Hello BitmojiGreetings from the Twilight Zone!

Like many, the Covid-19 quarantine has turned our world upside down! I completely lost interest in blogging, and am now trying to find it again. We’ll see how it goes. Funny how some people get more creative in a crisis, while others lose their muse entirely. 
During this time, I’ve slowly been going bonkers and stressing over the loss of my dog boarding business.  Photography has been good therapy, as well as chatting up my buddies on Facebook. 
Hubby was laid off in April but went back to work in May. At least one of us is making money! Thank goodness for those piddly generous government pension cheques that kicked in after my 65th birthday! And, the Canadian government is doing a lot to help those in need, too.

No question, it could be worse, and I am always grateful for what we have, but, I can’t say we’ve been handling the situation all that well. Eating more, drinking more, vegging out on Netflix, all of which led to weight gain… 😕 

If only I had my own dog to walk! The empty house is depressing and I’ve been thinking about adoption. That’s a big decision that needs more consideration, though.

At least, we got some spring cleaning done! I keep thinking about doing more, but, somehow, those thoughts haven’t turned into much action, The sheer drudgery of it all…

Potato Bitmoji

To shake us out of our stupor, we have decided to take a road trip or two this summer. Hotels have opened up now and restaurant patios (with social distancing protocols). Can’t fly anywhere, so we are improvising a “tour of Europe” over 4 days (starting July 27th), all without leaving the province! Confused? Check out the map:

Europe in Ontario

Great way to support our local economy! And yes, there will be photos. 😀 

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Well, enough about me. What have you all been up to?
I hope this unreal situation hasn’t caused you too much grief!

Debbie signature style 5



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40 thoughts on “TOUCHING BASE

  1. It’s good to hear from, Debbie. I bet those dog owners miss you and will be glad to have you back. I feel many are struggling in one way or the other. Take care and rock on!

    1. Thanks, Eugenia, but it’s the dog owners who have left me, not the other way around. 🙁 Most of my clients were wealthy, long-distance travellers. (My business was like a hotel for dogs.) Who knows if that will ever ramp up again? Yes, I do think everyone is struggling in one way or another. That’s why I’m pretty excited to be taking this little road trip at the end of the month. 😀 Thanks for coming by!

  2. What fun Debbie … great idea … and you’ll be more relaxed and able to take your time looking around. Things seem to be working out for you – and I bet the dog owners will be keen to have you back and helping out again soon. Take care and good to see you back … Hilary

    1. Hi Debbie – I see it was a dog-looking after business … as you’re not able to walk much … but great you’re improving your photography talents … all the best – H

      1. Hi Hilary! 🙂 My business was like a hotel for dogs. People boarded them in my home when they travelled. Not much of that going on, now. 😛 I can’t cover the same mileage I did as a dog-walker (about 4 hours a day), but the house dogs always got plenty of walks, as well as playtime in the yard. I may have to retire, since it’s not looking good for long-distance travel in the foreseeable future. Hence, my desire to get one of my own, again. Life without dogs is rather depressing for me, as I’ve always had them around. We are looking forward to this little road trip, after such long confinement! 😀 I hope you are coping well and staying healthy. Thanks for coming by!

        1. Hi Debbie – thanks for the filling in … I think I’ve worked it out now – and can see why it’s all change. Hopefully the brief time away will give you time to think through your new approach … getting a dog sounds one way of fulfilling that dog-love need … which I totally understand: they are great companions. All well here … take care and have a lovely weekend – Hilary

  3. Good to see you around Deb. Ya, so many people are bummed out, after awhile ‘Groundhog’ day gets at us. I know quite a few writers who lost their muse, hard to focus sometimes, but we’re doing much better here than many other places. Maybe you should get your own dog. 🙂 Loved the European map of our province 🙂 I’ve been to both Paris’s 🙂 <3

    1. Hi Deb! 🙂 “Groundhog Day” is a good description of this mess. True, we are doing much better than many other places. At least we can travel in Ontario now. I’m really looking forward to our little getaway. Good for morale! I’ve been to both Paris’s also. The one here used to have a fabulous cheese shop on the main street, but sadly, it’s gone, like so many other businesses. Definitely leaning towards getting another dog again! Thanks for coming by. I hope you and your family are doing well.

      1. Thanks, we’re doing okay. Enjoy your European/Canadian vacation lol. Keeping the money in Canadian tourism! Woohoo! 🙂 x

  4. We have a Paris, within an hour of our place… Where you said your trip was a four day journey, that is how we measure distance, by time. If the question is, “How far is it?,” the answer might well be, “An hour or so away.”

