U is for UNCONDITIONAL LOVE | #AtoZChallenge

#AtoZChallenge 2016 G is for Golden RetrieverWelcome everyone, to the #AtoZChallenge Blogging Extravaganza, where hundreds of bloggers publish 26 posts in 30 days, one for each letter of the alphabet, covering a myriad of topics!

“Dog Breeds & Anecdotes” is my theme. Click HERE to see all posts and HERE to view the participants. 

Please support our efforts by visiting, sharing and commenting. We have all worked long and hard on this project.  Have fun and thanks for reading!

#AtoZChallenge Day 21: U is for UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
Day 21, April 25

#AtoZChallenge Day 21: U is for UNCONDITIONAL LOVE #dogladysden Share on X


One of the greatest things about dogs (and there are so many great things!) is their unconditional love. Leave the house for five minutes or five hours, they will greet you like you’ve been gone for days.

They don’t care what you look like or what state of disarray (especially that!) your home is in. Dogs are incredibly intuitive and can pick up on your mood or state of health.

Some say dogs have no concept of time, but I’m not so sure about that. They always seem to know when it’s time for dinner!

Unconditional Love in spades!

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It’s the last week of the #AtoZChallenge and I’m “pantsing” it (not my favourite modus operandi). Thank you all for the lovely comments! The response has been overwhelming and I appreciate the love. Apologies for the tardy replies. Hoping to get caught before the end!

Hang in there!


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49 thoughts on “U is for UNCONDITIONAL LOVE | #AtoZChallenge

  1. Unconditional love toward your canine pals, and to your blogging craft…

    Both have been evidenced, on full display, over the course of this month.

    I applaud you, Debbie.

  2. There used to be an old saying, if you can’t decide if your wife or your dog loves you more, put them both in a trunk for an hour. When you open it up, see who is happiest to greet you. The unconditional love of a dog will take your heart every time. I’ve enjoyed your photos and stories of your four-legged visitors.

  3. Someday I’m going to write an essay of how I learned the true definition of unconditional love from my dog.
    Unfortunately, we are facing the decision of when to put him down. He is suffering, and yet, so stoic. I hope he knows how I have loved him unconditionally these past 12+ years…
    Molly @MyCozyBookNook
    My Cozy Book Nook
    Revising Life after 50

    1. I’m so sorry you’re faced with that difficult decision. It’s the hardest part about having a dog. If only they could live as long as we do! I’m sure he knows how much you love him. ♥

    1. I can relate to dogs as obstacle courses. Happens here all the time. 🙂 The worst thing is when they decide to get up just as you’re stepping over them.

  4. Dogs know time. When I was a kid and coming home from school, my mom and dad always told me the dogs we had would wait for me when it was close to the time that the bus dropped me off. My hubby tells me that our Wallace starts to wait for me when it comes close to the time for me to come home. They also know when it is dinner time. My Wallace k owns cookie time…by 9pm as soon as I move he started to howl and east all happy and demanding for his cookies in his Kong. They give so much…often much more than people

  5. Dogs are such wonderful people–in fact, more wonderful than a lot of people. As they say, a dog is the only creature that will love you more than he loves himself.

    Meet My Imaginary Friends

  6. I also vote for the A to ZZZZZ Challenge, still last week and Unconditional Love is a great way to start the last week, I think I’ve always tried to give it back as much as I can but you can never out love a dog’s love!

    Mars xx
    @TrollbeadBlog from
    Curling Stones for Lego People

  7. This has been such a heartening experience, Debbie! I’m so glad you shared all these precious furry friends of yours with us. I think it’s allowed anyone who hasn’t known the feeling of a dog’s love to have an idea of how unforgettable (not to mention addicting) it is:-)

  8. It is the most endearing quality. No matter what you do they always just give you love. It’s why they are so good for the elderly and ill, you can’t help but smile when that kiss and wagging tale arrives to remind you that all is relative, it’s love that counts!
    No apologies needed!
    Yes, the last week. TG!

    1. It’s been said that people with pets are happier and healthier. There’s definitely something to that.
      The end is near – YAY! I will miss the interaction, though. 🙂

  9. I think we are all starting to feel a little tired. But, as everyone has pointed out. This is the final week.
    We may be getting tired, but we all still have unconditional love for the challenge.

