On Friday, I happily relayed the news that I installed the Jetpack (wordpressdotcom) comment form, to make it easier for those using the WordPress reader.
Best of all, I was excited to introduce a new edit feature! We’ve all wished we could correct a typo in a comment, yes? Well…
I’m sorry to report, it didn’t work out! 😩 The edit plugin is incompatible with the Jetpack comment form. It was causing various technical problems, so I had to remove it.

Disappointment number two: For years, I had a plug-in that would notify people by email if someone responded to their comment. Well, damned if that isn’t incompatible with the new form too! 🫤
I guess it’s okay if you’re on WordPress, because there’s the “Notifications” drop-down. How are people on other platforms like Blogger going to know if their comment was answered?

Can anyone tell me if there’s a way to set that up? I couldn’t find any answers. 🤔

Wishing everyone a good week!

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Holly has a plugin that she uses to make it easier (I guess lol) for people to comment and do some of the things you mentioned above. Since she’s a frequent visitor (listed on the right), it can’t hurt to check out one of her latest posts and see what she’s using.
Hi Mitch! Holly uses the native WP.org comment form, which can accommodate various plug-ins. I just switched to the Jetpack comment form, because I realized most of my readership uses WP.com and there was no way for them to comment using the WordPress reader or the Jetpack mobile app (and many people access blogs that way, apparently). Unfortunately, it’s not possible to use plugins with Jetpack comments. Oh well! Maybe in the future… Thanks for coming by! 🙂
I’m sorry it didn’t work out the way you wanted, and after all your hard work! I get an email notification that you liked my comment, so I know you’ve replied and hop into your blog to read your reply. No biggie for me.
Thanks, Janie. So you’re still getting an email? Interesting! I wonder if that’s a function of this new comment form. Still trying to figure that out…
Yes, the email I receive says you liked my comment, and it says “VIEW COMMENT.” I click on the link and can come straight into your blog to see your reply to my comment. Easy peasy.
That’s a relief! Thanks for letting me know, Janie. 👍
Oh no, that’s frustrating! The edit feature would’ve been so handy. Too bad about the comment notifications too—I hope someone knows a workaround! Wishing you a smooth blogging week! 😊
Yes, I’m bummed about the edit feature not working. But, c’est la vie, as the song says. Another friend using Blogger told me she still gets notified, so, I’m guessing maybe this new comment form has that function? Still trying to figure that out… Thanks for coming by, Veronica. 🙂
If I can comment on a blog I do when I want to. But if I can’t figure it out then I don’t leave anything. That’s just the way it is. I can usually figure things out though.
That makes perfect sense, Lee. I’m glad you’ve had no issues here. 🙂 I remember the days when WordPress and Blogger didn’t get along very well. It’s much better now, I think.
Life already has enough trials and tribulations without battling things here on WordPress as well. I don’t like the new way of doing Comments, plus they have put all posts in one area … sometimes I do my Wordless Wednesdays in advance to have on hand, then schedule them. They are mixed in between already scheduled and drafts and already posted. I prefer the KISS method of everything TBH.
I guess you do most of your commenting from the Reader? I think I’ll stick to my old way of visiting blogs directly, as I didn’t care for the reader experience. 😆 As for the posts, do you mean in your dashboard? Mine are like that too, but they specify “draft” or “scheduled”, plus the bar at the top lets you sort them into groups by clicking on “published” “drafts” or “scheduled”. Anyway, I’m going to leave well enough alone for now and keep my fingers crossed that this comment form doesn’t cause problems for anyone!
I always commented from the Comments section but now since we can’t “like” there anymore and they’ve jumbled everything together, I go to Reader … that works well if it is the same or next day after I publish, but not idea days afterward. In the Notifications area, I can “like” there, but it doesn’t always stay “liked” – for me it only works in the Reader comments/replies. Other people compained about that fact too – they had issues with not being able to like in the Comments section and even though we can “like” in the Notifications area it doesn’t work all the time.