    It is nice to have you back in the neighborhood. Thanks for posting!

    1. HI Myke! 🙂 We often refer to travel time as distance, as well. For the record, this trip is about 360 miles (580 km) in total, but there are 3 different overnight stays in between. Thanks for the warm welcome back! We’ll see if I can keep it up, or not.

  5. LOL! Looks like an awesome “European” trip! Our June river cruise on the Rhine was canceled and we were very disappointed since this would have been our first trip to Europe. Our hotels are slowly opening up so we’ll probably try and venture out somewhere in August. Hope you are doing well. And, don’t worry about the day drinking!! ?

    1. Hi Lisa! What a bummer about your trip being cancelled. 🙁 So many people have had to deal with disappointing news, this year. At least, we’re still healthy and able to pay the bills, unlike thousands of others. I hope you do get the chance to take a trip somewhere. A change of scene is always a morale booster! We’ve never been into much day drinking. It’s the late-night cocktails and snacks that are the problem! 😀 Thanks for coming by! I need to catch up with everyone.

  6. Hi! I haven’t been up to much. I’m blogging some, but it’s hard for me to stay interested in anything so I know how you feel. Hope to hear from you soon.

    1. Exactly, Janie! I’m putting it down to depression. Not having dogs to care for makes me sad, along with this forcible confinement. I can’t wait to get out of here at the end of the month! It’s only a few days, but I’m sure it will help my mental well-being. I hope things improve for you, as well. The news out of the U.S. is pretty startling, in regards to the Covid statistics! Thanks for visiting. I’ll come by later and see what you’ve been up to.

  7. Looks like a great road trip. I’m all for traveling within one’s own country (though I like to include Canada in my travels if I can). Sad to see so many businesses struggling or going under. My retirement check isn’t really enough for me to get by on, but fortunately my wife’s retirement is pretty good. I’d like to find another source of income, but I’m not sure that would be easy for me to find and not sure what it might be anyway.

    Have a great road trip!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out

    1. Yes, with the economy in free fall, I’m happy to stay local and contribute to its recovery. Restrictions prevent any other kind of travel, anyway. 😛 My pension doesn’t cover much either, and hubby is retiring at the end of the year. He will get more, but there’s a lot of belt-tightening in our future. Enjoying what we can, while we can, now. I can relate to wanting another source of income! I’m trying to establish an online photography art shop, but the competition is fierce, so it’s likely not viable. Thanks for coming by, Lee! 🙂

  8. Yes, it’s been a strange year and I don’t see much changing for the rest of it. I am grateful for the Social Security I’m able to collect, also being 65, but even more thankful that they are paying unemployment to the self-employed! That is a life saver for us. I am not sure I’d want to attempt a road trip at the moment but look forward to seeing your photos.

    1. Hi Janet! Yes, the pension money is certainly helpful and there are government programs for self-employed here too, but I didn’t qualify. Thankfully, hubby went back to work but will be retiring at the end of the year. Canada has done fairly well in getting Covid-19 under control, so there are fewer restrictions here. Hotels are open and restaurant patios, but with social distancing protocols and mask requirements. That’s okay! I have a severe case of cabin fever and need to hit the road. We are well-equipped with disposable masks and hand sanitizer. Our trip is at the end of the month, so hopefully, the Covid situation has improved even more, by then. Thanks for coming by!

  9. I’ve not gained any weight, but we’re not doing anything different. Well we can’t go out to eat, but we’re retired so our life hasn’t changed all that much. We have been doing deep cleaning and decluttering and that’s been such a wonderful thing for us. Keeps us busy and the progress has been most energizing.

    Great to see a post from you. Hang in there and focus on your upcoming trip. Big hug. ♥

    1. Hi Sandee! 🙂 I’m glad your life hasn’t been disrupted too much. As travel addicts, we have had trouble adjusting to confinement, not to mention the lack of furry companions. ? (Our dog died years ago, but the clients filled the void.) We have done some deep cleaning, too and could do more, but I keep putting it off. The mind-numbing drudgery of it all gets to me. 😛 One of these days, I’ll get off my arse! 😀 This trip will be the energizing boost I need. Thanks for coming by! ?

  10. Hope the trip helps with your quarantine blues. Things just get worse here in the US, so we only go out for groceries and doctor appointments. In Houston, where cases are rising. But our four little dogs are endlessly diverting. I was laid off; husband now working from home.

