged marriages are still so common in India. Can’t understand why people are willing to marry strangers.
We have a 40th anniversary looming, at the end of this calendar year.
Elvis sang at our wedding.
No, he didn’t. I made that up. 😉
A very Happy 40th Anniversary in advance, Myke! 🙂 I don’t think anyone could have afforded Elvis, but maybe an impersonator. That would have been cool.
Ah, 1973. The year I graduated high school. Good times.
Congratulations on 40+ years after a rocky start!
The early’70s were great times, Cheryl 😀 Thanks!
That pic of the two of you at the end is simply magical to watch… and this song is so beautiful and romantic 🙂
Sadly, what you call old-Italian is still the mindset of so many in modern-India 🙁 Sigh…when will we change.
Thanks, Roshan. 🙂 Sadly, that mindset is hard to overcome, no matter where you are.
I love reading about you and the hubs and how you got together and stayed together despite all the obstacles in your way like his family trying to turn him against you. True love conquers all!
I also love that Buffy St. Marie song you picked. It’s so emotional and powerful. Rita, one of our sopranos is singing that song as a solo for our choir concerts this season as we’re doing all Canadian music. Happy A to Z ing! We’re almost at the end! Whoopeee!
Thanks, Cathy. 🙂 We were lucky to have found each other. That is a beautiful song and I’m sure your friend will do it justice. Great idea for a Canadian music theme, given the 150th birthday celebrations this year. Enjoy!
True love cannot be denied, Debbie! I love the then and now photos! And I used to enjoy Elvis’ songs. These days I only like a few of them. A favorite being “Can’t help falling in love with you” I also loved the UB40 version. Hugs! Skipped most of last week’s AtoZ (travel, work) and am catching up with my favorite blogs now.
Thanks, Vidya. 🙂 I’m honoured you consider this a favourite blog. Welcome back! The UB40 version of ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love with You’ was new to me. It has a cool reggae vibe. Enjoy!
Congratulations on proving those naysayers wrong. Love Elvis and you’re right this song was definitely appropriate.
Haha! We showed them! 😀 Thanks for your support throughout the month, Susanne. I’m hoping to get caught up in the next couple of days. Sorry for the late response.
Ya gotta love those old-world Italians. Every woman is a tramp in their minds. I heard so much of this crap growing up. Glad it all worked out for you.
We didn’t really care what they thought, so that helped. 🙂 To them, being German was every bit a ‘sin’ as not being Catholic. 😛
Trust is a big factor for any relationship to thrive and you and your husband proved it.
Very true! 🙂 Thanks for dropping in.
You both look as adorable in your young photos as your old. Lovely song.
Unity #Lexicon of Leaving
Thank you, Kalpana. Not sure the side by side thing was such a great idea. LOL. I prefer the younger view.
And here we have another parallel happening! I left for Italy in June 1972, (you know how tormented my naive love life was—it seemed that everyone had a right to put in their two-cents’ worth, from relatives to friends to bare acquaintances! ) with results that were not so “happily-ever-after”! And I am so sorry to say (and you do know how much sorry) that four decades later, I find myself wishing that I had been stronger and that my “one-and-only” had been less influenceable.
Needless to say, I am ultra-happy for you two…seeing that I lived through the early tough times with you guys! There is hope in this world!
p.s. my song was “La lontananza” by Domenico Modugno. how fitting!
I’m sorry things didn’t turn out the way you wanted, Bianca. 🙁 Interference by others has screwed up many a relationship. Luckily for me, hubby wasn’t buying his relatives’ bullshit. They sure tried to break us up for a long time. ((HUGS)) back and this is for you:
Thanks! Every time I hear this song, my throat tightens! sigh! sigh! Hugs back!
Oh, sorry. Not my intension.
Don’t worry about that…as you can tell, I’ve loved this month and have made efforts to get to it frequently. It is inevitable that memories, even the good ones, will always be bitter-sweet, just for the fact that they are memories. Have a great Sunday…
Thanks, Bianca. 🙂 I loved all of your comments and am finally making my way through the last few posts. Hope to see you sometime soon, in person.
Let’s hope soon! Miss all you guys on the other side of the big pond!
Hi Debbie – congratulations on the decades … so well worth having faith and going with your love … and your dearly beloved doing the same – despite the cultural differences … lots of happy memories and time together … cheers and with thoughts – Hilary
Thank you, Hilary. 🙂 Apologies for the late response. I was bogged down writing the last few posts. Will catch up with you, now.
Great song.What’s meant to be will be. Thanks for sharing your story.
Que sera, sera. 🙂
Indeed true love can never be denied
Sometimes it can be destroyed by others, though. We didn’t let that happen. 🙂 Thanks for dropping in.
This is such a lovely song. I’d forgotten all about it. Didn’t Willie Nelson later do a version of this? For some reason that I don’t completely remember, I’ve always thought of 1972 as an extra special year for me–a favorite year. But those were a lot of good years back then. Congratulations to you and your husband for maintaining such a long lasting marriage. Kind of rare in our time it seems.
Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out
This song was written by Canadian artist, Buffy Sainte-Marie, in 1965. I wasn’t aware of Willie’s version but found it on Youtube. Might be good for a future BOTB. 🙂 Thanks for the good wishes; hard to believe it’s been that long. We certainly have been fortunate.