  10. We have found pets in general to be healing in helping our family deal with grief. What a special love!

  11. I cannot agree more on this! They are so full of unconditional love and give it in every form!


  12. I believe all animals or at the majority give unconditional love to their owners and people around them. I have had cats the longest and no matter what, I felt the love. The same with the Beagle I had. I always felt the love.

    Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.

    Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Pets are wonderful, no matter which ones. It’s been proven that people with pets are happier. Therapy dogs do a great service . Thanks for visiting! 🙂

  13. How lucky one is to feel the unconditional love of a Dog. They are the most beautiful creatures on earth.
    After A to Z I will go in hibernation. I so badly need to catch up on my sleep 🙂

  14. Hey Debbie, you are lucky to be showered with unconditional love of not one but so many! Truly a blessed feeling I am sure! Hang on, just five more posts to go 😉
    @KalaRavi16 from

  15. Ah, the splendid unconditional love of a dog. There’s nothing like it! One thing that I always say is that communing with dogs is the closest one can get to God for it is there where you find pure and absolute unconditional love. Unconditional love, in my opinion, is not possible in humans. There are always conditions when it comes to people, no matter how much we like to think we love each other unconditionally. But with dogs, it’s truly unconditional, the love you receive from a dog. And it’s fantastic!!

    Love love love your slide show….and especially the names you gave them. The “Fluffball Brigade” cracked me up!
    Beautiful, all of them! And aren’t they all just the biggest bed hogs?!

    We’re rounding the bend here Debbie…just a few more days… Then: sleep!!!

    Michele at Angels Bark

    1. Hi, Michele; You and I are in tune with dogs, much more than the average person. 🙂 So true that humans are incapable of such unconditional love, although, long-term relationships can come pretty close. I’m glad you enjoyed the pics. I enjoy playing photographer and every dog gets a vacation photo to take home. The owners love those! 😀

  16. I believe animals feel unconditional love. I feel the same way about the animals that share my life. I think animals feel more emotions than humans give them credit for and the more we continue to try to understand them the more this will be proven–in my opinion. I’ve mentioned my chihuahua who “tells” me when other animals in the house are sick or injured, and my chocolate lab who recently died–the most compassionate animal I’ve ever seen. I was caring for my son’s chocolate lab once and his lab had seizures–he was rescued after he was found at a car accident. My son’s dog started to have a seizure and Buddy, my chocolate lab, was whining softly and making crying sounds. He crawled on his belly to the other dog’s side and gently licked his face then pressed his body up against the other dog to comfort him. There was no mistaking the feelings of love.

    1. Yes, I agree that humans don’t understand the full scope of dogs’ emotions. Dogs are the epitome of love and empathy. Their intuition is profound. Thanks for sharing your stories, Darla. 🙂

  17. I just saw a video on how cats react when their owner returns after a long period of abscence. Most of them leaped away, follwed by a two paw skid, and landed somewhere under a bed or bureau. That sure is the opposite of doggy love. And that’s why I prefer dogs over cats.

    I will miss my morning routine, checking my emails and finding your message there. It was always the first post I answered. Please do write your book Debbie. You have talent, for you write from your heart, and that makes all the difference.

    1. Yes, cats are generally more aloof and independent compared to dogs. I’m so flattered to know you read my posts every morning, Angelika! 🙂 Thanks for the writing encouragement as well. I do intend to finish the book now, as I’m in a better place emotionally than I was at the time.

  18. I was not in the challenge this year but with two blogs going regularly, I do post at least 5 times a week and some weeks 7 times. It is a commitment and fun to make all the connections. That is how we met two years ago. Or was it 3?

    Unconditional love is an understatement. I can’t imagine life without a dog, can you?

    1. Hi, Carol; I admire those of you who regularly post so often. I only do this once a year and find it difficult to keep up. Yes, blogging is a commitment and I too love the social aspect but prefer a longer interval between posts. It also allows for more people to read and comment on a single topic.

      Since our Dalmatian passed away in 2007, we don’t have a dog of our own, but the clients’ dogs fill that void. I do miss not having one when there are no guests here, but the upside is, we can take off on the spur of the moment and often do. Regardless, I would love to have a dog, but hubby is reluctant. I’m working on it! 🙂