    1. Hi Becky! 🙂 This trip will go a long way towards snapping us out of our doldrums. As travel addicts, we have had trouble adjusting to confinement, not to mention the lack of furry companions. 🙁 (Our dog died years ago, but the clients filled the void.) You must take great joy in your four! ? It’s startling how severe the crisis still is in the U.S.! I’m sorry you’re in that situation and hope life there will get better soon. Thanks so much for coming by today!

  11. I do understand how this quarantine has affected so many. However, for me and also for all my immediate family and friends, nothing has really changed. In fact, life has indeed been busier and more productive. I have not really thought about it until you pointed it out in this post. We are certainly the fortunate ones.

    I am so sorry about your dogs. I know what a huge part of your life they were and yes, adoption sounds like a good plan. We lost one of ours at the beginning of this year. We are looking for another to fill that void.

    1. I’m glad you and your friends have not been affected, Carol. You are indeed fortunate! 🙂 Yes, the house is too empty and depressing without the dogs around. I am seriously considering getting another one of my own again. So sorry for your loss! I hope you find another dog to love, soon. Thanks for coming by!

  12. I know there’s a girl in our neighborhood who seems to be doing a good dog-walking business. Could you perhaps do that? I know with your injury you had that might not be the best idea I’ve ever had, but…

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, but I had to give up the dog walking business about 10 years ago. Between arthritis and intolerance for cold weather, the discomfort of spending that many hours outdoors was too great. If people don’t start travelling again, I guess I can just retire. I’m trying to set up a photography storefront, now.

  13. Unfortunately I can 100% relate to weight gain due to F&B during lockdown (and beyond).
    Here’s to hoping your dog walking will pick back up after your trip.
    Speaking of, I am so excited about your “Europe” road trip, can’t wait to see your posts!
    Glad you’re giving blogging another try, too 🙂

    1. Hi Tamara, many people have gained weight over these months! 😛 I was boarding dogs in my home, and it’s so strange and depressing not to have any around me now. I am seriously thinking of adopting one! Yes, we are looking forward to the trip, which will be at the end of the month. As for blogging, we’ll see how it goes! Thanks for coming by.

  14. Well, I’ve been to London and Stratford. If I’ve traveled through the other cities I was unaware. I’ve enjoyed many Canadian vacations.
    Stay safe and happy on your ‘journey’.

    1. Hi Denise; I used to live in London and have been to Stratford and Paris before, but had no idea these other places existed! 🙂 Zurich sounds especially nice and we’ll be spending the night there. Finally, something to look forward to, but not until month’s end. Thanks for coming by!

  15. I always enjoy your blog posts, Debbie. Glad to hear you’re hanging in there during this pandemic. What a time we’re going through! I hope you do adopt a dog as you have so much love to share. Such a shame about your biz. I hear you about the extra eating and Netflix. One thing I’m glad about is that I’ve become an even more avid reader and have been ordering books online. I much prefer paper but will read ebooks, too. I’ve found some new authors to love so that excites me. I am in awe of their writing and my hope that I could even write a fraction as well as they do.

    That’s great you’re planning a road trip vacation. Sounds fantastic! Enjoy!

    1. Thanks, Cathy! 🙂 I’m leaning more and more towards getting a dog; costs be damned! It’s just too depressing around here without one. Reading is a great distraction, but I’ve been too distracted to do much of it if that makes sense. I agree about the paper books. Ebooks are cheaper and more convenient (don’t need storage space) and easier to take with you, though. I love your writing style, but by reading others’, it can only improve even more. We are so looking forward to getting out of town, but the trip isn’t until the end of the month. Finally, something to look forward to! 😀 Thanks for coming by!

  16. Hi Debbie, wow, that is weird. Being stuck at home you think you would want to write more? Interesting how we are all different in that respect. Glad to see things there are getting better and back to a somewhat “normal.” Whatever that is these days. Looking forward to your photos! Take care.

    1. Hi Lisa, You would think so, but I have been super stressed over losing all my business, and not having dogs around me is downright depressing. My creative muse turned to photography, rather than writing, probably because it gets me out of the house! 😀 Major case of cabin fever. The trip is at the end of the month and we are looking forward to getting out of town for a bit. Thanks for coming by!

    2. Hi again, Lisa! I enjoyed your article about the rise of AI and wanted to leave a comment, but couldn’t find the form to fill out. I did share it on Twitter, at least. Have a good weekend!

  17. Great trip Debbie and love that you can visit so many European capitals without leaving the state…look forward to the photos.. I am working on the adoption front looking to the spring… x