Our posts used to be in separate groups, but not anymore (but that is really recent, within the last month that they changed everything around and then WP did a post to write about the changes and asked what people thought … I don’t usually comment but I did that day. That is how I saw that local blogger, in the Comments to WP’s blog post. So if you don’t use Reader, then you don’t get the WP Info posts then? Mostly they are about new themes or enhancements they have done.
I’ve always had a like button for comments on the blog and still do. Occasionally it doesn’t work, but not too often. The WP info posts in the reader don’t affect me, since they’re only about WP.com and I use WP.org. Different system.
A lot of people were objecting because now in the Reader the blogger’s e-mail information was more prominently displayed – before you had to click on the name and see their e-mail address.
Hey Deb, Sorry for all your trouble with the bloody platform. I use WP.com. While it’s generally working okay for him, I’m not exactly tech savvy and barely know what I’m doing! Hope you can make things work! 🙂
Thanks, Christian. 🙂 You can’t win ’em all. I find the back end stuff fascinating and am always experimenting with it.
Hi Deb. All you have to do to check comments is to click on the little notification bell at top right of your blog and the dropdown of comments and replies come up. It will show new comments. You don’t need a slew of emails coming in for every person who leaves a comment. 🙂
That’s fine for WordPress, but I also have many connections to people using Blogger. The email plugin I had would only notify you when someone replied to your comment specifically, not all comments.
Okay, then you do need email replies. Oye! Tech gives me a headache! 🙂
Haha! Yes, it can frustrate, sometimes. Mostly, I look at is as a challenge, and do a little victory dance in my head if I can solve it. 🙂
Tinkering with WordPress is indeed fun. You are more advanced than I am, but I agree it’s fun. Sometimes things work out and sometimes they don’t.
Have a fabulous day and week, Debbie. Big hug. ♥
Your site looks great, Sandee! 👌 Were you happy with the Jetpack comment form when you switched over? At least the colour scheme matches your blog. Wish I could style it to match mine. 😜
I wish it had worked out for you, Debbie. I like your comment form. 🙂
Me too! 😩 Thanks, Kymber. I resisted using this comment form for 12 years, but it does make it easier for people with wordpress.com
I see what you mean. I was wondering how to get the comment form that is like a Gutenberg block? A lof of people have it, and it’s neat because you’re able to style your responses.
I’m currently using the Jetpack comment box, too.
Aren’t you on wordpressdotcom now? The Gutenberg comment blocks are a standard feature, there. I would love to have them too, but unfortunately, they’re not available with wordpressdotorg.
I’m on wp.com, but it’s the business package so I can use my own theme. My theme must use the Jetpack comment form?
Yes, I see the Jetpack comment form on your blog. Although I’m not familiar with the inner workings of the wp.com business plan, I do have a basic wp.com test site. There’s a section in discussion settings to enable the blocks in comments. Do you have that in your dashboard?
Thank you, Debbie. I really appreciate this. I don’t have that option in my discussion settings.
I just looked it up now that I know where it is supposed to be and it says, “Not currently supported on plugin-enabled sites.” So that is why I don’t have it, I reckon.
That’s too bad! 😕 So, WP.com Business is just like WP.org. No blocks for us. Boo! 😩
Yeah, it looks like it. I’m kind of bummed, but it’s a minor thing, really.
Yeah, I would love to have that feature too! Well, hopefully, Jetpack will decide to offer it one of these days. In the meantime, I’ll ask about it in their support forum.
Excellent video choice.
Agreed! 🙂 Thanks for dropping in, Ernie.
Sorry to hear it’s not working out that well. I can’t help with other platforms unfortunately, I’m often still struggling with WordPress!
Best wishes, Pete.
Thanks, Pete. I’m a little frustrated about the email thing, since I have quite a few followers on Blogger.
Sorry to hear it didn’t work out, Debbie 😞 that sucks, I wish I could give you some kind of direction but I’m totally clueless when it comes to this stuff!
Thanks, Laura! It is a bit of a bummer, but as the song says, c’est la vie. 🫤
I am sorry to hear that it did not work out. Incidentally I am having problems with commenting today (on everyone’s blog posts) despite being on wordpress.com. Let’s see if this one will work.
I was so reluctant to install this commenting system for that very reason, Thomas. Too many problems! Your comment came through, though.
Things don’t always work out the way you want them to. 🫤